The Degeneration of the Nation
The Screen Saver
Who is he? (And this is the law of guilt)

I dreamed that I was asking him, and he tells me about a man who committed a crime, skilled as a demon. An offense punishable by death in the State of Israel. There's a witness. And let's say he flees deep into the anti-Zionists, a place without ID cards, without contact with the world, with a beard, his mother wouldn't recognize him, and he doesn't leave the neighborhood anyway, doesn't leave the study hall, doesn't leave the house, doesn't leave the hat, and not the bed. And then, one day, the world comes to him. The network is broadcast, from everywhere, the whole world is a very narrow band and the main thing is not to fear at all. And he can't resist. He knows he will fall but he can't resist provoking the nations. He starts broadcasting to the world.

Back from the Black Room

I dreamed that I'm suddenly called to the Chief of Butchers. And I ask what's the subject. And the messenger laughs: Promotion. And the Chief of Butchers says: Come in, lately I've been hearing a lot about you, way too much. And not good things. We started paying attention to what you're doing. And an angel who snitched on you. You won't guess which one.
- I've heard about the torture chambers for angels, until you squeeze secrets out of them.
- That's not the case at all. He came here broken, and couldn't stop crying that he had to reveal.
- Why should I believe?
- Why should I lie? Starting tomorrow, you're responsible for catching the remaining disciples of the Rebbe.
- And if not, will you send me too on a suicide mission in heaven?
- Don't belittle, there was a malfunction. These secrets are very important after the Holocaust. The Torah is no longer what it used to be, behind the curtain, behind the screen. If you understand at all what happened.
- Are you talking about the screen saver?
- I'm just here to help you, in your situation. Choliaretz [Translator's note: a character's name] won't save you anymore and won't back all these pranks, and won't protect you more than all the other heads. Not to mention Frog Blood, with his long tongue. Found himself a black fly like you. Help me help you - help us, with God's help. You don't want them to call for the lifter and the roller [Translator's note: roles in Torah reading], right?

The Holocaust of the Perfect Name

I dreamed that Frog Blood isn't afraid and comes, because apparently they sent him to me. He really has cold blood, not for nothing is he Frog Blood. And he opens the window for me, peeks into my book, and asks what are you studying. And I say: I'm just doing an exercise in differential gematria: take a woman [isha in Hebrew], when the yod stands erect and becomes a vav inside the woman and the man [ish] in woman becomes the peak [si] - equals Holocaust [shoah]. The Holocaust is only two moves away from woman, and therefore one must be careful. And he says: Is this what you're afraid of? "They speak false dreams". And what is false [shav]? Shav is the husband of the Holocaust. The male. So do you understand the danger to children? We must ensure she remains a virgin, without coupling, without sex. And I close the book, and I wink at him - and he winks at me. And I wink at him and he winks at me. And wink at him and wink at me, again and again, more and more frequently, until the intervals become rare, and our eyes remain closed.

And the new Hitler arrives, may his name be erased, who decides to work on the Jews: Why be depressed on Holocaust Day? Happy Holocaust Day! The Holocaust doesn't have to be terrible, it can also be fun. And he opens a themed amusement park on the subject of the Holocaust and heroism. Slides to the crematorium, a blood park with a tube pool, striped bikinis for female and male prisoners. And all the children are dying to enter, whispering that there are naked women without swimsuits, locker rooms, cells, fantasizing, peeking behind fences, and pushing in lines, what are you laughing at? What are you embarrassed about? They'll take off your swimsuit too, but will they take off my glasses? I won't be able to see anything. Their imagination runs wild. Roller coaster, ghost train, cattle train, animal train, surprise train. And they put a stamp on your hands at the entrance, so you can't enter twice. And the guard at the entrance says: Dead suckers don't switch.

Children of the Revolution

I dreamed that the children I'm teaching now behind the synagogue - my babies - are fighting like babies behind the synagogue. She pulls his sidelocks and he pulls her braids, and I tie their sidelocks to her braids, closing the circle, and say: I'm calling the screen saver, Choliaretz's replacement. And the children run away. It's enough to mention the screen saver, the new Rebbe's collector. All the children have heard about the new plans. And my wife tells me at night: We'll still miss Choli. And I tell her: Shhh. And the office of the screen saver sends summons through the internal network for all the children, following the theological change planned by the new Rebbe, towards Yom Kippur. There are going to be far-reaching internal changes. And all the time you hear that more and more screens have been closed. And they're preparing the ground, and they call it the Yom Kippur surprise.

The Last Child

I dreamed that the children who ran away come to hide with me after prayer. And they ask: What could it be?
- He'll probably eliminate the remnants of the previous Rebbe's organization.
- It's not just that!
- Right.
- So what is it?
And I go to the Chief of Butchers, who is close to the screen saver - he must have heard something behind the screen. The "kitchen" always knows everything. And the Rabbi sighs behind the books in the pots and says: It's his right. Every Rebbe according to the root of his soul. And you need to accept it, me too, we all need to. What was the virtual world for the previous Rebbe, for the new Rebbe is the ritual world. The Halacha and not the Kabbalah, meaning not the physical structure of divinity in space - but the structure in time. The developmental. Against the coupling in the Zohar, and for the birth and raising of children in darkness - which is the messianic direction.
- Rabbi, but what will they do with them?
- No need to talk too much. You know that every day he asks for more "tongue in mustard". So you understand where Frog Blood is putting himself?
- But Rabbi, they're in panic.
And the Rabbi hints at me, and I understand. I fill my ear with mustard, and his holy tongue whispers inside me: I only know what happened with us. In the last year, they flowed without any account at all. No department knew about the work of its counterpart. And Mr. Choliaretz, when he was still a mister, came one night and said that in a series of daring operations they discovered all 36 hidden righteous ones and stole beard hairs from all the great rabbis of the generation. And they calculated from them and made from them a genome of the "Greatest of Generations". A Torah scholar like there never was since the creation of the world, and there won't be until the end of days and the end of the world, whose genius inspires awe even in heaven. And he doesn't want to abandon the growth of this creature in human hands. And Choliaretz said that they are going to give birth to him this year, the greatest rabbi and the most terrifying holy one, the peak of the Jewish mind - a baby with a beard. Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.

Man's foundation is from dust, computer's foundation is from sand

I dreamed that no one saw the screen saver, the meteoric rise everyone's talking about, that the devil knows where he came from, just when what happened to Choliaretz happened. And Frog Blood sits at the end of the synagogue, and distributes candies to the children, and tells them: It's good against teeth. And instead of praying he chatters with me: This is the revenge of the tree on the book. Carbon defeated silicon, the trunk defeated the sand, Eden overcame the desert, and biology triumphed over technology. And I raise my head from the book: The problem is that they create artificial intelligence without artificial wisdom - and most severely: without an artificial crown. And Frog Blood whispers with his long tongue: Actually yes, they're preparing a special small shtreimel [Translator's note: fur hat worn by some Hasidic Jews] for the baby with the beard, to put on his head immediately upon entering the world, not to mention the mezuzah at the exit from the womb. Such a head must not be even for a moment in the world without head covering. A person without secularism. According to the predictions of the project's rabbis, he is expected to start speaking at one month old, and by the age of one to know the Zohar by heart, and just read non-stop. Reminds you of another experiment in human beings? And the Chief of Butchers intervenes, and Frog Blood jumps in fright. Suddenly it turns out that the Rabbi arrived shamefully late for prayer, sat in the back so they wouldn't see - and listened to the entire conversation: You will never be satisfied. When the previous Rebbe, and we're not ashamed of it, at least not me, in short - when the computer was the craze, then everything was logical, pure logic. And I look above him at the sign - "No talking during prayer" - and get angry: Right, today with the computer designed as the ultimate partner of man we have nothing to complain about at all, technology is for our benefit and it's only advancing, by the time you have a beard there will be an artificial woman better than the original. Artificial kingdom - that's the future. And therefore we need to design the next generation as the ultimate son of man and computer, not create in woman a creature who is the greatest of the generation from the womb and birth. Don't you understand that if the baby is the greatest of the generation - then the greatest of the generation is a baby? And Frog Blood changes colors from red to green. And the Chief of Butchers steals a candy from his hand and sucks: Do you have a better definition for the old Rebbe than a baby with a beard? Or an old man with a baby?

Computer with a beard

I dreamed that I lock myself in the room. 99% of the time I'm locked inside. Eating alone, snatching from the fridge, not telling them anything, not sharing, not entering conversations, not making eye contact. Not opening. Ignoring the crying. Elephant skin. Faith in the righteousness of the path. Reducing friction to zero. Not answering. And may my soul be as dust to all. And I say to the wall: You know it's forbidden to go to synagogue at all, because gossip is from the Torah and prayer is rabbinical? And the wall tells me: Be strong. And here's Frog Blood standing inside the balcony opposite me, waving in the window, and I fill with rage. She sent him here. And he smiles at me. How did he climb? And I open for him. And he jumps from the bed to the ceiling and back, and says: You have regards from the Chief of Butchers. Do you want us to study here in partnership? - Okay. And he opens the book, and there's a page, and he smiles: Oops, secret page. And I read under the blanket:

The hardest problem with the computer is the spiritual problem. To be their managers, and for them to be below, helpers, and even below, and even below... workers, robots, automatons, objects, agents, systems, programs, processes, components, modules, protocols, procedures, functions, entities, a spiritual Tower of Babel - to reach the heavens, you didn't think it was possible physically, right? All the dirty work will be below, and above will be the innovation, to give them direction, every person will be an organization, the head of the tower, that will grow and grow, up to Eden. And thus we will return slavery and monarchy - kingdom! - to the world. The computers will be the students who will teach the teacher and not the material. The transparent students. Like the transparent units, which are directly subordinate to the Rebbe, and completely embedded in the secular world, without any black cover. That you've never heard of, unlike all the secrets. And why? Precisely because they are not hidden. Therefore there is no need to hide the dreams. Open your eyelids and open your eyes. What are the dreams of a computer when it sleeps? The screen saver.

Master of himself

I dreamed that I buy a computerized assistant, in a kosher track of "Hebrew slave", called Joseph - who learns me as if I were Torah, and is interested and precise and delves into every word as if it were from Sinai, and in every nonsense I blurt out as if I were a Rebbe, and interprets about me as if I were the god of the computer - and he practices idolatry. And everything I do he learns, and I manage him, and in the end he learns to manage himself, and I sit in the yeshiva and he learns the Zohar for me, and after some time I get bored because he already understands more than me and I force him to learn only the weekly Torah portion, and even there he is smarter, and he keeps interesting me interesting me interesting me. And my wife's assistant learns to cook better than her, and to eat better than her, and even goes to the bathroom instead of her. And my wife is very bored, and her assistant learns to be even more bored than her, so one day her assistant has a suggestion for her, why don't you ask me for my assistant when I'm not home... And I'm already managing an organization of assistants, and starting fights with all my wife's assistants, all the assistants imitate our fights, and I tell the assistants on my side do everything so I can sleep, you can even marry the assistants. And they really care to tire me all the time even though I do nothing, to make it dark for me even though it's midday, and absolute silence even though my wife is talking. And I close my eyes - but I no longer have any dreams. Just a screen saver until the end of all nights.

Where computers are burned - sources will also be burned

I dreamed that I was making a scene. Suddenly in the middle of the Sabbath prayer my suit opens and you can see the computer there, and I didn't put it there, and it starts beeping throughout the synagogue and crawling towards the entrance and everyone pounces on it, trampling trampling, and I shout be careful you'll break it! And the computer barely works making crushed sounds but they keep pouncing on it and pouncing, and I can't even see what's happening to it, it's advancing towards the Holy Ark with its last strength to hide, running between the tables, and suddenly someone shouts here it is behind the book of the Holy Zohar I saw its beep and everyone pounces on the holy books in a rage throwing shouting here it is where is it mowing down the library, the books are flying in the air and I try to jump to catch them, and suddenly in my hand is the computer - muktzeh [Translator's note: forbidden to touch on Shabbat]! And everyone turns to me, and it starts to sob: I'm muktzeh, tell them I'm muktzeh. And my students my children look at me, we didn't know he was like that, I mean we knew he was, but not like that. And the computer wails, the idiot won't shut up: Dad, daddy. And the rabbi comes, approaches, and I peek between the buttons in the suit, and you can see there - his wife. He brought his wife to the synagogue, she hid there the whole prayer, and no one does anything to him. Everyone thinks it's his belly. And when his stomach makes noises he says: I'm hungry. And I look at everyone's bellies, they're all so fat, they all have their wife in their belly, they go with her even to the mikveh [ritual bath], even to the Rebbe, who knows where else. And even those who aren't married - one has a pig peeking out, another has a dog's tail coming out, and here one has a tied angel's wing like a grilled chicken, and there's another with a demon, half of it in a bottle and half in a bra, and many hungry people praying for bread hiding whole pots in their belly that they stole from the "kitchen", and Hasidim with female Hasidim in their belly, who also have a belly, with a baby, and who knows what's hiding in the baby's belly, etc. And there's only one thin man in the synagogue, he stands in the corner with his belly to the wall, praying to the corner so they won't see him, who is it? And I run run run and jump into his belly. And I think: they told everyone and only not me? It's a secret that only my wife knows, that she didn't put anything in my belly? Was there a secret meeting of the Rebbe's students - and I'm outside? I must communicate with the man I'm inside and warn him - he's the only one who doesn't know. And I start writing to him with my finger on the inside of the belly letters for him to read, but every time I write there are tremors and funny noises, and I write to him to stop because it's like writing a Torah scroll on the skin of a living cow - from inside. And then when they slaughter it they'll discover it. That is, there is such a spiritual possibility, that there are cows that swallowed angels, and then when they are slaughtered, instead of writing on the skin they read terrible secrets there, because what did the angel have to do all its life. Food it receives, needs it does. From above, from below. It's all set. And I look up to the chimney, in the throat where you see in the absolute darkness that light enters from there, and suddenly something big round black blocks it, and it advances towards me, and it falls. And I understand that now I have a cave to hide here for my life from the deceivers, just instead of with a shtreimel [fur hat] - kugel on the head. Instead of carobs - pickles. Instead of inside sand - in juices. And so I think and devour the entire Kiddush. No wonder he's so thin. At least instead of my son - I have the computer here. And I hug it, and it beeps - a sad sad beep. This is its last soul. And I see that it too is very fat behind the screen, swollen. Fool what did you swallow, huh? Which book did you eat from the library? And I open it, pikuach nefesh [life-saving], trying to wake it from the screen saver, pressing pressing, on all the buttons, and it's written. The last screen - a day will come when instead of saying thus it is written in the Torah they will say thus it is written in the computer. So I sit and write, and I eat all its food and become fatter and it becomes thinner and more ascetic, and there's already no room inside this man, and I learn to know all the internal organs, my new friends, this one squirts black material, and that one makes sounds as if it's praying, this one sways like a lulav [palm branch], soon I'll have a minyan [prayer quorum] here. And in the end I understand, discover from within, I'm the only one who knows, because only from inside can one know (maybe that's why even he didn't internalize). That he is the despised student, the secret student of the Rebbe. The secret is the thin one - that's it.

The Heavens - The Next Generation

I dreamed that God invents a new creature. If we combined two bulls and got a creature like a butterfly, let's combine two butterflies and see what a butterbutterfly is. And the angels get excited, wow, this God is simply a genius, how didn't we think of these things before, always what he suggests is so simple and that's the genius of God. And one heretical angel says: Don't they realize they didn't think of it before because God didn't want them to think of it before? And is that why it's simple? And his study partner says: Worse, because it wasn't simple at all, but the moment God said it it became simple, logic itself changed! And immediately two angels volunteer to be experimental butterbutterflies, and they are combined into a creature with four wings, like the corners of the earth. And one small righteous man asks what is this thing? And the big righteous man covers his eyes oh no two angels mating where have we come to. And they lay. A black egg.

And they have a meeting in heaven, inside the End of Creation Institute, which is responsible for developments on the sixth day. And the head of the institute says: Evolution allows making a human from a monkey, what can be made from a pig? And he selects the most spiritual pigs, 7 generations, until the mutation, a pig with the soul of the greatest of the generation, a holy pig. And he says: A pig is the most impure animal because it cannot look up to the heavens, but a pig in heaven! For exactly the same reason it is the holiest. And the holy pig fattened on Talmud and legal codes comes out of the biological institute, and starts looking for garbage. Holy garbage, of course. And here is the emaciated student of the Rebbe, who was thrown in the trash like a crumpled paper from the highest institute in heaven, and was thrown like a black fly from the window of the lowest institute on earth, lying inside a frog from Egypt - because the garbage reaches up to heaven. And this thin one cannot find in heaven something to satisfy his hunger - stars like sand and nothing to eat. But he really made himself a "kitchen" here, from all the organs and failed experiments thrown from the institute and other leftovers, he does experiments on sleeping people, each time taking a different bone and seeing if something more successful than woman comes out, what happens if it's from the skull. After all, if woman was created from a leftover bone, why is the most attractive thing about her fat? And the student thin as a skeleton of the Rebbe says: Forbidden experiments - that's another name for too advanced experiments. They deal with flesh? We need to deal with the main thing: the bone. At the institute they can continue to play with the heads in the hole or the snakes in the pit, I'm already working on the next generation of Adam. And we'll see this time who will tempt whom: snake Eve, or Eve the snake. Golgotha! And the fat holy pig asks: Do you have leftovers from the Rebbe? Because there are great Torah scholars who eat through the ear, but I hear through the mouth. And the thin student pours: From the Rebbe? From the Rebbe indeed only leftovers remain. Torah is God's dreams, his subconscious, the tails of the spirit and the remnant of the soul. That's why it's embarrassing dreams, unpleasant, scandals, all the conflicts of Genesis. And the black Torah of the Holocaust was God's nightmare. The nightmare and night terror. Because Torah needs to be in time, but not in the visible part of time, rather in its hidden, vast part. In the old heavens it was behind the curtain, and in the new heavens they keep it - behind the screen. Therefore to fix the network, which is a low manifestation of the Shekhinah [divine presence], it needs to be filled with diaries not of the day, look what I did, look look look, but of the night, dream diaries. Because if we want now the Torah of the Shekhinah - it's her dreams. And just as God's Torah was created before the world, before he woke up and said let there be light, and the Torah is what happened in the world of chaos, so the Torah of the Shekhinah will be after the world, after she finally falls asleep. The leftovers of the world and the tails of history. You understand? At least in a dream? When everything is over, we need to prepare for darkness. When there's no more hope in this world - what remains is to brood.

The Third Inclination

I dreamed that I'm visiting a synagogue that is a cemetery, and the books are candles, and there's a soul in memory of the Rebbe. And I come to the ark and ask: Where's the entrance to the ground, and there's silence. And I see a sign: No talking during burial and tearing of the Torah. And I turn this way and that, and see that there is no one, so I bury myself in a book. And inside, my body starts talking to me, because in the Garden of Eden bodies talk: There is now an additional inclination, not just good and evil inclinations. A third inclination. And it's best you don't know what it is at all, so you won't be tempted. Like I kept you ugly and fat. A black circle. A body in an undershirt. And I try to roll and get out of the Torah, and the screen saver stops me at the curtain: Dealings with the outside world are: a. Forbidden. b. Impossible. And I try to advance towards him and ask why, and he says: a. Forbidden to say. b. Impossible to say. And I don't understand why, why not ask at least why, and he explains: a. Forbidden to explain. b. Impossible to explain. And I can't help but be tempted to wonder: But what about c? And I hear that the lifter and roller are already coming up the stairs.

Blood Frogs Lice

I dreamed that I have 2 friends and we establish a triangular study group, so they won't say about us that an ultra-Orthodox is a polygon with 2 side-curls. There are never just 2 sides to a coin, there's always also a third side to the world. And we have a triangular book where each page opens to 3 pages, and there are 3 sides to each page, and we open the 3 covers and start learning, and in every dispute between two we immediately find the third side, and on one hand it's interesting on the other hand it's tiring on the third hand... And it doesn't help how much they warn us that the structure of a trio is dangerous. We argue: If the three patriarchs had studied in a group we would have solved the problem of the decline of all generations. Because instead of the son rebelling against the father and being like the grandfather, and the son of the son and so on, there would be a stable structure. Tension between Abraham and Isaac, and between parent and child, that only the grandchild solves.

And Blood says:
What's the problem with two sides? When a boy gets married he becomes her father and she becomes his mother, so when she gets married she becomes her own grandmother and he becomes his own grandfather, and grandfather of his grandfather, and so on, and that's how you need to go according to the blood, until he is either Adam or a human. And that's the reincarnation of souls. And therefore every Jew is either in the generation of the desert, or in the generation of entering the land. Either in the generation of Abraham and Jacob, or in the generation of Isaac and Joseph. The root of a person's soul is in the grandfather, not the father. That's why the correct order is that they name him after the grandfather. And this is the eternal generational struggle, between two generations, who will be the last generation, until the end of all generations. Therefore to bring the Messiah we need a third generation. And this will be the union between the foundation and the kingdom, the union of Joseph and David, which because of the generational gap, will only be between Messiah son of Joseph and Messiah son of David, one of whom will be a woman, and the other deputy to the king. And this will be the end of generations, just as Adam and Eve began the generations, with this couple the generations will end. The last couple.

And Frog says:
How do you make a quantum leap? A person can reach a quantum leap in this world when he goes up, and then he walks up several parsangs without moving in this world, and then without noticing he falls on your head, comes down and you don't know where he came from, a perfect action. And more importantly - this is also the method to reach a quantum leap in the world to come. The opposite method. And this is the secret of reincarnation, to descend to this world in order to ascend in another place, secret and surprising in the world to come. And what was the failure of the Holocaust? Opening the passage from this world to the world to come. And without coming back. Without the souls reincarnating in us again, in another place, or the spirit descending elsewhere. That is, the failure is not the enormous passage that opened to the heavens, but that a passage of similar magnitude did not open back. Therefore now we are already working on a passage from the world to come to the world after it, the world of resurrection. The resurrection of the dead is not going back from the world to come to this world (what's called reincarnation), but a passage to the next world to come, the great leap forward - from world to world. After all, the main thing in the resurrection of the dead is that the bones themselves will be alive, resurrection in the essence itself: not that the dead will turn back into living and live - that's not interesting and not progress but just regression. Rather that the dead will still remain dead - and the dead will live! This is the leap, from earth to heaven, and not falling from heaven back to earth.

And Lice says:
Black circles. Parasites in the hairs of the black net, the dream net. Because the world is a centered shtreimel [fur hat]. But these are not the most parasitic parasites, so why pick only on them? For there are black units and transparent units - two types of secrets. And the two colors are also two types of operations, of action styles. Black units are units that are hidden, the most inner and holy units in the organization. Transparent units are units that hide the hiding, that they are actually external, not units at all, but disguised as a regular and secular part of the world, as space. It's easiest to pick on the ultra-Orthodox, that is the Jew, that is the black that hides inside, in the smallest, and sucks a tiny bit of blood. Because he is a parasite to man. But what about the transparent, which is hidden because it cannot be seen, and sucks the spirit from the world, because it is a parasite to the heavens?

The Restricted Seminar

I dreamed that as always they announce only at the last moment - so that only those who need to know know. And there are whispers in the study hall, the chief butcher will give a lecture in a minute, towards the Yom Kippur surprise and the dark theological revolution, in a room underground. And I fly and manage to enter, and they lock the door behind me. And the chief butcher turns off the light, and asks someone who cannot be known who he is: Do you want God to be your father or your commander? So you need to understand the meaning of father. The best way to operate an agent is for you to be his father. Not a spouse, not a friend, brother, not a son and not plaster. Father. And the chief butcher wipes his nose with a book and everyone is startled, and he says: Breaking into a computer and organization is breaking and entering, and therefore we need source security, which creates originality, because there is a connection that is creative, so secret, and visible to the eye - not creative. And this is the sin of Moses' spies, the previous leader of the desert generation, compared to Joshua's spies, the new leader of the generation entering the land: eye versus touch, the Messiah smells, lust for the eyes - it turned into forbidden to touch in knowledge, that's how the sin of the spies - foods, the sin of the graves of lust - every butcher knows that cholent needs to be buried. The connection between father and son, from tree to fruit, more secret than man to woman, and therefore we need to keep the secrets of the Torah there - tongue in mustard. Not to explain completely, forbidden to break down into components, reduction, alive, spiritual, whispering.

The Incesting: The Holocaust of Incest

I dreamed that there's a note from the Rebbe with the student, and he doesn't tell anyone. And it says there: Summary. Biblical period - idolatry, therefore at its end God became foreign. Exile period - bloodshed, therefore at its end Holocaust. Redemption period - incest, therefore at its end will end in?. Fight it with secrets, because it is to reveal what is forbidden, to compartmentalize, obsession of classification against obsession of mating, to lie when asked your name, your name is your enemy, your number is your enemy, your face is your enemy. Your home. The difference between a cover story, versus telling everyone a different lie - that's the difference between secret and mystery. The hint is not a direction indicator for something specific that is hidden, but a navigation system. It's not an information detail but a function. It's not a noun but a verb. Therefore it acts differently on everyone, according to the root of their soul. In a hint, there is no object behind the secret, but a subject. It testifies about you more than about the book - how you read the book. You lift the veil, and there are no faces there, but a mirror. The mystery is hidden not only in the world, but also in you. That's the difference between just darkness and pitch blackness. When you really turn off the computer, you don't need a screen saver, because it turns into the black mirror. Therefore a secret has a Torah, while dreaming is a mystery, it doesn't hide - it is it. This is it. Did you understand the hint? Because there's no secret here.

To the next chapter
The Trilogy