The Degeneration of the Nation
The New Rebbe
Foxes Ravaging the Vineyards

I dreamed that a small fox from the yeshiva came to me quietly: You made a mistake. And he sees that I'm startled and swaying by the lectern: It's okay, everyone makes mistakes. And he yawns and winks: Especially donkeys. And I ask: What do you want? And the slightly drunk fox says: There are secrets that are not for the simple man. It was just a mistake, this whole business with the strawberry... And I say: What does the new Rebbe say? And the fox goes back to dozing off in the book, holding a kiddush cup, which surely helps him dream in the middle of the day. Another method. And I peek at the back cover: Laws of the Resurrection of the Dead.

And I discover that they are studying in this branch of the yeshiva, which grows tails, a secret branch in the Torah, but so secret that they hid it not in the esoteric teachings, but buried deep within the revealed Torah, beyond knowing. These foxes have already turned the resurrection of the dead into a halakhic walk, they killed it before it lived, before it even awoke - it's no longer a dream, they've lowered it from the head to the feet from the start. Is it any wonder they're swaying?

And when the entire yeshiva below is empty, on Shabbat during the Torah reading, someone in the crowd pushing to kiss the Torah scroll pushes something into my pants. A note. To come now to the late Rebbe's room. And I flee from the prayer and quickly descend the stairs down down to the dark abandoned crumbling basements, to the closed wing of the yeshiva - and now everything is off. No line. No light. And no Shabbat clock. Everyone is with the new Rebbe. And sitting inside is a black man. Hiding his face behind a book that has not one hole, but two holes, through which he can peek. So that was the method. And I understand in the darkness that this is - the last student, whom the Rebbe used to call: the Secret. And the student says: And he saddled his donkey - proof that shtreimels in the time of the patriarchs were made of donkey. So how did we reach a situation where shtreimels are made of fox? And then we wonder why something went wrong with the coming of the Messiah. But you, from the new Rebbe, be careful - do you remember why Israel bowed to Joseph the dreamer at the head of the bed? When the fox is in his time, bow down to him [Translator's note: Aramaic proverb meaning "When a fox is in power, bow down to him"]. And I still can't adjust in the darkness to see who he is, among all the students, and he has already fled back to prayer, and I hurry to go back up, before they notice I disappeared below, and I see that something terrible is happening in the yeshiva. A fox enters, a shtreimel comes out. And again - a fox enters, a shtreimel comes out. And more and more poor foxes are tempted, they tell them what about the vineyards, the red grapes. And another shtreimel comes out. And I see - now it's my turn. Prepare for the coming of the donkey.

The Efforts Continue, and All the Factors

I dreamed that frog's blood came to me, on a mission from Mr. Sickland, who disappeared. They say he got a high-ranking position, and since then no one has seen him. And there were other changes too, the new Rebbe is establishing a new branch, which no one knows what it does, but they send the most talented students there. And the dreams wing in the basement of the yeshiva, on the floor they call the Lying Down, is expanding, they're doing experiments in parallel dreaming there, according to rumors, they're building a black hole there with a Super-Joseph inside. But on our floor we're not allowed to go down there, not to mention the Standing floor above us, where they pray non-stop around the clock - and around the bed, and the women's section above it, jokingly called the Hovering floor, and above it the Flying floor, and so on, up to the upper world. And we, the black laborers of divine service, are commanded to work by going to sleep immediately, and waking up at midnight. To turn day into night. They say this is the future of time. And they encourage people to fall asleep in the yeshiva, inside the books, so they'll be awake at night, which is the auspicious time, night has a different spiritual quality than day. And the new students try to read the same passage they were given over and over, to get bored and fall asleep and dream about it, and then they take them down sleeping, and suddenly wake them up, and ask what was in the dream. And everything is documented, researched, processed, and transferred to the "Seraphim" network, where they do what they do. And sometimes the finished product goes up up up, to the top floor in the tree, above all the branches, where the Rebbe's office sits, and then they call it "smoke". But what's frustrating is that they always discover more and more branches, which they hid from you when you were young, and it's not clear if even the previous Rebbe knew of their existence - and maybe he didn't want to know. And there are rooms that you know exist, but you don't know what's inside, and vice versa - there are sections that you know exist, but you don't know where they are. And there are rooms that you only discover after years in the corridors. And out of this whole monster - come people like Mr. Sickland.
And frog's blood says to me: I feel very sorry for you. I actually liked you. You could have been a great rabbi, fat, round! I have just one question - why?
- They say you have a computer there that calculates the End of Days.
- And if so - then what? After all, what is holy? Holy means special. Like kiddushin [betrothal], which creates uniqueness. A holy God means He is a special God. And a holy people means it's a special people. Holy, holy, holy. Special, special, special! Like special roles. Special operations. Special means. We continue a holy tradition. That is, a special one. Are all computers the same? And maybe that's the problem. And especially - if you want a holy computer. Don't you see that the new Rebbe is something especially special?
And I approach him and lower my voice: They say the new units (can there be a unit that isn't special?) have correspondingly special names that a person can't pronounce, only write them as ץףן or {} or symbols not even on the keyboard, passwords that for us are just black circles, special names only for computers, I assume holy ones. They say you're going outside of language - into the abyss and chaos. Places no human eye has seen in divine service.
- And let's say it's all true. The new Rebbe has done amazing things. The whole monster works differently today, it's long past being a dinosaur anymore. The old meshugener wouldn't have believed it. More and more arms, heads, legs, foundations, tails, wings, noses, faces, it's no longer limited to the image of God, in the new Kabbalah. After all, the old image itself has changed - and we're progressing. The fossilized organizational skeleton has risen from the dead. And if we bring the new image in the upper worlds to the present - the future comes.
And I look for a moment at my outdated body, in the buttoned shirt, and say: I agree that the new Rebbe is a very talented man, but that's why he's also a very dangerous man. Don't you understand?
- Don't you remember the days with the previous Rebbe? How they used to talk about us? Now the whole black world is scared to death. Have you already forgotten what they used to say about our branch? They do the most amazing things, that no one else knows how to do - and throw it all in the trash, out of fear. They're afraid of the shadow of what they're doing, leaves blown in the wind. And now we're very close to rectifying the sin of the Tree of Knowledge. To return the fruit upwards -
And his eyes fill up, he whispers: It's so easy to pick, and so hard to return...
And I grab his hand: And now you want to commit another sin? The sin of the Tree of Life! To reopen history? To reset the whole account and calculation, from the beginning - just before the rectification?
And frog's blood's arm recoils backwards, snake-bitten, as if I said something I shouldn't have: Your old crazy meshugener! - in a leap, in an amok run to the closed wing. He who reveals dreams - from heaven it was decreed he cannot sleep. He who turns night into day, his day turns into night.
- And he who turns day into night - his night turns into day.

Pangs of Messiah

I dreamed that I find one of the remnants of the previous leadership deep in the library. And I say to him: What are you doing here? They'll discover you! And the student says to me: Don't be afraid. I have all kinds of skills. We noticed they've been very interested in you lately.
- Where is the great student, the Secret? Why isn't he the new Rebbe?
- Ask why the old Rebbe isn't the new Rebbe - and then you'll understand. We've been in worse situations before.
- Worse situations?
- You were still young. There was, for example, the Rebbe's war against the state.
- What did the state do to you?
- It doesn't matter what. The state behaved like Goliath, stepping on people and snakes, until it stepped once too many, by mistake, on someone it shouldn't have stepped on. The Rebbe. Each of us had roles, you'd be surprised what skills. The Rebbe understood he had to sling a stone at the state's head. Only the meshugener Rebbe is capable of thinking that from his shabby and disgraceful office, he'll bring down the state. And he called it: renewing prophecy through dreaming. At that time there were only two department heads in our branch, the Chief Butcher, and the one you know as Mr. Sickland. Yes, that's what they say. This was before the new prodigy arrived, whom they now call the new Rebbe, as if the previous one is asleep. And I was in the Chief Butcher's department. And I was part of the "Implants" program. Haredim who "became secular", and assimilated into the secular system, but actually remained secretly Haredi inside, and climbed up, up, to senior key positions, up to the prime minister's office - what's called the forehead. There were the Rebbe's implants in all the systems. One day I saw in my role a promising intelligence officer in the Mossad, and I recognize his face from the yeshiva. We exchanged glances - and didn't exchange a word. The black mafia. And they suddenly sent me to study mathematics. I did two and a half degrees. Five years of torment. They didn't explain why. They said the Rebbe has a question in mathematics. And in the end I came to the Rebbe - and it turned out the question was actually at a high school level. I could have answered it at the beginning of my first year. That's how the Rebbe was. Fatherly, but cruel. And I was still one of the less talented ones. All the young men, we all received an exceptional education for black-hatters. You children, with all the financial power of the institutions today, and everything the algorithmic trading branch has done for us, do you even know what hunger is? When the Rebbe started the kingdom project, he wanted to buy a supercomputer, per capita, a computer from every child. We all saved from our mouths to buy the Rebbe a computer, because the Rebbe thought what's the problem we save on food, but not on technology, because after all this is an innovation from the Holy One Blessed be He, a new creation. And I was sent to be accepted to an intelligence course, where they strip all the state's arrays bare, and the whole course I absorbed information like crazy, I copied all the material, and the Rebbe called me to his office for the first time - to reveal everything to him. He had to know everything. Everything. That was his problem. And what was it good for? Maybe it was a spiritual need of his, and maybe something we'll never know. And despite all the secrecy oaths, and despite committing all the most serious offenses imaginable, it didn't even feel like betrayal to me, I passed all the polygraph tests smoothly, because the Rebbe was part of me, or I part of him. And I never had any idea what the Rebbe did with all the information. But the moment the Rebbe decided to remove the spiritual backing from the state - he sealed its fate. A state of hell.

God vs. the State of Israel

I dreamed there's a meeting at the highest level in the army, and the officer complains that ugh, there's always some raven flying above his head, no matter where he goes. And suddenly everyone says you too? You too? And it turns out the ravens are flying above all the General Staff members, and who knows who else. And they say: Shoot them down. But on what charge? What did they do? What prohibition did the ravens violate? And he says: I don't like having a raven above me, above my head. It's already a shadow of guilt, and from there the sky's the limit. And the army of automatic ravens goes to war against the state, and the air force scrambles and is shot down. Ravens in the engines. And ravens enter all the bases, all fences and borders transparent to them, all defenses collapse, and there's an order to close all the windows. And they convene a secret emergency meeting with all courses of action - and lo and behold they discover a raven in a cabinet meeting. But how did it get there? The windows are sealed, black, it must have flown above the head when they entered, who knows how long it had been hiding there, maybe for years above the cabinet. And in the first generation it's a chip, controlling the ravens, in the second generation it's already in the genes, and they say the third generation is flying Haredim, and they're already working on the next generation.

And I meet Mr. Sickland in the basement of the yeshiva, and he's glowing like a black star: Every day the Rebbe makes billions. I opened a short on the state, on planet Earth, on the whole universe! I borrow part of the state, and sell it. And that's how I can profit if the state falls, let's say it disappears, so I sold it today, for what it's worth, and in the future I won't have to return anything. And he dances and whispers to me from the depths of the financial department, and I have to bend inside to hear: Think, when you profit you can make thousands of percent, but when you lose you can lose a maximum of one hundred percent. And I shout into the financial pit: But in a short it's the opposite! And he says: No, because what distinguishes us is that Jews can be minus. There can be a minus Jew, and he'll still be completely Jewish, Haredi, with minus tefillin, and minus shtreimel, and minus state. We can be even below zero, below ground. You just have to be careful that the minus doesn't meet the plus, God forbid, and then there'll be zero left. And that's how I finance all the unit's activities. If you stand on your head - you can reach paradise in a spiritual fall. The evil inclination itself tempts you to study Torah. You just need to be a minus person. Come to us down here. Join the success of failure! Together we'll turn Holocaust into redemption, and redemption - into Holocaust. Come to the pit, come to the pit...

And I flee and understand the opposite, opposite of opposite, that I must go up up up, to the highest place in the yeshiva, because if Christians have a bell tower and Muslims have a muezzin, I'm sure our Rebbe has already invented something Jewish special, that is holy, some futuristic prophetic antenna, some direct connection to paradise, a ladder reaching from the dream to heaven, something. And I go up and discover a nest there. And old Elijah is sitting there. And it is revealed that the ravens are Elijah's ravens. And he says: Why when waiting for David, do they say Elijah will come before him? Because who is Ahab? David, father's brother [Translator's note: wordplay on "Ahab" meaning "father's brother"]. So you understand why they run before the chariot? Why harness before the horses? And I see that the ravens up there already have oxygen tanks. They're flying to space, or what, and I ask: Why? And receive an answer: To search for Elijah's food. And he leans over and explains, he behaves as if it's beneath his dignity to hide, even the most classified and black things. And he says: The higher your level, the farther your food. The inanimate exists on its own, the plant feeds on what's attached to it, the animal already needs to move around a bit to eat, and man needs to go even further, and if it's spiritual food - even further, and the angels need to cross whole worlds to eat. And God... You can't imagine the hunger. An empty stomach the size of the universe, more, the entire void, never stops rumbling, there are earthquakes in paradise - sky quakes. At least two thousand years He hasn't eaten, He couldn't take it anymore. So they still talk about how He called the Chief Butcher. And not your rabbi from the "kitchen", who's working on a substitute for sacrifices, as if God will become vegetarian, or worse - vegan. But what if - what if His food is found only at the end of all times? And the hunger, skin and bones, the smell, the smoke, the wrath...
- And the ravens?
- They are the long arm. And the long arm is the wing.
- But what's the goal? What do you want to achieve? What do you get out of this whole black war?
And Elijah is silent. And I grab his black wings and shout: What does it give you to bring us to the abyss of the end of the world? And Elijah answers: The decision is not military, but in searing consciousness. Not in body, but in soul. Just as a child, father, husbands, wives appear to people in dreams, so I want people to dream about God.

Zionism and Exile - The Next Generation

I dreamed I'm an aliyah emissary. And my problem isn't convincing Jews to return to the land, but convincing them to return to planet Earth. If your outcasts are at the ends of the heavens - from there the Lord your God will gather you and from there He will take you... Jews on Mars, the Kingdom of Judah in Andromeda, and communities at the edge of the universe delaying the redemption. And I travel through space to gather lost Jews. And our flag as emissaries is tzitzit, from the four tails of the earth, and not from the four corners, because there's no longer an edge to the world, only tails. Who thought the end of the heavens is a tail? Because the world is becoming a network, and there are countless connections that lead nowhere, do not stray, and the new Rebbe says the solution is to incorporate a blue thread in the network, to turn the network into a giant, divine tzitzit - God's tzitzit. Because the basic structure of the universe is a network, if you just peek deep enough into the darkness, suddenly all the connections appear. And I go out into the field, that is, into space, and I understand that the Rebbe doesn't understand - there are also Jews stuck in a black hole. You can't reach every hole, the only chance is to blow a great cosmic shofar for our freedom - and they'll start returning on their own. And I prepare the intentions according to the new Rebbe's opinion: A simple blast is the attribute of kindness, and then breaking into shevarim [broken sounds] is already the harsh side of the attribute of judgment, and then the rectification is not to mend the breaks, but to break the breaks, again, and that's the attribute of mercy. But only if you crush them again into a uniform powder - that's again one long, great blast. Because only the breaking of mercy itself is redemption. Human dust. And after working for years on the project, at astronomical cost, I try to blow with all my might into the intergalactic shofar, the hour of redemption has arrived! - and you don't hear anything. There's no sound in space.

But here comes Mr. Sickland, who turns the earth into space, and everyone flees. Because he blows the shofar in reverse, into himself, and sucks in all the Jews without leaving home. And everyone clings to walls and their wives not to fly away, and I'm glad my wife is so big. And Mr. Sickland says: The work of elevating the sparks from earth to heaven is finished, and the rectification of this world, and sparks remain only in outer space, in the secret of the stars coming out. And he explains even to the retards: The work of halakha is over, the work of innovations has begun, to such an extent that every morning there's news in the Torah. And he reassures the wise: Just that we still need to keep the commandments so we don't return, God forbid, to uninspired halakhic work, that we don't destroy what's been built, but the main thing is innovation of Torah, a new work of messianic times. But here comes towards him almost at the speed of light one Jew, who out of fear of the Holocaust went to settle in some remote black hole and was accidentally sucked in - arrives together with the black hole - because it's no longer possible to separate between the Jew and the hole and the black. And the hole is sucked through the shofar into Sickland's head, and severe brain damage is possible.

And the doctor says urgent surgery is needed underground, and Mr. Sick is silent on the bed. And the doctor says that since the disease is always spiritual and not just physical, after anesthesia the surgery will be in a dream, and nothing can be promised and there may be brain death. And Sickland's head is full of the most classified secrets, and there's no doctor authorized to enter inside, so they start sucking the brain out through the nose. And his wife wails outside what will he do without a head, where will we put the hat, and they tell her with anyone else you'd worry, but this is Sickland, he'll manage. He was born sick. And a secret leak starts coming out of the nose, and the doctor takes the handkerchief and looks at it - and immediately closes the head, seals the nose, and says better he dies on us. Because it's written there, that a religious technological Messiah was supposed to come more than a hundred years ago. And then Haredi modernity would have darkened the Enlightenment, and they would have spoken of the darkness of modern times, and the network would have been born in the yeshiva - and not in academia. And instead of the state we would have had the kingdom, whose embodiment in this world is a religious network, contrary to the mistake that thinks of it as a monarchy. Yes, there was supposed to be a Jewish world genius who would have brought the theory of relativity already in the 19th century, and then World War I would have been an atomic war. The war of Gog and Magog. That's how the world was planned to be. That was the plan. Without a state - and without a Holocaust.

And Sickland gets up from the bed, looks for his hat, and says: You have no idea what a dream I had.

The Blindness

I dreamed that the new Rebbe says: The secular can't make peace with anyone, the Mitnagdim [opponents of Hasidism] can maybe make peace with the Sunnis, but only the Hasidim can make peace with the Shia. Only we will make peace with Iran. And he pounds on the Gemara: If I were to establish a secret state, black, within the white state, that the state doesn't know about. A dream state within a foolish state. A state that sleeps within the state. And the messianic underground begins to be in the land. Some terrorist organization that's an open source virus, that even if they know how it works they can't destroy it - because it's fundamentally impossible to crack its secret, even if they know everything. The secret is a secret from within itself, regardless of the external knowledge of the observer, it's a secret not because someone doesn't know it, but because even if you know it remains a secret.

And the new Rebbe whispers to us that this was the mistake of the previous one, his madness. He hid even from himself who he was. All the writings concealed, encrypted. But like open source there's open secret. A book that is itself black, and not black because there's darkness, for example because they hide it or conceal the light. It's dark even in broad daylight, we don't have to live only at night. Anyway no one will understand us. We can come to light.

And the Rebbe sends us to establish a state within a state within a state. Because the state within you is your enemy, but the enemy of your enemy is your friend. And I don't know where to hide the new state inside me, so they won't discover, in the skull, no, in the throat, no, in the leg... So I establish a secret kingdom inside the shtreimel. A Trojan head. And armed with the inner friend within the inner enemy, the wing sends me to prevent the Lebanon war. And I say to the Zionists: They want to kidnap you, so desire is weakness - let them kidnap you. Take a sick soldier, terminal cancer, and instead of dying pointlessly like a secular, let him do one last Zionist thing, let him be a Trojan horse, who by "mistake" arrives at the wrong place at the wrong time, and gets kidnapped inside. And do surgery on him beforehand, put a secret organ inside him, that will actually be a transmitter inside the bone, a spy in the leg, a suicide bomber hiding. And they'll immediately take him to hide, to the blackest, most secret, most senior place, because the horse will be full of secrets, and then at the crucial moment - in the holy of holies - you understand, fools? And they take a poisoned naval commando. Full of cancer. And he says: The commando unit is family, it runs in our genes. And I hand over the reins to the MM department, and tell them: Enough!

And suddenly I understand. But understand from within. What's with us, inside. What happened. The black dot. The blind spot. And I go to the department where the Rebbe hides the most classified items, to the holy of holies where foxes now walk, and call between the shelves: I know you're here, what are you doing here, inside a shtreimel?! - Hiding. And I understand that the matter has become known, and it needs to be hidden even deeper inside. And he sits inside the book treasury, buried there alive, and says: For a gentile who encounters true Judaism for the first time there are only three spiritual possibilities: A. To commit suicide. B. To convert. C. To become an antisemite. Which would you choose? How can one blame? And I say: So that's what you're doing here? And he says: You know why you only see black? It's not that we're black and the secular are white, we're black and they're transparent. That's why you only see black. And every time, that the horse is blind from within. Every time. Every time. I can't finish. Every ti. Time after time. You're taking over the keyboard. Not smart, you write what you want. Type on the keyboard blindly, and you'll discover what God wants. Close your eyesf],.t56tcheich2'ds

Social Justice in Gematria Equals Sabbatai Zevi

I dreamed that the new Rebbe strikes the state of impurity. And he doesn't understand that this way he touches it, and becomes impure himself. And the students gossip: The Rebbe reads news, instead of writing futures. It's not for nothing they call him the new one, even the meshugener was better. And the women say: He hasn't had one dream since his coronation. He sleeps like a log. What's the point of feeding him if not for him to fall asleep and wake up shouting. And the mothers say: If the guardian doesn't dream, who will protect us at night, we have children. And the children sing: Snoring is for pigs. And everyone knows who they mean. And only the Rebbe again babbles something, about the deep religious motives behind the secular protest, the people of Israel can't stand pigs. And now even Mr. Sickland the snake whispers to everyone from inside the pit: This is life-threatening, Joseph the Righteous wants to become king of Egypt. No dreams - no solutions. And Sickland gives my department permission to take an operation outside, and they send me to the outside world to check what the Rebbe is babbling about.

And there's a protest outside: The people of Israel hate pigs. And here passes a pig, rich in saturated fat like a pig, and they shout: Slaughter him! And he can't, run to escape, and they're after him, and he's choking gasping, and they're after him, and I feel sorry for him, and gather him to me. And frog's blood and Sickland sit in my bedroom, and try to get the pig to talk, terrified of the new Rebbe's reaction, if he discovers what they're doing. Because while I was outside, the Rebbe brought back from afar the sick screen guard in charge, who brought with him from exile the lifter and roller, and they declared a mode of divine riot, black alert, the whole mechanism entered darkness mode, for the organization itself to dream, if the Rebbe can't. All activity was blacked out. The monster itself closed its eyes, and the collection means were turned inward. And the pig lies in bed, and says: The Jews in Israel are gentiles. And frog's blood says: He speaks! And the pig snorts: They don't understand the difference between white meat and red meat. They don't understand the abysmal difference between silver and gold. They think silver is a type of gold. But it's not for nothing that a woman is acquired with silver, not gold. Silver isn't material, it has gone through all the evolution like the Torah: from a symbol engraved in the body, to writing on paper, a sign in the computer, pure information, an abstract mechanism, and a capsule of information security, that is, a secret. And that's why it's the highest way to acquire a woman, more than a written agreement in a document, much more than the physical intercourse itself. Silver is the essence of betrothal, like the spiritual and holy pig, in contrast to the base ornament - the gold nose-ring. Because silver is the material of spirit, while the beauty in jewelry is the spirit of matter, the glittering pleasure, wine woman, that's not a wedding - that's a jeep. And in their poor opinion, if someone has money they have less, as if there's a limited amount of gold, and then the rich are at the expense of the poor. They don't understand that money is spirit, and that spirit can't be imprisoned, for example money is time, and money is the secret of its connection to its owner, and if you take the money from him, the money has no value, because money is just an idea. And they shout and don't know, that justice is the side of judgment, and society is the left side, sociality is the other side, and they are a herd of beasts. Money isn't material in the pig's pocket, even when it's in the bank it's already invested in something else, where it's again invested in other things, and so it flows and splits like a river from Eden. Because in essence - money is freedom. Thanks to it you don't work, it redeems from slavery, and Torah can only be reached from wealth, it buys spiritual freedom. It gives you the possibility. You have nothing more sublime than possibilities, and nothing more base than their realization. Like the longing for the Messiah, the desire, money is the embodiment of will itself, the very direction. While gold is the realization, the hedonism, the false Messiah. Even something people want, like love, more than they want - they want to be wanted, just want to be wanted, but don't really want at all. That's why money creates huge learning systems, while gold creates stores for women. Because money is the appreciation, the reinforcement in synapses. From silver they make Torah, and from gold - a calf.

And I take the pig out of bed, and escort him home. And here come the gathering people, and pounce: Thief, money! And the pig cries: I don't have a penny on my behind. And I hug him, and tell them leave him alone, you think his behind is made of silver? But they take him, no, leave him to me, a talking pig! And the pig sheds a tear, ooo, ooo. And they drag him away, go into his pockets, take off his pants, and I discover - that his behind is made of gold.

The Letter to the Head of Counterintelligence

I dreamed that the Rebbe writes to the head of Military Intelligence: There is a religious solution. Through high halakhic technology, high-tech of the upper world, I have solved the conflict over the land, cut the Gordian knot - in a ruling. I invented an innovative patent, according to halakha, with the strictest kosher certification, so that all Jews will be Muslims, according to Islam, and Jews according to Judaism, under the supervision of Maimonides. Because a Jew can live as a forced convert in the space between outward appearance and inner preservation of life, to deceive the world. A thin shell of external white lie, reciting the Shahada which is permitted in the Epistle to Yemen, will save us from apostasy, and protect the inner world of darkness more than an entire army, and peace upon Israel. La ilaha illa Allah! And the head of Military Intelligence doesn't answer him. Doesn't even bother to respond. And everyone is worried about what the Rebbe will do now. And the Rebbe fumes: We will secede not only from this state, but from the human species. We will become animals. And then the laws of the land will not touch us, only the laws of heaven. And everyone is asked to find themselves a tail and return tomorrow to the designated place for everyone. Where will I find myself a tail? And each time a different black cat passes in front of me, but I don't have the heart to do it to him. And I say Shema Yisrael and jump under the train. And hope it's not late. In 5 minutes the meeting in heaven.

He Who Believes Eats Cholent

I dreamed of a tish [festive gathering] at the Rebbe's, the Rebbetzin brings a strange chicken, large, they eat, strange taste, can't be. It doesn't look like chicken, but like something else. But the Rebbe eats, and all the rabbis, she brings more, schnitzels, and suddenly - a cry: It's pork! And they start to vomit and vomit, their entire stomachs, and with it they vomit all the words of Torah they swallowed, each one vomits, the Rebbe vomits:

Awake at nights, after the wife is asleep. The other side is the Sitra Achra [evil forces], and we drink its secrets. Not only the body of the enemy do we seek. And not only his soul. But his spirit and his essence. This is the oldest profession in the world, the work of the night. It is forbidden to cross borders, but it is permitted not to see them in the darkness. At this hour nightmares awaken. At this hour the soul of the Holy One, Blessed be He, rises from its grave. And seeks comfort - and vengeance. And seeks a woman and sleep - Shechina [divine presence]. And we do not sleep. But listen. Write intelligence. Post-mortem analyses. Matchmaking after life. Logic of disappearance - or death. The Book of Darkness writes: Know the lover. Whole sections: To know the Tree of Knowledge. And from it a snake will emerge. And from it a new tongue will emerge. And from it the new Torah will emerge. Time to sleep.

Mr. Choli-Aretz [Sickness-of-the-Land] vomits:
Four four four four. Four by four. Heaven over hell: Life in the upper secret space, and death in the lower secret time. From the four corners of the heavens: Collection. Research. Special operations. Information security. To the four corners of the earth: Supply. Maneuver. Attack. Defense. The holy pig snorted within him: How long will we crawl on all fours? The world stands on three legs. Humans walk on two. Angels on one foot. And the heavens have no legs. The snake whispered: A human is a coupling of two angels. A coupling of two humans is an animal. Come friends, let's say a Torah of pigs.

Blood of Frog vomits:
Midnight corruption. He comes to you in a dream - and you forget the dream. He comes to you awake from within - and you sleep from without. Search with extinguished candles, ask twice. Don't believe, we exist. And recruit. We need those who are needed. Only one who knows where to arrive - will be accepted. Only one who knows when to come - will enter. Only one who knows who - will know. The lock to hell is the key to heaven, for it is not on earth - only in heaven. The Tree of Knowledge is the Tree of Intelligence. First darkness - then firstborns. First the woman of the secret, then the next generation of the secret. And the child we will sell to delve into the pit and break Egypt - a generation that did not know Pharaoh.

The Chief Butcher vomits:
When the future becomes past, intelligence becomes judgment. Secrets become sins, and concealments - transgressions. Our investigators know. For when the secret speaks - intelligence fails. And when the secret is silent - intelligence also fails. Therefore - the giver of the Torah stutters. Puts burning coals in his mouth, and in darkness the eyes of the investigators are blind. Amalek has big ears. We have a long nose. And the whole war is who will reveal, who is the murderer, who will win: the sense of hearing or the sense of smell. Nose, ear. Throat. Dreams are crimes without solution. The shtreimel turned the hat into a beard, and we will turn the head: brain on the outside - and skull on the inside.

And the woman vomits:
The Song of Songs of hatred. Let him bite me with the bites of his mouth, for your companions are worse than poison. Who is this coming up from the kitchen, shouting at her beloved? Like a worm in an apple, her tongue locusts, her voice flies, and we haven't even gotten to the sting. My beloved is black as a Haredi, dripping sweat on the keyboard. Give us foxes, to make us forget the vineyards. My wife is like kugel among pickles, like a pig among chickens is my love among the daughters. I adjure you by the armies of the Lord and by the security of the field if you fall asleep and if you put hatred to sleep until it is disgusted. Flee, my beloved, to dreams - and don't come back.

God of Mask

I dreamed that my wife is shouting my name - no no it's forbidden to reveal my name, please don't reveal my name. And suddenly my face is seen on the street: No, no, please not my face. And here is my house, and I: What, the house too? Someone informed on me someone betrayed. And my study partner, Blood of Frog, enters the room but he can't speak, he's afraid of eavesdropping. And I tell him to use his lips, and he's afraid of a camera. So he puts his hand in my neck, and writes on my back, under the shirt, letters: The sleep will be a leap year sleep. And I understand that this is the last way left for transmitting messages. And he writes to me under the screen of the shirt: The transparent students. And I don't understand who he means. Because after they caught all the who's who, only the secret student remains, whom no one knows who he is anyway. Last remnant of the Rebbe. But Blood of Frog hurries, and he writes on my spine down to the tailbone: The closed wing - the previous Rebbe. And I don't understand: True, there was no funeral. But is he alive? Or, more accurately, perhaps: is he not dead?

To the next chapter
The Trilogy