The Degeneration of the Nation
The Continuation of the End
The State of Secret

I dreamed that I was trying to continue the messianic project of the previous Rebbe, of dreaming into history, and thus continuing his legacy, and even his soul, in secret. And I return to the Bible to save Gedaliah, and prevent the exile. But suddenly after him there are two more leaders who are assassinated, and I go back to their days too, and for each one I save others are murdered, and more fast days, and the more I save more are murdered the more I save - it's a leak that can't be plugged, holes of blood, and the calendar fills up with fasts, and now you can only eat once in, and many die of hunger. And the cat Jeremiah is dying in an empty bin, and everyone is waiting for the chief butcher to end the fast. But the fast has already been a whole year, and the skeletons again go to sleep hungry in the closet. And everyone wants to eliminate Gedaliah. A Jewish growth [Translator's note: Wordplay on Gedaliah's name]. Who is already at the head of the government. And who knows what dreams the growth has in its head. But due to so many assassination attempts, the system of government is so secretive that even the Prime Minister's wife doesn't know who he is. And the budgets are secret, black transfers, you can't see the body of the state, only the bones are moving. The entire structure of government is a secret, just as once the soul was the secret within the body, today the body itself has become the secret of the bones, and only a hint remains of the soul. And my wife begins to suspect - that I am the Prime Minister. Otherwise what am I doing at night. And I fall asleep - and they enter the room.

A Jewish Joke with a Beard

I dreamed that Judaism returns to the Book of Kings. And a funny man arrives with pants that reach up to his eyes, peeking out from the zipper, coming from nowhere, and says that there needs to be a religious function in government, that God is willing for us to return to history only if there's a representative of his own, otherwise he'll send us back. Just as there was a prophet for the king, now there will be a clown for the government. And the clown, God's spiritual representative on earth, jumps under the government table and photographs from underneath, kicks, pulls at pants, brings in animals, and everyone keeps smiling, and he sees that they're smiling, and decides that he'll tell the Prime Minister what to do, and if he doesn't do it, he'll make a mockery and ayatollah of him. And the head is terrified, even afraid to ask what mockery means. And he passes notes between the ministers, and now there's one discussion above the table, and another discussion underneath, and slowly the discussion above empties of content, and all the content is sucked below, and he passes notes that the ministries should deal with, there will be a ministry for pigs, you will be the Minister of Pig Affairs, and a ministry for chickens, with a deputy minister for egg affairs, and all the ministers are happy because there are many animals, and everyone thinks. And if the Prime Minister passes him a note that they must stop, that there will be war, that this is the end, he changes the note to cock-a-doodle-doo, and passes it to the Minister of Dog Affairs, and the minister laughs, and passes woof woof, fox beware, and that's how he translates between them, and turns the Prime Minister into a tail. And if the tail complains, he says God said, it's not healthy to have only serious government, secular government, there needs to be a spiritual critic, the best portions in the Book of Kings were created from wars between kings and prophets, so think what could have been in a futuristic Bible, if heads had clowns, the imagination for government. A Prime Minister needs a government dream, to release the head a bit, enough with the exile's gravity of the crown, the time of redemption has come, we need to make rejoicing, and that's how there will be a messiah, like King David, who was a great clown for God, "the king's jester". And then he puts a tail hat on the Prime Minister's head, which wiggles when he talks, and everyone laughs. And a prophet comes and says this is the end, that it's not funny, it's not funny at all. And the clown takes feathers from the chicken ministry and tickles under the feet. And everyone laughs.

The Reform

I dreamed that I'm in the Stone Age, in the ancient world, in the days of Hezekiah. And I have everything I know in my head - and now I can propel humanity 2000 years forward, we can quickly produce electricity from lemons, and start the internet in the year 1000 BCE. But, where to start, do I really know how to make even a phone? And still in the Stone Age. And I try to explain to the stupid Hebrew farmers, at least Hebrew is still the same Hebrew: I am from the future, where is your king? And they beat me with the ox goad, and chase me away like a demon. And I wander and wander on the roads, I must find some intelligent prophet, otherwise everything will go to hell, I can save all of history, turn Judah into a world power with the knowledge - but at any moment I could die in an accident and everything will remain in the ground. I must reach the king, at the very least I could advance the Torah with Rashi's commentary, reveal the end of the Bible, and prevent it, I already know what happened - but no one is interested in the merchandise.

Ultra-Orthodox Laser Beam

I dreamed that in the future fashion returns, as always, and this time - to two hundred years ago. And suddenly you can't distinguish between secular and ultra-Orthodox, they won't be able to identify me, the days of the Messiah! And I run diagonally between the people on the street, cutting right, cutting left, yahoo, like a spaceship, accelerating, preparing for the jump - and suddenly I collide with a carriage.


I dreamed that the Children of Israel have already left Egypt, and only I remained, they forgot me in Egypt. They're already receiving the giving of the Torah, slavery, building the pyramids alone.

Guide, Breaker of the Perplexed

I dreamed that they tell him: If they sent you as a prophet it's already lost, because the only way to avoid a cosmic paradox is that no warning will help. Only this gives the ability to ignore all the signs. The future is not allowed to change the past. And I run after him before he goes back even further to the past and say to him: I believe you! Give me an answer. And he says come be my Gehazi [Translator's note: Elisha's servant in the Bible]. And we enter the new city, he puts his white computer between his legs and rides it, and he calls out: Generation of the desert! In forty more years - an ultra-Orthodox majority in the state. And we see that it's a place where the beasts cover themselves in clothes, and the people walk naked. And he calls out: The great lie is that the secular are something new, there were secular people in the Bible too. On the contrary, we the ultra-Orthodox are something new, we are the future. And there in the new land are very modest pigs that dress like ultra-Orthodox, and only the nose peeks out from the collar so they can breathe, and it's very dangerous because they put a hat on them and they can suffocate, and a shtreimel [Translator's note: fur hat worn by some Hasidic Jews] is really life-threatening. And on the other hand people start walking on all fours in the street, and they need to be tied up so they don't turn the new Garden of Eden into public toilets. And in the end they close the people in houses and only the animals roam free. And the prophet says: I've done my part. And I say to him: Do you want me to arrange a fat woman for you? So that you can wait in the attic until we see what happens. Because it's already dangerous for people to roam the streets. And he says: In my days mating is different, all the urges are already different. All that will remain of the body is a form of thinking to grasp. Metaphors. I eat books. And the lustful one is he who just enters the yeshiva and already fills his belly with Talmud and legal codes, emptying all the shelves. We eat Torah scrolls only on Shabbat, which is our meat, because usually books are made only from plants. And with us the women are so modest, that they walk around with an artificial head above their real head, that's what developed from the head covering, and they peek with their eyes from the buttons on the shirt, where it's not polite to look. And those who are less modest wear a blonde head despite their real head being black. And only when they're at home do they take off the cover and peek out with their head. And the men don't roam the world at all, there are sticks that represent them and they operate them from home. We are the future, and the new world was destroyed long ago, and we call it the old world. But here a dog passes in the street, and we hide so it doesn't take us up to the patrol car. And the prophet says to me inside the hole: Once there were caves, today there's only a hole, later there will remain only a pipe, and in the future people will hide in a thread, what's called the eye of a needle. And I say to him: You're an excellent prophet! And he says to me: You don't understand the role of the prophet, our role is not to change the future, and not even as they once thought - to change the past. What's needed is to enliven time, to turn it from inanimate to living, from physics to spirit. The role of the future Hebrew prophet is: to mate between the Torah and the Messiah, between the past and the future. Bridges over abysses in history. For example the period you live in, seventy years after the destruction of the exile, after the Holocaust. It's time to return. So did you get an answer or not? And he puts his mouth on my mouth and speaks into me: If until now the Oral Torah was more creative than the Written Torah, now there will be a Written Torah that is more creative than the Oral Torah. What we call: Vision yet for an appointed time - every night another vision, and every appointed time another dream. That's how you mate not in space - but in time. Gehazi's vision.

Political Plan for the Next Century

I dreamed that in the Book of Ruth, Elimelech is the God who died in exile, Naomi the Shekhinah [divine presence] his widowed wife, and Ruth is the Torah reversed without the H. And finally they return to the land. But who is Boaz? Who is that redeemer more distant than a closer redeemer, I don't understand - no one understands - and meanwhile from so much hunger Naomi and Ruth turn into sticks. And now they say Ruth is pregnant, what a shame, no one knows where she was at night, Naomi doesn't leave the house. And she's like a stick with a bulge. And now her water breaks, and the great birth begins - but nothing comes out. The doctors pray, and nothing comes out. They fly in a special expert from abroad, who blows a shofar - and nothing progresses. And in the end there's no choice, they decide on a cesarean section - and it turns out there was nothing there. Just fat. But she says: I felt it, its heart! What did they do with it? And she cries in the streets, looking for it in diapers in garbage bins. King David of Israel was not born, dead, dead, dead - and exists. Because today everything is remote, remote connection, remote control, remote learning, remote Torah. And if there's no redemption from near, there's redemption from afar. You don't need a son, you don't need a messiah in a white Subaru. And here comes a great black mountain to the land. They see it approaching from afar, and they say oh what a mistake, because we didn't come to the mountain the mountain is coming to us. And the mountain opens its maw: Zionism was we will do and we will hear. Now the time has come to hear.

The God of Tel Aviv

I dreamed that now that the Children of Israel are in the land, God decides to bring back the urge for idolatry, because the balance was disrupted and they ran too much after murder and sexual immorality, and precisely a triangle of urges will keep them in the center. And the secular decide to establish a temple for a new god. And they work on a sophisticated statue of God, a supercomputer with a mouth that speaks and eyes that see etc., so that the prophets won't be able to laugh at them. And this god is even built in such a way that it creates itself, once in a while, and controls rain and kills and revives with advanced gases, and it even predicts the future 3 days ahead, and invents laws and punishments. It even remembers barren women with special horrific treatments, until they call it Dr. Mengele. And after the first child my wife doesn't give birth and we pray to God for ten years, and in the end we're tired of praying even more than we want children, and we go to the idol of Tel Aviv. And its laws are even more psychotic and complicated than ours, it has really strange urges, the clothes of the believers are more complicated than the Talmudic tractate Yevamot, you need to consult with a rabbi every morning, even regarding underwear, before leaving the house, and they all look really funny. And they have disputes and laws even about when to smile, and there are those who constantly change strange facial expressions to be strict and fulfill all opinions. And we approach the sea and the people become more and more devout in their religion, and less and less dressed, according to their custom, and we close our eyes and walk with sticks and dogs like blind people so as not to see, and all the time we hear the secular ouch ouch watch out. And this idol constantly deals with the problem that it's new and made of plastic, and hires PR firms how to create fear of God towards it, it burns people and they still laugh at it, and it can't find a place to stand, and the joke is that from so much moving around it gets stuck in traffic, all the mountains in the lowlands are low, so it decides to settle at the bottom of the sea. And you can only reach it with diving suits, and the worshippers constantly praise and glorify it, that it's a god made of electricity and doesn't get electrocuted, or that it produces more electricity than goes in, and it doesn't need electricity at all, the connection is just for the simple folk who don't believe it works without electricity, and how it connects to the network without any connection, suddenly it appears in the middle of the network, an obvious miracle! And as is known, miracle comes from the word experiments. And here in the darkness of the bottom, full of fish priests, there is light. And we stand in line. And it sorts us: right left. And it looks at my wife too much, and says: left. And I run after her and it says to me: right.

The Third Temple 3.0

I dreamed that they're having a competition for models to design the Third Temple, and all the architects in the world are going crazy it will be something unique. And one designs the Temple in the shape of a giant computer, with a huge screen a parsah [biblical measurement] by parsah in a frame of white marble, and the pilgrims step on the giant keys on the way to it, and children run on the touchpad and the computer goes crazy, the priests inside are running around, there are entrances for animals and exits for blood and ash, and the Levites hide inside the speakers and sing. And another designs the Temple in the shape of a giant head and people go up the tongue to enter, from above the giant eyes move, each time looking at someone and he dies of fear, it's strictly forbidden to tickle it the people inside the mouth could be killed, especially the Levites who sing inside the ears any movement of theirs could be dangerous, but anyway most just peek a bit past the teeth and run away, few dare to enter deep into the tongue, crazy people, because every so often it swallows, and no one returns. Therefore they don't know what's beyond the throat. And the commentators below warn that they surely fall deep inside, like into hell, and there are those who say that all who enter are digested, killed for the sanctification of God, and become part of the Temple itself, and there are those who say that what's beneath the ground is secret, that it wasn't in the plans, and there are whispers that there's an exit hole - whose location will be revealed in the complete redemption. And another architect designs the Temple as a woman, who they say is more beautiful than God, but no one knows, because for reasons of modesty the building is covered in cloths, and only the priests enter there under the clothes. And another designs the Temple as a giant black shtreimel, and no one knows how to enter, everyone circles around all sides, and whoever may have found the entrance also didn't return, there are always those who disappear. And here there's one scoundrel who designs the Temple as a pig. And precisely his proposal is accepted. And I approach the Temple Mount for the dedication, from afar you can already see that it's the pink mountain, and all the pilgrims around me are crying, the ultra-Orthodox next to me laments as if it's the destruction of the Temple and not its building: What, is this what we waited for, all these years. What will the gentiles say? But here come all the gentiles happy, ha ha ha, they actually like pigs. And here I see they're a family next to me, they have little flags in hand and cameras and they're smiling. And the ultra-Orthodox suddenly wakes up: They probably intend to take a bite out of the Temple, we need to stop them, otherwise nothing will be left. And they ask where the Temple is, and the ultra-Orthodox directs them there, in the opposite direction, you see there, to the synagogue.

End of the Conflict

I dreamed that the Temple descends from heaven, falls on the Dome of the Rock, crash! Hits from below, crumples, as if there's a mountain inside it, it gets such a bulge from above. Well, a Temple with a dome, and they cover it in gold, and everyone's happy. World peace - now. Complete redemption - on the spot. And finally we'll merit to see with our own eyes the world of the Messiah, the world of the future. And I come with the prayer book and prayer shawl, and even with some bird just in case, and the security guard tells me there's no need, the place atones for your souls, here dreams come true. And I point to the bird and he says: The cock-a-doodle-doo can enter. Just put on your shirt a visitor card, and don't lose it under any circumstances - so they'll allow you to exit. And the Levites put a speaker with harp and drums and sing the anthem of Department A: I don't have a dull moment / or scandal or Risperdal. And Elijah the Prophet says: If Elijah were alive today, he hears voices, sees dreams, where would he be? Here. But don't tell the staff. The priests think I'm normal. And the tired white priests sit in the middle of the shift on the steps of the golden altar and smoke, when a group of important rabbis and donors asks them to move because they want a picture with it. And I meet in occupational therapy the volunteer from Germany. And I say to her: I always wanted to say this to a German, but now that I am I can say. You know that I'm right and that's why you're here. And I'm already afraid to approach the closed wing, to the Holy of Holies, because I have a feeling what Rebbe I'll find inside. And all the people of Israel dance like a calf, dreams come true, dreams come true, everyone celebrates, there is a God, what a victory Judaism first place, ha-ha what happened Hitler got it, the crown is ours, God we love you, and only the Western Wall is again desolate and neglected, without anyone. And I go and bury my head in the Wall and cry.

The End of Judaism

I dreamed that the rabbi smiles at me, and I feel instinctively that something is wrong. And I don't understand why I'm afraid of this rabbi. And I expose publicly that the rabbis, it's a mafia of homosexuals, that's the secret doctrine from teacher to student, it's all hints to this, suddenly everything is understood, deviant theology, they even reversed God and Satan, the greatest secret in history, all the rabbis all of them - and all of Judaism collapses. Catholic Judaism. It was all a lie. But here I walk at night - and the rabbi is still smiling at me. And I enter. And I fall to my knees: Sorry, sorry, what have I done, what they didn't do all these years. And the rabbi is still smiling at me. And I don't understand why I'm afraid. But I feel instinctively - something even more wrong. And I bypass the rabbi, who continues to smile at the entrance, and enter God's bunker. And there's something there that can only be called God's tumult. And God, the commander of the defeated army, everything is collapsing, the last soldiers, the last days, and he starts to go wild: We will conquer the Garden of Eden, and then we'll conquer Jerusalem, he sketches on the map. And no one dares to tell him that there are no more soldiers. Just yesterday a whole division of angels fell from the sky, and they're cutting down all the trees in the Garden of Eden for coal to drive the wheels of war, and there are no more fruits left to turn into catapults, and outside the bunker desperate duels are conducted with lulavs [palm fronds used on Sukkot], and someone shouts: Etrog [citron used on Sukkot]! And everyone dies.

Dead Culture

I dreamed that there's no chance. Judaism has reached such a state that there's no chance. And I went down to the yard and saw the children, and knew that they would all die. And not in body - but in spirit. And suddenly I was happy. And I saw the cats in the garbage, they will live after us. It's worth investing in cats, and I went to bring them the phylacteries. And the headache was very strong, and I knew this was just the beginning. What happened, is this the first time a culture has died?

I Forgot the Continuation of the Dream

I dreamed that the Holocaust didn't happen. And there is


I dreamed that I am Hitler. And I'm trying to stop the Holocaust. But if I tell them now then they'll discover me, and they'll bring someone less crazy, and then the war will only be prolonged - and the Holocaust will last seven years. And if there's peace - there will be a Holocaust of seventy years. Therefore I behave even more crazily, and create a new religion of Nazi Judaism, a Nazi version of the Jewish religion. And I tell Eichmann come be more religious, it's a shame you're such a computer. And Eichmann submits to me every day a report with the positive commandments he did today: so and so many Jews and their elders with all their details and minutiae. And I tell him: But what about the negative commandments and transgressions. Where is your passion, the sins? And the next day he prints: so and so many Jewish women and sidelocks, I defiled according to Jewish law. This SS man now rapes because it's in the Code of Jewish Law, and all the time only becomes stricter and stricter. But already it's impossible to stop, because they'll immediately bring a professional Nazi legal authority, who will be less crazy, and if the Reich holds out - there will even be a Holocaust of a thousand years. Therefore there's no choice and I behave only more crazily and give the Germans a circumcision in the shape of a swastika, and a bar mitzvah with brown phylacteries for saluting with a raised hand, and even in the church wedding there's a swastika with Jesus spinning - so they'll enjoy the suffering of a Jew. And there are laws of slaughter for Jews, before each one you need to sharpen the knife for hours, and find the exact place on the neck under the beard, so the Jew doesn't come out non-kosher, and bless in the name and kingdom of the Reich, and have special mystical intentions so it won't be an abomination, and check the whole body that there's no blemish so it won't be disqualified, including inside so it will be ultra-kosher, and this is not the place to elaborate. But they only slaughter more and more, in every house now there's a gas chamber, and they buy for Shabbat in boutique shops Jews in cages, who become more and more expensive and luxurious and rare and of all kinds of endangered species for connoisseurs, and the greedy hunters reach a Jewish yield that no Nazi machine is capable of, with the efficiency of the invisible hand. And people ask me: Heil Hitler, are you okay? Has your mustache gotten smaller, or has your nose lengthened? And I try to lengthen the mustache as much as possible, but to my horror it falls to the sides like a beard. And the German women begin to wonder: Have you noticed he's not blond? And the dogs start barking at me in all the offices, and embarrassing me. And terrible rumors spread in the basements of the party, the mistress tells that she caught Hitler, lying in bed - with a book! And one day instead of the Chancellor's train arriving in Berlin - they take me off at Auschwitz.

Ultra-Orthodox Letters Secret

I dreamed that my brother who died years ago, it turns out it was suicide, his friends have a letter, and they decided not to show it to the family. And I ask what's in the letter, I want to see and they say you don't want to see. And in the end they tell me in secret: You know what was the greatness of the brothers? Not that they didn't kill Joseph the Righteous. The brothers killed Joseph. Their greatness was their ability to convince a slave who rose to greatness that he was their brother. And I cry out: What are you saying?! And they say: We see that we're not succeeding in convincing you not to see. So come see just the headlines and decide for yourself if you want to read more. And it's written there in the darkness in handwriting like mine, the first sentence: "Auschwitz in gematria [numerical value of Hebrew letters] equals Righteous of the Generation". And I just see this and flee. As if I murdered someone, and need a city of refuge. And I meet on the way a black circle like me and ask it how to travel, and it says: Be thankful that he went off the rails. Whoever travels on the rails arrives only at one place - to Auschwitz. And I'm even more frightened and start to leave the margins, to deviate from the page, more and more to deviate. And I'm already deep in the black outside the book, in inhuman territory - and I suddenly meet Cain there. And he puts his head in the ground, and I tell him: Don't worry I don't want to kill you. I just want to know, what did the Torah hide, what did you say to Abel. Maybe he left a letter, something we could know what Torah we would have if we were sons of Abel, and not sons of man. And he says from inside the hole: What I'll tell you you're no longer allowed to write, otherwise it will be a suicide note. But I can't separate my brain from my fingers: I loved my righteous brother very much, but for the sake of all generations - I corrected the word murderer to want brother [Translator's note: Wordplay in Hebrew]. And that's what scares you, Righteous of the Generation? Come I'll reveal to you something more frightening, from a messianic point of view: Hitler in gematria equals donkey. But come - continue, continue to write. You think I don't know that you're writing? Forgive me, my family, I loved you. But I loved him more.

The Golden Altar

I dreamed that I'm sick. Secluding myself in the room, don't want to see my wife and child, anyone. Don't love me, don't disturb! My wife: I understand, you want to finish something. No, no, you're mistaken, to start something. To start something now, it will be a composition that will reach to the heavens, and maybe also allow movement in the opposite direction, your movement in this direction. God forbid to finish. And she says: Yes, every moment is precious, moments that were worth nothing, suddenly we understand. No, you don't understand, the moments really weren't worth anything, it's not that I missed out, the illness is what turned time into gold. Thank you God for not giving me a sudden death, with a lowered head, but slow slow and gradual like a tail, death in life. That's the difference between the punishment of being cut off and the ascension of the soul.

Preventive Medicine

I dreamed that the doctor is trying to convince me to cooperate with him in a plot: The body is your enemy. It's the one that in the end is going to kill you. And it secretly weaves various plots against the soul to return to dust, deep terror networks within matter. And therefore we need intelligence against it, we need to conduct a secret war, to murder the secrets, to lift the skirt and expose and shame it before everyone, therefore we're going to insert into you a snake spy, a stick. Please open your mouth: Ah. On the other hand, the soul tries to revive you, therefore we need to hide it in this world, especially we need to hide it from the body. To forget all the dreams. To leave them at night. And the resurrection of the dead will be precisely the reversal, that people will walk with souls outside and the body hidden inside, and we'll need to hide the body, so the soul doesn't kill you, it will be the enemy, and then the body will be the dream. And the world will be only at night. Therefore we need to insert already now into the soul inside a spy, a twisting snake. You understand: Ah?

The Fever Rises to Heaven

I dreamed that I'm very sick and not willing to take medicine. And they make a commotion over me. Rabbis, words of Torah, saving a life, women. And a dying skinny dead Rebbe comes to my bed, and says: There are only two things in life that I regret. That I didn't eat less, and didn't sleep more. Because in returning prophecy we need to start from the dream. Genesis also started from the dream, from the God of demons, El Shaddai, and then progressed. What did Adam dream when the woman came out of him, do you know? Dreams need to be published in darkness, and not in light. Lights of chaos need vessels of chaos, not vessels of correction! Otherwise there will be in the end a terrible shattering. A Rebbe can break the universe, because it's forbidden to transfer information above the speed of light, and a Rebbe breaks the theory of relativity if he prays about what happens inside a black hole. And therefore it's dangerous, and I don't have strength to pray for you, please, I'm sick, take the medicine. And a well-known spiritual guide comes to me, and says: When you connect an ultra-Orthodox and a religious person together you get anxious [Translator's note: Wordplay in Hebrew]. But your son, how will he be a son without a father? He will be a daughter. And my wife stands at the window like a dove, and looks. And in the end I surrender. And I drink the medicine, and die.

The Visitor

I dreamed that I'm visiting my own grave. And I place on myself a stone that I can't lift. And all the relatives, finally the funeral, what they really thought of me, but they - never did anyone say truth about me. I almost feel like living again. But who has the strength. And I at least light in the cemetery a candle in memory of the Rebbe, a soul candle, and wonder what they make the wick from on which the soul burns - in hell. And then I understand - the book is excellent burning material. And when it burns, lost forever, it really feels as if it's the soul that's burned from the world, that goes up in flames. And therefore - the black.

The End of the Flu: The Recovery from the Dream

I dreamed that tomorrow they're closing the world and I'm afraid to stay inside. And I say: I don't care about Judgment Day. I simply don't want to be judged. And the cats who remained last in the garbage that remained from the world say: At least come help us in the bin, in the project of rebuilding God. And I advance with them between piles of garbage, and Jeremiah the cat says: First we revive the soul of the dead (what's left to us of him) and also build a body for it (and he was everywhere after all). And if not, at least we'll be a soul candle for him. And he wails between the burning piles of garbage: And if not, at least we'll burn the palace on the king. And a roar is heard, and all the cats flee, save yourself child, it's a predator cat. The Ari who loves strawberry. And the red lion says in a frightening voice, like that of a hospital clown: God's soul is now on the way to the upper Garden of Eden, which will replace the Garden of Eden of human souls. And I shout: No! I didn't have time to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. And I hear the lion whispering with Jeremiah the prophet cat: A pipe between worlds, to discover where the remnants of the previous one are hiding, this idiot documented dreams, despite security prohibitions of the secret. And I say: Who's there. And I hear a frog's voice saying to her: The illness. They think I'm asleep when I'm dreaming, but actually recovering. And the woman says: He's burning hot. And he says: It will take time for the condition to develop - but it will gradually fade. And I open one eye - and see that they're talking about the candle. But it's already too late. Frog blood shouts: He's awake.

To the next chapter
The Trilogy