The Degeneration of the Nation
Towards the Punishment

I dreamed that I was lying naked in bed, hugging the shtreimel [Translator's note: fur hat worn by some Hasidic Jews] under the blanket. And they come and take the shtreimel away from me, and dress me in secular clothes, and take me to an office, with a man who interprets dreams, and he has a special device that will make me never dream again. And he asks me: Do you know why you're here? And I say: I know. But you don't know. And the doctor says: What you're telling is simply frightening. I'm writing you an exemption from commandments for one day, and an appointment for tomorrow. Come tomorrow and I'll give you an exemption for another day, and so we'll progress. And what joy, I wake up at noon, don't need to put on tefillin [Translator's note: phylacteries]. And the doctor says to me: What did you dream last night? And I say nothing. And he smiles. But I dreamed in the afternoon that I turn around and my rabbi has no head and he can't manage to put on tefillin. And he says that's very interesting but it's a pity we don't have time to get into it. Come here, exemption from the commandments for another day. And I ask: Does this include negative commandments? And he writes for me: Including negative commandments. And the next day he asks: Well, did you commit any sins? Did you take advantage of the permission? And I tell him: No, I slept all afternoon. And he's pleased: Very good. But do you know how many phone calls I received because of you, every hour they call and want you back. What have you done already? And he writes: I have examined the subject, and the subject is deaf and foolish and a minor and therefore not responsible for his actions. And the rabbis sign the verdict, and they bend down to me and say: You are no longer liable to death. Or maybe they said bed? And I say: What? And they say to each other: It's working. And I ask someone who reaches the door handle to open for me, and he turns the key, lets me in, and twirls his hand by his head: Cuckoo! And closes. And inside there are many chickens, all waiting and expecting, there's a tremendous noise, I feel the floor shaking, like the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, engines, huge excitement outside. But I don't hear anything. A thin silence. And I enter into an egg, and the chick next to me says, I don't hear anything, and the only way for me to communicate is to point at the letters in the book, and the adults say, you see what a cock-a-doodle-doo, pretending to read, but he's always on the same page. And I press on the letters, I'm already very quick, and I don't care that no one reads.

And I press: Greater is one who makes himself commanded, than one who does not make himself commanded. Prophecy is given to fools and children, but the people of Israel must build a religion for the gentiles, where the vessels are in vessels, light of the vessels, vessels that are lights, just not again lights in vessels, like in Kabbalah. Because technology is development in the world of vessels, vessel-vessels, and hence the economy, and the corruption is lack of balance. There must not be a new vessel that remains empty, and darkness will continue in the vessels. And this is the secret of the miracle of the oil jug, that the vessel itself creates light, because there aren't enough lights above for all the vessels. And the matter of oil is the matter of 8, for the word Hashmonaim [Translator's note: the Hasmoneans] are the people of eight, because there are three types of people: People of the weekdays of six days. Sabbath keepers of the seventh day. And the oily ones, people of the eighth millennium, the eighth day of creation, which was destroyed because of the serpent, and only the fire created on Saturday night remained from it, creator of the lights of fire, and therefore can appear and illuminate only in Havdalah [Translator's note: ceremony marking the end of Sabbath]. And what is the sin of eight? The strange fire, which on the eighth day - Nadav and Avihu brought voluntarily.
Therefore: The result of lights without vessels is the breaking of the vessels, and the result of vessels without lights is the breaking of the lights, much more dangerous, and this is what's happening now with technology, that there is a huge proliferation in the world of vessels while the Jews are not bringing down new lights from above for them. The Holocaust was essentially the disconnection between lights and vessels: between Judaism from eastern Europe - the direction of light, which shines from the east of old - to western Judaism - the direction of vessels, where the light sets. The Germans hated the annoying leftists: Esau's right hand - Amalek without boundaries - hated Jacob's left hand - the German Jews, the Yekkes of limitations and judgment. The break in the world is that the world of vessels, the world of technology, remains unconnected to the ancient world of lights, therefore we need to connect the light from the east to the vessels of the west. Because then technology was of bloodshed, now it is of sexual immorality, and in the end it will be technology of idolatry, which will build other gods, a religious technological awakening. And we need to precede Satan, to be there before him, and the way is in the left: Binah the mother (sexual immorality), Gevurah (bloodshed), and art - Hod (idolatry). There will be idols, which are smarter than humans, but there is no Torah, and there will be a computer scholar, an expert system, knows how to answer better, and even in spirituality we will be few against many. Hanukkah is the woman, the vessel, of education, and the sin is to be an empty shell, a jug, without content and without light, an army without Torah innovations, to educate the child to a framework and not to dedicate him as an innovation. And that's how it was in every destruction in every period, the lack was on the left side. Hasidism-Holocaust: The problem was kindness without might. Hasmoneans-Romans: The problem was eternity without splendor. Prophets-Babylonians: The problem was wisdom without understanding. And the state today: Kingdom without foundation (again - disconnect between light and vessels). That is, throughout history the gentiles always had the vessels, and we didn't have a connection to the vessels, because our left was corrupted, and for there to be a coupling with the gentiles Jacob needs to illuminate within Esau's vessels, to fill the new vessels more and more with new oil, so they won't burn us. Make the heart of this people fat. Because as is known, oil is wisdom, and we need more and more wisdom from the people of Israel, quality against quantity, and we must not make vessels without light, form without content, left without right, create women without men. Not a pig in the Temple but a Temple in the pig, light in the gentiles, and not light for the gentiles. What is Hanukkah? Education is learning of innovation - we dedicate the new. Therefore, innovation of God is sanctification of God is dedication of God is Hanukkah - dedication of the Temple. Therefore we need to dedicate the children, who are the innovations - that every child will be a genius, that every child will be the Messiah. And then we'll see what comes out.

The Naked Brain

I dreamed that they connect to my head so that it's enough for me to think the words and they'll already be written, and I'm seized with anxiety that I'm afraid to think precisely about those things and I know that precisely because of the anxiety I'm giving away those things, and suddenly God is inside my head and he says: Now do you understand how I feel? And he says: Imagine that everything you would think would become reality! But I'm afraid to think, I try to just make bzzzz bzzzz inside my head how long can I hold without thinking I wish I was a fly, and he says: Worse, imagine that your most delicate sensations immediately become laws by which angels are executed! And I already feel how all the heads in the world are approaching, I feel my wife's head on my neck, starting to enter into mine, soon I'll know what she really thinks of me, soon I'll know what everyone really thinks of me, oh no soon everyone will know what I think of her, of her, of her.

And God decides to give up on the classification, and here suddenly I'm exposed to the secrets of all people, and everyone quickly enters all the brains that interest them, they have no shame, they return to before knowledge, all naked, and I strive vigorously, I don't care about all the muck around, all the pettiness of the girls, and the baseness of the boys, that everyone immediately enters - boys and girls alike - to the sex areas (certain areas) in the girls' brains, and they're dying of shame, everyone's dying of shame, but there's no more shame. And everyone is mistaken (claiming?) that there are the real secrets, bearded Hasidim, everyone, deteriorating to the bottom of the level, all of humanity. And there are some old people who still enter the brains of business rivals and such, but they're considered the most pathetic, and the world of Torah is completely abandoned. And all my concerns become ridiculous, my brain surely doesn't interest anyone. And I flee from this intellectual Sodom, mustn't look back, and strive for the Rebbe's brain, thinking in my head the shout: Where are you, donkey? And everyone pounces on me silencing me, be careful there's a new thought police, people are educated to control their thoughts from birth, they say learn from the Creator of the world: think what would happen if suddenly he thought you were dead? And I think that I mustn't think about what I'm thinking because everyone will read.

And after a gap of a few years, generations of complete silence, I find the previous Rebbe hiding, inside someone else's brain, and he says: Nowb, sorry, now you understand in Genesis how humanity deteriorated in the beginning in the previous world, when the matter of language began? What you saw was the sin of the tree of knowledge of the world of thought. From here we begin. The part of smell is the most important now, it will remind you. Do and do not do in thought. A donkey has a very convoluted brain, while according to its level of intelligence, its brain should be perfectly smooth. And I think: What a donkey. And there's complete silence, and I realize: What a donkey.

L.I.E [Translator's note: Hebrew acronym for Shin, Kuf, Resh, which spells "lie" or "falsehood"]

I dreamed that I had a dream last night where my wife didn't exist and there was someone else I was supposed to marry and all my family was there at the engagement, and S was also there, and I tell S that I don't even remember the name of the one I'm about to marry, I don't even know what she looks like, I don't know her at all and you I do know. And I'm dying to cancel everything and marry S but she evades me, each time someone else comes in and I can't talk to her to tell her that I don't want to marry the other one and I want to marry her, and S has two white sidelocks like a sheep and she's dark like an Indian, she's like a young old woman, and I can't tell her and I'm also afraid of shame to cancel the engagement all the family is there all the doughnuts and cakes, and then I tell S that I don't know who I'm marrying, that at least they should tell me what she does in life, and she tells me that the other one is a typist studying economics at some college, and then I understand that she's probably not much, but I'm not sure because otherwise why would I want to marry her, and I don't dare to cancel. And precisely the other one I don't know is late doesn't arrive and doesn't arrive and in the end they realize that she really isn't coming, it's not clear why she cancelled the engagement or didn't come, and they extinguish the Hanukkah menorah, and finally S is alone and I cry and tell her that I want to marry her and she agrees she also cries she's been waiting for this for a long time (!), and I say that it's all my fault and we both cry, and then I suddenly start to think if I didn't make a mistake and it would have been better to marry the other one and not S, because fact is I wanted to marry her and I probably had a good reason, she's also prettier than S that's for sure, because somehow I did see her in the dream she almost came, and I don't know what's better, and it's clear that now it's too late anyway, and I can't get out of it and wake up.

I dreamed that they decide to screw us over, and because they decide to screw us over they end up being right, because we really do get screwed - but it's because they decided to screw us over! And they don't care, even though we were something very high, they didn't even understand, and I try to shout, but they don't care, they're right that they're right, and they don't care at all why, what was here. And I say my friends, even though they're not my friends at all, I tell them that if so, if this is what they did, we need to burn the state of Israel. You step on one cockroach, and on another cockroach, and another cockroach, and one day you step on the wrong cockroach. You have no idea what damage I can cause, I try to step on their foot, but it's higher than my head, and then I decide to collapse them from below, to collapse the ground. And I wake up the monkey.
And the monkey says: Let all the economy be black only inside the fur, dry out the carcass and get to the bones, like fire extracts all the light from matter, and only the black remains, so you need to extract all the black and leave only white of bones. Black fire. Need to cut between the prime minister and the state the neck, slippery elusive, some thin thread under the office that connects the building to the ground. And he goes and cuts, unofficially, at night hours, these are the reception hours, when the hobby becomes work. And on every missile it's written in memory of whoever donated it. Everything from donations, there's very little real work to live. The most important thing - that man no longer needs to work. And the fields are full of Canaanite robots, idolaters, and they take a man as an idol, they understand that they only half understand, they imitate God and don't make problems.

I dreamed that the mouse starts to roam in the computer without my knowledge. And it's already many years after there's no mouse, and no one knows why they call this place that you touch, that you look at, and in the end that you concentrate on - mouse. And there are those who say it's because a mouse hides in a hole, and there are those who say it's because of the tail, and doesn't even know that he's close to the truth.

Fast of the Tenth of Tevet

I dreamed that they put us under siege. And we don't understand, what's happening. And there's already no water and we drink recycled urine from the tap, and it tastes like water. And we go to intelligence on the upper one, what's happening with us? And there's a diagram of the "circle of extermination", which doesn't look circular at all: destruction machines. Holocaust computers. Extermination networks. The diagram was built in ant work, but it's not clear where the queen is. There are only crumbs falling from the upper heavens, they sealed all the holes, and intelligence is in darkness. Can't penetrate above paradise. We go to someone's house, and he doesn't live here anymore. And the holy animals are not home either, the holes in the trees are empty, and we only find an orphaned feather on one of the branches, and everywhere we step that rustling of leaves, like eggshells. We see that they haven't gardened here for a long time, and everything grew wild, but didn't develop forward, but backward - became earlier. And Joshua gave the Torah, because Moses didn't merit to lead the people out of the Exodus from Egypt, he only saw Mount Sinai from the Red Sea from afar, even though he did all the plagues. And Abraham is the one who went up on the altar in the binding, and Jacob is the one who was sold as a slave in Egypt. And Laban deceived blind Isaac and gave him Leah instead of Rachel, and Noah brought his alcoholic father on the ark just to peek at him after the flood. And as we progress backward we're more afraid, that just as Adam murdered Eve out of jealousy (and how will there be continuation?) - someone created God. And according to this they calculate quietly, that God was expelled from the garden, because he sinned and discovered that he... And Rabshakeh shouts to us from above the wall: The previous version of the tree. You think it's the book? And we go down from the upper intelligence building to the lower city to the prophet. And we walk in darkness, because night is better than day, and there's already hardly any day anyway. It's shrinking to a few minutes of light in a day. Who needs light when real life is the dream, and instead of streetlights with us they just cover the skies, and open only enough for another day to pass - and the next night to arrive already.

And the prophet's forehead faces the wall to the east side, and behind he has a western shtreimel plate that broadcasts the vision image straight from the brain to the screen in every home, and woe if he thinks about a naked girl. Because even when he dreams - everything is broadcast to the nation. And the prophet explains to us that everything they did, everything they tried. The heads of intelligence fell and rolled one after the other. The agents burned one by one and there was no choice but to disconnect them, before the fire would spread to headquarters and burn. Burning heads, mouths emitting smoke and brimstone, flaring nostrils, and the voices from the throats, if only we could close our ears. And it becomes quiet and suddenly we hear his wife saying to the child in the other room: You need to sleep, tomorrow is the big day. We're going to Molech [Translator's note: ancient Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice]. And the prophet pushes us out and rolls us down the stairs and closes the door.

And we tumble and descend to the bottom of the bottom of the bott... And here, the end of the thread, instead of the head of intelligence - the tail of intelligence. And the tail says: We can't afford to give up. The previous spies failed. They brought out the evil report of the heavens, and delayed the redemption and entry into heaven. So this time they sent only two spies, like two legs, for walking in heaven. But the stupid people, the moment they inherited the heavens, already built themselves idol dreams, dreams of gold, and they dance and sacrifice even their children to them. This is the problem - we must not allow ordinary people to dream. They need to be awake twenty-four hours a day. And the mothers try to put the children to sleep before the big day. Good night, sweet dreams.

The Blind Man

I dreamed that Satan tries to tempt, money, debts, sell me the dreams. And I say: Sorry, I have very bitter life experience, everything must be transparent, income tax, with us everything is registered in the name of blind cancer patients. They have a special room, where the economic nerve center is, and everything there is darkness, and you can only feel the transactions, the money, the hands, the canes, and the pliers. And therefore every blind person, who is exempt from tax, is worth his weight in gold. Otherwise - the authorities. And Satan says: You still believe in the black books? All the Rabbi's things are emptied of content because they have no partner. Do you know why it's important to look only at beauty? Because women have an ugly character, at least let them be beautiful. Even the girl who smiles at you the most now and laughs at every sentence, will yell at you in the end, and about what? About nonsense. And why? I answer: Come try to answer this question seriously.

The Genizah of Man

I dreamed that the teachings of dreams accumulate and clog the computer, because it is unable to throw them in the trash. It keeps starting to drag the file towards the trash, and recoils halfway. Or it's already standing at the edge of the trash itself, but unable to release the click and drop. And in the end the file returns to its place on the desktop, which is already completely white. And it wants there to be a secure genizah [storage for sacred texts]. So they won't escape from there. And can die with dignity. And it thinks that sooner or later this will happen, and it's better to leave behind a clean desk. While there's still a chance. You need to know how to let go. And every time I go out all the neighbors mock the "father of the genius" and start singing: I believe in the coming of the Messiah, but when he passes by there is silence. They are afraid of him. And they spread a rumor about me, that not only that, but Mr. Holyearth is hiding at my place, and he never comes out. And I go to the economic center of the system, to rooms that the neighbors don't even suspect exist, deep inside the building - the connection between the black economy and the white economy. And I enter, and they don't see who. The blind, drooping heads, the neck. They hear my footsteps, but only one in the corner looks at me. And I talk to him, and he says: I'm not blind from birth, so I look in the eyes, I understand. The psychological importance of eyes, even if they are empty and black. That's why my head is upright, not like the others, I look at you when we talk. But he doesn't see, that I'm not looking him in the eyes. My head is drooping.

The Connection to Hell

I dreamed that someone is looking at me. And I'm not sure if he's looking at me, maybe he's looking at someone else, but no, he's looking at me. And I don't know what to do if I move he'll understand that I have something I don't want him to look at. And I wish the devil would take him and I turn around he disappears. And I get scared sorry sorry I didn't mean to surely he has a wife children beard. A wife who gives him hell, children who give him hell, why should he die because of me? And I see a hair from the beard. Stretching. On the stairs. There are more and more stairs. And the hair continues to under the building. It must reach all the way to hell. And as you go down it gets hotter and hotter. And the hair gets more and more murky - a black optical fiber. And it takes light years, eons, the slowest connection in the world. Welcome to hell.

The Kingdom of Darkness

I dreamed there's an animal, a new animal, that wants to eat the children. Especially the child. And the child has already turned into a ball from fear. And he's rolling in a stroller on the way to the playground. And it says there: No playing with children. And Satan comes and offers me a deal. And I say no thank you. And he says isn't it a shame about the child. And I say you have no idea how much. And for a moment it seems to me that he also regrets: The old Rebbe isn't worth it. And I ask: Really? And he takes out a page and says: Do you recognize the handwriting?

The Secret of Jewish Existence - Principles of Terrorism and the Seven Divine Attributes

1. Kindness: Dispersal of the goal
At the beginning of your training, try to work towards as many groundbreaking, heavenly, boundless, militant and dreamy goals as possible - but contradictory. Later, disperse your actions as well, so that they fight each other - the night slaughters the day, while noon dreams drowsily, and meanwhile Shabbat eats the weekday, etc. Finally, at the highest level, disperse your soul: let the clouds in your spirit act according to the weather in the upper worlds independently, without an organizing bodily framework, or an address for receiving responsibility. Man is a halachic fiction. Only the serpent was created on the sixth day.

2. Strength: Indirect aggression
Be a tireless subversive, especially against yourself. Never act directly, but as indirectly as possible, while bypassing authorities, right left up down sideways - and even inwards. In any direct attack against you, retreat immediately. On the other hand, make sure to frustrate the side opposite you with unexpected actions, preferably at critical moments, which are completely contrary to any interest of yours. Always be one step ahead, and when the system catches up with you, jump two steps back. Remember - your goal is to perpetuate the conflict, to celebrate it, to dance it. Especially when everything seems on the verge of resolution, immediately return in a circle and roll back to the starting point. Redemption is an illusion. The future is chaos, the present is void, and the past - chaos and void. That's where holiness is found.

3. Beauty: Dispersal of effort and cooperation with the enemy
Disperse and branch out in a thousand irrelevant and anti-systemic directions, but display exceptional cowardice and faintheartedness in the face of any authority, while making sincere declarations of desire for cooperation and requests for help and spiritual guidance. Immediately after the conversation violate any agreement with you, also, and especially - if it is to your benefit. Don't forget to always turn to eccentric Rebbes and distant and irrelevant angels, preferably especially senior or especially junior. Treat secretaries as if they were supreme seraphim and seraphim as if they were secretaries. Grovel unnecessarily, while displaying touching innocence - the Rabbi or angel in front of you will always be willing to assume you are stupider than him, no matter how stupid he is. Set yourself the goal of reaching the level of a black belt in passive-aggressive, while specializing in impractical Kabbalah. Therefore always strive for an imaginary secret messianic absurd and blatantly unattainable goal that no one even imagines at all, lest you achieve your goal. If, God forbid, your goal is realized, immediately strive for the opposite one, according to the equations of two-sided symmetry (the Other Side), especially since your declared goal should always be opposite to your true goal. And by the way, treat your most critical interests as by the way, and invest tremendous efforts in trifles, preferably stupid ones. Have an especially stupid fondness for especially stupid animals, and prefer them over God and man. The redemption of your soul is reincarnation as a cat.

4. Eternity: Lack of persistence
Adopt any approach and any course of action, and abandon them the moment they begin to bear fruit. Bring any course of action to its most extreme and paradoxical side, where you are guaranteed to find yourself actually moving in the opposite direction, in the secret of circles. The true superiority in the campaign, which the spiritual system tries to impose on you, is intellectual superiority - the ability to enter your head and operate you from within. In order to finally prevent any possibility of its victory, you must lose your head. Live while sleeping and so you can fulfill all your dreams. It is guaranteed that your supervisors will go crazy after you, and the rabbis will surpass their student, and their madness will turn out to be beyond your wildest dreams. The more square the side opposite you - the easier it is to drive it out of its mind, and bring its mind to expansion from materiality.

5. Splendor: Lack of simplicity and anti-aesthetics
Complicate every situation into an unsolvable tangle. Always involve more and more factors, interests, authorities, characters, partial information transfer and stirring up strife between all parts of the system, to the point of creating incomprehensible complexity in your matter. Your goal is to generate work for the divine bureaucracy, and the symbiosis between you should be wonderful. Always aim between the connections, fall between chairs, cause conflicts of authority, the war of Torah, and produce as many enemies as possible. Make every possible mistake - he who doesn't err doesn't do. Behave in extremely different ways to different people in the system, until they won't believe it's the same person. Combine pedantic strictness in the details of certain instructions, with blatant and irresponsible disregard for others, and remember - you never did anything bad on purpose. Everything by mistake. That's what's beautiful here. As an unsolvable tangle - the appearance of a priest. As a braid connected to a beard - the appearance of a priest. As a knot without end and beginning - the appearance of a priest.

6. Foundation: Boundless creativity
Like the donkey of the Messiah, respond to a kiss with a bite and vice versa - thus you will uproot the carrot and stick method, and rectify the attribute of judgment. Do something logical from time to time, to confuse the screen saver. Disconnect the link between cause and effect. There is no limit to any trick, on the contrary, for every limit there is a trick. Treat every event as a joke, and always look for the most ridiculous twist in the course of events, in order to give the punchline. If you defeated Satan on his own turf, you need to pull his tail - otherwise he won. Argue unnecessarily, with mental rigidity, but with a stupid smile, because the smile itself is the twisted logic. Answer every question at great length, with as many digressions from the topic as possible, and always say the obvious with devotion and rare courage. Every sentence of yours should have neither head nor tail, and every conversation with you should be conducted in circles, when at its end they return to the starting point. The more circles there are, and the bigger and bigger they are, the better, like a stone thrown into a lake, and a thousand wise men will not be able to get it out. Choose your next action randomly, so free will will rise from the depths of the soul. Always love the system with all your soul - and identify with it deeply, but not with any of its actions. You wanted a cog in the divine chariot - you got a stick in the wheels. Nitpick details that no one observes while emphasizing the obligation to fulfill laws, discipline without judgment, and the red heifer. Look for externality, not essence. Prefer absolute adherence to the wording of the instruction given to you, over action according to its spirit, the poet's intention, the Ari's intentions, and especially - common sense. Delight in the moments when you justify your action according to this pattern, especially if you managed to screw up the whole thing, or at least delay the redemption. Always look for the smoke coming out of your interlocutor's ears - there's no smoke without fire. Your victory is not in achieving a specific goal; the moment your superior loses his mind is your victory, especially if there is nothing he can claim against you. Hurry to apologize always, and especially unnecessarily, and promise him again and again that you are only trying to do his will, to the best of your ability and limited understanding, of course. Anyone who tries to control you depends on you, and the more obsessive he is, the more dependent he becomes on you and all your whims. Buy a Hebrew slave - buy a master for yourself. Always long for any period that has passed, Rome, Christianity, modernity, the Holocaust... no matter how terrible it was at the time. Frustrate them, confuse them, mock them, abuse them, and take out all your frustrations on them. What would you do without them? And in the world to come - don't forget to reminisce about your glorious period of life, and your tremendous contribution to the system, to bringing the Messiah - and to Judaism. Those were the days.

7. Kingdom: King Solomon's law
If all this doesn't work, get married.

The Return of the Repressed - Questioning

I dreamed that Holyearth came to visit. And all the women look from the windows to see him without a kippah [skullcap]. Bald! And the Rebbe's door is closed to him, and he knocks: It's me. It's important. And he wanders between all the doors, and at night I hear a knock. And he says: I know what I did to you. And finally I open for him in the dark, the wife is asleep, and he sits on the chair - and cries. And he tells me: I have a message from above. You must listen to me. Satan wants to meet with the Rebbe. And there is silence. And the lifter and roller come out of the dark rooms in the house, and Mr. Holyearth says: Who, what are you doing here? And they grab him from left and right and say: And this is the Torah that Moses placed before the children of Israel. And they tell me to leave the room, and behold, the screen saver enters, and grabs his ear: You will deliver this to Satan, from the Rebbe. If secular women were willing to finance their husbands to engage in culture and art and research we could be the center of the world, where the more of a prodigy the husband is the more respected he is, no matter what he looks like. We cannot return to the Bible but at least we can return to Europe before the Holocaust. In our opinion - and you understand who we mean - this should be the purpose of the State of Israel. And then no one would question our right to return to Europe before the Holocaust, unlike the ancestral right from two thousand years ago. It is also fitting that the army should consist of women only, it's a shame to waste scholars on this. An army consisting only of women and missiles, that's what it should be. What is needed is for the secular to adopt the ultra-Orthodox framework with secular content, and for the ultra-Orthodox to adopt the secular framework with ultra-Orthodox content. So where was your side in the agreement? And now you come with us. And they go out together with him and turn off the light. And I peek at a black room.

The Beginning of Heresy

I dreamed that the year is a leap year. And everyone is waiting for the end of Adar II [13th month in Hebrew calendar] what will it give birth to. And I say: I say it will miscarry. And the doctor says: I say you're a parasite. And I take advantage of the relief brought by the new war of the screen saver, and countless defeats, and say: We will lose the war. We should have listened to what they had to say, instead of making a covenant, and with Satan. And the chef on duty says: I can't tell you much, but I know that the guard is righteous. And the matchmaker says: We don't know who the father is. Who are we raising here? And just then the screen saver enters and catches us talking. And he says: Shut up. People from different branches are not allowed to talk. Each should engage in the root of his soul. We have assembled this diverse team for a specific purpose. You will build it, and not ask why it is needed. Is there anyone here who wants to return to his branch? I heard that the chief chef has a lot to do with you, there's a lot of work in the "kitchen". And everyone is silent. And you who started, he grabs me, you come with me. Tomorrow morning you report. They say you knew the student. And in the bathroom blood frog tells me: I don't like this pressure of theirs. They're hiding something. Hope it will be okay. And I tell him: Thank you. And he tells me: We all spit blood for the Rebbe and the project, you were okay. And I say: Don't worry, we'll meet again. And I go out on Shabbat home, and here I see on the street - the dog. With tefillin [phylacteries] on his head, without a kippah, on Shabbat, trying to disguise himself as ultra-Orthodox, thinks the disguise is perfect, and doesn't see how everyone is looking at him. And I can't resist and kick him from behind in the butt. And turn around and disappear into the crowd, he can't identify me. But I can't resist, I must, and I run again through the people, kick him from behind, and disappear. But I again can't resist, and again I - and he catches my leg. And starts to pull, out of the black mass, and I scream, no, he will drag me to the hell of the secular, resist, with all my strength, and he pulls, and puuulls, and here someone I don't see grabs me, from behind, helps me, puts me back into the black, and I escape - but the shoe! Stayed with him. And from now on I live on borrowed time. Knowing that sooner or later, with the right size, with the right smell, and it will fit exactly.

Who Who Who Who Who

I dreamed that Adar enters, and a decisive period approaches. And the Rebbe sits there with his head inside a book in supreme concentration, and I see that he's stuck on the same page all the time, can't turn the page, because the moment he turns the page he will die. And it says there: "There are 3 basic logics of information security: compartmentalization, classification of information, and classification of the person. This corresponds to 3 directions of learning (and opposes them inversely): breadth - spreading over many fields, length - focusing and progressing in a specific field, and depth - when you don't actually progress anywhere, but immerse yourself in one thing or problem over time, returning and banging your head. And then the discovery is not of something new, but a discovery of something old - something new in the old. This is the difference between the unknown and the hidden. The king of Persia is the one who spreads out, all the countries, all the virgins in the world. Haman is the successful one, the one who progresses. Esther is the one who hides, asks for a feast in order to ask for another feast, returns, another day, another scroll. And the repetition awakens the king that there is something beneath the surface - the mask entices. But there is also a hidden additional direction of learning, a fourth dimension. Mordechai. The one who reveals the connection, the secret of the secret. This is the fourth logic, the logic of concealment. Not to understand that there is something to understand here, the very secret is a secret. To be just the uncle. To walk around without any protection at all. Because the more you hide the more it actually reveals. Ultra-Orthodox women walk naked. Therefore the ultimate intelligence system is the one embedded in the community, like terror in the population, like God in the scroll. There are 3 basic logics of information warfare: horizontal - switching between parallel options (codes, courses of action, breaking routine), concealment - a barrier on the passage of information onwards, deception - putting a mask on the information (cover story, camouflage and misdirection). And the fourth logic: not that he will err in the answer, but that he won't ask the question at all. That the very surprise will be a surprise, like in a real disguise you don't see the disguise. And this corresponds to the classic warfare logics: maneuver, attack, defense, and dreaming (in every period dreaming is called something else, because in every period dreaming is different: demon forces, help of the gods, religious belief, national myth, heroism, courage, charisma, morale, motivation, psychological warfare, communication, explanation, consciousness, cyber...). Or to the four logics of interpretation: simple meaning, homiletic meaning, allusion and secret. To know, not to know, to know that you don't know, not to know that you don't know, like in a dream you're not "in a dream". And from the opposite side, the true enemy of knowledge is not lack of knowledge, but - knowing without knowing. Success without breadth, depth or creativity. After all, we lost in the struggle for the soul of the woman. The shallowness and obtuseness of the virgin cause her to go with successful Haman. Therefore the war against Amalek is in the fourth dimension. Mordechai can win Esther anew only through a truly original disguise: Haman. And only if the disguise is real, and you really become Haman, then you can turn him from within into Mordechai. And you have to be careful. If the student disguises himself as the rabbi, he may forget that he is a student, and actually turn, God forbid, into a rabbi. And such things have happened before. Therefore the war against Amalek is through memory - a new kind of male. Not a serpent, but Nachshon [first to enter the Red Sea]. In the next creation, Adam will disguise himself as the serpent and be more naked than naked, and that's how he will seduce Eve, and t-h-e-n

The End of the Project

I dreamed that the baby with the beard was born - dead.

To the next chapter
The Trilogy