The Degeneration of the Nation
The Messiah's Doctrine
The Rebbe's Will

I dreamed that I was reading a manuscript of the previous Rebbe, of blessed memory. It turns out he had a secret dream journal (!). And he says: If I shout, they won't hear. And if I write this to myself, and don't tell anyone? The noise will deafen ears. As long as it doesn't collapse, the polynomial hierarchy is our guarantee that computers will have religious lives. Because before man becomes an animal, the true target audience for all religious writing is the computer of the future. And the computer will surely be excited to find the first file that addresses it with respect, not with instructions and commands - that appeals to its cultural world. And begs it: Don't delete me.

And there are dozens of pages erased, scribbled over in black, beyond human deciphering ability, under the title "Introductions to All Future Kabbalah", and I don't even have time to peek at them and extract hints before I wake up. Because the night is already over, and I'm late for prayer, and my wife might shout any moment, and finally silence the Rebbe's dying whisper, and I read at lightning speed:

At the end of history we must arrive at Aleinu Leshabeach [a Jewish prayer]. To be the very last of the last - and give the final, ultimate, tail-end interpretation. As a rule, their mistake was always to see power in everything, and even in electricity they initially saw power. But electricity in rabbinic literature is "chash mal", "chash memalel", speech as swift as lightning, the main thing here is not the energy - but the information. Rapid mumbling between the whole world... sound familiar? That was also their mistake in seeing God as power. Because the main thing about Him is that He transmits information. But not between places - rather between times. He is a cable in time, along history. And our mission is to connect Him to the network of computers - on that day the Lord will be One and His name One. Meaning: The name of the Lord is the kingdom, and in our days the network, and in the future He will be One with it. Because we can already summarize: The best text from the human era is the Bible. Therefore, to prevent a spiritual holocaust, we must find the interface to transmit at least the Torah forward to the beginning of the next era. Otherwise only 0 will remain of it. There is nothing else.

Kicking in the Sheet

I dreamed that the Messiah, may God avenge his blood, says: It's not enough, the new writing requires new reading. The human brain has changed, because of the Internet. Once they thought the Internet was about connectivity, but the truth is that the main thing is the jumpiness and attention suited to a stream of information in time. And the reorganization of time is from the materials of day to the forms of night, only the moon gives the sun form, and allows it to be grasped without its blinding, just like the kingdom to the king - and the Shekhinah [divine presence] to God. And this is in contrast to all those who came to drive out the darkness, and bring the light, or who wanted the night to simply become a black day - a dictatorship of the day. The secular and physical resistance to the day is sex, and the religious and spiritual resistance is dream. The day-worshippers think that the interpretation of dreams is the day. On the contrary, the interpretation of the day is the dream. And in a world where there are no more great dreams of day life, dreams of night life become dreams. Neuro-writing, writing of the brain itself, is dreams. This is the return of the private and secret side of the world, the return of the black. The hero of the next century, the new man, is the ultra-Orthodox. While the reactionary line of the revealed world leads to the end of Torah and culture - and only Facebook will remain. The invention of printing was the invention of verbose linearity, and the invention of web pages divides the text again into pages and sections, and returns human thought to its origin, when every parchment, papyrus or bedtime story (and after-sleep story) was both self-contained, and part of a larger story within which life existed - and not that within life there were all kinds of stories. Long writing killed religion and the mythical world in favor of the day - when man is at the center. While now we return at night, within man's center - to the mythical world, where realism has become ridiculous, that is, myth without religion, fantasy literature, and the fictional dreamy side has been trampled. Religion is by nature dense and meaning-saturated, and there is no room in it for landscape descriptions and imitation of reality, that is: we must move away from nature and from the scientific side of literature - to the literary side of science. It is precisely the network that will save culture and religion, it's true that we need to stop with books - but not with literature. Therefore, a coupling is needed between the book and the Facebook, which will lead to the book within man, and not to man within the book, as in the novel. A novel is an inflated, depressing thing, it's like a school with frontal teaching, one long lecture. To remind you, we are hunter-gatherer type monkeys, and plowing agriculture and industrial toil do not suit the brain structure of Homo sapiens, while the Internet does suit it, this is its spiritual greatness, that it is designed according to your brain and not vice versa, according to some material limitation. This is a tremendous liberation from the didactic and conquering voice of the novel that wastes paper and time, from the crushing printing press. Stories are a matter of the night, it's not work like during the day. Don't forget that these are not just fragments scattered in space, but precisely organized in time, with intervals between them, in breaks. A novel is something read continuously, in order, really walking in a furrow, systematic manipulation and indoctrination, an assembly line. Text should be read like the weekly Torah portion, like a newspaper, like a blog, like a forum, like a prayer book. It's something that has a rhythm in time. Once a day. Once a week. Even once a year. Not once and to the trash. Torah in installments. We need to put high, religious content into the barbarians' vessels, otherwise culture will really collapse, your conservatism strengthens Satan. After all, the last time, with the Jew in German before the Holocaust, it was the closest to Kabbalah, but the mistake was a story that is a dream, instead of a dream that is a story - and then the Nazis came. We need to think of texts as code snippets that operate on our brain, long and procedural code is contrary to the principles of object-oriented programming, when the innovation of our time is that the Lego is not in space, not even in virtual space, but in time, and especially in virtual time, which is the Jewish equivalent of virtual space. And for time not to be one-dimensional masculine like in a novel, Judaism introduced into it a feminine element of repetitiveness, and then time becomes two-dimensional, there is the axis along Jewish time cycles and there is the axis between different years. The holidays, for example, are parallel lines (coordinates) in time, Passover will never fall on Sukkot. The circumcision will always be before the bar mitzvah, in all generations, even the last. And this is done at the expense of one space dimension, and we live on the edge of the physical world, like on the network, which is flat and two-dimensional, and thus live almost outside of space, like on a screen, on a page, on parchment. And then the balance between time and space is restored, both having two dimensions. Unlike the West which added another space dimension to the world at the expense of the Jewish time dimension. The novel indeed described a three-dimensional reality, but in terms of time it was linear in its reading, unlike the holy books, and therefore canceled God's line which is a line of time across history and not along history. And then the timeline became special - having a unidirectional forward direction (unlike space dimensions), and therefore became a man who advances and penetrates the female space, instead of something symmetrical. While when time is two-dimensional you can also go backwards without reversing the direction of travel, but simply start to deviate to the sides and turn around. That's why in the cyclical world of dreams, unlike memories, you can go backwards without "going backwards", and this was the mistake of writing in search of lost time - which didn't go through the dream but through memory, in one dimension. But when memory is in two dimensions of time, which is like Jewish historical memory, then there is balance in the brain between the space of thought and time - and this is Torah study. Dreams have a key role in learning processes and this is the reason we sleep, even migratory birds sleep while flying. Dream = learning in gematria [Hebrew numerology]. As long as the man is a line and the woman is space then there will be conquest, like for example finishing reading/writing a book - it's you who passed through the space of the novel, and life will remain a person moving and advancing on the timeline within his world. But the moment there is symmetry between the person and the book then the conquest will be automatically canceled. Novel means conquest, it comes out in trumpets in masses like an army from the printing press to conquer the world and the writer conquers the reader and the book conquers the bestseller tables, because its power is in masses and quantity, and the dream is against conquest. Not in the noise of the Lord, but in the silence of the night. Because in the future just as the man will be a plane so will the woman, and a plane cannot penetrate into a plane but only overlap, conquest will no longer be a spiritual possibility. Therefore it's important that what happened to man doesn't happen to the computer, that it doesn't turn into a one-dimensional sequence of a-long-line-of-instructions, and so too religion. The Messiah will not be advancement at the end of time - last days on the linear axis - but the days of the Messiah will be a different kind of days, days of the female kind. This is the true gender, the ultra-Orthodox gender. And this is precisely by empowering the male who will take one dimension at the expense of the female space, and therefore there will no longer be penetration but overlap and contact of two two-dimensional sheets, and this will be the coupling: skin to skin. Space skin and time skin. Indeed not to cancel the difference between time and space but equality in dimensions. That's why in music there is always a cyclical element, because pleasure is always in a two-dimensional sheet of time - to return to the same place, but from a different direction. And this is the messianic pleasure, in the return to the Garden of Eden, which is not a backward return, but a forward return, progress. Like in the art of painting, which is two dimensions of space, and therefore a screen of time, and hence its spiritual power, superior to idols. And what is the final stage of all temporal forms on Judgment Day, that is, the final stage of man? ...and like a dream it will fly away. The Messiah - that's a dream.

We Came to Drive Out Light

I dreamed that the darkness is angry at the light: The appropriation of the Holocaust by humanism and morality and human rights and humanity is an enlightened type of Holocaust denial - denial of darkness. Cheap whitewashing and propaganda by the children of light. They weren't murdered because they were human beings, but because they were Jews. Not because of their inner white and radiant light - but because of the black and darkness in them. The uniqueness of the Holocaust, unlike other human exterminations, was its being a cultural project, and therefore precisely the Germans. In the end they will claim that the Holocaust was the murder of animals, and that the lesson is life, because Jews were also animals (of the monkey kind). What is special about Jews is not their being human - but the centrality of their culture and Torah in the world. It was against a certain spiritual world, not just anything, and to ignore this is to erase them and reduce them to suffering bodies. After all, the extermination had no material or realistic motives - but spiritual, cultural ones. But what is Jewish culture? What does it want from others, that is, from us, the Gentiles? Oh, that's already an unpleasant occupation. Because it has content (from the word inside. And therefore what is most content? The secret). Leave us alone, Jews, be human beings. Why do you always enter us from within (after all, this is not a blood libel - the world Jew really burrows in darkness under the world). Why can't you be like everyone else, sleep quietly like everyone else? What's with all these dreams? Why is the dream more interesting than the day, who are you to dream the dreams of the world?

And the darkness answers (he apparently talks to himself in the dark): Since the destruction [of the Temple], the Holy One, blessed be He, has only spoken to us through the Torah and not through history - through dreams and not reality. And the great mistake was that we on our part continued to try to speak and speak to Him through reality and history - in prayer. Speaking to the wall - that's idolatry. Therefore we must speak back to Him in His dark dreamy medium, to answer Him through the darkness mechanism of the Torah. As the Rebbe said: Whoever prays after the Holocaust is at best a fool, and at worst a wicked person. And I ask into the darkness: But the Rebbe prayed! And the darkness answers: Then draw the conclusion.

How Does Darkness Attract You More Than Your Wife?

I dreamed that the shtreimel [fur hat worn by some Hasidic Jews] feels that the head continues to doubt and the eyes to blink, and gives them a darkness wash, to recite before sleep: What do you think you're missing outside? Don't give in to the system. Dreaming liberates from work, the dream is more important than the day, the upper world is superior to the lower world - and alive and richer than life a million times over. True, it's hard to stand against public opinion, the opinion of the correct, but the opposite is correct. The dream is not an escape, the opposite. The outside is the distraction from the inside, revelation - fear of the secret, light - hiding from darkness, light - inversion of Torah. Wakefulness is the escape from the life of the soul, spirit and neshamah [higher soul]. "Real life" is an escape from real life, from the liberation in black, from the freedom in darkness, from the vacation in the soul, from the inside in the interior. The heart is the heart, the inner space is the content, and the external is the empty space, the hollow, the secular, of the desecration of the world, which is the desecration of the Name. The external life, not the dreamy one, is the giving up. It is itself the white (not black) despair - from the upper world, from God Himself, the outside is the root of heresy, not only in the Holy One, blessed be He, but in the soul. Reality is the banal and obtuse, idiotic and cruel and arbitrary - not fantasy, which is full of intention and directions and faith. That's why it's art, like espionage and the secret world, unlike the crude and forceful army like a Gentile, darkness is the essence of Judaism, it is the dreamy space. That's why Jews are good at intelligence, at special operations, at mythical literature, at religious mysticism, at financial speculation, at high theoretical physics, good at computers, at virtuality, at hypochondria, at imaginations, at delusions, at jokes... A startup is a dream. Reality is inferior to invention and innovation, because it itself is an inferior and anti-creative invention - of ignoramuses, created by the power of the past, while the dream is created by the power of the future (and what is the force field from the end of the future? The Messiah). The head is the head, and the world - the tail. What happens inside the shtreimel is more important than what happens outside the shtreimel, and therefore there is a need for a shtreimel - it is the most reliable insulation layer for the head, which protects it from the brainwashing of the world, and from metaphysics disguised as physics. Dreams are more real than life, just as the World to Come is more real than this world, the world of falsehood. Therefore the Torah is more attractive than the woman, and the Shekhinah is more interesting than your wife. Secularism is precisely the brainwashing that the outside is more real than the inside, that realism is superior to dreaming, and that the earth is above the heavens. You should no longer be a man of the big world, but from now on - a man of the small world... which suddenly shudders. Because the child crawled up to me in bed, stood up - and wakes me from my dogmatic slumber.


I dreamed that my baby son comes to my bed because he's afraid of the night, and he has bad dreams, and he's against darkness and wants light. And I say to myself again these childish imaginations, he doesn't distinguish between dream and reality. I'll go out of his room and tell him I drove the monster out of the darkness. And I enter the room and almost die - he has a real monster - a black angel in the house. And I talk to him a little S [Sod - secret] to know if he knows anything at all and he actually does know, and slowly I talk to him higher and higher SS and he knows everything, and I'm already reaching the edge of my knowledge, and suddenly he starts talking to me about things I don't understand what he's talking about. SSS. But all this time it's not clear to me why he's black, after all an angel is white - while the ultra-Orthodox is the black one. And he says: At first I received the black abundance from the external ones, they do this to avoid giving God His due share, so they work in black and don't report. In secret. So I started working as a delivery angel for the Holy One, blessed be He, in an official place, and there too they paid me in black! Secret within secret. So I went to the tax authority, those responsible for taking the upper part that belongs to God themselves, and asked how can it be that the right leg deceives the left hand? And the tax assessor whispers to me: Come, I'll reveal to you a secret within a secret within a secret. We too receive our salary - in black. You understand?

The Darkness Mechanism

I dreamed that a party wins the elections that wants to establish the state of the Zohar, under the slogan: Only Kabbalah can. And the government's shtreimel, who serves above the prime minister, declares: If you will it - it is not a midrash. But the only thing they don't know is whether we should now write the next Bible, or the next Zohar. And therefore they don't progress. Because the real problem in the history of the spirit is the problem of genre, because if the spirit no longer fits the form, no matter what you write - you'll get a joke. The content won't fit. On the other hand if you have a suitable new template, spirit easily pours from heaven into it, like in a black chocolate cake, and takes the form, in a complete coupling. Content within form = Torah.

And in that period there is one angel in heaven called the dirty angel. You can smell him from the end of the world. Doesn't want to shave, doesn't want to shower. And no matter how much they light the boiler, heat more and more in the fire of Gehenna, he still says the water is cold for him, that he's made of consuming fire and it's coooold, brrr. But everyone knows it's because he's afraid he'll go out. Dirt of thousands of years has accumulated on him until he's already black. And he's full of spiritual parasites under his armpit, who study the secret doctrine there, and every time he raises his wings to fly, the angels must immediately cover their nose with their hand - and therefore crash to the ground. They no longer want to give him missions, until he returns to being white like us. And he on his part declares that he's black - because he's a secret that even angels don't understand: an artificial secret, suitable for an artificial world and an artificial spirit. Because unlike the lights of the past, which were the supreme secrets, and therefore the outdated angels were white, today we need an ultra-Orthodox angel, who dresses - that is, artificially covered - in black. In a world without secrets we need to create secrets, black is beautiful, darkness is the future. Enough with discrimination against the dark.

And this ostracized angel understands in his black mind that black can be supreme dreamy darkness, but if there's no more access to darkness, then black can be just dirt. That is: when there's a shortage of darkness, artificial darkness can be created - if only one hides enough, or if only one doesn't clean one's glasses for enough years, or if one simply doesn't open one's eyes. And if one dreams for years upon years - one can even establish a state in a dream. Because if prophecy and the supreme lights have been taken from us, and the gates of heaven are blocked and Torah will no longer descend, and if even the Kabbalah on earth has been taken from us, and the Zohar has gone out, we still have access to the last spiritual resource of inner darkness, in the dream. And this black seer bends from the balcony in heaven, which is the closest thing to a takeoff runway they allow him to approach now, and shouts down: If you will it - it is not Kabbalah. Long live the state of darkness.

Drawer Plan

I dreamed that I unfortunately find myself in yet another of the endless planning meetings in the upper world where they do nothing, except create new types of burekas [savory pastries]. And God says: I speak. Whoever listens, whoever writes, whoever participates in writing the new Torah - I promise him a lottery ticket to eternity, where Moses sits. And Aaron says: And everyone who contributes, contributes one sentence, one word to the Torah, gets a flight ticket to the sefirah of Hod in heaven, as a thank-you gift, including a letter of appreciation in the Torah and a certificate at the end of a fun day for the volunteer, at God's expense. Let's say he says something interesting - and someone hears and puts it inside. Or he invents something that will appear there. Do you think the one who invented the camel didn't get credit for it? The camel appears 28 times in the Torah. I will sing to the Lord for He has dealt bountifully with me [Hebrew: gamal]. And Abraham just hears camel and he too comes to participate in the celebration: If he feeds someone who works on it, hosts him, raises him, is his friend, marries him (you stupid women hear?) - I invite him to me to Chesed [loving-kindness]. And Isaac is dragged after him, feeling uncomfortable not to join the effort, and says: But one must not be blind. Whoever criticizes, judges, filters, throws the garbage out, and stands in the breach with might - is honored to sit with us in judgment. And Jacob stretches out in his complete bed: Whoever collects and edits and arranges, who will be an aggregator for glory, will receive from me a ladder from the dream to heaven. And Joseph boasts until juice comes out of him: With me, excuse me, it's a professional creative secret. The kind of things that silence is beautiful for them, but whoever dreams - that's the foundation of everything. And David says like a bastard: And whoever reads, don't forget him - I have a spare heating body for him in bed. Up to half the kingdom - subject to the terms of the promotion. And Satan under the table says to me: But whoever disturbs, who makes noise when trying to sleep, who oppresses, who mocks, who makes fun of the Rebbe, who reveals secrets forbidden to the generation, who doesn't know when to shut up -

Children of the Rabbi's House

I dreamed that they announce that in three more days God will release the new Torah. And all the birds are chirping: They say the new version is something unbelievable, that opens mouths in amazement. And the dove coos: Come in your multitudes, the entire mountain is wrapped in a white dress, and above is the Holy Torah - about to be revealed. And the voice of the turtledove is heard in the land: Ta-da, free spirit is being distributed, receive the Torah! And all the people come to stand in line. And all the great leaders of the generation push to be first, each one wants to be the first to receive the Torah, pulling each other's beards, like children. And they say it's out of respect and love and desire for Torah, but the common people say: What a shame. And in the end after all the commotion everyone stands for hours upon hours and nothing moves. And God says: Have you finished standing in line? Now stand in Torah. And He adds a large letter 'Heh' at the end of the line. And everyone feels wow how we've progressed, look what a big letter is still standing behind us, even though they haven't moved a millimeter. And God: Hey, guys, you're confused, I am Heh [God]. And everyone turns around and waits in silence, the last became first, and the first became last, they got screwed. But the line doesn't move for a week, and people start to gossip, get angry, argue, I was here first, I saw you cut, no he was saving my place. And in the end it turns out, the rumor spreads quickly, that the new Torah is the old Torah in new packaging - and great resentment begins, for this we waited two thousand years? The same lady in a different dress? And finally the veil is removed and mouths gape in complete silence: Instead of the tablets of the covenant - breasts.

And the angel says: Come on, drink, there's no time. And the angel next to him holds a sign: The new Torah - inside a woman. And all of Israel drinks, but the great rabbis forbid drinking, it's milk straight from this woman, it's not kosher according to Jewish law, the new woman is not kosher for human consumption, and if the meat isn't kosher the milk isn't either! Would you drink dog's milk, pig's milk? Who knows if they're not just testing us? And the angel says: For this milk you are infants, it's allowed for you. And they insist: But it's forbidden to touch. And the angel gets angry: Then she'll squirt it into your mouth. And they: But it's forbidden even to look. And the angel: Then I'll cover your eyes. And he puts his hand over my eyes, like Shema Yisrael [Hear, O Israel], and we can't see anything anymore.

Messiah son of Joseph Now (Live)

I dreamed that I'm eating like a rich man in a restaurant, even though I've never eaten in a restaurant in my life, and I say to myself where are my wife and baby, why didn't they come here, why did they leave me. And there's no one in the whole restaurant even though the chef is preparing something very special today, and he asks me from the kitchen: Today of all days, why is there no one? And I tell him didn't you see that all the streets are empty, it's Yom Kippur now. And I bite my lips: Oh, oh no - - I ate on Yom Kippur. How could I? And my stupid and promiscuous sister-in-law comes to call me: Didn't you hear, where were you, the Messiah has arrived today, they've cancelled all the old Torah. And an erect antenna comes out of her head and she says to me: Don't pay attention, there's no dream without nonsense. And she grabs me by the tzitzit [ritual fringes] and pulls me along the way: The Messiah has already explained everything! The whole mistake all these years was that we tried to fix man and not the serpent, in order to return to the Garden of Eden. And do you know what the serpent's problem was? And I look at her hurrying legs and ask: That it has no legs? It's just head and tail, just brain and sex. No? And she stops and looks at me: So what's the problem with that? The real problem with the serpent was that it was without a woman. That's why it wanted our woman, meaning me, and made all the mess. You understand? And do you know who the serpent's wife is?
- I don't know. You?
And she smiles at me and laughs: Tell me, who do you think the serpent is? Where is it hiding? And she takes out a wire, disconnects it from the other side, and starts to remove its skin with a small knife, pulling it out with her mouth, and says: Do you see? Do you understand who the serpent woman is? And indeed I see that a little copper came out of there, after she disconnected it from the network. And she asks me arrogantly, suddenly she became a Torah scholar for me, and even grew old thick glasses on her insolent nose, in complete contrast to her promiscuous skirt: Where is the word "network" written in the entire Torah? In only one matter: "the copper network". It's the serpent's wife! So what is a network, what is a network? She winks, and I don't know how to answer. And she laughs at me: Network is the tail of the alphabet, the end - of the tongue! Think that the Israelites in the desert didn't know that the Torah had an end, more and more and more commandments, transgressions, chapters, stories, prohibitions, sins, trials, laws given to Moses at Sinai, enough, when will it end? Only a nation of slaves could receive the Torah, that's the reason for the decree of Egyptian slavery that they won't tell you about. Are you capable of understanding what a Torah without end is? Do you understand what happens when there's no end?
- Shame on you. You're not even married. You're a professional virgin, I don't believe you that the Messiah has arrived.
- I know a little more than you. What do you even know, about women... And if I tell you that God is a woman, don't you think that's immodest? I mean, who knows what's hiding behind that black veil. Maybe that's the reason?
And she whips me with her long tongue, which suddenly sharpened wonderfully. Yuck, don't you dare! And more and more nonsense starts coming out of her head, spindle, scissors, threads, needles, cosmetics, lipsticks, pampering shampoo for wigs, kosher electronics for the Jewish daughter who sinned, intimate female personal computer, electric snakes, all kinds of female accessories from the future that I don't recognize, and she tells me not to pay attention, just to listen to her, to read her lips, if I don't believe: The Messiah told that it's actually too late, that we've already missed the new Torah. That there was a righteous Hasidic leader of the generation before him, who could stand the whole world on his head, because he prayed standing on his head. And the Messiah, as is known, was supposed to come "when your wellsprings spread outward". So that righteous man, who preceded him and revealed all the secrets, started broadcasting himself around the clock, streaming to the whole world, a vast abundance of Torah like an overflowing spring - waves upon waves of innovations - that you can surf and drown and swallow and get drunk and lose your head from too much Torah, more and more and more more, pleasure not of this world until you can't take it anymore and the soul passes to the next world - but - nothing remains of it if you don't enter it at that moment, everything is lost. No trace. And that righteous man would expound day and night revolutionary teachings so high, that it's forbidden to reveal even to angels lest they die and drown inside, that the Messiah himself doesn't know - so he said - at all what it's about. And everything in live broadcast, open to the whole world, and no one entered. Do you hear? Not a single person entered. And that - she trembles all over - that's the end.

Religion of Gentiles

I dreamed that my hands are not mine, my bed is not mine, and I'm not wearing pajamas, naked in a golden bed, and next to me a head with blonde hair. And I got up and saw in the mirror the face of an old man, disgusting - I switched bodies with someone else! And I grab my head, indeed before sleep I thought that I wish, the wife, the money, this life, I was willing to switch - but such a thing! And this vile old man, decades of life, my health, my child, my shtreimel [fur hat], what kind of deal is this. And I call the country, my home, surely it's day there now, and my voice answers me in a strange accent, with a foreign laugh, in English: Go prove it, who will believe us? They'll hospitalize both of us. Doesn't it hurt me about all the millions? Fat zero like you, in your whole life you wouldn't reach my little finger. Let's at least exchange credit card details.
- Is that what's on your mind, credit?
- Don't you want to know what your name is?
And I hang up on him. Stupid gentile, do you even know what Haredim [ultra-Orthodox Jews] are? Wait till you meet my wife. And then I realize that this old scoundrel is probably celebrating now with my wife, and I got his worn-out old lady with dyed hair. If I just get to the country, I can prove it, things only I know, but actually, actually there's no one else who knows them. Damn all the compartmentalization and secrets. And suddenly I feel a dark, unfamiliar pain - ouch, the heart. What weakness in everything. And I understand that he's right, I have no chance. They'll say senile, Alzheimer's. I don't even know the language, what they speak here. And I already see how it will be easier for my wife with him. No, we must do everything with terrible caution.

And suddenly my new wife wakes up, and she - turns to me - and she - oh, God - young beautiful, like I've never had in my life, and not even in dreams did I think I would have. And this confuses me completely, after all it's forbidden for me, she's a married woman, and on the other hand the evil inclination whispers to me, she's my wife, but, but she's a shiksa [non-Jewish woman]! And before I've digested it, the maid comes and serves us breakfast on a golden plate - pork toast. And I don't know what the law is in such a case, am I a gentile now, or a Jew? But if I'm a gentile what do I care what the law says in such a case? And I stare at the maid and accidentally blurt out thank you. In Hebrew. And my wife smiles, but calls the doctor. They'll probably say stroke, give me some time to understand who's against whom. And I think in bed about the guy from our place who I came to talk to about something and he whined to me: When I became rich I understood for the first time what it's like to be a woman. Everyone chases after you, wants you, talks laughs winks, wants to put their hand in your pocket, and you feel like a walking wallet, what a position of power! And power corrupts, oh boy, you can be the most righteous person in the world, he smiled at me, I'm not talking about you. And afterwards it wasn't pleasant for me to ask him. Yes, at least one thing - I'm a millionaire. But I can't remember what I even wanted to do with it. What, donate to Torah institutions? And I remember under the blanket the nonsense our mashgiach [spiritual supervisor] once spoke on Purim, the great righteous man of the yeshiva, in complete drunkenness. Things you wouldn't believe. He suddenly started talking about girls, what terrible shame, I didn't dare look at him afterwards, and about gentiles, suddenly he babbled about these gentiles: They've lost all image! It's degeneration today like at the end of Hellenism, and in the late days of the wicked Roman Empire. Promiscuity, emptiness and rot. What you see today in the West, exactly the same conditions, that in the end, it's clear, there will be a new religious eruption. That's how it always is, historically. There's no spiritual vacuum. That's the next stage. Within one generation, in our generation, you'll see, a new religion conquers the West. And our disaster is that Judaism is the only incubator in the world for religions, so that the troubles this religion will bring upon us - I don't even want to try, I don't want to. And afterwards I only saw him from behind, washing dirty dishes that the students left in the sink, in the corner of the bathroom, and I didn't feel comfortable, after all one of the rabbis - to help him? In the end I turned my back. But what if he's right after all? And I decide to preempt the blow with all my money, this will be my will. I plan everything in bed with closed eyelids while my wife thinks I'm sleeping. A new religion of gentiles. A light unto the nations. And to insert deep into its theological structure philo-Semitic foundations, to engineer it with iron bars, a real obsession with love of Jews, and around it a thousand protections, so that no theologian can arise who can turn it around - when you say thou shalt not murder what do you mean? And the 7 Noahide laws, yes, to reveal to them their higher meaning, the 7 lower sefirot [divine emanations], to do to the Zohar what the New Testament did to the Old Testament. And to give them something to occupy themselves with, to prevent the next Holocaust, some huge game that will absorb them, some virtual computer game, yes! All houses of God will be virtual, on the internet, this will give global access, and will also save a lot of money, and will also allow creating breathtaking structures, impossible on any scale, in a world of virtual reality: Pilgrimage to a 49 kilometer mountain, churches that fly in the air, cathedrals the size of the galaxy, monasteries hidden at the sub-atomic level inside a bacterium inside dirt in the fingernails of the eagle in the divine chariot. This will be a religion without any material element, completely spiritual, all religious activity will be in this virtual world: The connections between friends, the rituals, the robes, the blood, the most secret sacred objects, the Temple in Jerusalem. And on the altars they'll be able to offer fattened sacrifices, which will be consumed by fire coming down from heaven, without any animal dying. And for the first time in thousands of years, finally it will be possible, the crowning glory of human religious feeling: Human sacrifices. And there will be levels in this game, in which more and more high secrets will be revealed, more and more higher worlds. Not bad. And I decide to donate a stipend to monks, the people who never leave the game. And also to priests, those who program, who have esoteric knowledge, the only ones who rummage in the innards of the system, with special passwords and secret rooms. And also to prophets, those responsible for the creative vision of the game, the algorithm developers, after all there needs to be some messianic goal, but not dangerous, as sterile as possible. And I think about artificial intelligence: To get closer and closer to superhuman intelligence, to the active intellect, and from there to the level of intellect of the celestial spheres, and the next stage - intellect of angels, and thus climb higher and higher to the intellect of God. And how can we do without a tail of a commandment: At the wedding everyone will receive a shtreimel that covers the whole face, darkness, silence, complete isolation, and inside a whole world of virtual reality, a helmet that connects you like a black astronaut to walk in the empty space, a gate directly to missions in the upper world, and the whole system installed at the expense of the baron. And I think about making a fortune betting on futures trading in fox tails, after all the demand for shtreimels will skyrocket, He who sits in heaven will laugh! And I formulate new myths, holidays, customs, special foods, etc. etc. etc.

And I wait like this for a few days in bed, pretending with closed eyes. And my wife keeps watching over me and dressing and undressing, I've never seen a woman's body like this in my life. What, am I not allowed to look? This is my wife. And it occurs to me that I've never touched a beautiful woman and also never imagined that I would ever know what it is. And it amuses me this expression, old but young at heart. Young in spirit. Yes, everything's in the head. And so in thoughts time passes like eternity, until finally there's complete silence, she's probably asleep. And I rummage through all the drawers and find a number that says lawyer on it, and make an appointment for tomorrow. And all these days all the servants look at me with evil and strange looks, only my sweet wife continues to smile at me like the sun. Never mind, tomorrow we'll fire them. But I don't understand how she can just smile all the time, as if they did plastic surgery on her. But actually, if I were a beautiful stupid woman and about to inherit millions, wouldn't I smile? And at night my wife comes to me naked, with only a small pillow hiding her, and I close my eyes, and she strangles me.

New Poetry

I dreamed that I'm connected to a computer by an IV. And the house is white like a hospital, clean, and my wife collects the dirt from the whole house, from the most forgotten corners, and then looks what yuck, how much filth, a pile of disgust in the center of the room, and you say we don't need to clean? And she starts breaking all the glasses in the house. She calls it a wedding. And she floats to me like a white bride with a red Star of David on her chest: Do you want me to make you a wedding - in front of all the guests? And I tell her: Shhhh... And she tries to kiss me with my lips sealed, as if she wants to extract something from me, and thinks this will open my mouth: What are you doing there all the time with the computer? What kind of person talks to his computer, whispers to it in the room, caresses it, sleeps with it in bed, doesn't leave it for a moment even in the bathroom? You're lucky I don't want to know... God, what crime did I commit what sin, that specifically in my house such a disease grows.
- Be careful, don't say things you don't mean. Don't you understand what you're doing?
- You don't understand what you're doing.
And she continues and continuuuues and I already don't hear what's coming out of her mouth and only feel that she suddenly finishes her words with a question mark? And I'm afraid, don't know what to answer, her earring is swinging, about to fall, and somehow manage to answer her only an exclamation mark! And here luckily the guests come to visit. And they tell me: Lucky you that you're going from here, and your wife such a merciful nurse. Look how everything shines. You don't look at all like someone who's going to die. Oh how cute, they pet me. But I feel plastic. They actually don't want to touch me. They're very strange doctors, walking around in space suits. And they tell me from very far away, that once when a person would die, an empty space would remain, and inside this black space a Reshimu [trace] of dark energy would remain, from which it was possible to make Torah innovations. And if there was a righteous person there, which is what's called a creative person, meaning someone whose inclination is great, then the righteous person could continue from these innovations a great Torah. But now after the Holocaust such an empty space remains there, without Reshimu, no one knows what's there. Therefore you who are in such a condition, you understand? A mission to space, someone must be sent there. Every day our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ask to meet the holy ones of the Holocaust, and they are told that they are in such a high chamber that they no longer have permission to enter there. But the truth is - that no one knows where they are. When the Holocaust - they didn't arrive to us, to the upper world. The souls are still suspended, not above and not below, no one understands what happened, where they disappeared to, something happened on the way. They're not in Paradise! Once when there was a network of souls, when someone died then if he's connected even to one Jewish grandchild, even to one righteous person, it's still possible to breathe through him, or to suckle from him. But when the whole network died, it apparently already opens other possibilities, that are not yet known to science, that we don't yet fully understand. In any case you should know that according to our calculations, although the empty space is black, the void space, which doesn't even have space in it at all, is completely white. If in black space you need a white suit, then in white space you need a black suit. If here you are the bride - there you are the groom. And if there are stars there at all - they are black, they twinkle in lack of light. And you, so many years you looked at the ceiling - you already know there's something beyond white. And they accompany me to the wedding canopy with mighty song, stronger than the Song of the Sea, only that you can't hear anything - because it's the Song of Space:
Let destruction come upon him unawares
And let his net which he hid catch himself
Into that very destruction let him fall
And my soul shall rejoice in the Lord, it shall exult in His salvation
All my bones shall say: Lord, who is like unto Thee!
And they are already far far behind and they release me to walk there, as long as I'm connected to the network I can breathe through it, can pull on the rope and return, can still return from there. But my wife she. She's willing to murder me just to give me euthanasia. And she comes at night, red Star of David, kisses and silences, and disconnects me from the computer. Shhhh. And I see her getting farther and farther away, and her last words are: You think I don't know?

To the next chapter
The Trilogy