The Degeneration of the Nation
Exposé: Gantz means "goose" in Yiddish
You voted for Bibi - you got Tsipper. If Bibi is ousted, Tsipper will have to quickly resign from "Culture and Literature" to receive his pension plan from Bibi - the position of head of the Israeli Institute in Cairo, in accordance with Case 10000. The correct literary choice - honk honk honk!
By: The Bitch
Gee gee who's coming? The next Prime Minister (Source)
Although the election results are (to a known extent) known in advance, it's still unclear exactly how and in what manner they will be bad, and therefore the entire people of Israel are tense awaiting the results of the "Short Story Competition". Tsipper must commit suicide for Bibi on Facebook, because if Bibi survives just one more year, Tsipper will receive his golden parachute. He really isn't asking for much, unlike Mozes, and it's unlikely that a police investigation will be opened on the matter, despite everything being recorded at the initiative of the suspect himself (on Spacecraft TV) - because it's simply legal (allegedly). Nothing leads to nothing, which in turn leads to nothing, right?

Indeed, Gantz makes serious mistakes that Bibi would never make in his life, such as saying "I will arrives" instead of "I will arrive" [Translator's note: This refers to a grammatical error in Hebrew] - but that's because he's honking. On the other hand, Bibi identifies too much with Tsipper in his desire to feel like the head of the opposition despite being the head of the coalition for two thousand years. Bibi's deep identification with Tsipper also causes him to cling to his seat forever, promote mediocre ministers on the front page, and post clownish-anxious-pompous posts, in his search for a literary genre befitting the dimensions of the hour. Many claim they have less than a year left to enjoy the pleasures of power and flattery, but who knows what damage they are still capable of doing to judgment and norms?

Thus, our reporter learned that inspired by Tsipper, the lover of French culture, Bibi will eat the poor goose's liver (a refined French delicacy!) and try to import the French law as well, which is the enlightened law that has ruled Tsipper's kingdom for years - Louis XVI will never be moved from his throne, no matter what (and what the level). This is exactly how the two have become accustomed to seeing their kingdom as their private estate, which led them to commit the offense of breach of trust to their subjects. And then they wonder - what caused the true friendship between the two Benjamins?

So if there's nothing to read - vote goose. Gantz - strong against a weak supplement.

All this is true in real life. But in literary life - vote Bibi. Vote Tsipper and Bibi, vote Bibi and Tsipper. Like in a slow-motion accident, one can't help but wait to see what will be the end of this plot, and there's no doubt that Bibi's power stems from this literary tension, and that's exactly what Tsipper identified. This is the secret of the villains' power - it's precisely their extraordinary libidinal weakness that can't help but arouse in the human heart both identification and hidden affection. They are human, too human. This is the secret of literature that makes us tremble for their fate - they are two characters from a novel whose paths crossed, seemingly different but reflecting each other. Unfortunately, Israeli literature chooses boring goose characters, and Israeli reality chooses Bibi and Tsipper. Topsy-turvy [Translator's note: "Hafuch al hafuch", an Israeli expression meaning the opposite of what's expected]. Enough with geese in prose. A person whose private phone contents don't even allow for blackmail - is not a person. He's a goose. And that's exactly what's needed at the head of a state. The Bitch votes for Gantz, but secretly hopes Bibi will be elected.
Critique of the Land