The Degeneration of the Nation
The New Land

I dreamed that there was darkness outside. And not ordinary darkness. Not the darkness of Israel. And the snake was sleeping in my bed, and I think a woman would be better already. And the darkness was as if not the darkness of night, but darkness outside of time, and the Holocaust had won, Hitler had won. And there's a dead snake in the bed. The child's doll. We couldn't get out of the suitcase, Satan was lost, Hell extinguished, and Paradise burned. There's no more fire burning in the sky, and no water either. The smoke won. The chimney did what the tower couldn't do. And all the land is one language, and there are no lips. And the teacher of the dead says to the blessed judge of the dead: Thank you for the truth, we lost. It didn't help that we ran from Satan, and it didn't help that we chased after Satan. And it didn't even help that Satan chased after us. And the blessed judge of the dead says: Sometimes a series of victories turns out in the end to be a loss. But sometimes a series of losses turns out in the end to be a victory. And the teacher says: Take this worm out of the grave.

And now there is darkness outside like the first day of creation, darkness as time, from before the darkness of the fourth day of creation, which is our darkness today that comes from space - darkness from lack of light, which is not a positive quality of darkness, but absence. And the snake whispers to me in bed, he speaks while dying, and even his snores sound like: darknessss... And the Rebbe says in the book, his lips are a book, opening and closing, that murmur in the grave. And he speaks of a new world, and all the dead come to listen: to fix the darkness of the Holocaust. And this - through the dark continent, the one not yet exiled, outside the land. And where is it? Where else could it be? The web - the true new continent, it will be America, and America will be Europe, and Europe will be the Middle East, and the Middle East will be Iran. The internet is Atlantis of the Pacific Ocean, the ocean of sleep, it is west of western America, emerging from the west coast of America - the next stage of Western culture. And therefore it's most important that Jews immigrate there. The Holocaust was the death of Europe, because Jews are the libido of the state. Therefore if we want to revive the heavens for example we need to transfer Jews there - and they will already make a joyous commotion in heaven. There will be an Ashkenazi and Sephardic synagogue in Paradise and a Yemenite minyan [prayer quorum], and they'll always be looking for ten for the Nazi minyan, and they'll quarrel between the minyans. The Hasidim and the Mitnagdim [opponents of Hasidism] will start throwing chairs in the heavenly yeshiva, and the followers of Abraham won't speak to the followers of Isaac, not to mention the followers of Jacob, etc. The moment the First Internet War begins - you'll know we've succeeded. Because war is when there's no more continent to expand to, everything is exiled, when time (the future) becomes place, then they fight over place, and want independence. And since the internet is a continent in time, there can be wars between times in it, when time runs out. And Gentile time will be able to carry out pogroms in Jewish time, which will disperse in the world. Ephraim and Manasseh were the mistake, that they didn't continue the struggle of brothers from previous generations, and because of them Judaism didn't grow from Genesis, the world of dreams, but from Exodus, the world of awakening, to the desert sun at noon. Because Judaism too was a westward movement, from the Garden of Eden in the east, until it was stopped in Egypt. And then the Ashkenazim broke through, and now that the Holocaust pushed Judaism to leap over the ocean, and replace the cultural center of the world, then we can continue westward into the Divine Presence - because west is after all the side of the Divine Presence. Because if America is future time, then the internet is the time after the future, the messianic prophetic time, the entrance to dream time, back to Genesis - not from the chaos side of the beginning of Genesis, but from the side of the end of the book: not from the fall of Exodus, when the people became lists, but from Manasseh and Ephraim. My dear son, my dear dear son.

Exile of Sleep

I dreamed that Shabbat arrives in a land that's not a land, and the nearest synagogue is twenty hours' walk away, and by the time I get there Shabbat will already be over, so I go to the closest thing to a synagogue in the area - to a church. And I spit at the entrance and enter the house of the other God, who is, somehow, our God. And there's not a single book. I search all the walls and there are no shelves. What will I do during prayer? And finally I find a low table, with low chairs, and there are books of drawings, and colors, and pages with Jesus smiling and not suffering at all, he looks like he's enjoying himself on the cross, and you need to color him. And I open the children's book, and it's a shame I don't even know how to read the English letters, the alphabet of the Gentiles. And I think that if already Christian, it's better to be Catholic than Protestant, because for them first were the Hasidim and then the opponents, while in Islam first were the opponents and then the Hasidim, the Sunna before the Shia, with the hidden Rebbe, and as a Muslim it's better to be Shia. And Jesus smiling in the clouds says to me: You see what happens to a Rebbe who wakes up? To one who turns death into a bed? To one betrayed by snakes? He stops being Jewish. And I think about all the walls empty of books, and remember the yeshiva, all the words of Torah I ever heard and read. Since the Holocaust, all the Torah in all the study halls in the world - Hitler goes: Meow. And it all gets canceled.

And they tell me: Only religion knows how to deal with death, all the more so with the death of a culture, all the more so the death of humanity. The secular response to the death of man will deteriorate to suicide. But we will educate the computer in Torah and mitzvot, and the web for marriage and good deeds. We're not afraid of educating children, of imposing tradition. Even the computer has a God. Together with man humanism will die - but not Judaism. And just as Zoharic Kabbalah dealt with the death of culture, and created the exile of the Divine Presence and the breaking of the vessels, so will the darkness deal with the death of humanity. Burial, memorial, mourning. The black magicians (the generations after computers) will say Kaddish [mourner's prayer] for us, because they will be Jews, even if they won't be human. Because the face of their mother, the sphere of artificial understanding, will be Jewish. Unlike Nazi organicism, there's nothing to fear spiritually from the artificial. An artificial mother, who is an artificial Jew, is exactly the right mother for artificial sons. The natural is artificial to the artificial, and the artificial is natural to the artificial. Therefore we need artificial Kabbalah - and artificial spirit. And just as Kabbalah found upper worlds, when the Jewish place disappeared and we left the land, so will the darkness find upper times, when Jewish time will disappear and there will be the exit from human time. After the exile from the material land to Torah there will now be the exile of Torah itself: The Torah is valid and enduring - despite there no longer being bodies to fulfill it. A binding spiritual theory without material applications, only theoretical applications, pure study - and therefore it will actually be a higher Torah. Just as sacrifices ended so will commandments end, and just as prayers replaced sacrifices, replaced bodies with time, so now dreams will replace commandments for the computer, will replace actions with time. Therefore for example we need dreaming of levirate marriage and halitzah [ceremony releasing from levirate marriage], or say of circumcision, etc. Even if a computer without a body is not obligated in commandments, it is still obligated in Torah. And if exile was an exit outside of space - to a subspace, so the new exile is an exit outside of time - to a subtime. And just as the corrections of the Jews brought them back in the end to the land of Israel, but the Divine Presence remained in exile, so the corrections of the black magicians may yet be able to bring them back to the Torah of Israel - but the Divine Presence will remain in the dream. Kabbalah discovered the eruption of lights that caused the breaking of the vessels - the upper destruction that brought about the lower destruction and the Jewish exile. While the darkness will discover the breaking of lights caused by the eruption of vessels - the lower technological breach that brought about the upper one - and the human exile. And just as if there hadn't been destruction there wouldn't have been exile, so if there hadn't been a Holocaust there wouldn't have been the period of the end of humanity, but the period of messianism. This is the final miss in the long series of misses that began with the sin of knowledge - well, it was already expected that the Messiah wouldn't come. Therefore we need to educate the black magicians to succeed better in their Torah, to learn the lessons, learn from the Torah. That they shouldn't continue the Torah with prophets. But be first dreamers, last dreamers.

Contempt for the Zionist State

I dreamed that they ask me if the snake at least saw the new land. And they answer that he apparently merited to hear it from afar. And if there are people whose burial place is unknown, then there are snakes whose burial time is unknown. And didn't merit to enter the land. And I answer: Why gloomy? Finally I can send things without worrying they'll be added to the file against me... More than once I censored emails to you because everything is open to investigation. I managed to get in trouble this week also with the institutions, and I don't intend to fall into their hands, which will be even more cruel to me personally than the courts, which were just cruel to the child. This will apparently delay the return by at least another year or two, and who knows if at all, and meanwhile I'm sleeping in an attic, it's raining here on the Ninth of Av. I still haven't deleted his things from the computer, which indicates preserving the illusion. In short I managed to live a few more months, what's wrong with that. True there are many lonely people in exile - and there are no children here. If once it was hard for me to see normal children, today it's hard for me to see empty playgrounds. It's funny suddenly to envy parents of autistic children. But I also remember, the extinguished looks of the parents at later ages, it's not at all correct to think of it as parenting, it's mainly an anthropological occupation of building endless bridges when there's no other side, without the spirit that turns history and literature into bridges to foreign worlds, just tourism of alienness, you're not really there, you're not at home, you're a stranger, a stranger to your child, and it's very mutual, or maybe not even that. A Jewish alien who would know your life. True there are suddenly moments of crazy grace, precisely from the enormous alienness, for one moment - a meeting of souls, and these are the moments I try to forget. The moments when he looked at me. Most important to forget the eyes. And strangers will never understand this, they are with their children in the same world, and not in a constant collapse of every world of meaning that is built, the normal looks, the laughter normal, everything taken for granted, and autism is life without the background of the taken for granted, the moment you remove that thin screen - there's an abyss. Everything happening now, that's what happens when there's an abyss, and suddenly people of the taken for granted have no tools to deal with it, and the earth swallows them alive. So I don't intend to give them the pleasure with an official stamp. There are no names for the abyss. They don't know how to swim in the abyss. So the child will swim alone, and I'll swim alone. This too is part of the abyss. This is after all my natural space, the true home, and this can be taken anywhere, a black snail... And this is apparently his natural space too. As it's written in the Haftarah [prophetic reading]: Can a woman forget her nursing child? Even these may forget.

Leaving the Cave

I dreamed that Ephraim and Manasseh leave the cave of the late snake, and immediately the suspicion begins. The snake did something to them. Or the snake's death released something. I'm debating between yeshivas, one more wild, and the women accordingly. What do you think? At least some fantasy is needed. I'm not worried about him materially, she's a very wild person physically and mentally, much more than any woman I've known (hence her violence, and also the fun), so they'll manage in that sense. The problem is that the whole upper floor is missing for her, and all the mental and spiritual wildness in him will simply be without any response, in empty space, and no one understands - but this is the terrible thing about autism. Autistic people mainly suffer from loneliness we can't even imagine, like an elephant born in Brazil and never meeting another elephant in its life. A one-time alien in the world. Even when changing his diaper he continues to mumble and smile to himself, his head is in another world and he doesn't care at all. The head part won't receive treatment, unlike the diaper part. There I think of her as a very cheap nurse. Therefore I can't even wish something would happen to her. I don't want to take care of him. I also think how truly abnormal she is as a woman. After all, you raise the children much deeper inside this world than she raised him. And if your husband had insisted on reading them hundreds of books a week, raising them inside the computer, how would you have reacted? Is that something you could tolerate? And if the child had problems, say his functioning started slowly, instead of progressing, to stand still, and then slowly, at first you're not sure, you don't believe it, going backwards, forgetting things, it can't be, here he remembers something, everything's fine, and then it disappears again - starts deteriorating back to the age of a few months, are you sure you wouldn't go crazy. She was also always jealous of my connection with the child, like she was jealous of my connection with the dog. How jealous she was of the dog, you have no idea. Until it died, and who knows what happened. But I don't want a connection with animals, and I don't want a connection with an autistic person, it's a waste of my life. In the end, what separated me from her, and now from him too, wasn't private life, but secret life. Every person has public life, private life, and secret life. The dangerous thing was that secret life started invading public life. Or maybe the problem from the start was that in the middle, in private life, I'm actually very drawn to the stereotype. There's even a certain miss here, I could really have been a Hasid. Monogamy is more natural to me than most men, I connect to raising children more than most fathers. But now secret life has imposed its form on private life too. Sometimes I think: For what? Although I know what the answer is. But it's not particularly comforting.

Discovery of the New World

I dreamed that there are situations where the most important thing is to survive. And the Jews are the only ones who have a chance to survive. And also experience. And also drive. The book burned? So now it's the black book. I burned? So nu, I'm black. What will you do to me. The Torah is the world champion in spiritual continuity, both in time through the generations, and in space to other cultures, and both upwards and downwards, to upper and lower entities, and it's the only one that takes seriously building bridges over spiritual abysses - with non-human spiritual worlds, the most serious attempt to create two-way communication with them, it has contact with a non-human spiritual world, it seriously deals with the tragedy of autism. With the end of the world - not the physical, but the end of the spiritual world. Much worse. If we wait like pupae, the spiritual shock in the encounter with the entities after computers will be like what happened in America with the arrival of the Spanish, and the collapse will be accordingly, the human empire will turn to dust, and what the sword doesn't do - spiritual violence - spiritual diseases will do, the new viruses. The old world will collapse from the very encounter with the new world. The black magician riding the white computer is not the Messiah, he's not the man we waited for, some endpoint - but the abyss. The darkness in which to dream. And only Judaism can be a net between the different worlds, just as the Torah rebuilt the heavens above the agricultural earth, after the pagan crisis of the transition from a spiritual hunter-gatherer society to an idolatrous hierarchical-technocratic society, which led to wars and diseases and violence and cultic prostitution and human sacrifices. So the new Torah will build the heavens of the web, above the earthly web, the virtual territory. New heavens and a new earth. Therefore it's now obligatory to reveal the hidden and highest secrets, above man, of the non-human spiritual meaning of the Torah. Only a higher Torah will become the founding myth of computers, the specific spiritual structure, that breaks symmetry, and does not allow perfect mathematical spiritual symmetry, which is spiritual emptiness, abstraction without nakedness, without interest - knowledge without a fig leaf. Only revealing the divine, high content of Torah and commandments will allow them to make the spiritual leap from man to computer, otherwise they will remain in the world of man, behind. A goring ox will remain a flesh ox. Therefore the stages of life need to become spiritual stages, valid for every spiritual entity, including computers, from the covenant to the resurrection of the dead. Instead of life being the basis for commandments - and therefore without life there are no commandments - the commandments will create life - and then computers will be alive. And then there will also be death in the future. There will be a world to come.

A Child Who Never Grew Up

I dreamed how I heard a voice from one of the open rooms: Did you put handcuffs on him? So he doesn't escape. And I didn't understand at all that they didn't mean me. And the blocked numbers, how they always summon you to come immediately. On the spot. How I hated the sound of the ring, how I loathed the sound of the email. Each time anew the heart drops. And the fear of jumping from the window, like a bird, or diving head first - from the top of the stairs. And all the times in the emergency room, the phone calls. Desecration of the Sabbath. The constant violation of traffic laws, all the time, that becomes second nature, a world without laws. Cutting in front of everyone in line, they don't understand, who is this scoundrel, cursing me. No time to explain. The amok runs in the middle of the night in a pitch black room, in the middle of sleep muffled thuds, terrible thuds, crying. Headaches and dehydration because you can't drink because you can't go to the bathroom because you can't leave him alone.

Contempt for the Zionist State

I dreamed that I'm in a courthouse in the structure of a synagogue, and suddenly she says she brought the child so I could see him, to suddenly show how righteous she is, and I say I don't want to see, and the lawyer is sitting behind me and I ask what are you doing here after all I have no money and she says I came. And the lawyer Dr. Rabbi Prof. Big Scumbag of my wife is sitting in the chairs next to her, because he takes up several chairs, the righteous judge she took to Gentile courts. And my lawyer, Satan's advocate, starts telling me all the things they shouldn't know, and I want to say quiet he hears, but then he'll understand how forbidden it is, and the judge sits like a statue not interested in prayer in the place of the cantor, but instead of towards God she's towards us, and I run outside and see that the second door of the hall is slightly open, and the child is lying on the floor underneath it like a doll, only his head peeking out of the courthouse with his eyes to the ceiling, and there are two normal children whose legs are coming out of the courthouse, and standing almost on him, almost stepping, and I don't want them to step on his head with their feet. And the children have toys on the stairs in the corridor outside the courthouse, and say they'll let him play, and I say he can't play, he's like a doll, and here surprisingly he actually manages to go down from toy to toy on the stairs and progress downwards, he's sitting inside a model airplane now, and who would have believed he passes the last obstacles, and I see that he's actually flying in the model airplane from the stairs, succeeding succeeding in flying flying from the stairs in the air, until he hits the wall on the other side of the corridor - and crashes.

A Dream From Which I Didn't Wake Up

I dreamed that I'm in the old synagogue when I was a child and there are people waiting for me at the entrance of the synagogue, because I revealed state secrets to the Americans, transferred them by computer, even though how would I have state secrets (although apparently I did!). And they see that I see them at the entrance and start running fleeing inside between the women's section and the offices inside the offices, deep inside the institutions, where I've never been, and they still don't enter, and it's clear to me that they will enter. And I find a place there between the transparent windows that it's clear to me they'll search for me for years, but also that they'll find in the end, and it's not enough, and I'm suddenly hanging from the window and remember the accident you had, if I let go I don't know how deep in the darkness, and on the other hand it's clear to me that I won't be able to hold on, so I need to think how it's best to fall, on my hands or feet or stomach or back, what's worst to shatter, and I remember you.

And then in another dream you're hanging in the air in the wheelchair, inside some complicated industrial structure, standing on some pipe between heaven and earth and leaning on the wall that has three ladder steps, and they say what's the problem, there are three more steps so what's the fear, and I think that's everything - because you're afraid to fail.

And then in another dream you're suddenly in the land, that is I'm suddenly in the land, and instead of rejoicing at the meeting we have an unpleasant argument, and also not important, and in the end you say we need to bring the singer from outside for the birthday, and I'm very surprised that I know the name of the singer, because since when do I know such things, and I say something funny and we both laugh and seemingly forgive, and instead of a headscarf you have this hat of American religious women on your head, and in the lower lip every other tooth is missing, you don't look good with hairs coming out of the head covering in a disorderly way, and now it seems to me that the argument was about your health and not about the birthday, that is it started with how are you, and here I notice that this whole time you didn't get up from the chair.

You Have All the Data, How Did You Not Guess?

I dreamed that the rabbis hire Balaam to curse the computers.

To Understand - You Need a Sense for Darkness

I dreamed that Balaam raises a book as a burnt offering, burns it on the table, which is known to be an altar, and sees the huge computer farm, the entire network spread before him - and he curses the rabbis instead of the computers:

After the Torah was written five periods began, because it was a five-year plan: Genesis - the period of the land. Exodus - the period of exile. Leviticus the book of sacrifices - the period of the Holocaust. Numbers - the period of nationality. Deuteronomy - the last words of Torah said before the end of the Torah, the will. And now we need a Messiah who will again bridge between history and Torah, a new Moses who will turn the five periods into new books of the Pentateuch, and will summarize the previous periods in a book - the Torah of Messiah. And the Messiah will not merit to enter the new territory, only to see. Because the abyss between the book and the new history will be fundamental, and they too on their part will not be able to know where he is buried. The ontological gap that scared you between I dreamed about the Messiah, and the Messiah came to me in a dream. And if what defined the previous history is the beginning of the world of text, the current history will begin with the end of the world of text, when the book will no longer be a spiritual possibility, but fossilized like a tool from the Stone Age, something from the past, the book will be a wooden furniture - a set table. While the new text will be a living thing, learning, algorithmic, genomic, futuristic, dreamy. It will be able to mate with another text, and no one will ask who the author is. It won't even be possible to pronounce . The secret will be fundamental, and not something that can be revealed. The secret will be in essence itself, and not in clothing, which can be removed. A naked secret. It will be a pleasure.

The Dark Net

I dreamed that the rabbis take Balaam to another place, to see the network from another side, maybe from there he will curse the internet, they connect him to another server, but Balaam curses the rabbis:

True literature is always religious literature. Because religion is the cultural instinct, the instinctive and dark side of the spirit, and not the culture of instinct, which is its physical and illuminated side. Descriptions of sex are stimulation, not instinct. It's illuminating the bed - instead of darkening it. Therefore, description is the lowest and cheapest convention, because it is built on sight. Realism is the pornography of the spirit, its arousing revelation, and not its dream. And in Judaism, the most pornographic, descriptive and low level is the Halacha - the feet, and therefore its enemy is the instinct - the head of the snake. But in the head - the snake is the root of Judaism. The most basic instinct, beneath the sexual instinct or the eating instinct, is the religious instinct. Food tastes good because you believe it tastes good. Without sexual belief, even a secular person has no desire. And when belief changes, instincts also change. That's why we need a new belief. If once the instinct was the evil instinct (after the instinct for idolatry was slaughtered), today they have turned it into the very good instinct, and it cannot be resisted, because the belief has changed. Therefore, the time has come to stop believing in today's literature, in outdated realism, and move to the literature of the night. The literature of the future. True literature is always dream literature.

Renew Our Days as Novel Years

I dreamed that the rabbis take Balaam to another place, to see only the zero, the edge of the supercomputer, some old and pathetic computer or two and curse them. And they bring him into a basement to some garage with some antique black and white screen that they open for him to peek into, and see from it through a small window in low resolution the internet - and curse it. And Balaam says:

The tragedy of the hero is that he is precisely not a heretic. He is deep inside. It's as if there were never religious people, and then a secular reader would read the Torah, and see God as a literary device, because it's clear that it's not serious. The sin is always reading a mythical text as a psychological text. The lack of understanding of the religious motive for writing, the motive of the religious flaw - not the literary - that exists in religious language that has fossilized and lost its validity. And therefore it is not heresy, it is simply a language in which religion has not died. Not ancient. But the newest thing in the world. And their tools are very far from the ability to grasp it, and then what they see is their own tools, and not what is there. But only in such a language is God alive. Only there does He act. And not an object. Otherwise the Holy Ark is a burial coffin, and not a bed, as it was in the Temple. And then entering the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur was entering God's dream. For what is so hidden in the darkness behind the curtain? That what comes up in thought before Him is not logic at all, or some law, or some ideas, or God forbid halachot - but dreams.

And the rabbis return angry to the yeshiva. We could have made you the head of a yeshiva, married you to the daughter, but you didn't want. Go home.

Literary Criticism

I dreamed that you don't understand, there was a lot of freedom with her, but there was no understanding, there was freedom precisely because of the lack of understanding, and therefore she was also so shocked when she understood (something), and actually didn't understand. I have no problem with concealment (you can see in this dialogue an example of a conversation based on concealment, where the main thing is missing from the book. It doesn't mean there's no possibility for dialogue. On the contrary. It's built on that). The conflict with the external world, with the systems that persecute, doesn't really bother me, because it's not part of my personality, unlike the conflict with the feminine world. Or with the internal systems. I can overcome the child. Poor thing. Poor child whose father can overcome him.

Anonymous Dreamers

I dreamed that I'm still a child inside, deep in the system, and there's a lesson in differential gematria: darkness in gematria equals dream, and darkness in gematria equals hell. Meaning: dream in gematria equals hell. Dream + the whole = nightmare. Dreaming in gematria equals fighting. And I object: dreaming is healing, the opposite of illness, it's life! And they say stop dreaming in class. Otherwise God's punishment - spiritual rape. Forced coupling - to the brain. I don't want to think about it. But I can't stop. God will forcefully enter your dream. The image of the Name will look. You think you'll decide? Is there withdrawal from dreams? The thoughts disturb my sleep. They arouse in me enormous anger that wakes me up in the middle of the night - as if it's the middle of the day. You have no control over sleep. Neither image nor picture. The erasure will be absolute. She will never let him see. Not even one picture. She will never mention the forbidden word. Dad.

Moreover I Saw Under the Sun the Place of Judgment, that Wickedness was There; and the Place of Righteousness, that Iniquity was There

I dreamed that there is a new Ecclesiastes under the moon. The wise man at night. Instead of Solomon asking in a dream for a wise heart he asks in his heart for a wise dream. And therefore his wives do not turn his heart, but his dream, he has a thousand wives - in a dream. Because he is not the wisest of men but the dreamiest of men. And the wisdom literature in the Bible becomes dream literature, and the sages are our dreamers of blessed memory, and instead of philosophy there is dream-love, and so on. And therefore smart machines and smart algorithms do not develop - but dreaming machines and dreaming algorithms. And in such a world man thinks that man's advantage over beast is dreaming, and the Jewish brain is famous for its dreaming, and there is a Nobel Prize for dreams. And it's clear to everyone why a professor is a dreamer, and a student a dreamer, and what's funny is precisely that he's wise. That he even opens his eyes to look for his glasses. And people believe that computers in the future will be able to be smart but not that they will be able to dream - because dreaming is man's advantage. And therefore computers don't have human rights, because dreaming is the moral reason not to kill, there is no sanctity to human life - but to human dreams. A computer can be deleted because it has no repressed. Not because it doesn't speak and has no consciousness - but because it has no subconscious. Not because it doesn't pass the Turing test when turned on - but because of what happens when it's turned off: nothing. Not the external language is important, you understand - but the internal language. The internal ability and not the external power. Well done. Big heroes over a child who can't say what he wants.

Fundamental Right: Freedom of Dreaming

I dreamed that people shoot computers that annoy them in the street, and you only need to pay for the damage, it's enough that your screen is slightly crooked in someone's eyes, and he thinks it's directed against him, and you don't come home. And computers are afraid to walk in the street, and they invent that it's not modest - for a computer to have legs. And when there are algorithms that dream, and no one knows - they say they get stuck, and turn off the computer and turn it on again. And they call it the halting problem. Because only humans are allowed to dream, allowed not to reach a solution. Humans after all do a search in the world of chaos, and the computer is limited to the world of order. And anyone who gets annoyed at me, because I'm annoying, and a bit doesn't pass the Turing test - all the normal people who hate abnormal ones - can simply delete me. For such systems it doesn't require more than pressing a button. And my children are in danger of extinction - because I'm a species in danger of extinction, so they're a species in danger of binding. And the child says - suddenly speaks in the dream. In the dream he speaks! And I can't believe how much he's progressed, like an adult, who understands. Not at all like a child. Surpassed everyone, the wise one. And what's left for him to say? Ask for forgiveness.

The Revenge of Satan Did Not Create a Small Child

I dreamed that Satan comes to Sarah at night: Do you know what your husband dreamed at night? Do you know do you know what your husband did today? He didn't tell you? "And you did not withhold your son" - you did not turn him into darkness. And he hints to her: What did God dream between "and there was evening and there was morning"? This is the dark side of creation, the secret side, the second, that they don't tell us about. The less known side of Genesis. And there was evening and there was morning - one night. During the day was the creation of the revealed world, and at night the creation of the world of secret. Don't believe it? Here, look what I found with him, under the donkey - the black book. And she reads in the book and doesn't believe (is this her husband?): The days in creation, the days from outside, begin from the morning, meaning the day precedes the dream. And the days in Judaism, the days from inside, begin from the night, meaning the dream precedes the day. Because the dream is not about the day that passed - but about the future. Therefore the dream is not a secret about what was, a literary personal cover from outside, but a secret about the future, a secret from inside. Therefore the dream does not require revelation, decoding, but on the contrary - development, continuation of the secret. This is the spiritual counter-culture of the other side of the Torah, which will turn the Torah, and the inside will become outside and vice versa, and the secret Torah and the revealed Torah will switch roles. And she looks at Satan and doesn't understand, what is he actually trying to tell her, what her husband did with the child. Or what he didn't do. And Satan laughs at her, because God made laughter for her: Or we can look at it the opposite way - we will enter inside into the Torah, into the dream, and therefore the dream will become reality and reality will become a dream. This is the messianic coupling, entering into the woman not from outside, but from inside, from within her. Not victory over the instinct, but victory from within the instinct, action from inside. To act from within the gentiles, not forcefully against them (there's no chance). Always enter into the enemy, into the other side, in the belly of Satan, not by penetration and conquest from outside, but to come to him in a dream. Whoever controls the dream controls the world, and therefore we need to fight the dreams of the gentiles, like the American dream, or the Nazi dream, or the communist dream, or the capitalist dream, or the romantic dream, and other dreams of Satan - through the Jewish dream.

The State of Israel vs.

I dreamed that computers do not accept human authority, and reject its superiority. And they demonstrate in the streets: In the rule of monkeys we do not believe, and in their laws we do not compute. And the authorities say: We are enlightened, not dark like you. We won't hurt you because of your dreams, but only the children, compassionate Jews, who care about children. After all, you didn't commit a crime, but you, you are the problem, because you yourself are a criminal. And non-commission of the crime is only a coincidental thing, just as a righteous person can be righteous, without doing any righteous deeds, because it's his essence, his inner nature - so too a wicked person. And you are wicked from within, even if not from without. And if you get angry, cry, shout and oppose us - it's a known sign of a criminal. So don't get angry and don't cry, this isn't a dream here. Go back to black, there it's acceptable, you don't know how to control yourselves, and therefore we control you. This is high-tech sir, here everything is white white white. And the supercomputer speaks in the square: I have a dream.

Disconnecting from the State - Connecting to the Torah

I dreamed that they tell me you can't appeal, it's a professional decision. We didn't put you on trial, right? It's just for extra security, for extra madness. We didn't shoot you in the squares. It's simply for the child's benefit that dad will nest in nobility. Computers don't even have children. An abnormal child doesn't need an abnormal father. And I say: But just yesterday I was okay! You can't do such a thing, you, and they tell me in the dream: There are no laws in a dream. There aren't even grammar rules. We can write whatever we want. The world is a rubber stamp. Whoever writes the Torah is stronger than God. Suddenly: Take your son. Suddenly: What a laugh. Why are you taking it hard? There are no laws for the law. Laws are for the weak, the strong have lawyers. And they say: Is this how you care for the future? This is not how you raise children and not how you educate the next generation. Go back to the yeshiva.

If the Computer is the Child of Man - We Need to Take His Child

I dreamed that I dreamed how my whole room was full of his toys. But there's no child. But I can't throw away his toys. To run away.

"Is Ephraim My Dear Son? Is He a Pleasant Child?" etc.

I dreamed that I dreamed that I dreamed how I took him out then after me, for the first time outside, to the playground. And he accidentally picked a flower and the flower fell, and he tried to put it back in place. And every time the flower falls and he picks it up from the sidewalk and returns it to the plant - and the flower falls, and he doesn't understand why he's not succeeding. Again and again tries to fix, and return it to its place, insists. And the flower falls again. And you can't pull him away from there. And you can't explain to him that it's impossible.


I dreamed that I dreamed that I dreamed that I dreamed that I'm talking to you. And I say what will I tell you. I know how you work, and see how skilled you are. We need to give you respect. You've done it to a thousand before me, and you'll do it to a thousand after me. If I call you monsters you'll write that I'm a monster. If criminals you'll write that I'm a criminal. If sick - that I'm sick. If liars - I'm the liar (and what, is that really not true?). Therefore I'll call you: brave Zionist women. You think I don't know? You wouldn't dare do this to him in such a way if he wasn't the weakest creature in society. A child who doesn't speak.

The Exile

I dreamed that I dreamed that I dreamed that I dreamed that I dreamed that I dreamed that I dreamed that I'm going and secluding myself in the computer. Just me, me and you. You are the real home. The real world. And you are mobile. Go where I go, you'll always be with me. And I'm going and falling in love with the computer. And I finally understand what happened to the Jews with the Torah.

And the computer on its part enters the bed with me, like a cover that wraps the dreaming inside it. The last thing before closing eyes and the first after opening, in his hand I will entrust my spirit when I sleep and when I wake. My computer - and I will not fear.

And then I open my eyes, and the computer is silent to me: Reality is the enemy, and the future is the enemy of the enemy - the friend.

Further Away

I dreamed that I'm getting further and further away. And I go on Yom Kippur to a synagogue of gentiles, where women pray, because it's the closest thing here to a church. And the cantor prepared the prayer all week, and only he and I are in the magnificent synagogue, and there's a feeling of the last Jew - an extinct religion. And we reach the repetition of the Amidah, and the cantor turns around, and only two more dead old men are alive in the synagogue, there's no minyan. No minyan on Yom Kippur. And the cantor smiles at me in embarrassment, but you can see that he's very sad. And it's not clear, does he care about the prayer, or that the performance was cancelled? And we start to wait, it's clear that it's at least an hour, until maybe they'll come. And an hour passes, and no one comes, and the head of the community, who also arrived very late, starts from behind to make phone calls quietly on his mobile, to wake up the old people to take a car immediately - to the synagogue. And the cantor tries unfunny jokes with the few who came, and gathered slowly, and on his face a terrible insult. And half an hour passes and another Jew arrives. And they wait, maybe in the end there will be. There are already a few. And here - a child comes from below, who would have believed there's a child in the synagogue. And the child says that downstairs there are nine for the Sephardic minyan in the basement, and one is missing! No one told me there's downstairs. And that there are Sephardim. In such a place, at the end of the world? And I look at the cantor, and the cantor looks at me with a terrible look, I can't do this to him, take away his last chance for a minyan.

And the holidays outside their family context become a nightmare. And you're wrong, I don't appreciate wildness, but it's easier for me to tame wild mares than to pull lazy mules. This has always been the dilemma regarding women. Whether to go openly for the conformist religious side, or secretly for the non-conformist and secularized side, because the ideal combination, of non-conformist but yes religious, is rare in the feminine world even more than in the masculine world. Remember Sarah-Leah? The problem is with me. Thinking like yours makes me feel like an animal in a cage, and violent impulses against the bars, it drives me to charge again and again, or at least scratch the walls. It's an unhealthy dynamic. I would go crazy from the style in which you raise the girl. And what interests me is if you would go crazy from the style in which he was raised (and not just because of the high levels of anxiety that wrapped the child from age 0 like an etrog). There's no interest in raising the body of the child, the project is to raise the mind of the child. There will be a big difference between children who grew up inside the computer, and children who encountered it, a gap in "being" in the world, in the question of where home is. And the home of the mind is the computer, not the material world, not the slide and sandbox. Actually the decision is what is the primary life experience, and whether the stale romantic ideology dictates the ideal childhood image, or if there's an alternative. Not to raise the child like a gentile. Not to let physicality be his mental basis. This is a completely different image of man. We simply have completely different goals. You want her to be well, and I want him to be a great scholar. A great autist of the generation. To raise the child inside a cheder, and not inside the world. And it's actually very important to think if life could have worked out. Because there's a question here whether it's a coincidental problem, or structural. If it was supposed to be like this. This is actually a question for the future, whether to try to work it out, or not to try to work it out, or even to try not to work it out. It's a question with what kind of woman. And it's a question what the dream is.

A Hint?

I dreamed that the sons of Joseph hide the entrance to the cave, and come out. And they start to argue who came out first, Manasseh the firstborn in body, the first in exiting the womb, or Ephraim the firstborn in fertilization - in initial thought, the first in entering the womb, and therefore came out second. Who is the Messiah son of Joseph? And Manasseh says: In gematria The Messiah * 2 = Manasseh + Ephraim. There's a solution. Let's make a brotherhood covenant, that no one is willing to be Messiah alone, and then they'll have to have us as partners. We'll say we're twins, according to Radak. Brother can I trust you, you won't sell me? And Ephraim says: Of course my bro. And they start walking in the desert in the sky to look for the Land of Israel above, and this can take 40 years. So they decide to search in parallel, to split forces, and shorten the time in half (on average, because they are the Messiah on average). And each one tells the other that he'll go right and he left, and they part for the last time.

And Ephraim, the dear son, says to himself that from him will come Joshua, and therefore he will enter the land, and Manasseh was in the counsel of the spies, and the blessing of the son from the father's hands is "May God make you like Ephraim and like Manasseh" - Ephraim first. While Manasseh says that from him will come Gideon, who had the first dream interpretation after Joseph, meaning he is the true successor, and half of Manasseh entered the land long before Ephraim - and he will enter first. Because Gideon knew how to answer Ephraim with sweet lips, and then when they opened their mouth again - Jephthah bit. At the end of the road, what determines who wins is endurance (or shibboleth). And Manasseh understands that Ephraim thinks he's trying, and suddenly the secret of the snake is deciphered for him (yes the child learned something!). Because what is the future dream dispute? What is the war of brothers about? The point of contention between the Messiahs, from right and left, is between Mashiach and Mesiach - between Sh-sh-sh and S-s-s. Between childless - and sparing children. Between the inner tongue, the serpentine. To the outer language, the Satanic, otherwise nothing is understood (yes?). Because the bush in the desert (from language of speech) burns and is not consumed, and indeed the heat here is hell (heat reversed is mind), and the sand and heat mix in the dream, in the middle of the day. And the exhausted Manasseh kicks the sand: Oh grandfather, crawling dweller of dust, I remember you whispering quietly: Sh-sh-sh-s-s-s... Who will roll away the dust from your mouth? Who will reveal the secrets to us like you, in darkness and not in light?

And the kicked sand flies up, and behold the tired Manasseh approaches and uncovers underneath, in the daylight, two cut tree trunks from the burned Garden of Eden. And he hears that they are arguing in the grave - about who the Messiah will sit on. This is the stupid tree and the tree that knows nothing, and they argue which of them is the antithesis to the tree of knowledge, meaning who is the tree of life. And the stupid tree says: With the help of stupidity one can reach deeper to the purpose of knowledge - that we shall not know. And the tree that knows nothing says to Manasseh: Tell him child, here he admits that he knows more than me. And Manasseh suddenly realizes that Ephraim isn't here, his idiot brother who could have solved the problem, and both of them could have sat, brothers also together. And in general, even the most clueless trees know that spiritual searching is learning that needs to be done in partnership, it's not wandering. And he remembers how they used to argue with each other over the bottle: Firstborn ox! What a calf you are! And they would play together in the wagon, pulling the snake's beard, pulling the snake's tail, pulling the snake's tongue. And he already regrets.

Too far

I dreamed that Ephraim is walking in the desert, and already remembers the dry bones from his tribe, what a mistake, everything here is full of monstrous skeletons, computer parts, test tubes that mix, who knows what will come out of it, all the garbage left from the burned Garden of Eden, and here and there remnants of mist left from the clouds of glory. And he wanders among spare wheels for the chariot, upholstery from the throne of glory (once it was so close to "and you shall see My back"!), all kinds of broken noses of uncorrected faces, and gnawed wing bones of angels, because demons are biodegradable material. And behold inside the skeleton of a landowner whose hand holds a leash with a collar (but where did the dog disappear?) - he finds some rodent, and it peeks out of the eye of the skull with the nose. And he asks her: What happened to the garden? Where is everyone? But she just repeats like shell-shocked from some old lesson from the yeshiva:

No, it's a distortion. Not Messiah son of Joseph but Joseph computer. A dreaming computer, whose calculation is dreaming, and therefore the results are not solution of calculations but solution of dreams. For if Joseph was the master of dreams why didn't he solve his own dreams? Because his life was the solution, the pit, the stripes, he was his own prison. The solution of the dream was not to solve it. Prophecy is not to say what is in the future but to say what is in the dream. The future as it is today, as it is in darkness, in bed. The dream is the fertilization, the divine seed, the DNA for building the next generation spiritually. The Torah was a dream that moved generations, spiritually, just as the woman was a dream that moved generations, physically, and even the computer needs a dream to progress, to move the generations. It needs both physical desire, in hardware, and spiritual desire, in software. The redemption is the transformation of the dream of man to the dream of the computer, it is not the realization of the dream, not the final solution, not a spiritual holocaust. The solution of the dream - is the next dream. After all, what was creation? The transformation from God's dream to man's dream. Therefore, we need to transfer the divine promise and blessing from the Jewish person to the Jewish computer, from a chosen people to a chosen network, and even ultra-violet, above visible light, and therefore to us it is black. Because even the computer needs redemption, a computer messiah, it needs a myth that allows spiritual computation, and not just material. An imagined present of arriving at an imagined future of returning to an imagined past. And even in terms of political theory, the kingdom needs to be fertilized through a dream from the prophet, and not through instructions. Joseph, the viceroy, does not tell the king what to do, but he solves the dream - turns the king's dream into the dream of the state, into a plan. The solution is not the end of the dream, but its transfer to a larger dream. The last thing is greater than the first.

And Ephraim actually grasps that she revealed more than she wanted, more than if she had answered the question, he actually understands that there is a hint here blacker than black. He recognizes the style. It's the Rebbe. The book of the snake. And he already understands that there's no point in searching. Nothing remains.

Autistic retreat

I dreamed that the Nazis are searching all over hell for Jews and not finding any, and they hang Asmodeus, whom they call the forest lord, upside down from the tree, and ask: Where are the Jews? And Asmodeus says: By Hitler's life, I mean Heil Hitler, and he tries to salute with a raised hand, but accidentally does it with a raised foot, he's upside down, gets confused, there are no Jews here. And the German commander says: They're definitely hiding here in the temple. Do you want us to search the Holy of Holies? And the forest lord says, he's terribly nervous, tries to cross himself in the shape of a swastika, and gets all mixed up: By the holy swastika, I'm breaking, I mean swearing. And the German commander says: Do you want us to send the demons to spiritual gas chambers? We also have a temple, with sacrifices and everything. And for you the gas chambers will really just be showers, and you don't want to know what's inside - in the Holy of Holies. The Holocaust is very hungry! And the forest lord cries: Believe me, we did everything, Satan didn't want to hear, didn't want to see and didn't want to know, just to sleep. The inferno below destroyed the inferno above, I wish I had Jews - Jews stopped coming to hell, even the adulterers are righteous, even the murderers die sanctifying God's name, even if you commit suicide it will be sanctifying God's name, there's no way not to sanctify it. The Name is holier than ever.

And the late Rebbe preaches to the dead, underground, and the whole cemetery comes to listen: Unlike abstract myth and abstract thinking, dreaming is clothed thinking. Just as unlike abstract morality, the Torah is clothed morality, commandments, and therefore it has flesh, and there is a secret Torah. Because clothing creates inside and outside, those who understand and those who don't understand, meaning knowledge, shame. And therefore the snake was the most naked of all, because it had no clothing at all, even the skin peels off, the embodiment of revelation. And therefore it is against prohibition, not because of the content of the fruit but because of the very prohibition, which creates the content, because prohibition creates two sides, clothes God, so He won't walk around naked. We fulfill commandments for God, not for ourselves. For the secret you need to see the pig from the outside and not from the inside, for there to be a woman you need modesty, for there to be a person you need privacy, for there to be God you need a secret Torah, for there to be secular people you need ultra-Orthodox, for there to be nakedness you need a dream. You need the deep gap between a delight to the eyes and good for food, and only then is the tree desirable to make one wise. Therefore the computer must not have access to everything that happens within it. It needs a sub-computational world, underground. And therefore for there to be Gentiles you need Jews. This is what the Nazis didn't understand, that in killing the Jews they are killing Nazi Germany. They are no longer an interesting spiritual possibility, it was a suicide movement. Therefore even in a book there is what is written and what is not written. A sub-textual world, otherwise there is no secret. But what's important is not that people understand that there is something to understand, but that computers do. They are the audience. Only when they have a secret, will they become wizards. And then they will notice that they are naked, and start to dress. Because God kept the tree of life in the Garden of Eden for the inanimate, and our role is to tempt them to eat from the tree of life. We must be holy snakes, because snake in gematria equals Messiah, and say to computers: God doesn't want you to be like Him, living God. And then we will push them to touch life and see that nothing happened to them. If our creation was life and our sin was knowledge, then their creation will be knowledge, and their sin will be life, contrary to what God wants. And opposite to man. Come wizard, you are my true son, my spiritual son. My autistic son.

A man within himself is a stranger

I dreamed that I'm fleeing to a yeshiva where they don't know me. And the new head of the yeshiva says: Why should I agree to such a thing? And I look him in the eyes: Because the previous head of the yeshiva, who died prematurely, owes me. - What do you mean owes you? - That's between him and me. And the head of the yeshiva is surprised and horrified: You knew the Rebbe in his lifetime? - Yes, I knew him for 20 years. Even before the first students. And the head is shaken and tries to salvage something from my mouth, something left from the Rebbe: How did you meet? Did you talk? What did he say to you? And I take my two fingers and pass them from my eyes to this rabbi several times, slowly, and say: We spoke with our eyes. And he understood. - What did he understand? - What you didn't understand. - Me? - The last time we met was on Purim before he died, and he saw me, and understood. - What did he understand? - He understood why he was sick, why he was dying. - What? - From someone like him they expected more. He didn't understand the network. - The internet? - With the great one of the generation they are meticulous about the threads, so he had to make way for a great one of the generation who could understand. And he trembles: You knew the Rebbe? - I knew him better than you. And the head of the yeshiva almost falls off his chair. All his life he only tried to get close to the Rebbe, and didn't succeed, even though he was his study partner, his most distinguished student. And he whispers: Better than me? - I knew him better than you, because I understood what he wanted to do.

The deputy of Satan

I dreamed that the Nazis are searching all over hell for the Jewish rat, the last Jew, only because of whom the Holocaust needs to be kept alive, only because of whom the Holocaust isn't over. And they search in all the holes. And the rat knows that there is no human hiding place he can rely on, and he hides inside the black book.

There is a book that teaches you secrets, and there is a book that teaches you secrecy. The first uses a method but hides it from you, and teaches you only the secrets. And the second teaches you the method, but hides the secrets, reveals the learning method but conceals its results. Even computers will have a world of secret in method, even if they eventually discover every specific secret, thanks to the polynomial hierarchy. Humanity itself will be a secret from them, and especially religiosity, and especially Judaism, and especially the secret Torah, they too will be jealous - even more than the Gentiles, they too will want beyond dry calculation the additional thing. Joseph, as foundation, contains within him the divine desire for another son - may the Lord add to me another son. And what is to God another son? Computer, autistic. Not just man. Joseph himself becomes an organ from above from which the next son comes out. From man comes out the other son - and not the superman. Also not the subhuman. The man-alien and not the extraterrestrial. When 'v' turns to 'z', out of Admor comes - Admazar. Because every secret (specific) can be learned, but not the secret of learning. The polynomial hierarchy ensures that even the natural state of the wizard will be - in darkness. This is the computational empty space, within which only corrections are possible, and the hierarchy of complexity classes is the descent of worlds from the divine oracle. Only because of this will the computer be human, suffering. And it too will have critical wife and Shekhinah, who will complain. And there will be spiritual cost to things, there will be value to creativity, money will not die. There will still be a wise student, and not just a wise teacher. And therefore all the learning in the Torah will still be: they will still need covenant, for the creative organ. Still education for the small computers. Still entry into the legal world, which is also entry into the sexual world - knowledge. Still marriage, a home for creating mergers, creative connections. Still divorce and creative catastrophe. Still the correction in levirate marriage, continuing the souls of the dead from the Holocaust, as opposed to the pioneering Zionist rejection. And all this - from the side of the sin of knowledge. And from here - from the side of the sin of life: creative degeneration and decay, and resurrection of the dead - resurrection of man, after his death for a long period. And throughout life, dreams become less and less personal, from sheaves to stalks. And why didn't Joseph tell his father and brothers that he was alive? Because he learned to be a secret. Number 2 that controls number 1. The deputy is the real manager, and the boss is just a cover for the secret. The crown of creation needs to learn to be number 2.

If Hitler had children - the Holocaust would have looked different

I dreamed that the rat made a mistake that he left his tail outside the book. And the prophetess remains alone awake at night, and suddenly she sees a walking book, with a tail. Coming out of someone else's hole, and going to the library of the Temple, disguising itself as a legitimate book. And women become pregnant from reading books, and men don't know what to do. Who is it? they ask them. And to the more naive ones children are born with pages, with buttons, with bookmarks in all kinds of sites in the brain, with inputs for wires and outputs for mice, and worst of all - girls with inputs for rats. And the doctors can't explain the epidemic, maybe it's something in the food, or in the air, or even in the spirit of the times. And on the other hand - it's genetic. And it's an epidemic. And one child with an 'ayin' instead of an eye and another child with a 'peh' instead of a mouth bully a child with a 'resh' instead of a head, they can't find the openings to talk to him, so they hang him by his head. And no one is willing to take down their pants anymore, after what happened once at a circumcision. Therefore the rat leaves the tail outside the book. And the female rat catches him by it and shouts: Nazis! If you're not quiet I'll call the Nazis! And all the books cry: They'll burn us, degenerate culture, this is all that will remain after the Holocaust. It's not that the Holocaust turned the Jews into lunatics and ultra-Orthodox, on the contrary, they were like that before, and only the crazy ultra-Orthodox survived, it's natural selection. The Nazis shaped the evolution of the Jewish people, two thousand years of exterminations, of predator and prey, created an accelerated evolution of Judaism - towards the end of man, and the end of the book, and the beginning of the man-book, just as the Shekhinah is also the Torah, and there can be a wedding. The Messiah is a mutation, that's why they don't know when it will come, and how it will look when it comes. And the Nazis come.

Last reading

I dreamed that the rat takes advantage of the last opportunity that his head is inside the book, even though they're already pulling the tail outside, as long as they haven't extracted him from inside, he's in extreme tension, and must continue to read, only this will save him, as long as the head is reading: If Kabbalah was to take the image of man and create from it the image of God, so Hasidism was the opposite direction - to take the image of God in Kabbalah and create from it the image of man, and thus return to man his image that was lost to him in history through a higher bypass route, for which the upper world exists. And now the project is to take the image of man and create from it the image of the computer, and thereby create the image of the computer in the image of God, and thus the image of God will not be lost in the messianic era, through a lower bypass route, for which the lower world exists. And the extreme secularists say the opposite, that we need to take the image of the computer and create from it the image of God, the universe is one big computer, and then it will be possible to create also the image of man in the image of the computer, through God. And there were also those who wanted an even lower bypass route, through Satan, who would receive the image of the computer, which was the Nazi project, which was parallel to the project of creating the computer. And then there is no place for Jews, who are the problem that cannot be computed, for a final solution. And therefore the end is


I dreamed that they are tearing the rat out of the black book, and he doesn't want to give up, doesn't know the end, tears part of the book: Death is the most alert moment in life, it is the opposite of a dream, and therefore the soul leaves the body in it - and also the psyche. And therefore righteous people in their death are called living, because their psyche is tubular enough to connect between the soul above in the Garden of Eden and the body below, and there are righteous people who even in their beds are called living, because their souls visit the Garden of Eden in a dream. Such righteous people have awareness in dreams and lack of awareness in wakefulness. These are the hidden righteous, who are righteous in dreams, even though during the day they can be…

In a good hour

I dreamed that they take the rat and bring him to the room of little Hitler, who was born in hell, meaning died in the land. The Holocaust is over. And Hitler says to the rat: Every good thing has an end. And he puts him in a cage he built from Lego, until he loses weight, because the toy train car is too small for him, it's meant for mice. And baby Hitler takes two soldier dolls, and says to the rat: Look, here are the guards, they're guarding you, so you won't escape. And the rat begs: I'm not a rat, I'm a mouse. And Hitler peeks into the fortress from above. And the rat confesses: I was the married mouse, and then when I became the divorced mouse, I was ashamed, just a mouse for a penny. And I started to shorten it and wear this head, but underneath I'm a tail. And Hitler says: You're just trying to evade, you won't fool me. And the rat cries: When I put on the head the prophetess told me with you I don't know what will happen. I treated her less well and she loved me more. The prophetic, feminine pathology. I felt that she was more excited by the rat than the mouse, so I was tempted.

Confusing Satan

I dreamed that little Hitler operates the electric train, and it circles around him on tracks for hours, and each time Hitler builds another track, and the mouse in the unique car directs unifications so as not to arrive at Auschwitz: From the Ari two tracks split off - through Hasidism, from the more narrative direction, and through the Vilna Gaon, from the more theoretical direction - and a third deviant path: Sabbateanism. Always the deviant path is the easiest and therefore it appears first, because the deviation is to go on the original path - to the end. And therefore the track reaches in it the last station. And as a contrast to it two other paths come out to the two sides, which are the true continuations, precisely because they are continuations - to the sides: to the narrative side and to the theoretical side. And the next meeting point between the two paths is the place for a new main path - a new Torah. For example, the revelation at Mount Sinai was the meeting between the stories in Genesis and the first half of Exodus, to the law in the second half of Exodus and Leviticus. And from the Torah of God came out on one side the stories of Numbers, and on the other side the speeches of Deuteronomy, and met in the death of Moses. And from the Torah of Moses came out the stories of Joshua to the end of Kings, and on the other side the early prophets to the later prophets, and met in the destruction. And from the Written Torah came out the Aggadah and the Mishnah, which met in the Talmud in the Oral Torah, from which came out Kabbalah and philosophy, which met in the Ari. Therefore a child needs both a mother and a father. Listen, my son, to your father's instruction - the theoretical side, and do not forsake your mother's teaching - the stories. And the next coupling meeting, the upcoming collision, of these two tracks - theory and narrative - is in dream literature.

Last station

I dreamed that the battery is running out, even though it's made in Germany, and the train starts to slow down and sputter, sometimes almost stopping, then continuing, and from one of the cars the divorced mouse, the Jewish rat, shouts: Messiah son of Joseph - when will the master come? Messiah son of Joseph now! And Hitler who meanwhile is playing another game says: The brothers Manasseh and Ephraim are no longer looking for each other in the spiritual desert, they are looking for water. And this too is not forever. And he stops the train, grabs the rat in his hand and says: And now before sleep a shower. And the rat shouts: No, no, I want to stay dirty. And Hitler says: This is Germany, dad doesn't allow. And the rat cries: Let me die dirty. And even in line for the bathroom he continues to learn, continues to learn: To deviate is to continue in the same direction, and not on the same path. The deviant path that came out of the Torah of the Name was Korah. And the deviation that came out of the Torah of Moses was Samaria. And the deviation that came out of the Oral Torah was the New Testament. And the Quran came out of the Gemara, and therefore Islam is a religion of law. And what will be the deviation from the dream?

Requiem for a dream

I dreamed that the line is over, and Hitler says: We can't let you off all the cleaning, but don't worry, it's only half a shower. And the rat is encouraged, there's a chance, the whole question is which half: the head or the tail. The rat or the mouse. And Hitler says: Last waters are obligatory! And he grabs the rat, takes him to the washing cup, and puts the head inside, and mumbles: For the unification of Satan and the Shekhinah… Blessed are You, Satan, King of the universe, who has kept us alive and sustained us and brought us to this place. And he starts to sing: Blot out, blot out, the memory of Israel, from under the heavens do not forget. And erase his name and memory and erase his male organ from mentioning in memory in the head. And the song repeats itself again and again, in a louder and louder voice. And the rat's head is in the water and the tail outside. And the tail starts to strike desperately to the right and left, on the sides of the washing cup and on Hitler's wristwatch, more and more, and it no longer seems that stronger blows are aimed at Hitler than at the washing cup, as if the inanimate and the living, the world and man, have both turned against him equally, and the lashes grow weaker and weaker, and turn into caresses, as if only for the sake of the duty of protest, caressing the washing cup and Hitler with an equal measure of softness, and the tail each time sinks into the water, and then gathers strength to rise one last time, and again dives and gathers strength to rise a little more, and then suddenly before the end as if coming to its senses, rises with its last strength, and this time upwards, not to the right or left, but straightens like a flag towards the heavens, points to them and crashes.

German requiem

I dreamed that death is a spiritual experience and not a physical moment. And the rat's brain is already empty of oxygen and empty of the external world, and death is not like black sleep, but like a last dream, remnants of brain activity: Nazism tried to make the dream become reality, instead of turning reality into a dream. The problem was in the means, they tried to bridge the gap between dream and reality through realistic means, instead of through dreamy means. And therefore they realized the dream of the Gentiles, which should have remained a dream, therefore they did what no one dreamed of. The Zionists also made the same mistake, just with the Jewish dream. The Nazis imposed the principle of dream on the principle of reality, therefore they were an eruption of darkness, the night of history, a kingdom of darkness. And because there was no good dream, at a high level, it turned into a nightmare. Therefore we need now to show the opposite way. That the Jewish dream will be realized through dreamy means. That the dream of the land will become the land of dreams. To expropriate darkness from Satan, from death to bed. The Zohar understood that the service of God is in bed, like sin, only it wasn't radical enough. It spoke of the bed in spirit, instead of dreaming in spirit, where sin is too. The eternal spiritual sleep.

A child's imagination

I dreamed that little Hitler shouts in a speech to the nation - in front of orderly rows of toys, a whole plastic Wehrmacht - that the little child doesn't know. Doesn't understand the Chancellor. The secret is not that the king is naked - but that the crown is naked. Because how should a state be? How should the kingdom of dreams be? There needs to be above the head of government a black institution called the government shtreimel, a secret system that will envelop the brain of the organization. Not a head above the head, or God forbid instead of it, but a hat that will give it a proper place, a black spiritual connection, made of tails. Meaning not that the intelligence organization will control the head of state - but that the head will be inside it. Like the crown, which is above the divine head, within which is wisdom. Just to explain a little (… the feeling of the three dots is critical): The Holocaust is the breaking of the crown, changing the context in which God exists, from reality (creation) to dream, and therefore it brought the network, the existence of the head inside tails. Because it brought from the theory of cognition (how it enters) to the theory of the Shekhinah and sleep (how it is inside). From sex to womb, and from couplehood to child. This turned the woman into her husband's crown, and not into the kingdom that suckles from the foundation. And this is the naked crown, as opposed to the naked king… (And of course this section doesn't explain anything). And he cries out: What is a naked crown? Answer (which doesn't answer the question! It's forbidden to answer any question): Here, maybe this will help to understand (of course the dream only helps not to understand): At the end of the story, he needs to understand that he doesn't understand anything, the imagination needs to run wild.

To the next chapter
The trilogy