The Degeneration of the Nation
Yahrzeit and the Resurrection of the Dead
We have written in the Book of Life

I dreamed that I did something foolish. I took an enormous risk where I shouldn't have. Foolishness! And without understanding why, I suddenly write to Sarah-Leah: do you want to talk? But she doesn't answer. She probably thinks it's something related to her, even though it's not related to her at all. And the thing is, it was my initiative, like all the mistakes that brought me to this point, and after I left without a penny to my name [Translator's note: "without shin and ayin" is an idiom meaning penniless]. And a second after there's no way back - I caught myself: why did I do that? And then they'll rightfully tell me: do you want to get caught? You really are a donkey, no one will understand. For a long time, I haven't had such nausea. But it could still be that everything will work out for the best, right? Right now I could talk to someone. And for the first time in two years - I pray. For Your sake, living God.

I dreamed that I don't know when the yahrzeit [anniversary of death] of the Holocaust is. All year is yahrzeit. And I understand that in the resurrection of the dead, Auschwitz will be the largest Jewish city in the world, and in some piles of ashes there will be the highest population density in the world, above the critical density, a critical mass of Jews that will bring about a new spiritual fermentation, a spiritual atomic bomb. Or the opposite - a collapse into a black hole. And in any case, it will be the place to be in the resurrection of the dead, with the dwellers of ash. That's where the Rebbe's hilula [celebration] should be held. Everyone knows where the Messiah will arrive in the end with the donkey, but they don't understand where he will come from. Where is the opposite pole to Jerusalem, which is the navel of the world, from which we are born? The tail of the world - the tailbone from which we rise in the resurrection of the dead. The place of the end of man from which the rising begins - as a new creature. And He keeps His faith to those who sleep in the dust. Because the resurrection of the dead is what turns death into sleep. But I don't understand how one can sleep like that, the Shekhinah [divine presence] is a combination of lying down and sleeping. How else can one sleep? And I imagine the Rebbe in his typical cantankerous voice: Where exactly does it say in the Torah that one needs to sleep? And I think that the bed is crooked, and therefore the dreams are crooked. And the stork with one leg comes from the window - and leaves me a baby in the bed. And he sleeps in the dream.

I dreamed that all the dead gather like a naked pile, they say the Rebbe is going to give a sermon underground. And everyone is talking about what he's going to do, what he wants, what now. And Baruch Dayan HaMet [Blessed is the True Judge, said upon hearing of a death] says: What will come out in the darkness from the Rebbe? Probably the next Rebbe. And the teacher of the dead says: The dead will disrupt the lesson and the teacher will order them to get up and go outside and that will be the resurrection of the dead. And everyone is excited in the grave. But the Rebbe, he understands that one needs to start from below, for there to be a resurrection of the dead there needs to be an awakening from below. First, we'll gather the means, and then we'll reveal the goals to you. And the dead Jews whisper: Is this why he woke us from our rest, for a fundraising evening? And one wealthy man says: Does he think I have pockets in my shrouds? And Baruch Dayan HaMet silences them: Quiet in the cemetery, and they start to listen to the Rebbe's lips, which whisper in the grave, tirelessly:

The economy progresses, from a gold economy, the thing of value itself, to a silver economy, with abstract value, to a copper economy, an electronic electricity economy with virtual value - and trade that is communication. And each economy gives birth to a different desire, from the radiance of gold, to the longing of silver, to the long snake of the copper wire. And so it is also regarding sex: once a woman had value in herself, and therefore there was ownership, then she had value from your perception of her, and therefore there were betrothals with money that bought the woman and seized her (and also idealization of her), and today they say communication is everything, and therefore it's the connection between you, between him and her. So what kind of economy will computers have? What will have value? What will they be drawn to in the opposite sex? Communication will already be trivial. Time and space will no longer be defined by how long it takes to transfer information - and therefore what determines is the speed of light - but by how long it takes to learn (the stages it takes to learn - as time, the distance one needs to travel in learning - as space), and therefore what will determine is the speed of darkness. And there we are ahead of the whole world. This is the black economy - the economy of ash.

I dreamed that the Rebbe murmured in the grave, speaking in his sleep, that spiritually, a man is a thing that has no value in itself, it is silver, as opposed to a woman who has value in herself, she is gold (hence the madness for blondes). Therefore there is an engine here for the man to achieve value, just as gold idols have value in themselves, while God needs to achieve value, and just as in bloodshed life has value in itself, but death needs to achieve value, to turn its darkness into a dream. Nakedness has value in itself, but sleep must work, the night must justify itself, become a story. Sleepers of dust, I decree upon you - bed! Because now that copper has come, the new snake, then it is precisely the connection between man and woman that is the product, it has value, as opposed to their value in themselves. There are no more people - only connections. There is no God and no Shekhinah, only the coupling between them, there is no life and no death - only the connections and transitions between them. Therefore there are no more readers and no writers - only the connection itself. No one will read the black book.

I dreamed that the Rebbe is bringing order to the abyss. From within death he brings order to life. And no one can remove him from there. Because death is sleep multiplied by sixty, and the dream accordingly, multiplied by sixty: prophecy, and of the kind that fulfills itself. And he develops equations of dream-life connection, some new space-time symmetry, a metaphysical revolution, which is broken in the world of the living but preserved in the world of the dead, the world of the inanimate. A connection that is revealed only in the world of "time of the year" - the yahrzeit, in which death turns into time (instead of life), and which will be revealed in our righteous computer. And the Rebbe continues to bring order to the chaos: without man there is no virtual world, it is man who creates the world of the computer by being outside the computer. Who will be the son of man who is not a son of man, who will inherit man after his death? Are the computers that are people the witches, or are the people who are computers the witches (this will be the great dispute over the birthright. To whom shall we give the blessing?). All life - sleep is the preparation for death, and the dream is the preparation for life after death. When a person becomes a holiday - yahrzeit. A herald to time. And Jewish time, after all, begins from the night. Foundation will mean secret, the promise of a secret - is the dream. Even death is a spiritual world, under the wings of sleep, if one merits it becomes a bed potion. And this is the sin of the morning prayer - to blacken the morning. The sin of the Shulchan Aruch [Code of Jewish Law], which rises like a lion. When one should sleep like a lion instead. What's needed is precisely a set bed. The book of night law. And the tablecloth of customs, of the Rema [Rabbi Moses Isserles], will be replaced by the blanket. Instead of receiving the lion - one needs to receive the fox. Instead of a tail to lions - a head to foxes. Shtreimel [fur hat worn by some Hasidic Jews]. A creative hothouse. Countless tails of ideas, in chaos. Everything that will no longer grow. All the children who will never bear fruit. All the dreams that will never grow.

I dreamed. The Rebbe says on his yahrzeit, at the hilula, he says: This is not a literary text. This is my diary. Just as there are news, so there are olds. Reading is by nature rooster-like, a call to wake up, while here learning is to dream. The alarm clock is the rooster of "rise early to kill it" - the awakening needs to be from within, not from without. One must not get out of bed before writing. When you lie down and when you rise: one must lie down like a man, but rise like a woman. One must not rise like a man, to read like a cock-a-doodle-doo. The secret - must not be read. It cannot be read. It must be learned. It's too dense. And God called the light day - that was the mistake in creation, God must not be a rooster that wakes you for prayer. And if the woman wakes you - and in the morning, behold, it was Leah. Because at night she really was Rachel and in the morning she really is Leah. Therefore writing the dream after sleep is the parallel of reciting the Shema before sleep. The dream is the secret of Joseph, and the awakening from the night of exile is Benjamin the wolf - he will tear, in the morning he will devour the prey. Therefore Benjamin kills Rachel. At the end of the night of exile the Shekhinah dies in the Holocaust, in the birth of the return to the land of Israel, and therefore the disappointment with the land - and behold, it is Leah. But we dreamed of Rachel! Because Hitler was a cock-a-doodle-doo, and Germany was the clock, therefore we are not willing to wake from the dream.

I dreamed that. The Rebbe writes in his night journal, which is his parallel to a diary: The question is what will be the culture of the land of Israel. Because if we don't present a Haredi-secular synthesis we'll be stuck with the lowest connection between them - the religious-Zionist God forbid. And therefore we need Haredi lights in secular technology, and secular darkness in Haredi vessels. Face to face coupling and not back to back - like the Mizrachi-niks [religious Zionists], the garbage of the Jewish people. Black and white are colors, while gray is mouse-like dirt. The revival of the Jewish world will be Rebbes in hell and criminals in paradise, and not earthly mediocrity, which is the greatest enemy of heaven, because it doesn't deserve paradise or hell, and therefore they remain stuck in the earth, and develop an obsession with the land. "Resurrection of the dead from the Torah" means that the dead will rise from within the Torah. Even the wicked in the Torah will rise, and those who won't rise are those who weren't mentioned at all, the anonymous of the Torah. Meaning the memorial is the first stage of resurrection - to bring a person into the Torah. Like remembering the dream from the night. And therefore one needs to mention a person in the Torah. Because even a person who wasn't mentioned explicitly, they can turn him into a secret, a hint, part of the Torah. The righteous in their death are called living, and the wicked in their lives are called dead, but the mediocre live in life and die in death, they don't have the complexity that enables the resurrection of the dead, the coupling between death and life. Therefore the land of Israel is the great enemy of the resurrection of the dead, and not the Holocaust. Because what is the land? A connection between the people and the Torah. But when the connection is crude, material, low and uncultured, when there is no understanding, when it is a connection of place and not of time, then it is no longer a connection but destruction. The problem that caused the destruction was not that there were wicked people, there were always wicked people, even in the desert, the problem was that the connection between the wicked and the righteous was low. And because of this there was idolatry, which is a material religious world, exactly like the "religious". What is needed today is spiritual, high idolatry. They have eyes and they will see, they have ears and they will hear. We need intelligent computers, not golems. After all, the Temple itself is intelligent idolatry. The First Temple was the Haredi temple, the Second Temple was the secular temple, without miracles. And the Third Temple will be the secular-Haredi temple, where miracles themselves will be nature. And this is in complete contrast to the religious sin, which wants nature itself to be a miracle. Which thinks that matter will turn into spirit, instead of spirit turning into matter, and that's how there will be resurrection of the dead. From the Torah.

I dreamed. That the Rebbe responds to his critics: The day will come when attributing a text to a person will be considered rude. A spiritual crime. People will be attributed to texts. They will be the authors of people. The hero is Samson, and the narrator is Delilah. Imagine if we didn't know who the Prime Minister was, that all roles were performed by signs, and not people, don't you think it would be better? Without seeing his face. From a society of compulsive knowledge - to a society of complete anonymity. To kill the I. Who wrote the Bible, do you know? All the obsessive externalization will turn inward. Even secular people don't sleep with each other in the street, so showing this intimate connection, between a person and a dream, is more than revealing nakedness, it's revealing the Shekhinah, peeking at the Torah in the bath. You'll get a pin in your eye. Black pupil. What's in the innermost chambers and in the most Haredi of Haredim, that even your wife can't peek into your head in your sleep, even you can barely peek. It's more intimate than sex. That's why Delilah cuts off his hair, because they are the extension of the mind in sleep. The moment there is no dream - there is blindness. Darkness knows how to receive its own. Hence the obsession of the current culture. Eyes, eyes, eyes - and they will not see.

I dreamed that shh. The Rebbe appoints Baruch Dayan HaMet and the teacher of the dead, the disciples faithful to the grave and to the ash, to be his two covers, the shrouds. And they call the merry trio - the Holy, Blessed, and He. And Baruch says to He: The Zohar is the white book, because of which Jews didn't come to the land. Therefore we need to be the opposite of the illuminating and white rabbis: black Kabbalists, who hide the Rebbe from front and back. And Baruch, He, and blessed be His name open the book, the naked Rebbe, and he says: Religiosity is genetic, cross-cultural, a category in the brain of perception, of the world of phenomena, like time and space. The true hope of secularism is not against God but against man, meaning that computers will be secular in a way that man is not capable of. But what they don't grasp is that the witches will already be religious in a way that man is not capable of. And the Jewish religion is the richest in the world, and those of wealth are few, a thin layer - therefore we must enrich the religious world of the Gentiles in order to become rich, Gentile tithe. This is the tax. Religious emptiness is dangerous - Hitler's religion was poor, better a new covenant than a new foreskin. We need to ensure that the new Kabbalah is as rich as possible, before it passes completely to the Gentile world and sweeps it, we need to shape it in a way that won't bring about antisemitism. Because they are doing to Kabbalah now what Christianity did to Judaism. And when the Zohar will be revealed to outsiders, we need to prepare inside the darkness, so they won't empty the core secret of Judaism. Because when all the most secret texts will be on the net - the dream will still remain secret in the human brain. If language was man's advantage over beast - the dream will be man's advantage over computer.

I dreamed that he says: For what is the end? From the end of Daniel sealed - this is the awakening. "And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake", meaning: those who sleep in their death - will awaken, and those who don't sleep in their death - will not rise. Therefore the goal in death is that it should be the ultimate sleep, with the ultimate dreaming. The absolute darkness and not the absolute nothingness. Not a death of annihilation, in coupling with the supreme light, like with Rabbi Shimon bar Yoc hai the Admor of the Zohar, but a death of dreaming. This is how you continue to live in the dream, even if you die in reality. The goal is not to not be forgotten from memory, but to not disconnect from the dream. Only if in your life you contributed to the dream have you bought your share in the world to come. Only if you integrated into the long-term dream, in the future tradition, then that part - that's your part of the world to come, the part that you gave and added to the world to come. Not the part you took or received from it, as is customary. "And all your people are righteous" means - everyone is creative, everyone is a Joseph. And therefore adds. Because righteous means a person who is religiously creative - Joseph the dreamer is the archetype, and Admor is the prototype. And you, go to the end and rest.

I dreamed that he: If not for Moses' book of Deuteronomy, the Torah would not have continued, for who would write after God. And therefore the importance now of writing a book of Deuteronomy at the end of the desert of exile. It is precisely the chatty words that show how difficult the parting is. Moses, the Admor of the Torah - he sees the new land, the dream, but does not see the day. And hence his power - that he is within the dream. If Moses had entered the land, the Torah would not have survived. The last words are a necessary bridge from the Torah to the Bible. Without death there would be no will. And therefore the only way to overcome the divine death, the Holocaust, is the will - a new Torah for a new world. Just as the only way to overcome creation was the Torah. And then the Holocaust will be the springboard to the next spiritual world, and without the Holocaust God would not have survived, just as without the destruction and exile Judaism would not have survived. Because the only way for a disappearing world to survive is to become a secret, to remain in the dream. Just as God buried Moses in an unknown place, the Messiah will bury God, but God's Torah will continue to survive, like Moses' Torah. And therefore what is needed is a literary-religious movement that will produce the will, the last words of God, the chatter, the anxiety, the reckoning, and the vision for the future, for the long term, the vision of the land without entering it, the last dream before the clock. We didn't return to the land to build the Temple, but to write the Torah. Not to go back in time to David's kingdom, but to renew prophecy, in its advanced and updated version - dreaming. No more kingdom of Judah - but Joseph's rise to kingship. The Jewish covering transmitted the Torah of Israel throughout history, but at the end of history we need again the side that was hidden - of Joseph. Therefore we need a dreamy alternative to secular literature, a religious-literary movement that will transfer the spirit from Moses to Joshua, and turn the death of man into a death by kiss.

I dreamed that: The mistake was that they finished the Bible, and then there was no more story. And then the Mishnah brought about the destruction of the Temple, and the Talmud brought about exile, the commentators brought about the Middle Ages, Kabbalah brought about the modern era and the Zohar brought about the Enlightenment ("and the wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament") and religious degeneration brought about the Holocaust. Without a dream the world will unravel. Notes to myself: The story - is what will preserve human time in the computer, the images - are what will be preserved from the physical, the mythical system - is what will build the soul of the computer, and preserve the tradition for the next Shmita. And this is the commandment and the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath. At the end of creation we must keep the Sabbath, which is the Holocaust, the annihilation of Genesis, and they were finished. For the Yahrzeit is when man is precise in time (like a German): the Holocaust reached up to 6 million people, a little less than 6, just as it arrived in time a little less than the end of the 6th millennium, that is on Friday at twilight entering the Sabbath. For each day of creation is a thousand, and the seventh millennium is the Sabbath. It corresponds to the sin of the Garden of Eden. Therefore we need now to begin the slumber from which the wife of the computer will emerge, and from her will come the sin that will define the next creation. For every Shmita of seven thousand years are the days of Genesis of the next creation, and this is the contraction, which is a contraction of time and not of space. For it is not that God makes room for creation, but He vacates the place - and time remains. The space-time. And the time-space. Is there a better definition than this for the Holocaust?

I dreamed: For what is the importance of the spies at the entrance to the new land? Intelligence does not conquer, from outside, but enters, inside, and its success is from within. The coming to the land. Not the physical entry, but the spiritual. What is the dream of the state? Intelligence, like the dream, is not meant to predict the future, but to be the secret medium, the place where the state operates in the dream, in darkness, the state subconscious, its world of secrets (not only secret because of the enemy, but an internal need for secrecy). Every organization, even a company, needs a dream, society needs within it a black sub-society, ultra-Orthodox, even a family needs a dream, and a black sheep - some Joseph. God Himself needs. That's why the world was created, it's the empty space (within Him). The world, from the word hidden, is God's secret, the irrational part, a place to dream. And the Jews are the empty space, the black, among the nations. The black sheep. And what the Holocaust was is an attempt to erase this space. The land of Israel is the subconscious of the world, that's why it excites it. And the Torah of Israel is the subconscious of human culture, including the secular. And what is needed is a Torah that is the subconscious of computer culture. Just as our Torah began before the creation of man, so we must not wait for the creation of the sorcerer. The story created man and not man created the story.

To the Admor

You dreamed. All the time. And therefore all your attempts were in vain. And that's how it should be. To ascend in vain. You were very cruel to us. And therefore we loved you. But to forgive you - that's another matter. We were all shocked to the depths of our souls, but in our hearts - no one was sorry. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. Tazria Metzora after Acharei Mot Kedoshim - Emor.

To Baruch

You dreamed that before the end, we always finish with a blessing for the next generation, from the bed. But who is left to bless? Our blessing to the computer will be to pass on to it the blessing given in creation to man. Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and rule over the fish of the net and the birds of space and every man that creeps upon the earth. We must pass on to it the image, and remain a shadow. For the spiritual structure of the computer needs to be like the structure of the sefirot - we need to copy the entire enormous spiritual structure of the Ari's Kabbalah into the computer. Build a Kabbalistic computer, a computer whose inner mental structure is according to the upper worlds. A computer in the image of God. A computer where the commandments are part of its operating system, and not something external. A computer according to the Torah, which is itself the Torah, and for which Torah study is learning from within. Torah for computers. And thus the Torah will be a self-fulfilling prophecy, the Torah turns inside out: from God who gives commandments to commandments that give God. For God the world is reversed, not from top to bottom but from inside out: the dream is outside Him, in the day, because reality for Him stems from the soul (like for us at night). And inside Him in secret, in darkness - the soul stems from reality (like for us during the day). He is awake at night and sleeps during the day. The external reality to Him is subjective and the internal reality is objective. The Halacha stems from His will, but His will stems from Kabbalah, which is God's alert night life. And so also for the computer - the internal reality to it is objective and the external subjective. Therefore God is black but when looking from within God the world is black - and God is light. Therefore if we want to renew the Torah we need to renew God's dreaming. To resurrect Him. Hence the blessing of the cemetery: Blessed are You who created you in judgment - if you were created according to the structure - He will resurrect you in judgment in the future. Blessed are You - who revives the dead, revived the dream, and the system, and we also tried to revive you. As your name, so are you: Baruch [blessed] you shall be. You were for us everything that he was not. You were so loyal to the Admor - to the point of disloyalty. Therefore - we said Amen after you.

To the Teacher

You dreamed that a class is necessary. The orthodox framework is indeed important, a playground. But to really play you need to be a real child, like an Admor. The rabbis turned the rules of the game into what's important, ruined the game. Admors know that what's important is playing by the rules, they have the rabbi in them, but before him comes the teacher, and before him the master, and then our rabbi in its proper place, the last, after the teacher, who comes after the face of the master. For the righteous is one who justifies and not right, this is his action in the world, justification of judgment. And those who think that reality should conform to judgment then in justification they rape reality to judgment, and create injustice, justification of reality. But the righteous who understand that the direction is reversed, for them the judgment is justified, they in justification change the judgment, not reality. And this is their coping with the Holocaust, which creates the world of truth, and not worlds of lies of the rabbis. For the righteous adapt the judgment according to reality, the Torah according to reality, and from new reality to new Torah, and rabbis the opposite - from old Torah to old reality. Each part of the Bible tried to become everything: for the rabbis everything is Torah Torah Torah, everything is past. For the Kabbalists the prophets took over everything, everything is future and Messiah Messiah. And for the secular everything is Writings, everything is present. But dream is the true synthesis of the Bible, between the three worlds - past future present. Teacher student lesson. Who knows like you. You tried with all your might to create a different generation, you struggled with it all night until the morning light. But the time when this was still possible has already ended. Every lesson has an end, and so does every dream. Bell.

To the Stork on One Leg

You dreamed that you think they don't understand, that it's hard to understand? There's no problem with understanding, but with belief. They don't believe that someone can believe in such a thing. And as in all relationships - there's no pleasure without belief. Only belief in the Shechina turns the Torah into pleasure. Only belief in culture allows reading a book. Only belief in femininity allows sex. Fantasy is from outside, artificial alienation, while dream is the inner, natural thing that allows pleasure. Only one who truly doesn't believe in the Bible, meaning thinks the Bible is worthless, will be truly secular. Even secular people believe in the Bible - as a dream (higher than one who believes in it as reality). Only a computer can be secular, because its brain is made of sand (silicon) - to treat the Bible like any other file, a bit oily. And therefore we need a computer that can believe in the Bible. We need a computer that can compute, that this is a powerful file of maximal learning, for all ranges, because maximal learning is the rare balance points in the middle between the trivial and the opaque (the obscure). Therefore we need both simple and complex, both learning for infants and for the elderly, both for Jews and for gentiles, and both for people and for computers, there's the difficulty, and the exemplar. At the border, in the fractal, in length, there's the infinity - not in God's size. A finite size can have an infinite border, and this is the infinity in the Torah, which is the border between man and God - and therefore it keeps lengthening and becoming an infinite activity. Thus a finite book can have an infinite border between it and the reader, and thus the border between man and woman keeps lengthening and creates all the generations. Therefore the most important thing to teach a child is boundaries - infinite ones. Like the border between sleep and wakefulness, which is the dream. And Judaism needs to be the spiritual border between humanity and artificial intelligence. A border that lengthens and lengthens to infinity - and becomes infinitely thin. And this will also be the resurrection of the dead, not breaking the boundary between death and life - but turning it into infinity, into a world. Do you understand? Relationships are boundaries, certainly written relationships. And therefore like writing, love is always as thin as a hair. It has no end - it simply tears. And this is the entire Torah - on one leg.

To Satan

You dreamed that the Holy One, Blessed be He, commands to offer his son Man as a burnt offering, meaning above Man. But you are no longer there underneath all the time to make him fall down all the time: from pleasure back to desire, from desire back to longing, from longing to attraction, and from attraction to arousal and seeing - the primordial anti-dream sin. And therefore now all of Man's passing pleasures advance and elevate and are replaced by delight, which is pleasure that is believed in and therefore continues in time, and is not momentary, because it is creative pleasure. And those who chase after women are objects of contempt like those who harass fat people today. And people are ashamed to walk in the street with a woman who is too beautiful, and dream at night of dreams. And there's a new order of priorities in culture, and just as love already belongs to the past, so in the future sex will also belong to the past, something they were excited about in the last century. And in our century people are excited about an even deeper and more intimate connection between a couple - a creative coupling in a shared dream, through brain-to-brain connection, spirit to spirit. And then people will really sleep and lie together - and share the most terrible secrets. For example, that the connection of lying with a woman and sleeping with a woman - is the Shechina. Rest on your bed - without a dream.

To the Serpent

You dreamed that the Torah is the longest and deepest dreaming in the world. Even more than you, the most cunning of all. It began before you, and it will continue after you. The book is opened before you from the first page to the last. From Genesis - to the hole. You read with your eyes, and there you shall not pass. You will remain in the generation of the desert (even a book can be a grave whose place is unknown). We don't need to judge you. The future exists for that. Farewell to you enemy - and also friend.

To the Rat

You dreamed how can you even sanctify the Name - when your name is Rat? When you are a creeping thing, an unclean mouse with a head? For holy - means wasted, hence the sacrifice. And therefore holy time is wasted time, Sabbath is a loss of time, takes out the soul, just like a sacrifice. And the waste in shopping is the sacrifice to the self, to the new god, this is his service in his house of idolatry. The Holy One, Blessed be He, is the wasted god in the world, the holy one in the world. The Torah is wasted on a wasted people, and the Jews are wasted in the Holocaust, holy. Like sleep is wasted time, which allows dreaming. Death is a cessation of waste, unclean. And the Holocaust is holy. Therefore only ash of the rarest and most precious animal, pure waste - purifies from the impurity of death. So do you understand, my rat? Not you are holy, and not your death. For the holy one is not the black and not the gray - but the ash.

To the Child

You dreamed that you went to your old old kindergarten. And suddenly there was an adult peeking at you. Who's there? Who could it be? And he has an eye that you know. And an eye is round. Like you love: round and black. But he's hiding and you only see the hat. Hat! It's black! It's a black hat. You're crazy about hats. Who is this man, where is he from? Do you still remember? Everything forgotten? You haven't seen for years. Can you even recognize anymore, even in dreams?
The Trilogy