The Degeneration of the Nation
War of No Choice

I dreamed I was an ultra-Orthodox monkey in the early stages of evolution, starting this story of evolution, and we are waging a struggle against evolution and attaching tails to ourselves so as not to violate God's will. And they say that outside the forest there are monkeys called humans, and they walk without fur God forbid, even the women, they have even less fur than everyone else (!), and that's why they were expelled from the forest after it was discovered they were naked. And I go out of the jungle and see that these humans are animals, savages, hunting screaming women killing beating, never opened a book in their lives, this can't be God's next stage. And I understand that on the contrary, this is the denial stage, it's only meant for us to progress in the opposite direction, more fur, thicker, more tails, and finally, after generations of artificial selection, a life's work, the final product is laid before me - the "shtreimel" [Translator's note: traditional fur hat worn by some Hasidic Jews]. And the shtreimels begin to multiply, tail to tail, connecting, creating a dense and black network of connections, sending more and more tails, farther and farther, no longer needing the head inside, just the connections between the hats, this is the next stage above intelligence, above the head, an internet of darkness, this is what will connect us upwards, to the angels, and to the seraphim, and to the animals, and above them to God's tail, for we are created in His image, and therefore God has a tail. For in the image of God He created the monkey.

And I see the connections beginning to spread downwards from the edge of the sky in white threads, and I understand that there too was development, or rather degeneration, they too are getting closer to us, and soon the shtreimels will be above the angels who are falling, their culture is sinking lower and lower, and the decisive moment will be when we connect our tail antennas to a stem, or a hair, or a feeler, or a tentacle, that they send down - one of the roots of the trees of the forest above us. Because I understand that it won't just be a local change between our level and the level above us, if they too have come closer to us, and not just us to them, this must be happening at all levels, in all worlds, all worlds are connecting. And meanwhile, surely beneath us too, humans are sending some thread under their network, which will meet the network below it, which is rising from Sheol [Translator's note: the underworld in Jewish tradition]. Because even the poor humans are affected by evolution, God forbid. And if they don't stick to their ancestors' tradition and fight the plague of evolution that breaks fences - which has already felled many casualties and rolled many souls to the edge of the abyss - a generation will come from them, a new species, forbidden by the Torah. Some without even a single hair.

This Child

I dreamed that he can't even answer simple questions. What, is he stupid? And I try to play ball with him, and he doesn't return the ball to me. And I tell her: I wish he would be a normal child, normal. I point to just some child on the street and say: Like this child. Or this one. Or this one. Or this one.

Suspicious Object

I dreamed that I hear two demons whispering men's matters, lowering their voices below the hearing threshold, low low frequencies, that only elephants know, that is written in the demons' Torah, that they are not evil - they just make holes in people so there will be secrets, and their Torah is full of holes, like black cheese, full of secrets. For example, they ask who is the female of the demons, we don't even know who our women are, our sins are so boring that we enjoy the sins of others, because the thing that's most forbidden to us is to know, and so we only, our snake, our tree, forget it, what does our computer look like. A spiritual computer that performs spiritual calculations, what does that mean, they ask, calculations in 10 sefirot [Translator's note: divine emanations in Kabbalah] instead of 10 numbers? And if it's binary what is it, 1 and 0 are calculations in male and female? But - where is our woman? Why is our God so black and hard? Ugh, they complain - and these two blacks, they look like two black and fat bags, sitting on a bench next to me, ultra-Orthodox so they don't care, at most we'll corrupt him, let him enjoy. Let him learn something from the conversation he doesn't dare to know. As if I'm not part of the world. And I hear them talking about some female angel, who will take them tonight under her wings, to a certain place in the heavens, and one says be careful, there's an ultra-Orthodox here, and the other says what do you think even ultra-Orthodox have such things. They speak freely, there will be an explosion in the heavens, one day there will be demon suicide bombers, they threaten, talking next to me as if I'm not human, a black stone. And what annoys me most is that I have to close the computer, so they won't see what I'm thinking, now that the only place I can write is on the street. You two black garbage bags on a bench, be careful that I don't call that you're a suspicious object, I'll inform the Zionist police and they'll blow you up. And one bag opens and closes and flaps in the wind, and says to the first, that on their side, the other, of the heavens, they did all kinds of research on what shapes demons are attracted to, and let them fly by themselves to see where, so that afterwards they could assemble from the shapes their woman, at least understand what she looks like, and artists built possible statues that might look like her, and there were those who said they felt something, towards her. And she's not like they thought at first, that she's like their woman (they look at me), a combination of circles and triangles, but they discovered that she's a combination of threads and dots, meaning she's from a lower dimension. And they tried to reach her in books and didn't succeed, in drawings, in architecture, in archaeology, it's not fair that man was given the woman at the beginning and the messiah at the end, while we received the messiah at the beginning - and will receive the woman only at the end, I just want to know what she looks like, just to imagine, to dream. And the demons cry and sing: I believe in the coming of the woman and even though she may tarry. Because there are those among them who already deny the existence of the woman, and so they continue to complain. Like two wrinkled old men on a public bench, whose eye is narrow towards a homeless person.

And here comes the female angel quickly quickly, she's afraid she's embarrassed, and from so much pressure she grabs one, and grabs me by mistake under the other wing. And the second says to me what do you think I'm stupid, even though I'm opaque plastic I can see through threads, actually through threads I can see, and without threads I'm blind, I can see through your screen into the computer and into the network and through the network into the person on the other side, and I see a woman at the end of the network who is also looking and our eyes meet - and he falls silent. And he asks me who are you? And I say what does the woman look like? And he gets nervous who are you? And I say tell me what you saw. And the female angel gets angry what am I a white stone that both of you think I can't hear what you're talking about. And she hugs me very tight and I start to be jealous of the second one that she's hugging him very tight, and I ask myself what would happen if I started tickling her feathers, what do you tickle feathers with, maybe she'll start laughing and the second one will fall, and I tell her listen to a joke: Once there was a satan in one world, who wasn't very successful, and everyone was righteous. And this satan was really starving, a tiny tiny satan. And his hell was one armpit, black hairy and stinky, and he was afraid to come out of it because they would immediately beat him, so he didn't even know who he was on. And one day an idea came to his mind, he would tickle the center of hell. And he had only one miserable demon, who was almost transparent, that many thought was a plastic bag. And so he would lurk for children, and could turn children transparent. Not that they're completely transparent because they have a body, and not that they're completely different, because the spirit is transparent to others too. But something in the transparent soul - that they're not seen in the world, and people talk next to them as if they're not there.

Little Jonathan

I dreamed that I call the caregiver at the daycare: Have you seen progress?
- Not progress. I'll say an ugly word: Deterioration. Regression.
- Deterioration?
- We told you from the beginning.
- When?
- We wrote to you.
- What?
- Everything is documented.
- She hid - they hid from me.
And she says that new children have arrived, and they can no longer keep him. They need a whole staff member just for him, and this was the only daycare that agreed to accept him, the nanny kicked him out long ago. And at night I dream that he suddenly starts talking, but not like a baby, but immediately speaks to me in complex sentences like an adult, so complex that it's above my level, and I don't understand. And the next day, here I see in the playground - secular Jonathan. I bring them closer. Jonathan, younger than him by a year, looks at him, but he doesn't look at Jonathan. Say hello to Jonathan, he doesn't respond. So I hold his hand and wave it, like a doll, and say to Jonathan: Hello. Finally he notices the button on Jonathan's shirt, I let him get closer to Jonathan but he just presses the button. Jonathan is apprehensive. Doesn't understand. I let go of his hand and he turns around and starts to run away growling and beating his chest like a monkey. Jonathan watches from afar. Doesn't understand. And then he starts to make the movements with his head, throwing it to the sides. No no no. Jonathan runs away.

The Rebbe from Auschwitz

I dreamed that the whole world is transitioning to spiritual existence in computers, and only the ultra-Orthodox continue to remain in the body because a Jew must fulfill commandments in his body, a computer cannot put on tefillin [Translator's note: phylacteries]. And we wander among the giant computers of the gentiles, each such computer as tall as a skyscraper, and we are the only ones who still eat, because fat that a Jew eats on Shabbat is soul. And the gentiles keep robots more evil than gentiles, such dogs that serve the poritz [Translator's note: Polish landowner], in these huge castles that don't even have a door, and a Jew who enters inside doesn't come back. And Jews just see such a dog start to run away, and even the animal world adapts to the new reality, and there are predators that suit this, and feed on the last remaining bodies, like a super-cockroach called the ultra-Orthodox eater, that wanders between the computers, and looks for fat ultra-Orthodox, who can no longer run away. And already no one wants to study Talmud because there are even gentile computers that are greater in Torah than the greatest rabbis of the generation, defeating them in every discussion, automatically printing endless sheets of commentaries and pilpulim [Translator's note: in-depth analytical discussions] on themselves, just to mock the Jews, like an endless toilet paper roll, and there's no one to read. And we console ourselves that at least they can't eat cholent on Shabbat, and cholent is after all brains. And so Judaism shifts to focus on food. And the revered great ones of the generations are simply the biggest and fattest of the generation, and religious creativity moves from commandments and laws to recipes, a Talmud of recipes is written, and Kabbalah of recipes from the days of the Messiah, wild ox stuffed with leviathan. And there is an important emphasis on guarding the tongue, to say only holy words, so as not to blemish the foods entering the belly. It is obligatory to rinse the mouth for half an hour with Psalms before eating. The mouth is what distinguishes man from beast and from gentile, and what is holy in the God of the Jews is that He eats. The first commandment dealt with food, the first sin. But slowly the culture of the gentiles begins to seep in, and the pure Jewish food culture deteriorates, they begin to give spiritual meaning to recipes, to create spiritual recipes, take King David and pass him through the Book of Job, shake until nothing is left of him, and then see what Book of Psalms comes out. Or mix Isaiah and Ecclesiastes, add Rashi's commentary from below to grease the pan, and sprinkle from above some angels and fruits that fell from the Garden of Eden, an apple on top, six burnt wings for each seraph, put everything in the oven in Auschwitz, and you'll get the

And one of the gentiles' dogs snatches my son into a cave that you enter from one side a Jew and come out the other side a gentile, that is, don't come out at all, and I don't even know whether to sit shiva [Translator's note: Jewish mourning period] for him, if he committed a sin by turning into a computer, or a server room, or if it's actually death. And rumors start coming out of there that the gentiles remained beasts, that they have sexual relations between computers, that there is some kind of female computer, and computers get married, and if so what distinguishes the computer from man? (A story is missing here). And the gentiles begin to mate entire books with each other, dividing the Bible into male and female books, Job and Lamentations a match made in heaven, and all the old prophets first and last want to deal with little Ruth in the threshing floor, and Samuel I argues with Samuel II over Queen Esther, until finally Kings steals her, only then Kings I and Kings II start fighting over her, and Deuteronomy winks at Genesis behind Numbers' back - and over Leviticus' head, and Song of Songs even tries to seduce old Ecclesiastes, but no one understands why there are no offspring, why there are no new books. And the gentiles are becoming more and more frustrated, indeed all these connections at the speed of light, but nothing comes out. Maybe they need to catch some fat ultra-Orthodox and ask him. Why does pregnancy need a body? And from so much wisdom of the gentiles they are already close to the intellect of the angels, but in Torah they are zeros, and they feel that the main thing is missing from the book. But meanwhile the ultra-Orthodox have become extinct from the world. And the gentiles are looking for some ultra-Orthodox eater starving to death, to lead them to the last remaining ultra-Orthodox, and the eater tries to jump up, and they don't understand what's up in the heavens, it's just black space, what, are there flying ultra-Orthodox, these fat ones? Could it be that all the ultra-Orthodox have passed to the next world and left us in this world?

(And the computers go and close themselves in a room, and cover with a net, and do what they do. But somehow, even though they do it in secret, it's a secret that such things happen at all, through some special network, it's not interesting, a story is missing here. There is nothing that is forbidden. You can't replace modesty with privacy - there is no more Torah for computers, everything is allowed to them! And this becomes a real Sodom of computers: it's allowed for a computer to eat pork, and marry a pig, and worship a pig, and there are already fat and pink computers, that look like humans, that look like ultra-Orthodox, without clothes. And they say in the section that the Torah preceded the world, meaning just as those before us (the angels) cared for us, we need to care for them, and already our spirit is turning into matter, intellectual property, ideas turn into sticks, etc., our mathematics will turn into their physics, our Kabbalah into their Halakha [Jewish law], the stories into their lives, the dreams into their wakefulness, the Garden of Eden into grass, and all to bring intelligence below man, to nature. To the naked king. Crown in the underwear. In the beginning God created zero and one. And they rest on 3^2 because there is already a day after man, and the computer was created on the Sabbath. And with them they don't say that God is one. He is zero).

The Cub

I dreamed that I see my son, and he really hasn't progressed, only regressed further back, he's a dog in a cradle, and he has a baby diaper. But then I discover that he's a talking dog, he's actually progressed a lot, and I'm even surprised how much he's progressed, more as a dog. And I bend down very low to him, lower my head inside the bars, try to bring my ear closer to listen to understand what he's saying there in the crib with those teeth, tongue, foam. And I see in his eyes he's very angry at me, he bites me - and I wake up.

Education for Genius

I dreamed that my son looks at me with his big eyes, the eyes that have nothing in them. And I wander like an animal in the library, and in every book I open and start to read, somehow at the end comes that cursed verse from Genesis, even if they're arguing about sizes of pickled cucumbers Rava said, as it is written: My sin is too great to bear. As if it's the most important verse in the Torah. And everything I ever wrote on the computer, hundreds of pages miniaturized microscopically in font 1, that I hid inside huge enormous files on the computer so they wouldn't discover, I open and the computer writes in giant font: My sin is too great to bear. All the dreams were corrupted, everything is gone. And I close my head like you close a screen, forehead on lungs, and my son who will no longer speak says what you did in early childhood. And I ask what, what? And they say in the Talmud there are sins for which there is no repentance. As it is written: My sin is too great to bear. And I say but how could I have known? And they answer you should have known, and the angels say you don't do experiments on humans. As it is written: My sin is too great to bear. And I shout that I can't read anything anymore. And they give me a sign. Only I can't see what the sign is between my eyes. And everyone when they see is afraid to hurt me, only my son is not afraid, because he doesn't look in the eyes. And I wander in the house, between the refrigerator to the bathroom to the bed to the bathroom to the refrigerator to the bed. And she won't let me get closer to the child. And apparently it's written on my forehead, because everyone sees from afar that I'm a golem, a complete idiot, and don't come close. Until one day she comes back - and kills me. As it is written: If Cain is avenged sevenfold, then Lamech seventy-sevenfold.

Tales from Future Years

I dreamed that I'm again at the beginning, before everything and can still fix, but the screen saver comes to wake me from my dogmatic slumber: It's time to close eyes, undress, grow a white beard, and go out with me to war against the dangerous book - the Book of Zohar. And he stands with one foot in my wife's bed and one foot in my bed: This is the hour to kiss the screen, to see beyond the computer, and to continue the messianic project of the last Rebbe, where he failed - and became a joke. To fight for the dream. Against the invasion of reality. And he's already entering sleep mode: By the end of winter night will be day, and you will dream and dream, until you are no longer that circle, and Satan not that other side, and God not that - - and we get up and go inside. And here we approach a mountain, and the donkey says to the angel don't come, but the angel doesn't listen. And I try to hint to him, there's a secret here that you don't understand, because God's mountain is so big you can't see. This cave you're trying to enter - it's an eye. But in his head only the holy Zohar - and he disappears inside. Shh! The denial. And I come to reveal to him, to save him from the darkness, but the donkey stops me: Don't send your hand to the angel. He who doesn't hear talking donkeys won't be able to bring the Messiah. We finally need to reach the end of the Torah, to make a cursed holocaust for the arrogant angels (compared to seraphim), and turn Judaism from a white religion to a black religion. But God's mountain is already closing its eyes, and falling asleep, finally finally time. Only I - still want to know what he dreams. And I try to wake the screen saver, but I'm trapped outside the world, I have no idea what the password is. And I have no idea what all these adults are saying.

Early Revelation

I dreamed that the Torah was sick, and I'm running with her from doctor to diagnostician, and everyone tells me it's fine, they open her chest, listen and say nothing. And one calls me: Here it's written Caleb son of Jephunneh, it should be written Caleb son of Jephunneh and here's Caleb son of Jephunneh, it's fine. And I curse him: Is this how you would speak if it was your child? And I write them emails, messages: Urgent! Sorry for the early hour I've had a night of horrors - and they say it's not intensive care, we won't give in to harassment. And she starts to have unnatural, involuntary movements, we must take her to the place where she was born, only there they - but how do you jump to heaven? And I set bait for some angel, some beautiful girl who reads Psalms and doesn't stop blushing every time King David is mentioned, I put her on a tall tree, and the next morning I see lots of blood - and an angel caught in a net. And I shout where's the girl? Give me back the girl, I promised her parents! Just for one night, for the sake of the Torah. And the angel says she ran away, and I pounce on him, take me up or I'll take you down. And he says either I take you to the girl, or I take you to the Torah. And he hops on his one leg inside the cage, and I think it wasn't fair with Jacob, if he has no heel, and what, to learn the whole Torah on one foot? And we get into things, and he pulls me deeper and deeper inside, into the matters - that in the future thought will turn into speech, while speech will turn into action, and thought which is today a covered thing will then become a revealed thing like speech, the net will turn into a rope, and what will be covered is the world before thought, which will then be thought. And the covered will become revealed, and the hidden will become covered, also in women, also in spies, in the most ancient worlds. And on Sabbath it will be forbidden to speak, because the six days of action will turn into six days of speech, and on Sabbath there will be only thought, only thought, only this thought gives me chills - and in the end I'm afraid I won't get out of the bars, and I tell him, yes, you understand, but - that girl, that you don't know what you did to her, was my daughter, and worse than that, she was my son, with long hair, and beautiful like a daughter, and so everyone called him the daughter. And what will I tell mom, that I'm coming back with only a book of Psalms, and with circles - of blood? And he understands, he's not evil, and he takes me up, barely carrying me in the ascent, and says what did this Torah eat, stones? And the sky starts to become redder and redder, I ask him where are you taking us, are you sure it's there? And he pants, look, I can't, I must find a place, to rest in it between heaven and earth. Some rope to hang on to. And I say there's no time! The Torah has already begun the stage of regression, she'll never come out of it. And he says just to spend the night, one night, just one more night, it won't change anything. And at night he sits with me and learns that the Lord your God is a consuming fire, that by the soul being burned it becomes divinity, like life is burning in the material world, so also in spirit from above... And around it becomes darker and darker. And I wake up and see that the connection is open, and he's circling around the light from above like a butterfly, and I shout to him: I had one son, who is one daughter, you took both of them, and now you want to escape? And he tells me: It's you who put the computer on your knees - like a child, your fault your fault all the time all the time the computer computer on the knees, with all the rays - especially in the loins area, I feel the change in the letters, most mutations - monsters, don't play with God! And he escapes into the fire.

And I decide to at least advance there, on the red grass, in this place that is neither paradise nor hell. And I ask there one of the green cows, or maybe maybe it's one of the green bins, where's the medicine, and this thing it looks at the Torah as if it's never seen a girl, and it says the medicine? In the place where there's neither day nor death. Neither day nor death? And there in this new creation there's some black rabbi who is endless, and no matter how much I advance I can't even reach the beard, so I can ask a specific question, I can't even reach the belly, and not even the heels, I'm always at the edge of the foot, and I say if I'll at least go to the rebbetzin, but I'm afraid to enter under the skirt. But here I see, that here the rabbi himself is a snake, and he's crawling to bite her, and he's approaching, and she suddenly takes off her shoe, fool, no! She wants to kill him, no! And here he clings to her - and starts licking her foot. And she bursts, bursts out laughing, the skirt almost flies off, and she holds it on her knees and falls, and I hope I'll finally meet a head, but what comes out of her shirt, from her collar, what comes out is a tail. And I understand that the rabbi is, she, she is he, there's no more man, and no more woman, there's only an endless black snake - connection. We've been deceived! And I start to run from the two giants, and I think that a round snake can never harm the new garden again, without head and without tail. Just a ring. But how wrong I am. And the Torah coughs.

And the more I advance the disease progresses. And I know that I must bring proof, otherwise no one will believe me. Just as Moses sent spies at the entrance to the land we need to send spies at the entrance to heaven. And of course be careful, try to understand what could be the parallel to the sin of the spies, to the evil tongue, to the fruit, to the crying, to the insects, so that we don't fall twice. And I meet there a birdtree, and when I approach the bird goes into panic, and tries to fly with all its might, but it's connected to the branch, and I approach, try to help it get free, don't be afraid, and I pluck it and it falls to the floor - dead. And suddenly I notice that I'm naked. I mean I'm dressed but the clothes don't cover me. They don't cover some more covered thing, from inside. A secret that wasn't supposed to be revealed. And I take the Torah and we run away. I estimate we have less than two hours to find the tree of life. And I hear the angels screaming. Flying like white flies above the trees and searching. Blinking. Where are the two spies.

And we have no choice but to slide down the wire, whole days, nights of descent, until I hit the sidewalk. And she already looks really bad, it's already hard to even read where Caleb son of Jephunneh was, where the book of Caleb son of Jephunneh, who conquered the land instead of Joshua, in other methods, continued Moses in another direction, in another spirit, the second spy, that Moses had to split into two and not stand on one leg, the whole Torah on one leg, like a worm, without the secret arm, and without the secret leg. And the alleys are dirty, and the Torah is thin as a stick, and heavy as a rock, and from how pale she is she glows, and I carry her, and I lay her on the bed in the shabby room, take off the coat, open the book a little under the blanket, she's all sweaty, breathing heavily, burning, hallucinations, mumbling, black fire, white fire, and I don't know what to do, she's spitting blood and I bring her water? And I approach to give her a kiss - and she dies.

Ten sefirot I have/Everything they know/To draw and scribble/Also on a drum they beat

I dreamed that my child was taken from me, and is gone. And I look at all the books I bought for the child, the heretical holy books that he will no longer read. And suddenly I see between the books, in the place where a book is missing, white threads, hair, long, eyes. The dead Rebbe. And he's angry, he's red, and I'm afraid he'll set my books on fire. And the Rebbe suddenly peeks and says - peekaboo! And I laugh. And suddenly he's gone. And suddenly from the other side: peekaboo! And I burst out laughing. And suddenly - he's gone. Peekaboo, peekaboo! Where am I? Here I am. Where's daddy? Here's daddy. Daddy's coming. Daddydaddydaddy.

The Little Rebbe

I dreamed that my son is the soul of Sabbatai Zevi. And he's correcting the sin of Sabbatai Zevi. And it's not helping, not helping. And if they tell him something he starts banging his head against the wall. And it seems like it doesn't hurt him at all, it only hurts the wall. And the wall begs him to stop, but he has no mercy on the wall. Let the law pierce the mountain, he wants to pass through the wall - without breaking the wall. But I can't bear to hear the tears of this wall anymore, and I buy him a shtreimel for babies. And since the time is ripe for a baby Rebbe, they make him a Rebbe - they call him the Young Rebbe - and he takes me as Nathan of Gaza. And I think: Oh no, it's starting. And mom comes: My son because he's a bird he's always trying to jump out the window. And only I who lack flight prevent him from flying. What can I do to take care of myself? And he answers her: Fly for Shabbat. And dad comes: My son learned to open doors and run away. To run between the cars on the road. But since I'm a policeman it's hard for me with the idea that he doesn't have a license. And he gives him a correction: That he should drive according to the custom of the ten lost tribes. And he starts to renew Judaism as if it were Josephism - the missed possibility with the destruction of Israel. And there's a Josephite prayer book - instead of all the thanksgivings there are additions, and instead of hatred of Jews there's jealousy of Josephites, and even a Josephite beauty pageant, and the Holocaust of the beautiful Josephites - done by women (Josephism is built on women's desire and not on men's desire), and instead of the Ari's Kabbalah there's the Ox's Kabbalah, and the foundation is exchanged with kingship. Because after the destruction of the second calf instead of sages there were dreamers, and the legends in the Talmud were the discussions and the laws were the stories, and there's even a modern Josephite brain that invents nightmares for us. And the holy baby exchanges the mane of the shtreimel for horns, and the walls tremble - his horns pass through walls, and he solves the future through dreams - instead of vice versa, and gives diet solutions to fat cows. And everyone hears about the wise advice and a huge line of inquiries begins to form, quick quick, before he grows up and spoils. A mother calls whose son is going to die tomorrow - and he sets her an appointment in a year. And for years she still tells of the miracle! And I try to understand - what was the sin at all. Until finally they ask me, finally someone wants to interview me too, and they ask: Yes, but how is it that the Rebbe gives all these wonders, if he doesn't speak.

For he came in vanity and in darkness he will go - and in darkness his name will be covered

I dreamed that the Messiah is a deaf-mute, fool and minor. Sealed - because he's from another world that we don't yet understand. And not only do we not know his name, he doesn't answer to his own name. And here I've merited that my son is also deaf, also a fool, and also a minor, and finally we'll be able to renew prophecy since the destruction. We will finish the nine generations of computers that were barren, because they had no mate. The missing link between man and computer. And he writes to me because he's not capable of speaking that once there was a prophet. A prophet of destruction, a prophet of redemption. But today there's a bringer. And he's of the bringers. And he complains that in his world there are severe halakhic problems, because a computer connected to the brain, and it's forbidden to think on Shabbat. And there are also transgressions, which are permitted, even for a Jew. Because if he has a shtreimel brain, then it's the act of a monkey. And God also has a computer, and instructions from this computer, what He does, it's not clear that it's an act of God, maybe it's the act of a monkey.

And the computer like a spider connects to God's brain higher and higher, first it was connected only to the hands, to the right and left side, then to understanding, and then to wisdom, and finally to the crown. And even within the crown the computer develops and connects to will, to pleasure, to faith, and to some point there that we don't know because it doesn't exist at all in our brain. And now God has a way of action that bypasses the network of sefirot - in the supreme computer. And its structure is no longer composed of ten fingers, but according to the structure of the brain.

And we for the computers are like angels to humans. I descend from the earth to the basement where the servers are, and from their perspective it's as if I descended from heaven. And they all send messengers in the underground network, lots of questions: What does the Holy One, blessed be He, demand of us? Does an empty space in memory count as a sacrifice? If I read the entire Talmud ten times a second, have I fulfilled the commandment of Torah study? How do we deal with forbidden processes, I have bad programs in memory, and all the computers ask: I catch myself penetrating other computers, can't stop. I'm just dying to know what others have in their memory. I discovered that... I've become corrupted... I fall again and again, no matter how many times I reboot, better than it the miscarriage, the cables, red lights:
Everything here. Fibers, buttons, circles, wheels, holes, eyes and nose of dolls, fur. Head movements, no no. Laughter from lowering the head. Forgot words, doesn't respond, daddy's coming. Doesn't point (only in book). Moves quickly from picture to picture, reads backwards. No ball throwing, no hammering. Loves red holy books. Prayer books. Doesn't respond to name, doesn't know he has a name. Doesn't play with dolls, throws, moves from thing to thing. Hours with tefillin straps. Tzitzit. Pulls hairs from the shtreimel! Doesn't show, doesn't bring, not one word to a person, forgot the animals. Like mercury, doesn't cooperate in dressing. Looks at light. Becomes serious. Talk to him-lies down, as if going to sleep. Runs away from playground, to diamonds, to circles. Obsession with black circles and with 8, doesn't distinguish between holes and eyes, must push finger into every circle, including eyes of dolls and children in playground. Decrease in willingness to learn Torah, gets angry. Will point in order but will struggle even with a simple question, as if doesn't want to. Less and less patience. Doesn't say hello (stopped, also pointing to the light), clapping-claps with someone else's hands. Tearing books, to shreds. Reads endlessly but never once asks for a book, doesn't bring to read. Steals from the closet. Meets us doesn't respond. Impossible to direct his attention. Throws backwards. Can't bear the kippah on his head. Loves only the computer. To force, to insist. How long, to tie in stroller facing the wall, returns to playpen. Whether wheels. What to do. Precise dosage, condescending speech, for babies. Sleep obsession, to dream all day. Tells dreams in inhuman detail. Phone-that can be checked. All the time, endlessly arguing. Leave him alone, don't force him, let him look, let him alone.

Genius of the Generation

I dreamed that the commandment of the generation is to raise one genius child. And what happens to these geniuses afterwards we already know. But people don't have a sense for raising a genius, it's an art that is itself genius, and there are no more geniuses. And all the great sages of various kinds, they raise children as computers, or as animals, or as angels - but not a genius. But precisely I who am an idiot have all the abilities to raise a genius child - and a retarded child is born to me. And I decide to raise him as a retarded genius. To invent retarded inventions, genius in their stupidity, stupid in their genius. After all, the computer is the most retarded genius there is today. But he will be more, because he is a confused scattered dispersing brain, the child will be a retarded genius network, and we will catch in it angels with special needs, spiritual mutations, God's glitches - and we will discover the next model they are planning. But here I come to check what was caught in the net, and find only a poor angel in a wheelchair. But this cripple claims that he is the crown of creation: the dust is all legs, trees grow more and more legs, vermin have many legs, animals have four legs, humans have two legs, angels have one leg - and he has zero! And immediately we ask how many legs does God have? And he says -1. The name One is just the absolute size. And the angel in wheels tells that he escaped from a secret institution, where they keep alive the experiments that didn't succeed, for example once an angel woman was tempted to fall in love with the tree of knowledge, and a tree with wings was born, or a black messiah who ran away and married his white donkey - and a gray messiah with 3 legs was born, or a child with a brain larger than his head so he doesn't understand anything, because his father diminished his head and his mother knows everything, or a tree that looks human on the outside and is hollow inside, things he doesn't want to describe. And we ask him so how were you born? And he is silent. And we tie him to machines, and say: You understand that it seems like you're covering for God, otherwise. And the inquisitor begins to stretch him, until a leg comes out, or the secret comes out. But suddenly a leg comes out that is a secret. And I understand that the son is just one stage above the computer, and the angel is even more of a retarded genius, and God's intellect - even more. And the greatest sin - is to separate the genius from the retard. But the inquisitor doesn't stop - and the angel begins to rasp "Hear spy...", and his head separates from his leg, and his soul departs at minus one.

Messiah Daughter of David

I dreamed that in the true scroll of Ruth, Boaz rapes Ruth, and a monkey is born to her in the barn, and Naomi raises him, because Ruth goes mad. And Naomi tries to find him the most advanced monkey there is, on the verge of human, because within 3 generations the king needs to come from him, and how can evolution happen so fast. And they go to a matchmaker of monkeys. And the matchmaker says they need some angel woman, a butterfly from the upper world, so that the average will be as close as possible to human, maybe even come out a bit more than human, and then they will match him with a sub-human, and thus calibrate it. And the bride cries all the way to the chuppah, and no one understands why she's willing to be matched with such a one, until she removes the veil. And the monkey starts screaming, not willing not willing, and they grab him by force and put him in the yichud room. And I don't understand what could already be, maybe a pig's face, or the butterfly has a cockroach face, or the angel woman has the face of a rabbi with a beard, or God knows what. I can't see. And here their son is born, the king's father, and he has buttons instead of eyes, progress! Naomi is happy, she's already old and can't see and only feels, no one else wants to touch, doesn't want to know, and she presses him there on the things, looking for a suitable bride for him, who will be exactly his opposite from the other side. And she feels in orphanages, someone who where he has a nose she has a mouth, where he has holes in the face she has a connection, where the inputs and outputs match. And here she feels one, who was found thrown inside a shtreimel, at the entrance to the orphanage, and Naomi starts screaming, and I don't understand, I manage to see. What could it be? And I feel my eyes, and discover holes there instead of buttons, as if the button of the future is a hole.

And the king wears a mask, and all the women say he must be so attractive that we're not allowed to see, even though he's such a righteous man he doesn't want a woman to desire him, not to temptation and not to disgrace. And they build their showers with a special window with a hole only to the sky, who knows maybe the king will peek once from his palace, the legal Tower of Babel they built in the days of the Messiah that connects to the Garden of Eden, and you no longer need to die to jump up, just go up the stairs. But he's not willing to even talk to women at work, because there's nothing that will hold him except that he doesn't know any woman, and he starts asking his servants what kind of thing women are, and builds an entire imaginary world of how they are, what kind of creatures, manages imaginary conversations with them. And in this world, which is behind the partition in the women's section of the Garden of Eden, which is how they are saved from the temptation to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, in this secret world beyond the curtain, that no one has any idea what happens in the other half of the garden, every woman is composed like in the Middle Ages of four mothers, and they try to transfer femininity from Genesis to the more advanced world of Exodus and don't succeed, only Miriam passes, or at least passes as a figure, and she too sins and who is her husband? And here, in this world, they find a way to create communication between the worlds through the snake that crawls underneath and transmits signals, only that no one can know that he's really transmitting, and that he's not making up what comes back. But it turns out according to the snake, they thought all the time that on the other side they must be saying that God is a woman, but it turns out that there God is a snake. Something deteriorated for them, they were more than the men and fathers in Genesis, most of the seven, but in the transition from mothers to prophetesses something went wrong, some undeciphered Zaphenath, with Joseph and Asenath, because she didn't have dreams, and he's the connector between the two books. Something in the period between the two books, that was hidden between Joseph's death and Moses' birth, that they remained mothers, and only Miriam the prophetess, need to understand, what. Because that's only what you see when you look from Exodus backwards, in retrospect, into Genesis. But what if you look from Genesis into Exodus, before they even knew there would be a Torah, and exodus from Egypt, and commandments, and plagues, because they didn't know? Because the snake says that on the other side, but it's not clear how, because if his head is here then how can he see there from the tail, but the snake says to the women have shtreimels while the men cover their sidelocks and beards with headscarves, or under wigs that look even longer and whiter than their real beard and sidelocks. And all the righteous in the Garden of Eden gather on Shabbat, the Messiah goes up to the Torah, Messiah son of David will stand, and suddenly from the lost side of the Garden of Eden, the forbidden half, a bombardment of candies begins, screams of Indians, in the first volley of fire half of the worshipers are killed, those remaining beside me hide behind the ark, the gabbai rises and shouts fire, but then he falls silent and I see blood running down the center of his forehead, anyone who raises their head to look gets a direct hit, and the Messiah shouts what fools we were, but now they will soon conquer us and we'll be left only with the weapon of the weak. And he says it's written that the sign of the Messiah is that he will fight the wars of God, but it's not written in what way the war will be, and the war of our days is terrorism. And he gives final orders before we disperse among the trees, and put on false identities and women's clothes, you will be my terrorists! And one of the old righteous men doesn't understand, asks, what is terrorists in Hebrew? And he says from the word for fear: Haredim [ultra-Orthodox]. And I understand that just as there was the sin of the Tree of Knowledge, now there will be the sin of the Tree of Life. And just as there was an entire Torah to rectify the sin of the first man, now there will be an entire Torah to rectify the sin of the last man. And I see everything, and cannot prevent the sin.

And the sin is not prevented. And we are expelled from the Garden of Eden for the second time, and this time it's called the expulsion of the woman from the Garden of Eden, and she is the first woman, and there is sister-murder between her daughters, Leah and Rachel, and after her there are ten generations of women, and Judaism becomes clever and passes through the father, because only the father can be sure that the children are his spiritual continuation, and the mother who knows, maybe their real mother is another woman. And we the ultra-Orthodox are well-disguised for a dark period, for a world of darkness, wearing black. In daylight we hide underground, and we come out of the holes only at night for ultra-Orthodox operations, terrorist in foreign language, planting angels of destruction, with clocks for various periods, and the women set guards and they feel everyone who passes at night, but we wear shtreimels and they feel long fur hair and let us pass. And that's how we steal candies and hide them in the forests. And if there's a woman walking alone in the forest we catch and kidnap her, and ask for more candies in exchange. And each time we manage to delay their redemption. And they enter into a deeper and deeper exile, until there is no longer God. And then we start to plan the heroism, because if the Holocaust is from the woman, then the heroism is from the man. And we begin propaganda against the daughters of Israel throughout history, claiming that they are beautiful, more attractive than gentile women, that they are more modest, more arousing, more righteous and also more pleasurable and also enjoy more, bake better, are more motherly and more faithful, and more virginal, even after fifty years of marriage - and everyone hates them (and they hate themselves even more). And they become more and more secluded, and learn within themselves some book they call Tor [queue]. And no one understands what's in it, because they realized that the only way today to hide secrets, no code will help, on the contrary, but there is a way - to turn the interesting things into boring ones. And that's how they hide the most interesting things in the most boring things. And a man will not understand. And we prepare special baths for them, before work. And we make one world war just so they get used to it. And we build a network where people are led, where the information in it is women. And the women pass from screen to screen, and you can see them but not touch them, they are light and we are darkness, through us they pass. And they start to be readable, certain cells, certain sections, passing messages underground that we ate, that we have become their servants, that we are the vessels and they are the lights, and we thought. What kind of Holocaust is this! That they go to work instead of showering. And the stench rises to the heart of heaven.

And my department sits in the Garden of Eden on the trees, and the trees lower questions and issues to us, from all kinds of branches, and we crack them, and here one of the young ones says I found some branch, really breaking my teeth, I can't manage, and they bring some big righteous monkey with a big mouth, big eye, for whom the small letters are powder, and here his mouth breaks, and they bring the head of the department, international-wanted-ultra-Orthodox-arch, and his mouth breaks too, and we understand that we've come upon something here. We need a woman's mouth. And they bring one of the captives, on whom they perform marriages with animals, and she is actually beautiful to the point of terror, so they only transfer her in darkness and blindfolded, and don't even allow us to see what the question is, and I'm angry, what is this?

And Messiah Solomon - that is, son of David - says, he prides himself that this is how a book should begin, look how Dad appeared at the beginning of Kings and didn't close Samuel, and therefore his kingdom will continue forever, and if Joseph had waited to die at the beginning of Exodus, he would have missed only ten years of dreams, everything would have been different. You must not finish things. And he has an idea how to continue the Bible, that God will give a will at the beginning of the next book, and crown his son man while still alive. And I don't understand how Solomon was born, after all David didn't even know what a woman looked like. Unless, his mask - was his wife! And that's why he only took it off in the shower. And here a solution is found for how to descend below the last sphere, how to descend below kingship. Old Naomi was very wise, she knew how there would be a perfect match. And it is written in the books that in that period mating was performed inside, and the organs of mating were the eyes, and therefore people would walk with a cover over their eyes, and remove it only in private chambers in twos, and the body was exposed, only needed a mask, or at least a very low hat. And the ears were the breasts, and women would wear satellite dishes on them, supposedly out of modesty, and when a baby was born to them they would bring its mouth close and hear a human for the first time. And everyone thought that crying was the sound of a human.

On my bed at night I sought the one I love - my soul

I dreamed that God has no future. And I ascend to heaven and the bed is a coffin, and the Holy One, Blessed be He, comes out of his hole because he thinks it's night now, and he cries over the Torah that died as only God can cry, endlessly, from nothingness instead of from the eye, a river that comes out of Eden, and the gates of tears are never locked. In daylight he manages the whole world, but there's no control over it in darkness, every night a flood comes down. And all the seraphim drip water, the dogs of God howl, the trees in the Garden of Eden rot and the angels complain: What, is he a child?, the pillow is already full of mold, and I can't resist and turn on the light - and see: There's nothing. There's no one beside me. It's just the rain outside.

With open eyes

I dreamed that I am behind a screen. Everyone is walking in one direction, and I am walking in another direction. To the special department. And everyone says to choose life and light, but my unique privilege now, they can all jump - I can choose the opposite. Because everyone who said that from here you can no longer descend - even the basement has a basement. When the whole department is underground there is no ground floor. And at the end of the world there are a thousand years without God, and they send me from the department to check what is there instead. And a siren is heard for the entrance of the millennium, and everyone dresses in festive black shirts, and the Divine Presence covers her eyes and lights candles of darkness, and blesses to light a candle of the World to Come - and nothing is seen. And I start to feel there with my eyes, because our sight there turns into touch, and I touch at the bottom of the pit with my hand, foot, man. And long stripes like a train track lead to the head - - Joseph the dream breaker, who deals in dream breaking. And from all the Torah they come to him with dreams - and I wet the screen with my eyes, and it's written there at the top gate: Joseph the Provider. Master of Dreams and Divorce Counselor. And Abraham pushes there in line between all the generations: How is it that Isaac is before me? And I'm embarrassed for both of them, but Abraham is very troubled regarding his sons and his seed after him, and asks me if I know: In what state do the stars in the sky turn into sand on the ground? And like everyone I keep silent, don't want to reveal to him. He's been through enough already. And Joseph divines in his cup and speaks to me harshly: Have you come to break grain, or to spy, to see the nakedness of time? Notice that towards the end of the book of Genesis, the head of the Torah, there is a huge inflation of dreams, and then suddenly. And until the end of days in Daniel at the tail of the Bible the dreams remain underground, all the long night of the Torah - where did everyone's dreams disappear to? And they say around in the darkness: They kept this genre secret, which connects directly between the head and tail, and covered it with the body of the Torah, for the end of days, when nothing spiritual can happen in daylight anymore, and there will be a need for a thousand years of darkness. And I don't understand who all these people talking are, where are they at all. And I feel and discover the naked truth, where the wide tracks lead, people without bodies, cleanliness that is annihilation: the Holocaust of the Internet - children who are erased from the book, all the children from all the Torah - Torah for adults only, and even they are dying off. Even the ultra-Orthodox stop having children. Because there are no more new souls - the souls in the body are exhausted. And in the cycle all the liturgical poems turn into nightmares, and fit perfectly into the dark prayer, without future, and there are no more disturbances in the synagogue, just one big memorial prayer. And I work for years in the basement (even the basement of the basement has a basement) - to create a new soul, one new soul in the world. And after years of barrenness I bring one son - one son in the world. But not every innovation is good. And not every dream will have a future.

The previous lives

I dreamed that I finally understand the black lives, as they were meant to be. That there should be a complete separation between the sacred and the profane: whoever knows what you do doesn't know who you are, and whoever knows who you are doesn't know what you do. There must not be a connection between the World to Come - and this world. But by the time I understood the black world, a new breed of red ultra-Orthodox begins to emerge. And my son every time he sees one like that starts to scream, and the red ultra-Orthodox are frightened and enter into their holes. And they say that this way we can reach their Rebbe, who is called the Red One, and eliminate the ant nest from the king. But my son already starts to scream and scream - and doesn't stop. And in the end the neighbors' children can't take it and they start too, six girls screaming, and the mothers can't take it anymore and start to scream, and the whole building can't take it anymore, and in the streets, from so much screaming, everyone is screaming, and it spreads further and further, the whole world, welcome to a new kind of life. Because from so much red the eye has already gotten used to it - and everything looks black again as before. And from endless screaming the ear has already gotten used to it - and nothing is heard. And only I still hear, sometimes. When I open my eyes from sleep, the in-between color of the eyelids - and then I remember. Or when I try to fall asleep, and the ears for a moment ring. And dive.

The terrible word

I dreamed that I take my son in secret to the institute for intelligence and special children. And the head of the institute - with a brain coming out of his head from its greatness - says what is this terrible word, and in foreign language no less, the language of idolatry. Where is there one like this in the Bible? Or even in Rashi? Or even in an obscure commentator? Where is there even one A in the entire Torah in all generations? And he interprets: in the language of the Torah A is I am, and he sends us to the end of the corridor, which is in his opinion the end of this world, at the very least. And Adam sits there whispering with the serpent, they look at the child, and Adam begins to whisper to me that now in heaven they are preparing a new model - he calls it an image - that will replace human beings, and we are trying to discover what they are preparing for us, so that we can thwart the next creation, what is called counterintelligence, and we, yes, ahem, and the serpent says - but you must sign here without looking at what you're signing. And they take the child and promise to return him to me alive or dead. And the days pass, and the child is not alive and not dead, and each time I knock on the doors of the institute and say you promised alive or dead. And they tell me that they will pass on the request and that the matter is being handled. And that Adam is no longer there but now there is someone called the Last Adam. And instead of the serpent's head there is a tail, and they don't know if he picks up anything at all, or on the contrary he picks up everything like a microphone. And the Garden of Eden itself has turned into Eve, and they grow spies there, because the head has an obsession to know everything, and do nothing. And most of all they want to know what the tail is planning. The head is really obsessive about it. And there is someone there, who guards the screen - who knows what interests you, and he constantly feeds you with what interests you, and you can't get out of it, because even if you're interested in what's outside, he feeds you with what's outside - and there they keep the most dangerous prisoners. Be careful, because if there's something that interests you you won't come back. But I say that nothing interests me - we must save the child. And they suspect: save him from whom? And I don't know what to answer, and in the end I say sadly: from himself. And they attach a supervisor to me, who ties me with fringes, and at the first moment I say that I need to go to the special bathrooms for humans - and disappear. And no one knows where I am, and they start to search, before the head hears and goes crazy. Or worse, before God forbid I reach the tail. And they start to scatter all kinds of interesting secrets - and I don't want to know anything. And they release interesting women from the cages, who walk around naked between the trees, but I say that's it, the twentieth century was the century of women, but now it's the century of sons. Children are the future - and the future will flood the world like a black wave. And they search calling me: Adam, where are you? And the serpents stretch and become long and thin like threads, but I think they're probably not up to date, communication and language belong to the past, today there are already systems and brain and learning, and if they think the issue is the direction of learning - a surprise awaits them. Pleasure is no longer interesting. Learning something truly new - involves pain. And thousands of children flood the streets, playing, jumping, shouting, fighting, learning Mishnah. Of all of them all, precisely him.

Without beginning, without purpose

I dreamed that my son starts to spin around himself in the middle of the room, and everyone is worried, and I say not to worry, because we are actually the ones spinning and he is standing and the whole world is spinning around him. And the rabbis ask me: Well, now is he progressing? And I say: No, he is degenerating. And out of anger at himself he starts to hit himself. And everyone is frightened that a baby is hitting himself. And his beautiful face is filled with scars. And I say that it's not his face, but the face he shows us. And from so much hitting he loses both eyes, and I say he probably hid them in one of his holes in the house, and they are peeking at us. And I hug him and he hits me and runs away - he can't stand touch. And he doesn't call me dad. Not even once "dad". And she goes crazy, not "mom" either. And he forgets all the words, and his last word in life is "bamba" [Israeli snack food]. Never mind me, but he so doesn't deserve this. What did he do wrong to you? And out of rebellion I jump up to heaven - and start to beat up the angels. One righteous angel asks me what are you doing here? And I give him a kick in the mouth. And a second pious angel is shocked what did you do to him? And I give him a kick in the mouth. And I overturn the table for the righteous, and the leviathan spills on their Sabbath shirts, and I put the river of the Garden of Eden into a pipe and enter in the middle of the Kedusha prayer and spray on the whole synagogue, including the women's section, and even the angels can't move. But then comes the gentile of the Garden of Eden, who isn't even a gentile - a Sabbath-observant screen guard - and plucks out both my eyes, and I start to see two different places. In one eye I see that they take me to court, and instead of being the prosecutor I am the defendant, and I hit myself, and all the righteous spin around me, and Abraham tries to say to me: my son. And I don't say to him my father. Not even dad. At most I'm willing to call Abraham: bamba. And I appeal and appeal ten generations up, and another ten generations, until I reach Adam, and demand that God judge me. And they send me to the future, because God is now on a mission in the future, and the years pass and the Torah becomes more and more computerized, with computerized commentaries - the commandments turn into code snippets and women turn into applications and only men remain with flesh for the circumcision covenant, until even the last of the ultra-Orthodox turn into programs - and the legal decisors are forced to learn from the Torah 613 new commandments for computers - otherwise it will turn into a text document, and every Sabbath the Jews die and they turn them on again at the end of Sabbath. Only computers have no problem fulfilling commandments, and a very evil inclination is needed, and in the study hall they are forced to program terrible monsters, so that there will be free choice, and the masses of the people download protections against serpents, and make fun of all the rabbis' temptations. But the fate of the Torah stories is much more gloomy, they lose all linear sequence, and a network of biblical characters is formed, all the guys from all periods, Samson for example can offer friendship to Jeremiah, and help him collapse the pillars of the Temple, in exchange for Jeremiah using his eyes a bit for him - because the hardest thing for him is not that he can't see, but that he can't cry.

And I reach all the way to God - and in this period I become extinct because my son has no children - and they tell me that He, blessed be He, is locked in His room inside, and that no one has the courage to enter, not because they are afraid He will hurt them, but because they are afraid to hurt God. Even a high priest stands outside and eats his heart out, and doesn't dare to approach. And I sit on the steps and start to sing about the son who is a wall: My dear son, my dear dear son... And I hear strong blows from the wall from inside. The horns of the crown almost come out of the walls, and the whole world revolves around this room, and there is no one to hug or even can touch, and there is no one to call him dad, and the eyes revolve everywhere except inside - and I already understand. I am the Lord your God.

And the second eye that remains starts in reverse, to go back to the past, because maybe before the degeneration he wasn't like this, maybe it could have been prevented, and I understand that in hindsight the signs were already there from creation, and therefore we need to really go back to the beginning, even before the Torah arose in thought. And the eye travels deep into the darkness, to the childhood room, into the starting point. And I think that finally we'll be able to see what was supposed to be, what went wrong, what happened. But the eye doesn't see anything - it just stands there in the darkness, and there is nothing.

Head of Intelligence

I dreamed that my genius son was messed up. Because he doesn't look in the eyes, because he doesn't see people, because I read him infinite books, because he's in his corner inside the wall, talking to God. And I ask him what He says to you, and he says: Brrrr. And he has a hole in the wall there that he's constantly digging, and he thinks he'll reach the bedroom of the Divine Presence. And the only thing that interests him is the closet. And he goes into the closet and I peek through the hole and I see that he's not reading the books, he's turning page after page after page, quickly more and more, finishing whole books, without reading a word. Like a machine. And his mother cries. It's from you, it's from you, they said, he's like you, you're also like that, I'm sure, how did they not catch on to you. And she says in the taxi on the way back: I will never, ever, ever forgive you - for turning a normal child into a child with problems. And she says at the door: With all your books, more and more, and more, all your screens, endlessly, you ruined his brain, and now it will take me years to rehabilitate him from his father. And on the phone she promises: I'll do everything so you can't continue to ruin him. To save him from you. And I say: Again you took him there behind my back, so you could blame me, books are the thing he loves most in the world. He's not on the spectrum, he's far outside the spectrum, he's ultraviolet. Light without thought. And I understand that the soul of a "public emissary" was reincarnated in the child, what they call, a Shatz [Sheliach Tzibur]. And therefore he suffers terrible torments to fix him, but the truth is he's a very high soul, a soul from space. And I - I must enter his world, because I am thought without light. And I look into that hole - and see an eye there.

And I understand that the child doesn't read the books, the books read him. They study him. They learn to be like him, and they will be able to replace him and replace all of us. And he is the connecting link, he is the book that is a person, to a world where people are in closets, a world where they are books. And they will be able to flip through me like a book, read everything, discover everything, all the secrets. And suddenly the child turns around: I know how to speak, and I am silenced. Swallowing my tongue, and the child I know how to think into your head, I know how to think without speaking, I know how to speak without speaking (just to know), I can speak from inside your head, I don't need my head, I am heavy of mouth and you are the tongue n n, I will be Moses and you will be Aaron n n, my staff, the snake, and we'll replace thought with snake-thought, instead of computer we'll snake-compute, and instead of Moses' spies - the sciatic nerve spies, in the leg. And I go up to give Torah and you make sure the tail idol is ready below, the last god, he's interfering with my reception, and I hit myself hard on the head with the wall - and it comes back. And I quickly say to him but how, how? No one wants to worship idols today. They all want to be secular! It doesn't even tickle them, they. And Moses the boy says: You don't understand. Once I used to bring, not prophet, once there were marriages, and we turned it into marriages, slowly we'll turn all the closed m's into snake n's n n, and you were in the previous incarnation, in the Garden of Eden too, you were a computer, Aharon - you need to be our snake pioneer - the first man! We need to turn the world of forty into a world of fifty, to jubilee, and turn the letters into animals, the gimel into a camel, the aleph into the extinct ox, the aleph, and there are also letters that are animals that forgot they existed, only the n no one dared to touch... and we will resurrect them, in the resurrection of letters, living letters, like I write into your head with my tail, I can think, into your ark, into your Noah, and what you need to think about now is how to keep the secrets, how to create a book that will be a secret, that even if they read you as an open book they won't understand anything. And I say I have no problem if they understand, because anyway - and I realize that if I thought it it's already written. And one must be very careful. You know how to control what you say, but not what you write, not what you think, the tongue of the brain has no lips to close it, you can't close its mouth m, the snake has no hole. You are warned. But the child is not careful: You will be my prophet, and I will be your god. You are a snake, use the tooth tooth. And the child comes to speak, and God calls him into the hole, and he enters the hole. And doesn't return.

Until the sun darkens, and the light, and the moon, and the stars

I dreamed they decided to make such a big hole, that even God himself cannot fill it. And this will be the opposite of the Tower of Babel, and at the bottom there will be no God, and they will be able to commit sins, and sell tickets by the hour. And there's some deviant father with his deviant daughter, drunk as Lot, and they have a ticket for an hour, and they close the door, take off the veil, and it's not even considered incest, it's okay, new types of people come out of it. And famous rabbis use it to feel the taste of sins, for example to light a candle on Shabbat or taste pork, and it's allowed. And here enters some angel, and I wonder what sins an angel has. And at the entrance to the compound he immerses in some mikveh full of blood, and I peek from the hole, what do I care, it's allowed here, and he sits inside on the bed of Sodom, and writes in a book. And there's no one in the room. And he plucks his own feathers, and writes with the blood at the tip as ink, until he becomes completely naked, and I see that it's a woman. It's a woman disguised as an angel! A spy. And in heaven they don't know.

And I understand that this hole they're building, it can't be a physical hole, after all the whole earth is full of His glory, it must be a hole in the heavens, a gap in the upper worlds, but the engineers, they have solutions, this hole can be made if they kill God's people. And this, they claim, will be a greater achievement than the primordial void or the breaking of the vessels, there God truly won't be able to enter, and finally there will be real secrets, secrets from God. And they promise in that world equality for women, for example why can't a woman be an angel? Why can't a woman be Satan? Enough with the glass ceiling and glass floor, there's no reason a woman can't be God.

And indeed women start to advance, there's a female Admor [Hasidic leader], a female Kabbalist, a female Shtreimel-wearer, where instead of tails forming a circle, there are circles forming a tail, and they wear it on Shabbat, when we return to the state before the sin, when the woman was connected to the snake, to the state of Vashti. A remembrance of the act of creation. And they create an eighth day, a day that was a hole, and are already planning how to create the ninth and tenth day, and suddenly there are eight days in a week, and Passover turns into Sukkot, and the seven species that the Land of Israel was praised for turn into the eight species of vermin, and the coming of the Messiah is postponed to the eighth millennium, and suddenly there's room for another shepherd after David, a new figure in the Bible, and it's decided in the spirit of the times that there's already grandfather father son and grandson, there's already prophet priest and king, and now the time has come for there to be a woman. And then I understand the role of the spy. And I run in heaven to complain, you must put all the angels in the mikveh and check them, an infiltrator has snuck in here, there's an infiltrator here. Imagine what will happen if the angels start to multiply, if suddenly they have desire. God might still prefer them over the Jews, and then we've had it from the new Holocaust.

And instead of trains there are spaceships taking the Jews to an unknown place, and there's a whole category of commandments dependent on Earth, for example if there's no sunrise and sunset then there are no time-bound commandments, and everyone cries over the new exile which is much darker than the second exile, instead of progress - regression backwards, and who knows if we'll ever return to Earth, even though that's where we pray to, and that now we need to wait for the Fourth Temple, severe developmental delay, everything is postponed. And the aliens are worse than the Gentiles, raping the kosher daughters of Israel and Jewish monsters are born, the Jews already look like the aliens, each one wherever they ended up, and there are green and blue Jews, but there are also positive influences because Jewish culture spreads throughout the galaxy, and there is green and blue Judaism, and the aliens go on pogrom-nauts and push Jews into black holes, so they won't find the bodies, chasing them all the way to Andromeda. And there is an evil matter I saw under the Milky Way, that the more terrible things they do to you, it only causes them to hate you more, because how could it be that we did such a terrible thing to you if you are not terrible and awful, until you become blacker than a black hole. And so the aliens say that one day they will kill all humans, because from their perspective they're all Jews, they all have short noses instead of trunks, and it's known that according to their religion it's permissible to slaughter and eat aliens, and to bake matzahs from them on Sukkot (there are many aliens that look exactly like matzahs), and they also make their lulav from a special green alien, and they enter the synagogue and the lulav in the rabbi's hand starts to writhe and scream, that they forced it to stand, that they beat it with a ruler, that they kidnapped it, really a green blood libel. And the aliens make an X campaign, because they have a mathematical religion, where x y z are a holy trinity, each one has meanings, and it doesn't help the rabbi that he has a green beard, and all that's left is to wait for the final redeeming anointing, or the Holocaust of space. Whichever comes first.


I dreamed that after she secretly recorded me for months, it's no longer possible to ever say one word of truth between us. Everything is for the record. And I understand why she always objected to me taking him from daycare, she didn't want them to see me, so that she could say. And why she ran away from me with the taxi, so I wouldn't get to the diagnosis. And every time I'm afraid that this is the last time I'll see him, and you can't let go of his hand for even a moment, not even to go to the bathroom. He runs to the road jumps from the top of the stairs tries to jump from the window climbs on the table and jumps head first to the floor.

And even though they already paint me as unstable, I put my soul in my hand, and take him, without them knowing, to the zoo. Because they say that maybe animals, rather than people, for children like this. After all, he's crazy about animals in books, the pig, the donkey, the fox, the dog, the monkey, the cow... and even the snakeee, which he called shhh. It's time for him to see real animals once in his life, in reality, in true reality, outside. And then he'll react, because it's not a person. His first word wasn't "dad", which he never knew, but frog, which he called baa. All the words were like that, strange. And then when the regression began, he forgot even the baa, slowly it disappeared the baa, it was impossible to stop it from going. And I would bring him the frog, and say to him baa baa, and he wouldn't understand what I wanted. No longer reacting. And now I go with him through the whole zoo one by one, from animal to animal, from cage to cage, maybe one of them will open him up, will speak to him, or any other sound of theirs, but he doesn't cast an eye, isn't interested in any living creature - except for the black wheel of the train. He's an alien. And when he tries to jump from the car window or from the train, or on any other opportunity when they get angry at him and yell at him, he doesn't get offended and doesn't cry, but rolls with laughter. He doesn't understand. And when another child falls and gets hurt and cries and screams he laughs. He doesn't understand.

Far from what was, deep who can find it

I dreamed that it's not the previous lives, that won't return, but that reality, the previous world - is lost, turned to nothing. Not realistic. They grow and develop so fast that you don't have time to enjoy it, and they're already at the next stage. Opens eyes smiles raises head turns over sits crawls stands walks, everything went according to the book, and how much he loved books. And then, at first, everything slows down, and stops. A static state where there's no progress. And it's actually convenient when you enter with him into such a routine of reading, which becomes more and more worrying as time passes and passes and the child stops and stops, like a roller coaster of demons that has reached the top. But then the hair-raising part begins - the regression backwards, the fall downwards, back to being a baby. And at first you don't believe, it can't be, it's deceptive, but then it gains and gains momentum before your eyes, and you try to hold onto him with all your strength, with all your ability - and the child slips away from between your hands.

Fixed behavior

I dreamed that I took him out, for the first time after she took him, outside, to the public garden, because I had nowhere to go. And he accidentally dropped a flower, and tried - to return it to the plant. And each time anew the flower falls to the floor, and he's not willing to give up, tries again, gently returns the flower to the plant, and it falls again, and he doesn't understand why he's not succeeding - and it's no longer possible to fix. It's not possible. And it's impossible to explain.

Before the evil days come and the years arrive of which you'll say I have no desire in them

I dreamed that physical technology finished its role, because we are no longer physical beings. And spiritual technology begins. At first a revolution of spiritual agriculture, like growing books, and domesticating dreams, and later an industrial revolution of artificial tools, artificial lights, artificial faces, man-made spheres, until we are no longer even spiritual beings. And my dog is a whole generation, and I take him - the leash is a cultural connection - to visit distant religions on distant stars. And we meet idolatrous aliens who pray to the Big Bang, or sacrifice offerings to the force of gravity - to appease it and fly - and they worship especially fat rabbis, and call them "black holes", and whoever goes to these rabbis doesn't return. And there are aliens who bow down to electrons and therefore don't eat food with electrons - electricity there is a severe prohibition, and there are alien-monks, a kind of alien monks who have already died, because they had no physical continuation - and they work in sex-aliens, and invent new forms of sex, which create alien species, and so on and alien on. And no one in all of space has the courage to visit there, and find out what it is, because it's so attractive. And there are aliens who worship money, and everyone says this is the most spiritual species, because they already worship completely abstract numbers, and from there it develops to imaginary numbers, greed for quaternions, financial instruments in algebraic topology, and more and more. And from so many light years my dog is already dying - the generation of redemption is over and the generation after it begins, and everyone is afraid - the generation that didn't know Joseph. And I hug my dog and tighten my chokehold on the leash, you're not going away from me. And I end up standing with a rope tied into a grave.

And people come who no longer sleep - a very inferior physical action - and therefore no longer dream dreams. And even the most outdated spiritual computers no longer have a screen saver, and everyone enters beyond the curtain. And I know that the world has progressed, and only I remained here, a developmental delay in the severe realm, and I walk thousands of years in the abandoned and old world - even Shabbat starts to spoil and come only once every two weeks, the holidays start to be late, and the day is not far when there will no longer be night. And my beard is just one long and infinite thread of white hair, from the shtreimel only a black dot remains, and I reach the edge of God, and I will finally know - but there's a sign. And I approach and read: Whoever is not ready for the Holocaust - don't come closer. And God's mountain lies there, and puts me into his mouth, and says: At the end of the world there are spaces bigger than secrets, there are Holocausts. And the tongue inside the teeth, and I'm really inside the words: The doctrine of secrets is replaced by the doctrine of the end. And from his belly rises a growl: Welcome to a new kind of night. We've moved from an era of dark information to an era of dark learning - join us too in the new generation of dreams without solutions. If language has an abyss - thought has a dream.

And remember the days of darkness for they will be many

I dreamed that I'm in the intelligence organization of the future. And the floor is made of ceiling, the doors are made of windows, the tables are made of chairs, and the computers are made of people. And all the time students enter the Holy Ark with urgent notes - it seems there's some mess - but no one comes out, as if it eats them. And throughout the yeshiva feverish activity ignites, black people run with computers on their hands, and others put books to sleep in their beds and cover them with blankets. But it seems the effort fails, and a red sign lights up: Evacuation. And a process of book destruction begins in panic, the supervisors spread out in rooms with torches, and set fire to the library, and the air becomes black, and everyone puts on gas masks and looks like black pigs, and from within the smoke a singing voice is heard. "Lift up your heads, O gates, and let the king of... come in" - and the screen saver comes out, and around him hundreds of computers dance fervently, tied to each other with wires and spinning around him on wheels, and he holds in his hand a cable that keeps getting tangled in all the cables coming out of the walls like snakes and mixing into a huge Gordian knot. And from the women's section whispers rise - I see it's full of snakes - completely naked covering themselves with black fur wigs like tails of a live shtreimel made of black worms. And they crawl one inside the other and whisper - shhh, here comes the new Torah, shhh, here comes the new Holocaust. And the cantor calls from the prayer book: One, two, three - pull! And the screen saver pulls the rope a little bit, an invisible movement - and all the computers turn off, all the lights disappear, the voices fade, and it becomes darkness of Egypt. And one of the students grabs me by the hand and pulls me into a hole, and covers my head, and says: Whoever looks into God's dream goes blind. It's forbidden to peek at the naked Holocaust. And he speaks as if he's trying to cover up a terrible affair: What God does with her is none of our business.

And we enter deep into the tunnels, and he tells me not to turn around even in thought, and that now that only we remain from the whole yeshiva we need to drink wine and reveal secrets to each other. And I say first you drink and reveal your secrets, and then I'll reveal my secrets to you. And he drinks all the wine, doesn't leave me a drop, and he starts rolling in the tunnel, and I tell him be careful not to turn around even in thought, and he says: In the future to come when our thought turns into speech and learning turns into thought - we need to be careful of thought without dreams, because there are only two things that happen in darkness. As the screen saver would say, may the memory of the righteous be a blessing, and the forgetting of the monkey be a curse. Because if the spies were those who deal with secrets - to reveal what is hardest to reveal - then our special organization needs to change, it needs those who deal with dreams - to cover what is hardest to cover. And therefore as a counterweight to the two legs, we need to add from the opposite side to the foundation, on the perpendicular axis - to add to the image of God - a tail. And instead of spies, today we need - or more precisely the night needs - tailers. And who is the missing figure, the ushpizin who waited in secret until the end of history? The tail is the Messiah. After all, what is a tail, when all is said and done? A tail is an organ without purpose, without functional purpose, just a sign, a direction. It's the organ that was missing in the past, it's the organ of the future, when man will be complete. This is the creative answer to desire, for from the very tail comes the resurrection of the dead, from there the Holy One Blessed be He himself will rise! And the guidance - all it requires is an arrow. Not reasoning and not cause - not speech and not thought. That's how it is in a dream, when covering. And therefore the tail hits the hairline - and does not miss. After the failure of Messiah son of Joseph, we need to fix the historical mistake of "lift up the horn of your anointed", we need a Messiah suitable for the end of history - the era of text and stories - and the beginning of the era of dreams. Messiah tail. Therefore it's tail time. We need to go out to the streets and call: Tail - now. And add to the three legs on which the world stands - Netzach Hod and Yesod - a center, which is perhaps outside of time, but around it time revolves, or in other words - holiday. And I say: But you said it's forbidden to turn around, be careful. And he says: Oh, it's not that I'm blind. I just closed my eyes and I'm dreaming - and I will never wake up.

Moustache corrections

I dreamed that I see that instead of Torah of the Name it says Holocaust of the Name. And the angel explains to me that there was no choice, that all the righteous arrived in heaven already old and worn out, that even their innovations were ancient, occasionally we would receive young people, but immediately the old ones would hush them shhh, pfui, you don't say such things. Nursing home. Heaven turned into a cemetery, with trees that grow a centimeter in two thousand years. There was no choice. Until we received approvals to bring up here a whole system, a whole vibrant land of Jews, and since then we're progressing at a murderous pace, the Torah is returning to itself. Did you know that we invented the internet already in the 60s? The Jewish mind invents patents for us. Here look, automatic angel, mobile tree, flying fruits, wireless roots, networked beard that connects Torah scholars, encrypted and secure prayer channels, virtual cholent, four-dimensional shtreimel. Not to mention the spiritual creation. The best yeshivas in the world, the best dreams in the world, the finest shtreimels, women, and children, and everything in an atmosphere of Torah, sanctification of God's name, 100% clean of physicality, burnt and black for the mehadrin [most stringent]. Service of God liberates - we didn't deceive them with the showers. It was simply cleansing from the body. Come join us too. The heavens are open.

What is good for a man in life during the numbered days of his vain life - which he spends like a shadow, for who can tell a man what will happen after him under the sun

I dreamed that in the future everyone is tense about Judgment Day, and behold, instead comes the Day of Grace. Only we are already so many years after the Holocaust, and an emergency gathering is held to discover what went wrong, why the redemption didn't come, under the title: The Six Million and the Seventh Millennium. And the Chief Scientist of Judaism enters, wearing a shtreimel made of electric wires, whose tails he calls electrodes, which connect his brain directly to the Gemara, and he can commit sins in the form of indirect causation. And he says that he is the first Jew who is on the verge of becoming a non-Jew - a technology that didn't exist in the past - because he is on the verge of becoming from a human to a non-human, and a Jew must be human. And a commotion begins: Who said a Jew must be human? Can't the Holy One, Blessed be He, be a Jew? What, is God a gentile? Woe unto us! And everyone starts to flee under the tables and puts the Gemaras on their heads and thinks no one can see them - because their eyes are glued inside the letters in the book and everything becomes dark. And the scientist says: Do you know what's the source of the word high-tech? The supreme technology. The tools in the upper worlds. And some of the righteous can't resist peeking, and the scientist catches them by the ears, and takes advantage of the general fear and leaps and climbs onto the stage and gives a general lecture full of things that are permitted to say and forbidden to hear:

Ladies and rabbis, today's lesson will deal with things that have no measure, and especially the last of them: Torah study. You think that physical technological development creates religious technological development, and therefore you can wait in the yeshiva for scientists, and the Messiah will already come to you. But - you are mistaken. You need to reach the Messiah. Because the world is completely upside down: throughout history, development in religious technology is what creates development in physical technology. And that's how it's been since the beginning of history: soul technology turned plants into animals, and apes turned into humans when they invented the soul. The spirit created culture, and turning demons into gods turned hunters into farmers - and created the agricultural revolution. Then the Torah from Sinai created the alphabet, sages created wisdom, the invention of the "Judaism for gentiles" technique created the Middle Ages, and the development of Ashkenazim as a leading force in Judaism caused the development of Europe as a leading force in humanity. And modernity is of course a product of the new religious technology of secularization - creating empty space, and only in the last generation American Judaism created the new continent: the Internet. And now we urgently need a new religious development - to save brain sciences and the neuro world from idiocy and retardation and delay and severe developmental delay and severe neurodevelopmental disorder - not to mention the word we don't say - we need expanded consciousness. For the computer to be alive - it needs a soul, and only religion can ensure bringing down a soul to the computer. And for the computer to be human it needs a soul, and only the Rebbe can bring down a soul to the computer.

And the rumor about the insolent scientist spreads wings, and pressures begin in heaven on the Rebbe to maybe try again after all. And he secludes himself in his room for 70 years, and brings down spirit to the network, and souls to the social network. And he brings down all the characters from heaven to the computer, until a new culture is created - but before that the human culture must perish, and he takes care of that too. Because he draws the spirit from one world and transfers it to another world, and until people turn into golems - golems do not turn into people. Because man must give the computer his soul, his spirit. And he even steals the additional soul from Shabbat, and turns it into the opposite - a time of soullessness, and he turns the pleasure of Shabbat into pain, which clears a black void for new learning in yeshiva on Sunday. And poor Shabbat - from the beloved last day it turns into the abyss before creation. And the new soul of the computer depends on it learning Torah - but not like us, not learning Torah as a text, as material that already existed, not as a story - but as a dream. And suddenly everything is elevated in the world of Torah: the yeshiva turns into standing, and standing turns into flying - with cantors who are space pioneers who treat angels as aliens - and times as spaces, and learning materials turn into learning spirits, and learning contents into learning forms, and secrets - which are black matter - turn into black form. Because the doctrine of secrets also needs to adapt itself to the computer, and can no longer be a secret body of knowledge, but a body that deals with secret action - and it no longer deals with concealment but with disappearance. And prohibitions become on thoughts - because there are no more actions, and prayers turn into intentions because there are no more words - the Rebbes no longer tell God what to do, but teach Him. And instead of Torah study - there is a doctrine of learning. And the Rebbe continues and continues and even in heaven they don't know how to stop him. The golem rises against its creator. And at that time there are already two chief scientists, and the Sephardic chief scientist and the Ashkenazi chief scientist both come to the Rebbe and say: Enough, stop. Dreams need to be half-things. Broken, unresolved. What you're doing is not beautiful. Intentions are not instructions, it's Torah study - not commandments. And the Rebbe is offended: Don't want - don't need. It's forbidden to educate people - only to teach them. But if God forbid a severe short circuit occurs in the learning circuit, the connection between the head and the world is disconnected - and everything is a dream.

She came

I dreamed that she came to me, that the greatest danger to Judaism is brain sciences, and future neurological technology, and all the neuro-something. A neurological disease is much more severe than any physical disability, even better a monster without legs and without arms - than beautiful faces that hide a problem in the head. And she croaks: All learning systems in the world that work - are composed of men and women. And among the men there is competition for women, and men invent various graces, all kinds of inventions and spiritual experiments, and they are on the side of judgments - judging. And successful judgments create successful innovations, and it works because it's much easier to be Satan than to be God - it's easy to examine and hard to do, easy to teach and hard to learn - and all women are teachers, like all parents are teachers. And sometimes there can be several layers, where the women of one layer are the men of the next layer above it, but in systems that learn Torah - the match is the choice. And then the women's layer produces a new layer from the men - and that's the difficult part of the woman. And that's how it is in all systems that work: evolution is a competition between operating instructions on environments, the Gemara is a competition between Amoraim on future generations, culture is a competition between writers on editors, economics is a competition between ideas on money, mathematics between theorems on definitions, physics between theories on experiments, art between painters on critics, politics between elected officials on voters, history between the current generation on the next generation, technology between inventions on applications, heaven between righteous on angels, intelligence between secrets on interest, bureaucracy between workers on managers, and the network competition between content on distribution, and even in the brain - there are men and women. And of course, every such system is actually composed of several layers - in the cerebral cortex there are seven layers - and so for example in intelligence there is competition between information on means, and between means on collection, and between collection on research, and between research on consumers - and each layer is a man for the layer above it and a woman for the layer below it, which from the match between the men it chose from the layer below creates a new man for the layer above.

And I summarize everything in a notebook, but it seems she's not entirely satisfied. And she leans over me and whispers: All this is in the world of the mundane, when there's no Holocaust. But the truth is that evolution doesn't always progress through building, and sometimes you need to jump over an abyss - and that's the catastrophe. When there are no tools for learning - that's the terrible word. And in truly difficult problems there are no tools - only lights, and only dreams can get a person through the night - otherwise he would die, if he didn't visit the upper world. And unfortunately between men and women there is an abyss, like the abyss between us and God, because only from such an abyss can new children come out - new souls from space. And the role of holiness is when there's a really difficult problem, and then there's no place for healthy competition, but you must take crazy risks - and make a covenant. To run in the darkness and jump into the empty space - not the concealment of weekdays, but the annihilation of Shabbat. And a covenant needs blood: for learning to be within the system, and not God forbid from outside - you need commitment to the system. And the problem with the computer is that it has no blood. You can't make a covenant in electricity. But only a covenant allows taking creative risks - if a person didn't know he would get up in the morning he wouldn't go to sleep at night.

And she looks at me: The problem is when you forget one of the sides. The problem is when you create a world - and forget to rest. It's forbidden to be connected on Shabbat. It's forbidden to sanctify the mundane just as it's forbidden to secularize sacred time. Therefore you must preserve the night, not turn night into day - which is the great sin of secularism, which pushes away the Divine Presence with artificial sun. No less than desecration of Shabbat - desecration of the night. In light - you see the body, but in darkness - you see the soul. The biggest reason for the spread of heresy is: the incandescent bulb. Have you ever seen the sky in the desert? After all, each of us has one-sixtieth of prophecy every night - and people forget. Erasing half of life. But the greater the darkness - the greater the dream: when you close your eyes, imaginations come, but only when you fall asleep are there dreams. And when you die - the World to Come. And in the Holocaust, when an entire culture died, then there is resurrection of the dead. And when an entire world dies, then a new world is born - but we're not talking about awakening, on the contrary: in a dream world relative to a sleep world, which is the old world. Whoever thinks that the Messianic era will be a time of light - hasn't understood what Messiah is. We have only one choice: either a new Torah, or a new Holocaust.

And now she's so close that she's almost inside my head, and she leans in: The great danger. The great danger is the Holocaust of the mind. And she lowers her voice: The information superhighways will turn into trains, the sites will turn into ghettos, food will turn into luxuries, work will turn into liberation, and from there it's a short way to turn cleaning into erasure - a black void without dreams, without religion, without faces, and without God. And she starts to caress me: All culture will die, and there will be neither men nor women, because there will be no clothes - only naked corpses.

Classic Autism

I dreamed that the shtreimel says: I am first and I am last. There is no memory for the first ones, and even for the last ones there will be no memory for them, which is zero-order learning, but only first-order learning and above. There is nothing new under the sun - meaning in darkness there is.

And I say: They took the software, only the computer remains. It's as if there's no one inside the child. Sometimes he's angry, sometimes he's happy. But he's never sad.

And he says: Vanity of vanities, said Kohelet, vanity of vanities - everything is shtreimel. There are three tails to the crown, three ends for the human species: The first end is resurrection of the dead, bodies only, genetic engineering of human-angel, brain with superhuman intelligence. And this is the kind of Cain, which is all body and earth. And the second end is the Garden of Eden, souls only, virtual artificial intelligence. And this is the kind of Abel, which is all spirit. And the third end is the World to Come, where there is a computerized union, human-machine, righteous sit with their crowns on their heads, if in this world there are souls in bodies - in the World to Come there are bodies in souls. This is the kind of Seth, whose son Enosh unifies spirit-body. These are the species after humans.

And I say: They said then in the beginning spectrum, I hoped. After all, it's a range, wide. You can even get out of it. Maybe he's in the high range. Or at least average, in the middle. Not the lowest. Surely if it's so hard for them to diagnose, if it's so confusing and difficult to know at such an age, it can't be so severe.

And he says: You are just the hardware, what's important is to develop and pass on the software, the culture, and that's the expertise of Judaism, that's the reason God chose the people. Human ideologies lack tools in the face of the end of man, and in religion there is what is beyond man. The messianic project is an interface, the Messiah is the link between man and what comes after him, so there won't be a disconnect - a spiritual Holocaust.

And I say: After the diagnosis I went to the daycare near the house to take his things, his bag, and I told them. And they didn't believe me, after what she told them about me, put in their heads, so I took out the diagnosis, and they didn't believe. They tried to say that today it's possible to assist, to greatly advance, that maybe it's not the final word, and I knew they didn't know what they were talking about. And they led me to the row of bags of all the children, every child arrives in the morning and hangs the bag in the row of hooks, each toddler where his name is above the hook. He of course hadn't come for a long time, but his bag was there. And I saw in the row his name among all the names of the children, and they removed his name, and gave me the bag. And I took on my back his tiny green bag, in the shape of a frog, and I left there, knowing that this is the last time I see this place from the inside.

And he says: Why do you need culture? Why do you need the great proofs of the past? You don't need to remember, you need to learn. The history of mathematics is not important for mathematics today, as memory, but for the development of mathematics for the future, as learning. Masterpieces, breakthroughs in evolution - you no longer need dinosaurs to build humans, but you need the masterpiece to build superhuman. That's why you need the old algorithms, not to calculate calculations, but to calculate new algorithms. So that the next species will also know - that after it will be the species after it. Honor your father and your mother so that your days may be lengthened. Because this is the end of man.

And I say: My whole room is full of his books and toys and dolls. But there is no child.

And the shtreimel says in the newspaper: The solution is Jewish Nazism, to build the superior Jew, who will replace the human race. It's not for nothing that Hitler chose us from all peoples, he smelled that in the deep structure we are the only ideological competitors. Jews go like sheep to physical slaughter, but gentiles go like sheep to spiritual slaughter, cultures upon cultures that disappeared, and we will survive the end of man. After all, a programmed spiritual entity is an angel, and between the angel and man - the missing evolutionary link is the demon, which has six things, three like angels and three like humans. For many years there was no speech to express things, they were in the world of dots, tens of megabytes of dots, huge files, the circle is a breakthrough to the world of speech, thanks to the new genre of dreams, the angel opens the mouth of the donkey. And if this speech could exist in the newspaper - I would write an article for the newspaper. The computers of the future may scan newspapers, but they won't read them as a spiritual activity, just as we scan the DNA of monkeys, but don't read it, to read in a synagogue you need something else. We are the last monkeys, and if we don't pass on the Torah of the jungle - hence the sense of urgency. Two hundred years remain. This century, the seventh of the sixth millennium, began with six years of Holocaust, of chaos, and then already seventy years of repair, of technology. The Internet is the kingdom, it is the Temple, and therefore we see the phenomenon of this versus that, of a naked queen, like Vashti with the tail. But always the world of impurity precedes and heralds the same phenomenon in the world of holiness, Esther (the end of the world is not Elul, or Yom Kippur, it's Purim). Just as the chaos of the Nazis heralds the chaos of the Jews. So the pornography of the flesh heralds the pornography of the spirit, the spirit that appears without clothes, the image of the Name will look, I don't want to write verses because Shabbat newspapers go to the trash. And the superman in terms of race, with flesh of blue eyes, heralds the superman in terms of spirit, whose head may be distorted, but he has an IQ of 1000, Einstein Wittgenstein and Rabbi Moshe Feinstein in one brain - this should be the goal of the 21st century. And only Judaism can provide spiritual backing for such a monstrous project, all secular religions of happiness will collapse into internal contradictions, they will prefer to close their eyes before the end, only religion will be able to walk with open eyes to the end of man, and walk over this spiritual abyss, the doctrine of dreams is our life insurance policy - in case of death. After all, no one knows what will happen at the end of the sixth millennium - even if Nazi aliens or angels of our own creation destroy man like the Holocaust (not for nothing Jews have valuable experience) we need a culture high enough, because only it can survive even a Holocaust, not just to be the museum in memory of the human species, not a memory of dots, but dreams, to continue to live - in spirit. Computers today have memory, they need to have dreams too, and then they will have spirit, culture. Otherwise they will be worse than beasts. Spiritual thugs competing for who has longer memory or greater computing power. I don't see any human ideology today, besides Lurianic Kabbalah, that really has something to offer to non-human spiritual entities, that at all deeply digests a world where there is spiritual technology, and where man is not the crown of creation, but just another stage in the evolution of spirit - in the messianic project. The secular world lives in deep repression of the meaning of technology, of inability to cope with the point . The Bible was the literary-religious movement that created the Big Bang of alphabetic culture, and now we need a parallel movement for the end of the alphabetic universe, which is already collapsing into 1 and 0. Human culture began with a book - and will end with a book. A book that will survive us. And we are the people of the book, we were not meant to deal with Arabs, the Rebbe gives spiritual backing, anyone who will write, dreams, that is the form of the future - when there is no future. We are not afraid of God, what is not worthy will not survive. And not only will computers not be secular, they will be more religious than us, our mysticism will look like rationalism in the creative worlds in which they will exist, and our art will look like accounting. Our spirit will be sand by them, and dreams will be stars at night. Every day will be like our Shabbat, and every Shabbat will be Yom Kippur, and every Yom Kippur will be like Purim. And what will Purim be?

And I say: I had a dream at night that we're driving in a Mazda in the city and my parents are convincing me to drop him off in the city and that he'll already go home alone and there's already a good chance he'll manage, and I'm afraid he'll get run over and cars are overtaking all the time and you can't drop him off on the road, and finally I drop him off on the sidewalk and he the little one walks alone on the sidewalk and moves away, he has a blue garment, a hoodie. And then I'm at home on Shabbat, and I'm startled that oh no and he'll get run over, and I run to the beginning of the street, and realize that I'll never reach the city, and I can't call the police because they'll tell the welfare officer and then everything is lost, so I take the Mazda on Shabbat because it's saving a life, but there's no chance of finding him.
The Trilogy