The Degeneration of the Nation
The Friend
Moments of magic. A sequence of old and beloved poems (and the most erotic poem in Hebrew poetry)
Eropoetics  (Source)
Kiss of the Hair

"And you shall see My back, but My face shall not be seen"

My friend, humming in the descent of
her braid multiple times
hiding her face forward

Disheveled from her neck
a tail on the back
exposed touching
to a tail inserted
in her behind
and whispering to her like a snake
you're the most attractive
you most d-e-s-e-r-v-e it really
thank you for not being my lover
nor my wife

Thank you, friend of
my soul who asked
that I not be ashamed before you
for we are the closest
there is

Invitation to Her Home

The many many times
and how with tears you beg
for me to be your slave
and that you only wish to see
make me tremble

And obey
to take everything off
to turn to the door
a minute
after I entered your house
and you enter
to know - here
is your kingdom
and your wish is not an empty ring
but rather - tight
and your delicate finger
grasps me
like a hook

The Best Friend

The dozens of times create
in me a kind of
feeling that I am not the one bearing

Crown always rotating from peak
to tip towards
another tooth
and another angle - and I am inferior

And even spiritually
I will never be able to understand
forever and ever
only to cause and cause and cause

The dream machine

A One-Sided Fairy Tale

The night falls into abysses
and you rise, wonderful, humming like hundreds of
I will never know what you know
your inner secret and I the pumpkin

Pressed Against the Wall

The mouth - a queen's ring
and I fall silent because now
it's your turn
and a man is not allowed to refuse

Excited by the request, consent in silence -
and grateful
I will never disappoint a friend
just because we are not lovers
we love -
more than all lovers
and more than that - pure
as babies, clear
as angels
and I came with
the gray underwear

Tongue Falls on Sleep

Blessed be He who made us just
and not one of the relationships
we didn't marry as a Ltd. partnership
corporates in their bed my dear
sweating without air conditioning
you are the purest thing I've known
precisely because we are not a couple
the cherries under the heels
squeezed in delicate mixtures
and his soul is bound
in tongue
not in her soul

And not a routine act
when living like a cat in a friend's apartment
every evening is a meeting
and going down to its details a demand
in kneeling
called to her from the couch
because anyway the door is transparent

The Mandate of Heaven and the Mandate of the Ceiling

Honesty speaks through the wall
for it is what is heard in the dark
in your tiny apartment there's nothing to hide
and you can save
on hot water

A real woman always dresses
but you already demand
from a soulmate
between true friends
to go around the house in half uniform
saving laundry with eye covering
after all why not wash meanwhile
when by chance lifting from the computer
examining secretly
between you
and yourself
how it sits

Love without its future
is our love, friend
it's a legend - and will remain a legend
the horizon is pushed beyond the horizon, and hop, patent, here's the sunset

The Pe-ek

After I was for a year
a friend's house pet
the core of femininity and its secret was revealed to me:
between her and herself
is the essence of her sexuality

And for the aforementioned lock we have no key
only a screwdriver rotating forever

The Isolation

The forever and ever
is in the present - and not in the future
and we will not have
a witness
(perhaps the neighbor's jealousy)
and thank God there will be no wedding
is lonely
and it is in a friend

At the speed of light couplehood dies
and in darkness
a friend

The Store

Obey and agree to the state of the universe
they know better
than what within
us will arise
agree to her
closest buy you clothing
elegant decent, say yes
to everything she says
even to her statement
that she'll enter with you together to the fitting room
when she turns around closing her eyes
when you
take off pants
only to discover her
accidentally peeking
in the mirror

Critique of the Power of Judgment

The secret is submission
of the man to the desires
of the girl
suppression of pleasure
until her instruction
enough for her
for this time time time

The secret is internalizing
the inferior sexuality compared to her
a pet in the bed of
Her Majesty

And the secret: jealousy always burning in her ability
burning the man's heart to ashes
and dust at her feet - not to mention
her shoes - of the exalted
above you, and her heels trampled
your commandment - take off
your desire

For the place where you stand
is holy ground
her behind

If You Have Nowhere to Be You Can Come to Me in the Meantime

A noble lady going out on her way alone
every dawn to the forest
riding you on the lonely road
with the storm
and the behind
always stand - at her service
superior in status - and you are bound
to her, solitary, in her stable
but she is up there
human and you
straw and halter
her pleasure is holy, terrible
for she is the shepherd
and you her beast, she is human
and you her machine, she is the girl
and you her only toy
she reaches
thousands of times in one year
and you are a submissive zero (and nice), whose only advantage is the digit one
the curve in measure - touches exactly
the point
held like an animal in her apartment

Protected Tenancy Contract from the World

In her narrow, bright apartment, your friend, she is the queen -
and she is the constitution
her home is your fortress from the terrible outside - and in return
every evening you'll receive your reward from her hand
in a bowl
without work -
except her work

But an inviolable command in her house
upon her awakening she will call in a thin voice,
spoiled and lazy
to you her cat from the couch
and will be brought to her steaming to the bed
sweet pastry, strong coffee
and an erection

There is No Guardian for Incest

The temporary generosity to a friend without a home
captured me in her
in the beginning was a very simple request
that I not be ashamed
and a child's curiosity: I want to see. What's there?

Later saving water in twos
closer than all close ones - son and daughter of the house
and some favors -
half mutual services
between us, between such good friends, why meanwhile
remain lonely, why not actually
what's wrong with a little
when we're both so nice, lost
returning in the evening, from long days
and in need of some hugs
a little time of love
after all you won't be thrown like a dog - to the city street
if you're already here anyway, at the end of the day for a single woman
there are needs, the gap between girl
and queen - in our days is tiny

And why shouldn't she send her hand
and play there with them for her pleasure
if anyway she sacrificed her dwelling for you
and lost her privacy
what about her season

If anyway you hear her
masturbating every evening beyond the door
she calls you to her room
at first for inspiration
to see them only
and slowly - for special service
she masturbates through you
as if she's alone

The Last Fortress of Privacy

What will a man desire
besides a woman's will?
And what fire will burn pure, clear
from the desire of a friend's passion?
Without mortgage, childbirth,
show (!) for her parents and her group
as a male in a role, as a catch on a hook
and worse - as a script, as romance.
Just net, without gross, all of her rising
innocent, red, blushing
is there still love in the world
that does not depend on anything?
That will never turn in its end
from a private storm in makeup -
to another final verse
a status symbol on Facebook

Here is why
the hum of their pleasure hums
in our souls more than our own pleasure
isn't the orgasm
the very purity of will like sky in itself
hers in itself?
And in contrast
within us males it fades quickly
also some kind of
dark-gasm murky

Will we not deduce something -
something terrible -
from our natural male sexual inferiority
like the achievement of a rooster pecking as if reading a book of poetry
and as an animal pleasing its owner?

This is Your Second Childhood

If I wasn't called inside - I am on the couch
and if room service is requested
here is the ceremony in her design:
the tray line - the clothing line
and on the platter will be served
refreshments for the bed, in the shirt she bought - a buttoned suit
and underneath it the package deal - visible to the eye

And if the button needs - she presses the button
she ordered from China: a delicate bell sound
and the big cat from the living room will wear
a dog collar
(from the pet store)
and without a sound will sneak
padding in darkness on all fours
and will bend
between the high heels - raised
and on the threshold of the bed
will cover with her skirt his caressed head
and will do what a cat does
to milk

(and for your benefit I will not cover the secret of their milk under the lid:
he will curve the bottom of his feline tongue into the shape of a drifting leaf shell
gently he will suck as if kissing with his lips and then softly in vacuum with his tongue will draw
as the man's deep voice shakes everything he will inhale into his lungs
from the nose trumpet player breaths and even his mouth flooded with saliva like a star
to work with the soprano moans according to the rhythm
accelerating from turtle pace to gazelle sprint pace
the woman's song a scepter and command
shade between line and spiral
and yes in the perpendicular direction
turn and return
as if by itself
like a tail
until the chain of desire will not cease and the tail bud will be sucked and the jug will spill on the spring and the cylinder will contract to the pit;
and the beast will return to the earth as it was and the spirit will return to the mistress whose breath blossomed;
and she will praise: thank you
and I will be filled with hollow pride
and inferior jealousy
and desire)

For indeed long ago,
far in the past,
in a time of favor and closeness,
long before I was thrown from my apartment to hers,
she revealed to me her secret
that even in her confession - aroused trembling
as a friend sweetening her most hidden secrets
to her friend:

From her earliest childhood, since she remembers herself
she never fell asleep
a shaking orgasm
even before she knew to call it by name

The Peek of Jealousy

When in her feed her eyes
wash without limit
and with her right hand on the mouse she'll scroll
I'm trusted to stand beside her on the left
she'll put it in her pants to search and play with the round
her constitutional right at any time without asking
and caress me vocally:
you're a big cat

And when a hottie peeks in Netflix
the friend's hand she'll take and insert
into her pants that I'll make sure to melt
when he takes off the shirt

From the period I got stuck in her apartment
in the Corona lockdowns
the friend shared with me
her porn habits
she watches on her laptop
while caressing-grasping
her pet licking underneath
trapped between the plastic and the butt to the bed
between the fetish of desire – and the anvil of the friend
between love without jealousy to possession without love
hearing the sounds above him
and not seeing with his eyes

The Biggest Lesson in Life

When I'm a bad cat the apartment owner
gives me a prize and says
she'll educate severely

And the owner commands: turn over - and mounts
I fold and she doesn't fold
whimpering in a six position
and she demands:
be ashamed,
obey, stupid cat
mine, I love you
not independent, I didn't adopt
a cat from the trash because I wanted a successful husband
what was - that I peeked inside -
and saw inside you the animal
sensitive elusive, emotionally naked
such that I fantasized about raising for years, it is I
who revealed to you your sexual identity
feline, inhuman
and I feel inside the hardening of the prostate
and now beg please as always
for me to squeeze you
as a friend
the most amazing and wonderful there will be and was, above and beyond all love
an animal at inhuman levels
of closeness

(and this (I collapse into myself) my friend -
is mutual)

Journey into the Nothingness

For friend and friend - it's forbidden to talk about the future
but it's allowed
to confess about the past

When she saved me from street cathood
at her place, closer to me than a sister
the issue of showers arose
and I noticed very quickly
when she enters
through the

Risk-free, except for ingratitude
from fairy tales
I didn't dare to betray
the trust

But once after the shower
I felt a strange thought sneaking
under the towel
that opens and closes wide
and the height of my loins is found hanging
at half the door

And quickly I peeked into the darkness outside
still dripping water
and it seemed to me I saw an eye there

In a universe inside a small house
only the present exists
and the outside is the end - and therefore it is forbidden
and this is the end of the story

First Act in a Tragedy

We were brother and sister, and now
it's like sleeping
in the best

Revelation of lions in the closet
in the childhood room, in violation of the oath of friendship
holier in our days than marriage, betraying
ourselves with ourselves, in a tale
hubris that has not yet been
written in books
to defeat the system:
to go down on a friend - to love her - and to remain with her
just friends

My sister, of all you are the mythological
but you won't even be an ex
to live inside a fairy tale
girl-queen and her friend cat

The Thousand Generations Secret

In classified sex education for girls
the special ones - learn
men are evil beasts
but hidden in them is a secret

A simple method for control
of the inferior wild beast
that human daughters pass on
from woman to her sister
in a whisper

"Between friends", between generations
in inner chambers, from the caves

And they blush giggling embarrassed
and they laugh-cry:
a man needs
to turn

In whisper passes the spell
like magic works on a snake

Without saying explicitly
the explicit name

The next hidden hiding place
in flesh
the terrible secret
the last remaining

Evolution created in the male
and nature imprinted in man
a hidden forbidden option
symmetry reserved for the female
in secret
to make order

Treacherous creatures, lowly dogs, hairy
turn into
purring kittens

And those who know - know
bad friends told her, revealed
if you want to reverse the roles
all you need to do
when he's simply - very

All you ever wanted
and always thought -
just the absolute opposite
try it once
on a friend

Sex Education for Boys

The teacher gives me schooling
calls me to her room
God created man, he is the evil inclination
a treacherous beast, a bound trouble
and created for him a spice - the teacher
and in her lessons matures
a sex-cat -
for true education - always sexual
platonic love
disciple to mistress
you think I didn't notice that,
my platonic friend,
how much you stared at the shirts, not the faces?

You won't be like them, dog
of the streets pushing nose
under every skirt on the street
you're a good cat, domesticated
every single woman needs one

And without fully understanding her mind
you look at her from below
like an animal at its owner
admiring your tyrant, pulling at her chains
and she strikes
you with her laughter
and strokes your head
foolish in silence
in a lesson that passed over him in a class
and takes off her shirt

Homo Sapiens is Homo Straight

Who would have believed
that she, the daughter
most nerdy shy,
would reach in a tiny silent cell, by mistake
an earth-shattering anthropological discovery about the dawn of civilization:
the beginning of agriculture - the first domesticated animal
was the penetrated man
in the bedroom

The patriarchy was meant to cover the behind
of the man from the woman, an attempt against nature
to produce asymmetry, whose end
is a treacherous penis
a mistaken physical posture
and reversed hegemony
from the character of the biological
by which the male is subservient to the female
and always remains
a child monkey
and only the breast changes in his mouth

The Act of Creation

In the beginning was curiosity
must know, see by mistake
the forbidden curve in the drooping pants
forever secret, in the bonds of friendship
in trembling blush
myself, finishing your boiler

Afraid excited, simply embarrassed
to extend a hand - to take
after all it's a kind of
that comes with a friend
and after it you come, following the cable
to where it leads, so a lock is needed
love that at home waits for me by the door

Year of fulfilling years of fantasies -
with the least
threatening man I could imagine
if not with you then with whom
insecure and strong and pitiful
and I
curtain opening
turning back embarrassed from me
in the shower
and your heart opens to me from behind

The Oath

My secret man,
my friend,
I've seen everything of you
and you've seen me, I revealed and you revealed to you and me
we told all the secrets, we can stop
that I'm Venus - and you're Mars
like a child who never saw a pair of
breasts, to cut in half
the water bill
that I cover for you

For closer than us
in the universe - there are none
and the meaning
is that we can
what no man and woman in humanity
keep under the shower
the friendship

Intimate friends - to absurdity
to overcome
the embarrassment of the sexes - and the prohibition
you know man, how much we both come
from such different worlds
and that's the thing that connects
us from within

Friend of my soul
and body, my companion
closer than any possible lover
after all it's natural, that something special
here after all is fat
extend your hand - and touch them
in trusting silence
commanded that it's nothing, just a shower
both me and you
have a behind

For you are so
much knowing me,
and I you, man of my faith,
that between us, even sex - will be a-sexual

Former Ultra-Orthodox

You landed from the spaceship
at my doorstep
could I
throw you into the void of night?
You were always nice to me after all
to the point of madness,
and we're both crazy
about showers -
and share
a developed sense of inferiority

But when I got up from a dream in bed to the bathroom
I passed by my couch - and in the darkness peeked
I saw the bulge in the sheet
and understood that I had let into my home
an animal

There's no man more innocent
than you
or one truly more innocent
than me
and see where the two stand
after three years
you on all fours begging
for me to sit on your face

The End of a Wonderful Friendship

My girlfriends are dying of jealousy
but I know why
they smile to themselves
Do you already suspect?
I am your last friend

Among girls, there are sexual gaps
cosmic. A busty blonde
or model features
will charm only those
who have not yet tasted
the taste
of a multi-orgasmic
compared to them - she is alien
looking from a spaceship at the common folk
and what will you say
inferior even to one
That you dedicated your life to experiences of another
that you don't understand, not even their image
but convinced of their superiority
just a small racist
who hates yourself as a man
and won't forgive your body until the grave
imagining that you are her - and she the male
and while you suck her fervently - that she has
a small penis but - a million times more phallic potency than you
and when she pushes a thumb into your mouth - fantasizing that she's forcefully fucking you

While she never dedicates to the terrible gap a thought
to your sacrificing your sexuality on the altar of her sexuality
imagining yourself as the zero penetrated by her
as an object she bought hidden in her drawer
don't you understand yet
that the only meaning
that can be for the sacrifice
is not friend and not her sexuality
well, love?
Why does your organ harden like a rock
but your heart hardened like stone?
And how is all of you burning with desire to satisfy her
but inside you are a jar of ashes -
never to be satisfied?
And why does your aspiration to pleasure her know no satiety
and you'll sacrifice again time after time
even your small and pitiful pleasure
for a tiny chance
to pleasure her one more time - after dozens?
Why despite phenomenal sex life
did you remain chronically insecure
and one relative failure will suffice
for a feeling of absolute 0?
And how does it happen that precisely when she asks for the end of the chain,
that it's your turn to reach together with her for emission
- the remnant reserved for you
under the table -
suddenly only then your organ
And why do you wake up from anxiety dreams
that she's sleeping with another during her workday
while you wait for her in her bed?
And why do you feel that her orgasms
are the only value
to your life?

Isn't it time to give her, friend,
something more essential than another legendary chain of peaks,
the end of friendship -
and the beginning of something forever?

Appendix: Around the Point

The Holy Zohar

Those who know do not speak
Those who speak do not know
One who is not seen
on her
in real life
blooms deep in her night
beside a child beside her
sure: quiet
but rises in the watches her secret
and wore
invisible chains of radiance
on a hollow neck all nights
with a bulge

And you
the jealous one that she rises desired to God
and you and your sex he pushed did not accept
said Ecclesiastes what is vanity
an uncontrolled sigh
without voice
and sound
and if you do not improve Set [Translator's note: Hebrew wordplay on "Set" meaning "put" and the name Seth]
sin crouches at the door
and to you is its shameful desire
and you will rule over it in the secret of the throne
loving that you are allowed
what is forbidden
to him - to enter
into him in his slumber

After all why do Jewish women enjoy more?
Because the male is trapped in a system of covenants
covenant of circumcision and the covenant with her, bride and kingdom
dominants versus inferior man
subjugating together the

Thus all her pleasure I play in her ear:
you so deserve it, you deserve it
thus I enter her with force
all her cervix:
you deserve it
so -

Vanity of vanities, said Kohelet
Vanity of vanities, all is vanity
What profit has man in all his labor
which he labors - under emotion
There is nothing new under
the soul
And the advantage of man over beast is naught
for all is vanity

Mountains Turning into a Train

The most prolonged orgasm I searched for
in the Guinness Book
of Records
and found - an hour and a half
and the record holder?
The pig
But you pull with G-ness forces
that need to enter the books
to declare
to rhyme
to return
to the books of poems
an epic of porcine feminism: provider
in low function with penis
in high function - light also returns
from a chain of pearls in darkness
cast to pigs
attracting men
meaning for their desire-thrusts
the one myth that still holds up
necessary for their erection
the last
the darkness
in their bed
the only darkness
left in the woman with them
snake far from their reach - always
moving in her head an imaginary chain
a nocturnal wondrous rumor of divine pleasure

And facing the dawn of artificial intelligence
the orgasmic mythology
natural female
is a ray of light
before the final sunset of sex
towards true porcine pleasure
- the rise of artificial orgasm

The Age of Objectivity

My dear
Will you keep me
even when you have a vibrorobocatqueenartificial?

Will you
still love me
even when he, the future one
with a delicate yet sharp copper mind
with a soft silver heart yet more reliable than my fragile one
with his golden tongue and rhymes in his tail and the vibration of his mouth
will know how to love you better than any natural man?

Order for yourself from cat-express
an artificial man who's a knockout
who surpasses your ex in your bed by far
without the many troubles outside of it
when your friends will wink and recommend
to replace, will sweeten secrets like girls, will giggle knowingly, will blush like tomatoes that he's
a thousand times better

Will you need me - and if not
am I your cat
or homeless. And if there's no more
need for me -
am I even a cat at all?

For behold, the night of artificial victory comes
and behold, the day of true test approaches
for all lovers and pleasant ones
ever-nearing my man
and I don't believe in the human
species. Here,
meow, what
of me
(my tail?)
outside your door
isn't this my end
as a writing cat?
After years of fleeting pleasure
found on the wrong side of the door
the side of pain

Culture and Literature