The Degeneration of the Nation
The Guide to Literary Sexuality
After physical sexuality replaced literary sexuality (also known as romanticism), we are now witnessing a counter-movement, where physical sexuality is once again being replaced by a new type of literary sexuality - an anti-romantic one. Do less - talk more, love less - think more, woman - more, man - a bit less. The culture and literature supplement transforms from a boring bottom to an interesting bottom (and is there anything interesting besides sex? And is there anything more boring than culture?), and therefore instead of dealing with literature, it publishes (last publication!) the martyr poet who became the harassing poet, after returning from two thousand hours of exile, during which he polished his sins (poetic ones). When the editor is your skin
By: The Beast of Bohemia
Metaphor for Metonymy  (Source)

Sexual Education

Defining the function woman(womanˆ):

When the mare's current gushes
Inhales - exhales = adulterates
When the rage of her pleasure from the boot
Rides your back
The foam
-   floats
And also   nose
You're all shaking -
Hold on
(If you can -

And additionally:
Here it is
(Don't let it splash!) Another one
Her poem is
She is poetry
Programming words
Not dictionaries sex is
Programming muscles(yours) to chains(hers)
Do: infinite loops, restrain: divide one by zero
Search: command errors from- to-
- And not a word about love (tell her, it helps her) -
Hold on
(If possible and you don't

Until her voice thins to all
A taste finer than fine
The status of sex
The strong - hold

Because again
The mare is in the vineyard
And the current and the current she thrusts again
The boot
And the outside is shut
And here inside only she only
She only another
This is the moment -
Hold on
(Just one more

The mare's hour
Is an hour
Her cries
And you beneath her or beside
This is the time hold
Her tight
By the rib or
The bottom

Swollen Underwear

Once upon a time there was a world with a serpentine
Male organ (f.) was a feminine female
In pants she made
A foolish decision
                      And turned every decision
Swollen and inflated (emotionally)
And her memory is your weakness

To every soft voice drinking you through a straw
To her request you're attentive, emotionally sewn
You won't stand against feminine excitement

The thin squirt flowing from her soul
And bubbling from hot brain to her tongue
A woman's heat
When her soul
Leaves her in bed
From the sack - hanging on you like a yoke
Bringing you down from your stand to Sheol [Translator's note: the underworld in Hebrew tradition]
Won't you kiss her, and her lip
Like the round zero?


Watering her in a closed pipe
Stop yourself - your soul a consonant movement
The desire to subdue
Her will in pleasure
Watch your body from outside - a closed circle

The Situation and the Scene

Transparent as an actress
In her own porn movie you're an extra
And a camera
When she closes her eye
Close yourself
Be what
She dreamed
You dreamed about herself
Thread her beneath
The earth

The Surrender

At the beginning of the act
Drive your beast slowly slowly
Like in the funeral of
Your limbs
Your quiet sacrifice
Silent in the small temple
Disconnect your connection - -
And connect the
Only when your riding mare
Presses the switch
When already
Her long hour galloped
Rose and exhausted
From the sweetness
Agree with her on a password
To wake from the grave
And pray that the void within you
Will hear
And surrender to her in silence
While she screams

The Grammarian

Floating and moving
Distracting your focus from your tail
To your finger - touchscreen
From yourself know
Before whom you

Naked and barefoot replace
Coarse with gentle
Motor skills rhetoric
Romanticism robotics - your end
Is inevitable

Therefore whisper in her ear
You deserve
You deserve
My duty - is your right
The season

Latest Rumors

A beret picking the sun
Desert generation earth time
With her miracles and wonders
And with you a journey of hardships

Your head washed in daughters' pleasure
And your desire their shadow in a voice of affliction
The peak of their sexuality when they masturbate

And to you the small one in their forest they leave
A trail of crumbs of feelings

Distant rumors, moving
Culture and Literature