The Degeneration of the Nation
Pornographomania - The Future of Literature
The triumph of image over text is the victory of Christianity over Judaism, and about that which cannot be spoken - one must be silent. Four (!) poems that arrived at the editor's desk mark a new wave in Hebrew poetry: Nuduality. Nudual poetry strips bare the supplement and its editorial considerations - naked and exposed. The clichéd nature of the poems is a refreshing breeze that allows the creation of something from nothing, a noise of change and transformation in our non-existent poetry - from absolutely nothing, literally, and it shall be pleasant to the listener. And when every distortion and embedding is a use of our sources as an excuse, in the style of "who causes the wind to blow and the rain to fall" [Translator's note: A phrase from Jewish liturgy], culture and literature copulate in the sun for all to see, with the confused imagery like a cloud in the rainbow of the sky's purity - brilliant!
By: Can This Be Read Seriously?
The master of style Shinsui Ito combines old and new and shows how to do it right - and beautifully (source)

Four Times in a Row

1. Religion

Programming -
labor of
mortar and bricks
the sons in the database
drown in the river

Seven naked and thin daughters
immerse in the screen
                  and rise from it
Seven fat cows in line
The fat - and the content

Come thread
Turn snake
Key - trap

The temple

Religion of the new
New religion
Pyramid of breast
Lush abundant
Its head a nipple
Sliding button hat
Its slim light - orgasm

The mouse is the will
The will is the mouse
Allah is already
For she is above
Remember her - to ride
and not - to tail

Pleasure is the interiority
of will - and fatness is the interiority
of thinness
The internet is the interiority of the net
And the tail is the desire to enter
To return inside
Also to rhyme
Light gas

(To pleasure mother)

2. The Window

In the darkness of the cell
Light gas

Not with the consent of the place
I'll weave

Without audience, destination


Then without aim, more and more
Itself itself
Like an eye to a penis -
In nothingness

3. Rich People's Problems

It's built-in - into this
That you - will serve her
When the woman - the lady
From the sharp-horned - the abilities
Double-digit, as a slave
Pierced her will more and more
Her you shall serve
As an image in the literature of the palaces
Only to the holy of holies
Of the feminine feeling
You shall not approach, not touch
Forever you shall not know
Only worship

Rich trouble,
Is there a stranger
The work of orgasm
Compared to the work of
The earth
And here she trembles again

4. The Status of Man and the Status of Revelation

From Eden was banished
Adam's snake
And to it the greatness of curses

Only to see
The voices

Bass voice:
Jealousy of a small man
Soprano voice:
Satan did not create

Whispering, touching
And you have:

An end


0. Epilogue

Facts of Life: Sexual Inferiority

Women are class A
And I'm class B
That sex - is my soul
And you *truly* love
And enjoy it a thousandfold
More than me vibrating internally
My soul I am your device
The external soft, only entering and exiting
And doesn't know - your secret
You betray me with yourself
And with my organs
The male
And when I ask you to tell describe
- You'll remember on your lip -
A word you won't be able not
To say

And maybe maybe only in simile you'll ignite

A stick consumed
In my jealousy

And I cannot
Culture and Literature