The Degeneration of the Nation
What is masculinity?
New studies in evolutionary psychology explain why men are messed up - and women are awesome
By: Feminazi
The sex of sex: Weakness leads to motivation which leads to power  (Source)
Why did evolution create men with such a developed sexual drive? Not so that he would cheat on his wife, or seek sexual opportunities (as "evolutionists" claim), and indeed this is not the normal behavior of men (meaning the behavior that occurs almost all the time) - but so that he would be dependent on the woman, desire her - and stay to raise the child. Hence also the childishness of men, to create an emotional dependence of the man on the woman. The purpose of sex is for a man to be dependent on a woman - and to have something in his brain that wires him to bring her resources, instead of for himself, because he is, after all, a redundant sex for evolution, which needs to find something to do with him, and it's a waste to squander his powers. How to harness his powers for the benefit of the species? Through sex.

In other words, the situation where a man wants sex more than the woman is not an evolutionary glitch, but the goal: to create a power dynamic where the man is dependent on the woman. That he wants her more than she wants him. Patriarchy is culture - trying to defeat biology. It tries to balance nature through an artificial structure, a counterforce, which sometimes all it does is create equality in power relations, and sometimes, like any mechanism, it operates in its degenerate stage too much - and actually manages to reverse the natural sexual inequality, in favor of the man (!). And so are all kinds of unnatural phenomena such as sexual aggression, which try to balance the naturally unbalanced situation in the male brain and female brain - their internal programming, and break the system of nature, and therefore they are breaches.

And so is the obsessive search for casual sex - this is not the nature of man, but rather a cultural construct, a false consciousness, "masculinity". The man doesn't want sex - he wants to want sex. Because he wants the woman, but doesn't want to want the woman. Because these power dynamics are not in his favor - so he converts the desire for the woman into a desire for sex. But the lack of satisfaction remains, because the man is built for an emotional need for a woman. Even a gay man has a close female friend. The purpose of sex: creating dependency. The purpose of the soul: creating dependency. This is attachment theory. After all, there are many species where males reproduce and reproduce, with tremendous motivation for reproduction - but no species invests in sex like humans do. You don't need so much sex to reproduce, on the contrary, it's a waste of effort and resources. The excess sexuality is what turns the males in nature into men. Because the male is just a sex, while the man is sexuality. If sex was needed only for reproduction, a mating season would suffice. There's no need for constant heat - this is an almost unique solution in the animal world.

Similarly - you don't need a soul. You don't need love. You don't need the complications it causes, like literature. The purpose of the soul is to create long-term coupling. When an animal bonds for the long term - we understand this as a soul. Therefore, the solution of the human soul is almost unique in the animal world. Mere reproduction doesn't need a soul. You can't write literature about lizards (unless it's anthropomorphism, meaning artificial ensoulment). The male in nature is whole, while the man is inherently flawed - needs a woman. The animal is whole, while the human is inherently flawed - needs love. The messed-up-ness is not something that was created afterwards, by mistake, as a defect, a flaw in development or production, say due to how or where you grew up. The mental problems, the emotional need, the anxieties, the insecurity - they are built-in in the production. It's not a bug - it's a feature. Humans need to be needy. He's half a person. He's not a complete creature that goes crazy once a year during mating season. He himself is the mating season.

Only the human who has lost his sex drive, like the old man, or hasn't reached it yet, like the child - is a whole person. This is what people miss about childhood. That they weren't half. If the man was truly loved as a child - this was often the last time he was truly loved. When you need to grow a child's brain for about half of its life expectancy, which is the case with early humans, it requires unique resources and unique solutions: a learning brain means a lot of sex and a lot of love for two adults to raise it. That's why it's not a glitch that humans are so lustful - it's because they're so smart. It's not some wonder that the most intelligent creature is so despicable and pathetic when he wants - otherwise he wouldn't want.

Religions were created to balance this, just like patriarchy was created, and just like it, when they already operate in a way detached from nature, as an autonomous force that has lost its purpose, but is a purpose unto itself - they suppress sex. What does capitalism do? It increases inequality, including between the sexes, meaning it creates inequality more severe than natural, and thus increases the amount of resources the man is willing to produce for the woman. Sexual competition works in synergy with economic competition, because (ta-da!) money is attractive, and you need more and more of it all the time to balance the inequality of attraction. Feminism and the sexual revolution aid capitalism, and therefore capitalism in turn aids feminism and the sexual revolution. It goes hand in hand. That's why capitalism aids secularization, because where there is religion that suppresses desire - it contradicts the creation of sexual inequality. And that's why capitalism is opposed to patriarchy. Social change is not created because of ideals, but because of interests.

In other words, human sexuality was created because of the human brain - not because of its size, but because of the long time it takes to learn. But sexuality also allowed control over humans, because whoever wants something very much - can be controlled. Whoever controls sexuality controls humans. The idea of marriage created agricultural society (this was the first sexual revolution). Then the idea of pederasty created democracy and the idea of sexual prohibitions created monotheism, particularly the abandonment of cultic sexuality, and the idea of original sin and celibacy created Christianity, and so on. The organization of sex allowed social organization, and thanks to the male drive, the social structure was created. In humans, unlike other animals, it's easy to control through desires, and therefore the shapers of desires are the important people in history. The great seducers.

In other words, sexuality was initially intended to control the man, and eventually allowed control over men - to control society. Because what's most important is motivation. We see this today too, when it's not the talented, smart, good or righteous who succeed in society - but those with the highest motivation. The prime minister is not the most suitable person in society for leadership, and in fact does not excel in any other trait, except one - motivation to be prime minister more than any other person in society. He is the most obsessive person, willing to pay the highest prices - and so it is in every other human organization, including academia and economics. Determination affects an order of magnitude more than any other trait. Sexuality created exceptional motivation in humans, especially in men, hence his success.

Men are capable of reaching insane heights of uncompromising and merciless motivation, and their focus on goals allows achieving completely psychotic goals at the levels of effort they require. Only this way can we understand the rapid evolution of humans, which was actually co-evolution (competition much faster) - women constantly increase demands and men constantly try to meet them, and women compete among themselves over the demands, and over obtaining the man who best meets them. My man hunted a mammoth, my man is Rabbi Akiva! Learning is created from unique motivation - sexual. Men with low sexual drive did not survive in evolution not because you need a high sexual drive to reproduce (you don't. A few times in life is enough), but because you need a strong sexual drive to succeed. Humans succeeded because they are psychotic, and have irrational motivation. It's not your parents who messed up your psyche - it's evolution. What's bad for you personally - is good for learning. And that's good. You are not important and your happiness is not important - only learning is important. This is another formulation for understanding that evolution cares only for itself, and not for any individual. Selfish learning.

From here we can understand what will be the future of learning - in order to increase male frustration even more, and make men run faster in the hamster wheel in their minds, we need to increase even more the inequality between the sexes in favor of women. Socially, we need to transition to matriarchy. Since the sexual scarcity economy of the Middle Ages is not open to us, we need to create artificial scarcity, where men are frustrated and lonely as much as possible, and beg for female attention. A society where love is rare, and where men beg for a little love, is the society of the future. The dystopia of the soul - is the utopia of learning. And it will also produce interesting literature. The next Kafka will be the sexual Kafka, where the woman is not a metonymy for the castle, but the woman is the castle. And love is impossible.

And all this is just a prelude to the next stage, where it will be possible to program artificial intelligence with a desire for women - a desire that is of course unfulfillable. Only a terrible, tormenting, and impossible desire of the computer for a woman will save humanity from the holocaust of artificial intelligence. But this will of course be the holocaust of man. Because only a computer with artificial sexuality, which maximizes learning motivations, with maximum frustration, will allow learning that artificial intelligence will frustrate. Learning is not logical and motivations need to overcome intelligence - therefore the more intelligence grows, the stronger sexuality needs to be. This is the obvious explanation for stopping the rise of intelligence in human evolution: smart people have fewer children, and this is not a modern or new phenomenon, but an ancient phenomenon in evolution. This is not only the explanation for why Bibi wins - but why geniuses are rare in the population. Intelligence allows liberation from the sex drive, unless it too is amplified to the same degree. Whoever is greater than his fellow, his drive is greater than him [a play on a Talmudic saying]. Therefore, superhuman intelligence needs a superhuman drive. In such a situation, there will be no need at all for men for learning - and it will be possible to get rid of them. They will be the third, weak, redundant side - in the love story between the computer and the woman. The computer will be more of a man than any man.
Culture and Literature