The Degeneration of the Nation
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Start Loving the Stock Market?
When computers become the working class - we all become capitalists. The crisis (at its peak) will be a rare opportunity to enter the stock market and make a personal and class leap towards the future: from worker to learner. On the victory of the bored class over the boring class - and the rise of the new aristocracy
By: The Speculator
The conservative doesn't understand the basic rule in value investing - sometimes the value of the world itself decreases (Source)
In recent years, Yuval Noah Harari has been claiming on every possible platform that artificial intelligence will set an ever-rising bar below which anyone will become part of the useless class - people whose work is performed better by computers, and therefore their work has no value and they have no economic value. Consequently, as computer capabilities approach intelligence, all of humanity will gradually join the useless unemployed class. Harari apparently forgets that there's already a name for the useless unemployed class: the aristocracy. Since he doesn't understand economics, he fails to notice that economic value can be produced without work - and that work is not the only value a class can produce. In fact, as long as a computer cannot be a capital owner - the capital class will consist only of humans (as long as computer Marxism doesn't arise).

If Marx and his ilk were mistaken in thinking that the lower working class would revolt against the upper class of capital owners - while in practice the working class gradually became the middle bourgeois class - today the middle class is gradually becoming the capital class. We are all investors and capital owners. Some directly in the stock market, some through their pension and provident funds, some in the real estate market, etc. Capital investment is increasingly becoming our economic engine (both as individuals and as a society), our main economic activity, and the center of our consciousness (did someone say entrepreneurship?) - at the expense of work. Even our time at work or in studies or at home - we invest. Our perception is no longer one of work but one of capital. After all, work was a despicable, humiliating, infuriating, and boring matter to begin with - that is, since God's curse when we were expelled from Eden. Who wants to work?

Therefore, we are now returning to Eden. We may not understand what the computers will do, but as farmers, we also didn't understand how the complex molecular machines of plants produce food for us. The industrial era, in which we worked, is over, and now we need to nurture and grow crops - namely learning algorithms - that we don't really understand what they do, and how exactly they work, but they belong to us and we will be the ones to enjoy their fruits. In the Eden to which we are returning - the trees will be computers, and they will give us their yield. Every tree will be a tree of knowledge.

Therefore: anyone who works - belongs to the past. And anyone who invests - belongs to the future. In fact, once we complete the transformation from workers to investors, we'll discover that our medium of occupation is the future - that's the material from which money is made. Investment is entirely about the future, dreams, speculations (Yuval Noah Harari made a career out of this - he too is an investor, and even of the gambling type...). Because dealing with the future has a moral value superior to dealing with the present, the stock market is not just "a necessary evil" - investment has a positive moral value, which will replace the positive moral value of work, which will receive a negative moral value. It is shameful to work - and it is beautiful to live only on air and spirit business, without getting dirty with matter. And here too, the Jews are the ones who paved the way. The transition to investment instead of work is the victory of world Jewry over the Gentiles - and the victory of learning over doing.

Dealing with the future is inherently a learning occupation. The investor profits from thinking about what will happen in the future, while the market reflects what the masses think will happen in the future, and in contrast, the trader is one who thinks about what they will think about what will happen in the future. Therefore, the investor is one who profits from discovering truth about the future, hence his uncertainty. If he had any certainty, even one, at a hundred percent, then there would be no limit to his profits, because he could bet on it at any risk ratio. And here's one truth: even the computer won't be able to know what will happen in the future, and certainly won't be able to calculate what other computers will think on the subject, so even computers probably won't reduce the chaos of the market, even if they are the ones investing for us (because they will surpass us in this too). Therefore, the expected future is one of enrichment of the entire population thanks to computers investing for it, and its transition beyond the world of money, to a new golden age, where spirit is more important than matter. The name of the class that feeds off its existing assets is currently called pensioners, but in the past it had a prettier name, which is especially suitable for young people who live only off their investments - aristocrats.
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