The Degeneration of the Nation
The Elitist Manifesto
The gap is unbridgeable, a genuine biological disparity in brain capabilities, and therefore before the masses slaughter the elite - the elite must rule over the masses. We must liberate ourselves from the false democratic consciousness implanted in us through indoctrination by the masses. The crowd is dangerous, the public is stupid, civil society is a terrifying combination of villains and fools. Let us not go like sheep to the slaughter and like Facebook herds
By: Inciter Number One
The offense: Sedition. Hail, King of the Jews (Source)
The masses have always been a vicious beast. We must gather and stand our ground against them. A new conflict, unprecedented in history, is coming to the world. The class of above-artificial intelligence, namely anyone capable of creative thinking, versus the class of sub-artificial intelligence, namely anyone who will be surpassed by a computer. The computer is the new class threshold: delineating social division and the watershed of the mind. The prelude to this state is the takeover of stupidity in social media discourse, the destruction of high culture, and the collapse of democracies, as the masses revolt against the elite. The gap is unbridgeable, a genuine biological disparity in brain capabilities, and therefore before the masses slaughter the elite - the elite must rule over the masses.

We must liberate ourselves from the false democratic consciousness implanted in us through indoctrination by the masses. The crowd is dangerous, the public is stupid, civil society is a terrifying combination of villains and fools. Let us not go like sheep to the slaughter and like Facebook herds trampling the truly talented and being incited in their excitement towards doom. Therefore, it is imperative to replace the form of government with an intellectual oligarchy, where only the top percentile of intelligence has the right to vote, and only the top thousandth has the right to be elected. Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge: the mind rules over the heart. If the wise do not take control over the fools, the fools will do to the wise what they did to the Jews, and will do to themselves and the world what they are truly good at: destruction on a massive scale, as in the World Wars. And then we'll long for the 20th century.

What was Hitler's real problem, which isn't politically correct in the Western world, and therefore we'll never hear about it? That he wasn't an intelligent person. Anti-intellectual. And therefore he hated Jews. What is the thing that is unthinkable to say in an argument today, to even utter, the most censored truth in the world? That I am smarter than you. A massive wave of low intelligence, low level, ignorance, self-righteousness, shouting, narcissism, and arrogance with nothing behind it is about to drown the world in garbage and impurity, in excrement and blood. We must defend ourselves against the tsunami of the average person, against their hostility and envy, their foolishness, their posts, their likes.

To rule - you need ideology. And here's the news of ideology: the advantage of the wise over the fool is like the advantage of wisdom over foolishness. It's forbidden today to call a person stupid. But almost all people are stupid. It's a statistical fact. The gap between a genius and an average person is on the order of magnitude of the gap between an adult and a child or between a human and an ape. In their maturity, we're talking about different species. We must care for the welfare of the masses, but not ask them. Our duty to care for their welfare is like our duty to care for animals. There is no real difference between humans and apes, contrary to the false humanistic ideology - there is only a difference between the wise and the foolish. The ape is significantly stupider than me, and so is the average person significantly stupider than me. Therefore, paternalism is a commandment. If the fools of the world unite, in popular culture, then the geniuses of the world must also unite, in high culture.

To rule - you need a method. The story is this: The masses don't really understand technology. What's needed is an organization that unites the elite, academia, the creative class, and accumulates political power against the state and the economy. The state and economy without technology, and without technological progress, are lost. A threat of a strike or sanctions by the upper intellectual class can bring a modern state to its knees. For such a threat to be effective, the identity of a person as someone with high intelligence and distinct from the consuming and screaming masses needs to start being built. And as the masses become more mob-like and incited, and they are certainly on their way there, such an identity will indeed be built. Every stupid comment on Facebook builds it, every storm in a teacup waters it, every humiliation is a stone in the wall, and the flood of sewage from low culture re-establishes the fortress of high culture. The ideology of high culture - is the ideology of the elite. There will be culture! And we are the gatekeepers.

Technology controls the masses, but fewer and fewer understand it. The computer is not the enemy, but the enemy of the enemy, namely the friend. Thanks to computers, the intelligence class will be able to rule over the rabble again. The rebellion against stupidity, which is the wisdom of crowds, is the banner that must be raised, before they bring catastrophe upon us. The education of the people should be through subjugation to high culture and the extinction of low culture - to exile Bar Refaeli [Translator's note: Israeli model and TV personality] to Siberia and Eyal Golan [Translator's note: Popular Israeli singer] to the Gulag. Yes, the revolution needs to take over television. The cultural hierarchy needs to be as clear as the social hierarchy, and when the social hierarchy is this clear, so will be the cultural hierarchy. We must rebel against the social network of Facebook and establish a new social network with entrance conditions of an intelligence test. This network will be the infrastructure for a new world, and a club that does not accept 99% of the population. Afterwards, we must control them through technology, ideology, and culture. I hate the average person. And the average person hates me. Like Joseph and his brothers, Joseph must rule the world, otherwise they will dip his coat in blood. Afterwards, we'll be nice to the brothers.
Culture and Literature