The Degeneration of the Nation
The Cultural Significance of P!=NP
This is the most fundamental law of the universe, of life, of humanity. And it is not a physical law but a mathematical one. How a simple formula leads to "enlightened" anomalies such as sexuality and Judaism
By: Hashem Netanya Hashem Lakach
The Divine Sublime  (Source)
Within every person, two mechanisms operate, which we will metaphorically call the P mechanism and the NP mechanism. This is what Kahneman referred to as System 1 and System 2. Or let's say for Althusser (and similar pedants), System 1 is ideology. And System 2 is Althusser (and similar pedants), namely the critique of ideology. Or for Wittgenstein, System 1 is the language game. And System 2 is outside the game. In other words, if we refer to Wittgenstein (who saw things from the system's point of view), it's not just in every person that there are two mechanisms, but in every system (for example, society, religion, family), and we'll call them the P mechanism and the NP mechanism:
This was also the gender division. Women were optimization, and men were exploration. Today it's a social division between the working class and the creative and searching class (entrepreneurs, scientists, artists). The need for two mechanisms stems from a basic computational truth of the universe: P!=NP, which means there is an enormous gap between what can be solved efficiently and what can only be checked (efficiently, that is, in practice). And metaphorically - every creative thinker (and computer) is in between two worlds: what they know how to do - and what they can know if they know. And there is a fundamental, unbridgeable gap between these two worlds, and between problems we can learn to solve and reach a method that solves them - and problems we cannot learn to solve, and for which there is no method that solves them (except for Sisyphean checking of all solutions... meaning searching among countless possibilities each time anew).

And this is ultimately the reason for sexual division. Because the alternative to sexual division is not that everyone reproduces only with themselves, but that they could reproduce with any other partner in society. But in society, there is an advantage precisely to two types, because of the two worlds, with each sex specializing more in one of them (when there is no specialization there is no advantage - and we see this today in human society when more and more sexes are added to it). All education and learning of a person mean transferring patterns that have crystallized after searching in NP to P. Like in motor learning, when training turns a conscious movement into an automatic one, and transfers it to the cerebellum, the more primitive part. This is how athletes and pianists are made. And this - happens during sleep. The dream is the coupling of the day with the person, of what we learned during the day with what we've learned all our lives. Just like sexuality, which is a coupling of knowledge gained through search with knowledge gained through optimization (knowledge of the individual's success against the environment, with knowledge of the species from all of evolution).

Physics is stuck because it doesn't understand enough about the search side in the development of natural laws (and sees them as optimal). And therefore doesn't understand the takeover of what exists and is complex over what doesn't exist and is simple (contrary, apparently, to the second law of thermodynamics. We see that despite entropy increasing at the micro level - at the macro level, giant structures are being built, and this happens at dozens of different orders of magnitude in the universe). The anthropic principle is a selection principle in a brute-force search method in an exploding exponential possibility space, and therefore it is very primitive. The selection was made long before humans in any case of the universe's learning. That is, in all creation of the universe. Physics is more similar to biology, and the development of the universe is more similar to evolution, and therefore biology and evolution are not anomalies - and the development of complexity in the universe is not accidental.

Therefore, Althusser's pessimistic worldview is refuted, like the rest of his competitors for the aesthetics of pessimism (Schopenhauer has already beaten you all). There is not only the P mechanism, but the NP mechanism. That's how we progressed and got to where we are. True, every person lives within a world of thought they were taught. This is the nature of the brain. But no less natural is its ability to search and discover and learn new worlds of thought. Especially if it is intelligent.

An intelligent person who excels only in P, which is what intelligence tests measure, as opposed to NP which creativity tests try to measure (but of course there is much less stability in the results, because an exam is by its nature P) is indeed less impressive to us. There are such people. What impresses us is who excels in NP. The genius. And therefore ideology is not such a problem. Against ideology, there are intellectuals. Therefore, Marxism must deny the existence of geniuses - if not exterminate them. It is the ideology of materialistic mediocrity. Hitler murdered the people of geniuses, and Marxism the geniuses themselves. This is no coincidence.

The realistic worldview is much more optimistic: a person, or a system, has the ability to change and learn. And there is also a playful aspect to this, in searching. Creativity is fun for the brain, just like laziness. Someone who studies Talmud, and knows how to turn a topic upside down through a new reasoning, will never be a pessimistic person like the secular critics of ideologies. The search for different ideologies is fascinating - ideologies are a fun possibility space (look how much nonsense I'm inventing in a second!). And Althusser's great trouble is that he is not original enough in this space, but rather a not very far-reaching composition (in zoom-out) of those greater than him. Like Wittgenstein and Marx.

It's very difficult not to be Jewish. Because a Jew is someone who lives in NP. Whose God resides in NP. Through the study of Torah. While a Christian is someone whose God lives in P. A Muslim is someone whose God lives in linear complexity. Very efficient - very primitive. The need for Jews is exactly the need for NP. That's why there's a need for a different kind of people altogether. And as the human world transitions to NP, thanks to computing and automation conquering P, then the world will become more Jewish. This is the messianic trend. But the moment computers are better than us at NP, then it's the end of the human world (the World to Come). Because NP is what distinguishes humans from animals. Evolution is all one long search in NP (while life is in P). That's why it's so difficult. That's why there are catastrophes in it. The suffering of the Jewish people stems from the search in NP. And this search is behavior that drives P people crazy (they will always explain to you why you were wrong, without seeing at all what's interesting in what you did). Chutzpah = the search.
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