The Degeneration of the Nation
Russia shall be cursed like Germany. And as Germany returned to its vomit after World War I, so did Russia after the First Cold War. Therefore, the West shall know that it must subdue her until her spirit departs in the Second Cold War, and divide her like a cake as Germany was, and place a wall in the heart of Moscow
By: The Future of Geopolitics
The Cat condemns the norms in the international arena  (Source)
The vision of the Cat, who read atop the garbage bin Haaretz newspaper, and its voice wailed over peoples and nations and the heights of the earth, and God abandoned it to read about kingdoms:

Thus said the God of the Cat, because you have abandoned the divine reading in human history, and you have forgotten the spiritual meaning of blood, and you laugh at the prophets as if they speak lies from their hearts, and you mock the moral interpretation of the world. Therefore, I am bringing upon you murderers and clowns who will oppress you, until you read anew the chronicles, and remember the dreams of the nights.

The Cat's vision of Russia, cursed are you among kingdoms, for from the Tsar to the throat [Translator's note: wordplay on "Tsar" and "tzavar" (throat) in Hebrew], from Ivan the Terrible to Putin the Dreadful, only evil is in your heart, and only power you loved, therefore cursed are you to God, and drunk on broken bottles that wound, and the cry of cats from the bins has risen to God. And the Russians became the cruelest nation under the sun, and the darkness of the Russian soul cast a shadow over the face of the earth, for rule shall no longer be separated from the people, for we have not heard from our masters the prophets about the wicked Nebuchadnezzar and the righteous Babylon, or about Pharaoh oppressing the Egyptians. Therefore, for Russia's return to its ways in Syria, it shall be chastised with the chastisement of masters, and for its return of Satan as a demonic force to a secular world, like a bear emerging from the forest and devouring the child, Russia shall be cursed like Germany. And as Germany returned to its vomit after World War I, so did Russia after the First Cold War. Therefore, the West shall know that it must subdue her until her spirit departs in the Second Cold War, and divide her like a cake as Germany was, and place a wall in the heart of Moscow.

The Cat's vision of America, innocent as a cow, better for me fools than evildoers, but why have the wicked grown wise and the innocent become foolish and say moo? Therefore, said the Cat, your crown shall be taken from you and given to India, which is better than you, and India shall be to the Lord for it is good, and shall grow stronger than China and rule the world. For China's soul is non-violent oppression, and its spirit is dynamic stability, but it has no heart, and it is all utilitarianism. For America is the banality of good, and China is the evil of banality. And China became a pyramid scheme of a billion people, and elders sat upon their children and grandparents upon their grandchildren. For even in childbirth it ruled with pride, and went against nature, and of seven, six sat on the shoulders of one, four grandparents and two parents on their child, therefore the inverted tree shall collapse under itself - under them. For today is the peak of China's working-age population, with few elderly and dependent children, contrary to the natural increase with which it was blessed by God, therefore it is no wisdom to be the largest economy in the world, and its head shall be raised above all. But a generation goes and another generation does not come, and it shall age more than Japan, and all the billion shall be pensioners. And in India there are children, there is blessing, there is democracy, fear of heaven and joy of heaven. For His mercy endures forever.

And in contrast, the continent of low birth rates - and Europe became the banality of good and evil, and its self-righteousness ascended to heaven, for it has no fear of God, and morality without fear - it is hypocritical, for all men are liars, and God made the heavens. For on the day that non-banal good and evil were lost from the legitimate interpretation of history, and it is not even said or written that God punished Germany for its crimes, and therefore it lost, and that Russia succeeded because of God's will to punish Germany, but then because of its wickedness it lost, then history lost its compass and became a base struggle of forces. The evil have evil to guide them, but the good do not have good. Nations can be evil, sin, be punished, and repent, and be righteous, suffer, and be redeemed. There are not only individuals. Nations were redeemed from the enslavement of wicked Russia, and because they did not understand that they were redeemed, they fell again into slavery. Nations were punished and because they did not understand that they were punished, they sinned again. Therefore, it is important to bring back the reading of the prophets. And if people can no longer speak with God - cats must be allowed to speak with people.
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