The Degeneration of the Nation
Prepare for the Coming of the Black
At first, he fled from the vendor in the market, but his white color gave him away, and children chased after him. It was only a matter of time before they would turn him in to the authorities. So he left the city and began to wander the roads. But a donkey without an owner is a dangerous thing, for at any moment they could enslave him
By: Religious Obscurantist
Prepare for the Coming of the Donkey  (Source)
The donkey who didn't want to bring the Messiah began to flee on the day the rumor was heard. At first, he fled from the vendor in the market, but his white color gave him away, and children chased after him. It was only a matter of time before they would turn him in to the authorities. So he left the city and began to wander the roads. But a donkey without an owner is a dangerous thing, for at any moment they could enslave him, and after an encounter with a merchant from which he barely escaped, and when he realized that this could lead to him being brought back to the city, he began to wander in the deserts.

First, he met the running dog. He asked him: Dog, dog, where are you running to? And the dog barked: I'm fleeing from my master. And he continued running into the wilderness. But no master appeared after him. He will probably die in the desert. Then he met the cat, sitting in the sand in the heat of the day, and asked him: Cat, aren't you afraid of death? The cat answered: I prefer to indulge here in death, rather than be enslaved in life. The donkey was forced to move on, leaving him to his fate. Finally, he saw a hole, and inside it, a mouse skeleton.

The donkey understood that he had to return to the city, and only one thing would save him: darkness itself. He painted himself black and returned to live among the people. And when he would hear that the Messiah wasn't coming, he would say: What a pity that he is only satisfied with a white donkey. If he were satisfied with me, I would bring him today. And he would shout and bray: There is a sin in the Messiah. Only the prejudice against the black - that is what delays the coming of the redeemer.
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