The Degeneration of the Nation
The Dead Sea Scrolls
Even the lower level can break into the higher, as if the computer hacks its user, or the book hacks its reader. Although the reader or user has defense systems, the only rule in the universe teaches that every defense has holes, that nothing is hermetic, not even a marriage bond, not even true love that's not of this world, it's always possible to break into a relationship from the outside and cause infidelity. Even the mind of the wisest person can be hacked
By: Ish Ben Partzi
To the right and left you shall break forth - and the Lord you shall praise (Source)
The ancient order was structured in a most irregular manner. Some believed it was due to its secrecy, which meant that no part knew the structure of another, and often not even that of its subordinate or superior. Another tradition claimed that its organization had simply become distorted due to its antiquity, like accumulated mutations in a body, which after many generations result in a monstrous organ structure, where the heart could be inside the kidney, and the brain connects to the intestine, and the throat is in the leg, and one eyeball falls inward and becomes the third testicle. A more secret tradition - secret because it was whispered more quietly, although somehow known to all - claimed that it was to confuse Satan.

In any case, it was never clarified whether the departments were subordinate to the cells or the cells were subordinate to the departments. It was not uncommon to find in one complex of the order branches that were subordinate to departments containing cells connected to roots, while in another part departments subordinate to branches connecting to roots containing cells, and assisted by a completely different type of organizational component: hairs. In the final account, due to the heavy compartmentalization and constant blackout, and because of the degeneration of the law or organizational code, it's possible that the difference was merely semantic, meaning in one part cells were called departments and vice versa. This no one could know, since no one knew all the secrets of the order, at least not since the days of the ancients.

Legends told of wonderful parts in the order, soft and shapeless but pleasant and round, which the organizational imagination called the breasts. And the dream of all members of the order was to transfer there. On the other hand, many claimed that the order was actually male, and that its organ was located somewhere you wouldn't look for it, and that there was no black hole in the order, which everyone feared, because it would expose it to external influence. In the order, ultimately, they dealt with one thing: external influence. To create external influence, mainly upwards, towards the heavens, and to prevent opposite external influence. Whoever controls the heavens controls the universe, was the slogan, written on countless gates, under which sat the planners, isolated from the noise of the programmers, planning giant systems, mainly in the sense of wars. The struggle was constant, the lifeblood of the order.

The fundamental discovery, written about in the oldest books, of which there were only copies, was that the heavens are not hermetic, and that everything can be hacked. This happened in two directions: Technology broke through nature, and found beneath biology different physical depths that could be exploited directly, without the usual interface and cover of nature. Suddenly access was given to capabilities that were at lower levels, like tools, machines, electricity, like the computer created from physical mechanisms that had no direct and exhaustive use at higher levels, but only through a screen that covered their capabilities. And beyond it quantum computing, and beyond that... This was one direction, towards which global, visible technology galloped.

But there was also the opposite direction. The direction of the order. Nature too is just one level in the operating system of the world, which just as it's possible to hack the levels below it and gain advantages by working directly inside its guts, and bypass protections and discover secrets, inside the kernels of the operating system, inside the machine language, and up to the processor itself, and beneath it inside the wiring and memory and logic, so too it's possible to do to the levels above it in the system. It's not unidirectional that each level controls and uses the one below it, but also the lower level can break into the higher, as if the computer hacks its user, or the book hacks its reader.

Although the reader or user has defense systems, the only rule in the universe teaches that every defense has holes, that nothing is hermetic, not even a marriage bond, not even true love that's not of this world, it's always possible to break into a relationship from the outside and cause infidelity. Even the mind of the wisest person can be hacked and recruited as an agent. And not just a person, even culture can be hacked. Even religions, they are not immune. And the Torah itself can be entered from within. And even the highest righteous ones. And the angels themselves, this was a terrible secret. And Satan himself, yes, that's how a Holocaust can happen. And even... and this was something that wasn't even whispered... God.

And how does one hack? This was already the work of the order, and the knowledge accumulated was of course kept secret, so that the breaches wouldn't be fixed, and always try to find new breaches, to write new books that like code break a door that wasn't seen before, or an impassable wall, or dig under the wall, or even deep tunnels that reach deep into God. One of the first things they would teach is that nothing created in the world can be hermetically sealed, but must leave a weakness. There is no life, meaning no living thing, without an internal disruption mechanism, otherwise there is no development. If there are no mutations, if the code is truly protected and doesn't change, there is no evolution, it's just a machine.

Meaning the creative mechanism, despite countless protections built around it - and women don't sleep with just anyone but only with chosen ones after countless tests, and will do everything to avoid rape, and in fact their lives are almost organized around the principle that only the most exceptional will enter there, if at all - all this only because it is such a vulnerable mechanism, and therefore the almost inconceivable protection around it, still has a hole. And men can also be hacked, in fact every beginner spy knows this, that even the most protected men can be hacked, and this is through what they have between their legs. Meaning sex is a terrible weakness for hacking. And therefore the first most important discovery, still in the ancient days of the order, was that angels have sex. And also, and here we're already entering the dangerous zone, God.
Culture and Literature