The Degeneration of the Nation
The Poetry of the Future
The poetry of the Singing Grave Digger - an astonishingly innovative and original voice in Hebrew poetry first discovered in the pages of this supplement - unfolds in a new tetralogy published by "The Degeneration of the Nation". His four poetry books offer four different directions of resistance to the conventional poetry in Israel, with his writing desk always positioned facing the wall of the future. This is post-humanistic poetry suitable for a post-humanistic era like ours, and as such, it combines prophecy, pornography, didacticism, intellectual experimentation, and sycophancy
By: The Singing Grave Digger
The Four Sons of Horus - The Four Sons in the Original Egyptian Version  (Source)
In the struggle over the formulation of future poetry, the Singing Grave Digger's tetralogy - "Against 4 Sons" - offers a post-humanistic poetic world. The four poetry books by the Singing Grave Digger published by "The Degeneration of the Nation" present the development of his poetry from the theoretical to the sexual, from the pedagogical to the dialogical, and from the religious to the humorous. The Singing Grave Digger's poetry prefers rhyming with the future over human musicality, broad movements of thought development over limited sentimentality, and direct, unpretentious language over inflated affectation. In this, it differs from other currents in our poetry, but more than anything, it differs from them in its content: the perception of the future as the overarching theme that should be at the center of contemporary poetry's focus. In this, the Singing Grave Digger's chant is a voice crying in the wilderness of preoccupation with the present and the past.

Against 4 Sons

"Collection from the Early 21st Century" is the ambitious debut book of the Singing Grave Digger. It consists of three sequences that deal with the future spiritual world of the technological world - mixing prophecy, planning, and philosophical extrapolation. The first sequence lays out a kind of poetic manifesto and presents the Singing Grave Digger's worldview. The second sequence immediately proceeds to realize the singing vision and systematically covers, with the breadth of perspective characteristic of the Singing Grave Digger, the central theologies and ideologies of humanity, offering them post-human continuations. The third sequence already does this for all fields of knowledge and artistic disciplines. The depth of ambition and its scope cannot fail to evoke amazement - the Singing Grave Digger spits out all the secrets in a logical and systematic manner to the point of parody

"7X4" is the Singing Grave Digger's second and most human book, dealing with his farewell to humanity and disillusionment from its illusions. It is constructed of seven gates of four poems each (and finally an epilogue). In the first four gates, the Singing Grave Digger develops a light genre he calls "licking", which moves between satire and submission, between oral pleasure and sharp-tongued criticism, which he directs at the objects of his farewell: his previous life, the literary republic, the admired woman, and the old world of poetry. In the last three gates, he summarizes his relationship with the external world that betrayed him in a kind of psychological treatment in three stages that leads to the conclusion in the epilogue. The processing of grief combined with sober irony - and the direct honesty that reaches the point of pornographic voyeurism - produce a feeling of listening to an internal conversation we were not supposed to take part in, as if the Singing Grave Digger is eavesdropping on himself

"Poems and Lessons" is the least politically correct book of the Singing Grave Digger trapped in the captivity of the present - and that's saying something. The book is divided into eight lessons in all areas of life (history, morality, dating, economics, sex, and more), and it practices a new type of poetic writing form suitable for future-oriented engagement: learning poetry. This is poetry that documents learning on the go, and therefore as a poetic method, it is inherently open to the changes of time - and deals with them without fear of man or woman. The merciless drawing of conclusions cuts into the living flesh of the culture we live in - there is no other writer in the Hebrew language who would dare to sing like this in enemy captivity

Lack of Knowledge to Ask
"New Sex" is the Singing Grave Digger's latest and boldest book, in which he finally frees himself from his restraints and reaches a pornographic peak after which there is nothing. On the brink of the death of man, humanism, and human sexuality, a new sexuality and a new emotional world are initialized that will continue poetry - to the point of nullifying the Singing Grave Digger's poetry - which has not recovered since. The book systematically deals with a variety of human emotions, deconstructs them, and reassembles them as post-human emotions that no longer depend on the human psyche - and as it turns out, not even on the Singing Grave Digger's chant, which remained remarkably original and uniquely solitary in the landscape of our poetry to this very day
Culture and Literature