The Degeneration of the Nation
Kafka on Facebook
The last historian executed by the king told him: Time will cover everything, but the king did not listen. And indeed, it worked. Great wars and conquests were no more, the kingdom was actually happier, but gradually the enormous construction projects and literature also ceased
By: K. of the Future
Kafka as a selfie cliché  (Source)
Kafka sat and wrote statuses on Facebook. It's not that he didn't have friends. Max Brod always shared his posts, and some even got likes. But he didn't even need to burn them. They simply disappeared on their own in the past, forgotten and erased from consciousness. In the end, he wrote a story about it, something about a kingdom where writing history was forbidden, in order to prevent wars for the glory of the future or out of vengeance for the past, and the last historian executed by the king told him: Time will cover everything, but the king did not listen.

And indeed, it worked. Great wars and conquests were no more, the kingdom was actually happier, but gradually the enormous construction projects and literature also ceased. Its mythology became simpler and more abstract than monotheism, and the present ruled over the past and future. The temples were destroyed, the statues of gods turned into sex dolls, and the palace at its center was forgotten, even the capital city was forgotten, the forgotten king wandered in it as no one, and everyone thought that perhaps he himself was the king, that he was already so much of a nobody, that he himself did not know it.

The last of the elders tried to tell stories to children, who preferred to play in the sand. And indeed it seemed that the sand castles were the palaces the stories told of, and the dying elders tried to write in the sand the ancient stories so they wouldn't be forgotten, but they themselves could no longer see anything because of all the sand, eyelids, the future generation is the desert generation... (something like that, I don't exactly remember). He got a like from Max Brod. Finally, his stories grew shorter and turned into status lines, and these were more successful. One cockroach woke up from his sleep and discovered he had turned into a man. He actually got along quite well.
Culture and Literature