The Degeneration of the Nation
The Queen and the Slave
When the brain becomes capable of maintaining full attention split, then the sexual asymmetry will no longer exist. Complete sexual loss of control means, on the other side, absolute sexual control, and both are forbidden by law today. The law has always required the kernel of will within rape, and always opposes the kernel of rape within will
By: The New Man
Pride and Prejudice. Self-portrait - Bruno Schulz (Source)
You know, it's more fun to be controlled than to control, and that's why women, who possess sexual power, are the controlled ones. A man who expresses weakness, and even more so a desire to be weak, immediately loses his attractiveness. The weak side is the one focused on pleasure, while the strong side focuses on giving pleasure, and therefore their enjoyment is much less. There's nothing to be done; the brain has limitations. In other words, ultimately, sexual inequality stems from a limitation in the brain's parallel concentration capacity, and when the brain becomes capable of maintaining full attention split, then the sexual asymmetry will no longer exist.

Complete sexual loss of control means, on the other side, absolute sexual control, and both are forbidden by law today. The law has always required the kernel of will within rape, and always opposes the kernel of rape within will. The day is approaching when the act will be judged neurologically, from within, and this will be the peak of Kantian ethics of intention. Different brain states will be criminal states, just as other brain states will be criminal irresponsibility. There will no longer be the issue of "I didn't mean to" or "I did mean to," because it will be possible to match the percentage of intention to the percentage of punishment.

And this will be the end of arguments arising from internal experience; internal experience will become external experience. And then I can be a woman, and you can be a man, meaning I'll be a lesbian in a man's body, a woman who loves women, and you'll be a man in a woman's body, and a gay man, because you love men, and the straight relationship will be a marriage of a lesbian and a gay man.
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