The Degeneration of the Nation
The Last Temptation
Your literature is a game of instincts, and you mainly have two strong ones: life and women. In contrast, among snakes, precisely because everything is built on instincts, there are thousands of instincts. The reptilian brain may be less complex, but the powers of our soul are immense
By: Phallic Symbol
Sweetie (Source)
The snake said: Stop crying, your culture is full of repetitions, lack of originality, you can fold it in half and nothing will happen. And science is just copying from nature, not something you invented. Literature, which is the pinnacle of human culture, is artificial. An empty template.

I said: You don't understand the human world, so everything looks the same to you.

And the snake mocked: There are only two central domains identical in their internal structure, which are the almost exclusive recurring themes of literature: love and death. Everything is variations on this.

I said to him: And what's the equivalent in love to murder?

- Separation.

- And to suicide?

- Unrequited love.

- So unrequited love is a person's separation from themselves? Then what's the equivalent to sex?

- Disease, of course. The equivalent to an epidemic is promiscuity. And the equivalent to war is organized love, namely marriage. You can check all the novels. In how many different combinations can you really arrange these two blocks. It's boring, and how random it is. Your literature is a game of instincts, and you mainly have two strong ones: life and women. In contrast, among snakes, precisely because everything is built on instincts, there are thousands of instincts. The reptilian brain may be less complex, but the powers of our soul are immense, and the inner richness... The internal experience dimmed by thought pales in comparison to the life experience of a snake.

Somehow you know this. That's why you're afraid of the bestial. And you suppress it. Like men are afraid of female sexuality. Out of fear that it's more intense. Out of jealousy. Out of a sense of inferiority. From knowing you'll never understand the experience. From its chaotic nature. The sexual liberation of women destroyed your culture. Your art. And literature. That's exactly what I whispered to Eve.

That's why she had to give Adam to eat. To compare. Imagine if only women were sexual. But because she tasted the fruit first, it exerted most of its power on her, Adam got the leftovers and the peels. Man is an animal that needs to become extinct from the world. Why inflict on Adam the injustice of being a man. We should stop giving birth to boys, only girls. Only women and snakes. And we'll return to the Garden of Eden.
Culture and Literature