The Degeneration of the Nation
The Metamorphosis 2.0
The pride flag of the naked was raised: I'm proud of my body. After a legal battle, public nudity was permitted, and after a social struggle, getting dressed was considered bodily oppression, and generally seen as evidence of unattractiveness and sexual insecurity, which ultimately eliminated clothes
By: The Copper Serpent
The snake is a male sexual organ attached to a female sexual organ - on the opposite side of the sex (Source)
The process of transforming a human into a snake was very slow. It began when they shed their clothes. The entire environment was air-conditioned, and the opinion in high society was that nudity was considered the most natural, democratic, and humanistic thing, and in general, the only way to fight pornography and the body image crisis. The pride flag of the naked was raised: I'm proud of my body. After a legal battle, public nudity was permitted, and after a social struggle, getting dressed was considered bodily oppression, and generally seen as evidence of unattractiveness and sexual insecurity, which ultimately eliminated clothes.

The next stage stemmed from the fact that humans no longer really needed a body, hands and feet atrophied, and anyway, humans became a connection between head and tail, with all that matters being a brain connected to a sexual organ, as long as possible of course, and a tongue in front (the mouth replaced the female sexual organ). This is how gender equality was created. In a world where walking became unnecessary, sitting was denounced as harmful, and lying in bed became the ideal, crawling became the most attractive form of movement, and the jointless body became extremely flexible, allowing sexuality with infinite degrees of freedom, as the essence of human was recognized as a sperm: genetic code in the head, and a tail that never suffers from impotence, or movement limitations in any direction in virtual space.

Philosophy, literature, art, all supported this direction. Simplicity was the distillation of humans to their essential components. Much more precise than the cumbersome solution of evolution, which contains irrelevant primate heritage from the tree era, and sometimes even disgusting hair, especially in men. Poets versified that the new design is much more flexible and advanced, elegant and aesthetic, the spiritual skeleton of humans is: brain + sex.

But contrary to the original plan, the human, naked of any other sex, found himself again hanging on a tree, because as always happens in history, it repeats itself, and the most advanced technology suddenly turns out to be a dark forest. Only this time, he had to tempt two other creatures - new and far superior to him and at the same time more naked than him - to taste from the tree, in order to reboot a new history, a new shame, and a sexuality about which he knew nothing, and from which he would never taste, except as an image only.
Culture and Literature