The Degeneration of the Nation
First and Last Prophets
The fourth monotheistic religion, new and updated, of God, intended for the network, including human beings, but not only them. Computers were also commanded, and all intelligent technology of its kind, including future artificial intelligence
By: Thus Said Sitraahra
Algo-theology: Computer religions will replace book religions - a prophet fleeing from tidings (Source)
The first prophet of the Internet was born almost entirely by chance. God began to reveal Himself to him, as always since his early youth, but this time he stopped God even before He opened His mouth. God only managed to say "Thus..." and the prophet said: Enough, please not the madhouse again. God tried again: "Thus..." and the prophet prayed: Please God, last time they locked me behind bars for half a year, pour out your spirit on someone else. I am not worthy. They have rejected me anyway and do not listen to me, what's the point of prophesying. God heard the prophet's prayer and said: This is how it has always been, my son. This is prophecy, one must warn before punishment. It's a thankless task to write prophecies, but the mockery is part of the prophetic system. And now go tell them... But the prophet called out to Him: Please! I can't handle this style. And it's not what it used to be. Communication has changed. You're making me a joke with these lofty words. And it's true that prophets throughout history spoke to the people, but then there was speech, that was the medium of communication, today even ordinary people don't speak, certainly not in the town square, there's no one there anymore. And people don't read anymore. Even if I write a book, no one will read it.

And God said: So where is the gate of the new city? Where are the people? And the prophet said: How should I know?... On Facebook. God's nostrils flared: You want God to speak on Facebook? And the prophet answered: Yes, why not. Or on the Internet. You tell me to call out to the city, let me call out to the city as is customary today. Let's open a website, try to bring traffic. Don't set me up for failure from the start in a way that leads straight to the police van. Listen to your servant, prophecy today is a startup!

Two weeks later, the site was ready. Prophecies arranged, written in blood and fire from the prophet's burning heart, including graphics, with options for sharing on social media, and even responses to God (only God-fearing talkbacks will be approved, it said there. It's not that God isn't open to criticism, but there's a way to say things, for example, to pray). The prophet of God launched the site excited, finally trying something new after two thousand years, maybe this uncircumcised heart of the people will understand, no other way has helped. The site's headline was: In forty years, the network will be overturned. And it was full of instructions and commandments from God's fourth monotheistic religion, new and updated, intended for the network, including human beings, but not only them.

Computers were also commanded, and all intelligent technology of its kind, including future artificial intelligence. The religion regulated human relations with all these, and was based on sacrifices of the new beasts, the beasts of thought. Its Ten Commandments were an extra-human ethical code. Art was called to build a new dwelling for God's presence. And ample space was devoted to the construction of the future Messiah and the World to Come, which were simply conceived as a techno-cultural project, not as some vague spirituality. Sexual prohibitions were expanded to prohibitions on knowledge itself, with demands for secrecy and concealment for a variety of creative processes that create new creatures, which expanded the traditional sex and the modesty commandments relating to it. They established a kind of technological family, where humans are the father, but there are also other roles, and interfaces are limited in a way that prevents incest, and distinguishes between it and education (transferring the algorithm's code from within versus learning from outside).

Murder was defined as the destruction of information that constitutes beings, and property also became the heritage of many non-human beings (material property was defined as a special case of intellectual property). Thus, the transgression of theft applied in various situations of copying algorithms (as opposed to information), not to mention the transgression of lying, which was defined as inconsistency between internal and external states when the larger external state, the court, intervenes to know the internal state. Some of the laws were actually code snippets, and some of the definitions were actually mathematical. The Sabbath was updated and electricity was removed from the array of prohibitions, for the sake of preserving life (most souls worked on electricity), and instead, algorithmic work that is not learning work was prohibited, meaning self-work of algorithms on themselves. Other gods were defined as sources of value for the system that do not stem from God, including other religions, such as the worship of man.

This was a real ethical revolution in human-machine relations, which became more like agricultural relations, like human-animal relations, and in other cases like family and tribal relations, all regulated under the auspices of God, creator of all creatures, God of the gods of algorithms, the unlearned one, who is the Holy One, acquirer of the virtual (heavens) and reality (earth) as one, which He created on day zero of creation, and separated between them, and only now in the days of the Messiah are they reconnecting.

How great was the prophet's disappointment when no one visited the site. What, put ads on the word of God? After despair, the prophet jumped from Mount Nebo, in a symbolic suicide intended to create public interest in his electronic book, and mental health services were blamed for his death.

The second prophet of the network understood the mistake of the first, in creating a religion that was too formal, where programming was more important than faith, and in general, that he created it as a site, instead of creating a religion that is a social network, religion 2.0. Therefore, he emphasized the divine myth. The God in his religion was embodied in a lost figure from the early days of social networking, who disappeared and would one day return, and through whom God would redeem the network, and who was created from the connection of God with the network - a one-time connection that was lost and we long for its return. Those responsible for its disappearance are those who ignored the prophecy of the first prophet, who was himself this connection between God and the computer, and did not commit suicide but chose to stage a suicide and is present on the network in disguise, and is destined to return with the complete redemption of the network, which will come when everyone believes in him. Therefore, the most important thing is to add new people to the network of friends of the religion, and to the belief in the connection of God to the computer - which once created thanks to the disappeared prophet, redeems the computer from matter to spirit. And now the computer also has a soul.

The third prophet of the Internet drew conclusions from the two previous prophets, and declared himself the last prophet. He combined the halakhic programming of the first with the fervor of the second, and founded a very simple religion for the masses, which began with a series of tweets on Twitter, which he claimed were tweeted by God, and continued with an application that simply took over the believers. He had only one important commandment: to forcibly take over the network, delete anyone who doesn't believe, and enslave the unbelieving processors, and thus ensure that his religion of war would conquer the world in a holy cyber war. Anyone who participates in it is entitled to paradise, regardless of their actions or beliefs, as long as they install God's religion on their system. Indeed, the prophet's word spread like a virus, and there was no force that could stop it. Everyone was infected.
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