The Degeneration of the Nation
God's Mistake as a Writer
We gave them freedom, so they became more of what they are, monkeys, not angels. Freedom doesn't aid the aspiration upwards, but rather distress does. Freedom leads to the lowest common denominator, because when given a choice, popularity becomes what's important. What, do neurons in the brain have freedom? On the contrary, it's the suppression of neurons that makes a person wise
By: The Bible Critic
In the Yeshiva Above and the Yeshiva Below  (Source)
The angel Gabriel banged on the table: We gave them sexual freedom and what did they do with it? We gave them literary freedom and what did they do with it? Who said freedom is better.
The angel Michael said: They mostly slept with a small group of handsome men by Stone Age standards. The gaps only widened. And literature, in parallel, became more conservative. It was no longer worthwhile for a man to take risks, because society punished him by denying him a woman. The women themselves punished. Women's literature became popular, and vice versa, everything converged towards mediocre humanity.
Raphael said: What did we expect, really? We gave them freedom, so they became more of what they are, monkeys, not angels. Freedom doesn't aid the aspiration upwards, but rather distress does. Freedom leads to the lowest common denominator, because when given a choice, popularity becomes what's important. What, do neurons in the brain have freedom? On the contrary, it's the suppression of neurons that makes a person wise.
The angel Gabriel summarized the discussion: Their sexuality didn't become deeper when it was freed from oppression, but rather more superficial. Instead of female sexuality refining male sexuality, male sexuality corrupted female sexuality. I'm submitting a recommendation to God to bring Satan back into sexuality and literature.
Michael asked: So we'll go backwards? Evolution never goes backwards, that's God's basic law. We can't do that.
And Raphael said: Don't worry, I'll write the recommendation so that the change appears dialectical, that's always the trick to make a change of direction in history, from oppression to freedom, and between them a third perpendicular direction. That's how we'll present it to God. He loves sophisticated plot twists, because what's most important to him is being unpredictable, even though that's the most predictable thing. He simply wants to mock false prophets. Between control and liberation, I'll suggest a third direction - secrecy.
Gabriel said: What does that mean? Why do you always have to complicate things? What should I write? Why not simply report and let God solve the problems He created.
Michael said: We've already seen how that works. His way of solving a problem is through another problem. Remember how He ended the exile?
Raphael said: God loves solutions that grow from the bottom up. Let's suggest to Him new literature and new sexuality. He always needs to try new things.
Gabriel said: I have a paradise to manage like a kindergarten, and a hell to run like a school, and an afterlife which is higher education altogether. You write it, and send it.

Raphael sighed. With all the advancements in medicine today, in the end he'll no longer be needed. New diseases need to be invented: spiritual diseases and technological diseases, and network diseases and cultural diseases, not to mention computer viruses. He went and assigned the task to one of the writers. Write me please a hundred words about secrecy as a cure for sexual and literary licentiousness (even God has no patience anymore).

That writer wrote: For sexuality to be as it should, it needs to be shaped so that women will desire me. And for literature to work as it should, it needs to be shaped so that people will want to read me. Therefore, the image of woman in culture needs to be renewed as a literary patron. And for this purpose, courtship should be turned into something literary and not sexual. Women need to want to sleep with someone who writes creatively, and strength shouldn't be the sexual criterion, but rather interest, because sex is a boring thing. And therefore what's important physically is creative sex, and what's important socially is a creative man, and what's important mentally is creative conversation, not necessarily sensitive or emotional, it's not the emotion that determines, but the libido.

At night Raphael checked what the writer had prepared, and didn't understand where the secrecy had disappeared to. Everything is out in the open, written, deciphered. It's not enough. Creativity needs to be perceived as the inner secret of beauty - as the covert dimension of love. This is what love poems should praise, in order to shape a new sexual culture. And this is instead of the discourse of visual, external beauty, and the psychological discourse of love, which is also an external discourse, and suppresses the creative soul. Don't look for a strong man, handsome, stable, supportive, containing, sensitive, but a creative man. Because life is long and boring. Literature is not psychological depth, or a strong plot, but creativity documented in writing and a world of secrets. This is what God doesn't understand.
Culture and Literature