The Degeneration of the Nation
The Generous Leader
Scoop: Yehuda Nuriel responds from the grave to all those accusing him of his ruined character. "You are to blame, you educated me to be a jerk"
By: An Entire Generation Demands Something
The Great-Grandmother of the Polish Mother: The Giving Tree - From Eating Jesus' Body to the Prodigal Son  (Source)
It's time to say it out loud: Enough with the Bibi hatred. It's the fault of the childish people who forced the leader to become an emotional manipulator. Bibi is a victim of the Jewish people, and this would happen to any rational leader. The people are corrupt - and they corrupted the leader. The leader wanted to manage a rational right-wing economic policy, as he did when he was Minister of Finance, but the populist people turned him into a populist during the social protest. It's the Jewish people who love to hate, to divide and split, and anyone who wants to lead them simply has no choice: he must incite in order to control the flames. It's not Bibi who should be hated, but the people. The people want a civil war, and Bibi is the only one holding them together, preventing catastrophe with his body - channeling all the people's poison to himself. Indeed, he bore our diseases - and endured our pains, and we considered him plagued, smitten by God and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray... and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all!

It's the Jewish people who, since the exile, turned stubbornness into a value and preserving the status quo into the only strategy, and the leader simply had to fulfill the will of the people. What do they want from Bibi? The people came to him with contradictory and infantile demands, from the very beginning he was forced to promise secure peace, and then again and again: the people want low prices and are not willing to pay the price, the people demand social justice and also economic prosperity, both not to give up anything and also to reach an agreement, both not to surrender to terrorism and also to surrender to terrorism, both not to release terrorists and also to release hostages, both not wanting war and also to defeat the enemy, both to lower housing prices and also to hold an expensive apartment (and another one "for investment"), both to drive only in private cars and also not to have traffic jams, both not wanting a lockdown and also not wanting coronavirus, and so on and so forth. Anyone else, not Bibi, would have gone crazy long ago. What do they want from the poor guy?

It's the people who are constantly screaming like a baby in kindergarten, so wise Bibi simply has to speak to them at their level. Don't you see that it's all an act for the people? The people are to blame for the decline in standards. The face of the generation is like the face of a dog, and the face of the leader is like the face of the generation. And then they accuse him of barking? He is the most loyal public servant we've ever had here. And this is exactly the problem with the people: both not taking responsibility and blaming the whole world. And now they're already blaming Bibi himself for everything. But when were they not blaming him? Since the desert, the people have been ungrateful, and the leader had to wait for a generation to pass. Bibi too will have to wait 40 years (13 have passed already?), until this entire evil generation passes from the world - the desert generation.

What more do they want from the generous leader? Once, before these current evil days, the people sheltered in the shadow of the leader, and the leader was happy. And the people were happy too. The leader gave the people his fruits, his shade, and the people splashed in his clear branches and frolicked below. Then the people grew up and started making demands of the leader. At first, they demanded all the fruits - just without investing. So the leader was forced to give them the fruits of the present without investing in the future - and the people took them and gorged. And the leader was happy that he could give the people what they wanted. Then the people demanded growth itself - without water, and the leader was forced to surrender and subordinate all branches of the economy to himself, and the people built apartments and yachts from IKEA - and the leader was happy that the people were satisfied. And then the people started to pick on the leader's body itself, his family and his home and even the color of his hair and his bank account, stripped him naked and started abusing the body, and even tried to put him in jail. And the leader gave everything to the people, and was happy that the people were happy (although not completely happy). And finally, the people came to the leader, and the leader said: I'm sorry, I have nothing left to give you. I gave you everything I had and everything that was in me, and nothing is left in me, what more do you want? And the people said: I just want to sit on your grave, just to sit and hate. And then the leader said: You know what, I'm still suitable for you to just hate me. And the people sat - and hated. And the leader was happy.
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