The Degeneration of the Nation
The Future of the Right
What defines the phenomena of the Right and the Left? For example, what is the hidden connection between Left-wing positions on economy and security, or between Right-wing tendencies in economy and security (as we know - two somewhat different fields)? And what will happen the day after Bibi? On the spiritual future of the Right in Israel
By: Benjamin Yedid Hashem
I saw an upside-down world (Source)
What is actually the fundamental difference between Right and Left? What defines the various and peculiar positions in different and strange fields of the Right and Left as Right and Left? After all, no specific position defines the Right and Left - for they change their positions like ballerinas (for instance, the Right today supports the Oslo-Trump plan, and the Left supports annexation-naturalization in the state of Greater Israel). If so, the Right and Left are not characterized by a certain position on the stage, but by a preference for a certain type of movement within it. The Right favors negative vectors and derivatives, while the Left favors positive vectors and derivatives. There is no Right and Left - there is a right-wing method and a left-wing method of learning from reality, and they are opposites.

What is a negative vector and what is right-wing learning from reality? The belief that reality is characterized by negative derivatives, meaning that action in a certain direction will naturally create a reaction in the opposite direction: he who spares his rod hates his son, he who is merciful to the cruel will end up being cruel to the merciful, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, one does not appoint a leader over the public unless he has a basket of creeping things [Translator's note: idiom meaning hidden faults] hanging behind him, one must not be naive and pure-hearted, he who comes to fix ends up ruining, restoring deterrence, peace is made with defeated enemies, harsh punishments deter criminals, the invisible hand turns greed into social welfare (and vice versa: welfare policy is anti-social and aid creates poverty), the enrichment of the rich is good for the poor, the influence of counter-reactions in economics is crucial - and therefore a beneficial action usually has the opposite effect as an incentive (and vice versa - of course! "Vice versa" is the idea. Unemployment benefits are a negative incentive to work). In short: one needs to be hard and tough and "bad" in order to do good, and he who tries to do good by being "good" is the true "evil" (in economics, society, police, education, security). The action in one direction - and the result in the opposite direction.

The Right believes it has discovered a deep secret about reality that the naive Left (and the pretending Left, let's not pretend) doesn't know. How easy it is to be good and believe in positive derivatives, and try to do good to create good and feel good, and to skip between positive vectors and the rainbow - but reality is hard. Reality is the opposite. In reality: rent control (which ostensibly directly lowers the price for the renter) creates unexpected counter-reactions (black market, neglect, abuse, etc.), which turn the tables. In reality: concessions cause terrorist attacks. In reality: we left Gaza, we got rockets. The leftist learning from reality, which doesn't understand all this evil and the paradoxicality of reality, and tries to give them a finger or a hand - will cause them to want the whole hand or body. Therefore, if Bibi is a walking basket of creeping things - it actually strengthens his leadership. "Actually" is a key word. David became the Messiah actually because of the sin with Bathsheba. The aesthetics of the Right will see in a leader whose path is crooked and problematic a kind of realism that hits the secret of reality that doesn't exist in a straight leader - that is, naive. Upside down, gotta [Translator's note: slang for "you see"]. Trump was elected precisely because he is crooked - and you need a crooked person to deal with the crooked world, because crooked on crooked is straight, like minus times minus equals plus (and therefore if the derivative is negative - you need to act in the opposite way to progress). He who gives liberal education - ends up with human beasts. Children need discipline - and that's true love (not the Christian compassionate - and therefore fake - love). Sacrifice and sacrifices are needed, not victimhood and misery. Hardening the heart is true compassion, not your kitsch.

This twist in thinking - is the methodical aesthetics of the Right, and when a right-wing person applies it to reality, and discovers from it the secret of inversion - then he feels intellectual satisfaction (it's a beautiful move in his eyes on the issue!). Here, I discovered the secret behind the naive reality (an opposite reality is hiding). Therefore, it is precisely Bibi's lack of aesthetics that is beautiful in his eyes - and becomes a unique, opposite aesthetics, what a schemer he is! (Everything is upside down on upside down). The left-wing person, who advocates opposite aesthetics, fails to understand this move. What, wasn't the indictment supposed to cause sobering up? What, don't they understand that if we are bad to Arabs, Arabs will be bad to us (and not vice versa)? Don't they understand that prisoners need to be rehabilitated and not punished and revenged? Bad only creates more bad in the world. Why not simply be good? Why not simply transfer from the rich to the poor? Why not simply be moral? Why not simply...? Simple is a key word (because good causes good and bad causes bad, and the derivative is positive in the world. Therefore the frustration that things don't work straight and everything aligns - is great). And the Right will of course hate the "simplicity" of the "European" Left, the flower child (and by the way, even the leftist intellectual won't be able to accept it, because the intellect loves complexity, and therefore will be forced to inject a secret into reality itself, which will explain why it doesn't work in a straight way, as it should have: why doesn't the lower class revolt? How are our minds being washed? Why does the people vote for Bibi? Why is there a Right at all and the Left doesn't succeed? How was false consciousness implanted in us against our direct and straight interests? Why isn't the Right convinced by the Left's just and moral and logical and simple arguments? There will be criticism! Etc.).

The Left can't complain that it didn't get a Bibi of the Left, meaning a scheming, manipulative, twisted to the core and uninhibited leader, because indeed it got one such. The difference between the fate of the Left's Bibi (Barak) and the fate of the Right's Bibi is all the difference between those who admire negative and opposite vectors and those who believe in positive, straight and good vectors, for whom sophistication and lying are far from them (like the white goose, in Yiddish Gantz [Translator's note: wordplay on the name of Benny Gantz], commander of the Army of Mediocrity for Israel and possessor of straight-as-a-ruler thinking). Following the influence of the Babylonian Talmud, twisted thinking is also dominant in Jewish religious circles (in contrast to the average Christian), hence their gradual and increasing tendency to the Right, despite coming from much more leftist positions, which reflect much more the position of classical Judaism. It's not the position - it's the method, dummy. A Haredi identifies in Bibi's maneuvers something from the Tosafot [Translator's note: medieval commentaries on the Talmud], which touches the depths of his soul. How strong is the Jewish tendency to the Right? Let's take for example Ari Shavit, who recently claimed that every Israeli who had a Ltd. company would prefer Bibi to manage it and not Gantz. Such a claim is almost inconceivable in the Protestant world, where for example the world's best investor, Warren Buffett, claims in a famous quote that the three most important qualities for a CEO are integrity, intelligence and energy, but if he lacks the first quality - the other two qualities will kill you. In such a situation, Buffett claimed, you'd prefer him to be stupid and lazy. White goose.

The idea of a negative derivative, meaning of contrast and contradiction between the means and the end and of a commandment that comes through transgression (and not: one good deed leads to another and one transgression leads to another), is therefore not a random mishap. Also the fall of the paradoxical leader, such as Sabbatai Zevi's conversion to Islam, is not an unfortunate incident that thwarted the redemption, but a logical and necessary continuation of it, because as Gershom Scholem identified, messianism is by nature a movement of aspiration towards paradox. So in Christianity, with the trinity that is one, the God who is man, and the bread that is flesh, or in Shia Islam with the hidden Imam, or in Chabad with the living-dead Rebbe and the divine presence specifically in the lowest realms. Bibi too leads the Israeli system to an increasingly paradoxical state, as much as possible for him, in what is not a random complication but a fateful complication - complication as fate. The method of negative derivative leads to much more complex historical processes and situations than a positive derivative and simple positive feedback. So the names Right and Left are a historical mistake, and the more appropriate names for these two ideal types are minus and plus. And the negative world, in which everything acts contrary to its apparent direction - is a wonderful world full of meaning!

The importance of a leader is usually less in policy-making - and more in outlining a way of thinking and a method of learning from reality. For example, Netanyahu's negative and defiant-victimizing worldview (two behaviors that come to create an effect opposite to their apparent direction) influenced Israel more than any policy he adopted, and became a comprehensive method - a philosophy. But as big children know, reality is a combination of negative and positive vectors (and in a fractal way, complex to infinity), and to reach a destination one needs to combine crooked abilities to bypass obstacles with the ability to move straight. A mature person knows how to combine negative and positive perceptions as two learning tools, and to combine in his personality both cunning and honesty. In contrast, the success of the Right and Left in shaping thinking and worldviews and being two poles for a field is rooted precisely in their being infantile. Taking an instrument and turning it into a method, and taking a basic (and elementary) thinking tool and turning it into an all-encompassing method, and turning ideas into ideology - is the great failure of the political field, which produces a public sphere with severe cognitive disability, which is contrary to any real learning from reality.

If so, what is the future of the paradox? Where does historical logic lead the Right? When a negative method is applied without balance, and the means seem systematically opposite to the goals, then the inversion itself turns from means to end, and paradoxical thinking is created. It's not despite the contradiction - it's because of it. It's not despite the basket of creeping things - it's because of the creeping things. The contrast is no longer between two stages (he who spares his rod hates his son) - but within the thing itself (the rod is love, and pampering is cruelty). This is certainly not a promising recipe for dealing with actual reality, but the important question for a paradoxical culture is not at all the actual result, but its own imaginary one, and its ability to create an interesting paradox for generations, in short: its ability to maintain fruitful spiritual paradoxes. Therefore, such a culture must ask: where do these paradoxes reside in our days? (Living-dead, soul-flesh or fake-truth is a bit passé... and right-left is not really the latest cry in the height of paradox).

Assaf Inbari and Yehuda Vizan recently wrote about the spiritual, literary and artistic nullity of Religious Zionism, but this is true for the Right in general. These are dwarfs, sons of giants. We remember today the short-lived messianic movements and their failed messiahs (like Jesus) not because of their achievements in reality - but because of their achievements in spirit. Therefore, if the Right wants to leave a right-wing legacy for future generations, it must adapt its paradoxical method to deal with the great paradoxes of our time and the great tensions of culture, and not with the tension between Bibi and the house goose. If once the messianic paradoxes dealt with spirit-matter, for example, today they must deal with the virtual versus the real, the private versus the public, the networked versus the hierarchical, polynomial complexity (P) versus non-polynomial complexity (NP), femininity versus masculinity, nudity versus secrecy, brain versus computer, ancient versus future, and other unsolved opposites and tensions of our time - which only paradox can unite into an impossible synthesis, in the secret of inversion. From here perhaps a new (messianic? Kabbalistic? Sabbatean?) myth could also emerge, and therefore a new paradoxical religion, and more importantly - a religious renewal of Judaism, which it needs like air to breathe. But just let the prophet not be Bibi - who bears the burden of our deeds in Maasiyahu [Translator's note: Israeli prison where Netanyahu is expected to serve his sentence if convicted].
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