The Degeneration of the Nation
The Israeli Civil War Will Fulfill the Role of the American Civil War in Liberating the Palestinians
In the Land of Israel, two nations arose: Judah and Israel. The destruction indeed united them into one people, but the time has come to return to the original state. There is no way to bridge the gap between the right-wing people and the left-wing people, who differ from each other in their values, aspirations, religious beliefs, and desired regime - everything that distinguishes between nations. Has the time come to separate from the union in an Israeli parallel to Brexit - Tel-Aviv-xit?
By: Jeroboam son of Nebat
Divide the Cake and Keep the Whole Land of Israel  (Source)

"So Abram said to Lot, 'Let there be no strife between you and me, and between your herdsmen and my herdsmen; for we are kinsmen. Is not the whole land before you? Separate yourself from me. If you take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if you take the right hand, then I will go to the left.'" (Genesis 13)

In the Bible, right is south (teimana) and left is north - so Abraham prevented the first "brothers' war" (after which there were many more) with the help of geographical division. In contemporary Israel, too, there is a geographical division in the "War of the Jews." In the central and northern coastal plain, in central and northern Israel, there is a different elected prime minister than in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria, and in the southern coastal plain and the country. There is also a large population of Israeli Arabs there, who are interested in a state of all its citizens, while the Arabs of the territories and Gaza are the Arabs of southern-eastern Israel, which strongly supports the Nation-State Law. Northwestern Israel, even in its cultural orientation, is a different country from southeastern Israel, including some distinction in countries of origin. This division is quite similar to the biblical division between the Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom, and between their different cultural orientations. Is this coincidental?

The Northern Kingdom was wealthier, more international, and culturally closer to the Gentile world compared to the isolationist, stubborn, and fundamentalist Southern Kingdom in its zealotry to its God. Even then, the prophets of the Southern Kingdom disapproved of the hybrid culture of the North, which incorporated foreign traditions (idolatry), or in the modern parallel: Western culture. Despite all this, there was mostly an alliance between the kingdoms, and sometimes they even went to war together, although on rarer occasions they also deteriorated into fighting each other. These were sister kingdoms, with a similar language and historical memory, which according to biblical historiography split for economic-cultural reasons precisely after the establishment of the kingdom and reaching its peak strength. Is this possible today as well? Can the State of Israel split into two sister states - but different?

Jews have a very poor historical record when it comes to civil wars. Today, the mutual hatred between northwestern Israel and southeastern Israel is growing, to the point of accusations of treason and a strong sense of alienation on both sides, and the trend of this historical process is quite clear in the perspective of several decades: the split in "the people" (the western part no longer identifies with this term) is deepening. If not for the trauma of the Holocaust - voices calling for dismantling the package would have been heard long ago from both sides. For demographic reasons, northwestern Israel has lost the ability to shape its life, and it is captive to southeastern Israel. When we see the success of professional inciters in leading the country precisely because of fanning the flames between populations, it is possible that a voluntary separation by agreement between the sides - a beautiful divorce - will prevent a civil war. The conflict between the parts of Israel must be nipped in the bud, before it slides into violent dimensions (yes, there was also Rabin's assassination. How will Israel react to another political assassination?).

The separation will lead to quite a few dividends for both sides. Northwestern Israel will get rid of the burden of occupation and smoothly enter the family of nations, and will also get rid of the economic burden of subsidizing its poorer neighbor, while southeastern Israel will get rid of the burden of Western culture foreign to it and will be able to run a true Jewish state - a two-thousand-year-old aspiration. Its more Eastern mentality might allow it a different kind of relationship with the Arabs, possibly even for the better. Of course, the separation could include some kind of co-federation and military alliance, and it can be partial (for example, maintaining a joint army and common market). In any case, the high culture of the two populations is already almost completely separate today - and if literature knows how to predict processes, then the separation between Jews will happen long before the separation from the Arabs.
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