The Degeneration of the Nation
The Snake's Election Speech
Once again, elections are taking place in the Garden of Eden on Earth. Try an interesting exercise: go through the entire political spectrum and try to identify wholeheartedly with each and every party - from the extreme right to the extreme left, from the ultra-Orthodox to the Arabs. The more you are able to want to vote for a wider range, with sharper contradictions - the more your mind will open to a new and exciting conceptual world
By: The First Snake
Snake for Government Tail-ism  (Source)
I whisper to my leftist friend: People won't vote according to the material things that seem important to you. Why? Because we live in a utopian era, where there are no existential concerns, and therefore the elections are a matter of personal expression, like artistic, and they have a significant aesthetic dimension - in the modernist sense. That is, ugliness can be aesthetic, and there are countless creative tastes to choose between yes and no, meaning people will find a whole range of ideological and cultural expression even just in choosing between yes and no. The competition is over the reasoning, not the choice, because everyone wants to be original in the same choice itself. Individualism is more important than the result. What a wonderful time to live in! Bread is so cheap, personal security is at 99.99% - you're not worried about walking on the street, you can sleep with whoever you want and as much as you want without worrying about children or punishments, read whatever you want in the library, water is clean and available for free, in short, a completely utopian period, in terms of any society that existed in the past (and certainly in relation to grandma in the Holocaust, which is perhaps the paradigm of an anti-utopian period, just to calibrate the threshold).

Perhaps only work is the last sacrifice of personal freedom, but no one forces you to work. There are allowances, savings, look at me! The choice is between luxuries. And therefore it becomes not material - but conceptual. The militant competition is actually a national sport, which has a bit of danger like any sport, but in principle the question is how much-how much, how much we scored against the Arabs versus how much we lost. It's not a personal threat on a daily existential level. So it's just another type of luxury. In the end, we vote against the Nazis. And the whole question is which choice is more against Nazis, and here there can already be different interpretations. Is the Jewish right further from Nazis than the Jewish left? It's a question of content versus form. Each of them is closer to the Nazis in a different way, but the truth is that both are so far that it's hard to decide, and that's because we live in a utopian period opposite to the Holocaust, meaning the opposite utopia to Hitler's has been realized.

The choice is between good and good and it's hard to decide. All parties are good, each in its own way. They are all right in different ways. Each of them has its aesthetics, with each one I can identify. I wish we could vote for all of them. Actually, we can. Those who don't vote are essentially giving their vote to all parties. Both the right and the left and the center and the religious and the Russians and the ultra-Orthodox and the Arabs - they're all wonderful. And that's precisely the most unique choice. How many people in the country can really feel this way? Think this way? How many people living in utopia can know that they're living in utopia?

It's clear that people living in utopia can't be aware of it. That's the first lesson from the Garden of Eden. It requires lack of knowledge. We're living in the wildest sexual celebration that has ever been in human history, in the most Ahasuerus-like feast of food and abundance, even Pharaoh couldn't have imagined a supermarket. Look how excited they were about dates. Dates! That was the chocolate of the ancient world, this foya [Translator's note: possibly a misspelling of "poya", a type of date]. Do you understand the gap? And we're also walking in the freest and most abundant literary and intellectual carnival that has ever taken place. You can read everything at the click of a keyboard. Isn't the internet a utopia? Isn't Facebook a utopia? Even the utopia of the Enlightenment has been realized. What else do you want. What else is missing for you in this world.

Democracy is a show, entertainment. Because there is bread. And what are games for? Entertainment for the spoiled, satiated, educated, sophisticated, decadent masses, the audience of the art world, or the fans of this or that team. That's why there's no violence. Because it's a democratic game. Sport. At most, the fans cry or are in ecstasy. But is it important for the masses to know this? No, on the contrary, it's important that they don't know it. That they're not aware of their objectively wonderful state, and continue to play, continue to try and work and consume and fear and enlist and strive, continue to move away from the Nazis more and more. In this Garden of Eden, I'm not allowed to be the snake. Let the masses continue to play naked, and let the snake writhe alone on the tree of knowledge. Therefore, woman, do not eat. It's not tasty. Go back to Adam and have sex. God loves you stupid.
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