The Degeneration of the Nation
Interview with the Most Important Philosopher in Netanya
A rare and exclusive interview with the philosopher, who agreed to speak with "The Degeneration of the Nation" envoy on the condition that only the answers would appear in the interview - without the questions. He was also asked about this, but you can only read the answer
By: An Admiring Doctoral Student
Aristotle with a statue of Homer - Rembrandt  (Source)
Answer: The future is the new meta-paradigm of the 21st century, just as language was the meta-paradigm of the 20th century. The complex of our era is an unrequited love for the future.

Answer: We are witnessing a transformation from a culture whose god is pleasure to a culture whose god is the future. The concept of the future, the discourse of the future - these are new constructs, and we can observe in real-time their formation as mechanisms of control and power, and more importantly - desire. Contrary to the thinking that saw power and control as the main issue, and mistakenly slipped into conspiratorial thinking against power, what we see here is that the resistance should be against desire. Not the deconstruction and exposure of power (the invisible, the secret), but of desire, particularly the invisible, secret desire. Not to point out the emperor's nakedness - but the emperor's desire, and more so, that of the kingdom, of the subjects. The emperor's nakedness was merely the signifier of the subjects' desire. We want to strip the future, penetrate it, conquer it, possess it, and for it to love us. The great fear is of the future not loving us.

Answer: We need to ask - what is the scandal of the future? In the Bible, we see competition over sons, over seed, as the main motivation (only this way can we understand how a woman brings her husband a competing maidservant, to be built from her). These stood at the center of the psychology of the ancient world. Towards the end of the Middle Ages (in courtly literature), and in modern times, we see competition over the woman, which develops into the main psychological motivation, whose scandal is infidelity, the affair (as opposed to the scandal of the ancient world - barrenness). Towards modernism, we see a shift from the physical woman to the spiritual woman, that is, to culture, literature, science, the state, economy, etc. The individual's need is for the network to love him (more than for the woman to love him). And today we are beginning to see, as a historical rhyme, the beginning of a shift from the spiritual woman to the spiritual sons, the desire for the seed of the future. Reputation not in the eyes of the present - but in the eyes of the future. Writing is directed towards a future that can appreciate it, because of its marginality in the present, marginality that is the essence. In an era of a global network - everything is marginal. In an ant colony - we have become ants.

Answer: The renunciation of physical children in favor of spiritual children is a trend led by both Europe and China and Japan, both the West and the East, and will be more important in the future than romantic love (for the real woman) or narcissistic love (for the network woman). This will be the love of the future. If one asks what will be at the end of the narcissism of our time - and it's a pity you're not asking - then this love will emerge from narcissism towards altruism, towards time-delayed appreciation, also because people will live longer. The heroes will be those who were belatedly understood to have been heroes. Only this will save culture from the present heroes of popularity - towards the future heroes of reputation. In particular, there will begin a flattery of man towards the people of the future as he imagines them - the computers.

Answer: In modernism, the scandal was the betrayal of the great spiritual woman to man, for example, the betrayal of the state (Kafka), or the economy (Marx), or culture (Nietzsche), or literature (Beckett), or in our days the betrayal of Facebook to the user - the betrayal of the internet to man. And now we can begin to understand what will be the scandal of the future.

Answer: That's an unfair question. The tragedy is that the founder of Facebook, unlike the founders of Google who studied for a doctorate in mathematics, did not complete a degree and did not study mathematics. The algorithms of popularity need to be replaced with algorithms of reputation, because reputation is a long-term qualitative accumulation, and popularity is entirely measured in the present - and this, more than anything, is what destroyed high culture, art and philosophy. This happened all over the world and it also happened in Netanya.

Answer: Isn't it better this way?
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